Long Covid – what is it?

By Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

It’s the ‘flu for a long time, get over it!

Yes, really. People are dim. They are still making a thing of this, over two and a half years into the pandemic, it’s sickening.

Sickening of course because people are sick of the lies and deception of the scamdemic, and sickening because many have succumbed, taken the poisonous vaccines and fallen ill.

If they have not died of course.

But if not yet dead, and as many are getting what is called cancer, in reality chemical poisoning from toxic vaccines and other big pharma drugs, then death may well follow shortly.

Should they be offered and take chemo or immunotherapy then more sickness and death is inevitable.

As regards what the ‘flu is I explain in detail via links at the end, but I will repeat that it is the poisoning of the body due primarily to the metabolism of food, added to by the numerous toxins in the air, food and water which enter our bodies.

And in vaccines and big pharma drugs.

So if you have what many people insist on labelling Long Covid, you have toxic poisoning, most of which is urea as it is the nitrogenous compounds which cause us harm if they remain floating in our system.

So what are you doing or not doing to suffer from this affliction?

Well, obviously not clearing out the toxins. Are you adding to them by your lifestyle and what you ingest?

These things will include the vaccines and neuro-toxic big pharma drugs. Even seemly relatively innocuous things like paracetamol which is neuro-toxic too.


What about what you eat and drink? Your vitamin D may well be low and it will need boosting. Vitamin C is great as an anti-oxidant to bind with the toxins and remove them.

Your food should be fresh and not manufactured, organic and not poisoned with chemicals from the agrochemical cabal, pesticides and the like. And certainly not GM, genetically modified with neuro-toxins. They may prevent pests from eating the food but they will obviously make you ill too.

Fasting is a good thing from time to time, not just in Lent the period we are in according to tradition in some cultures. This time of year in the northern hemisphere is winter when toxins have built up, much due to low vitamin D levels.

This might be of interest on the subject.


Perhaps you are using lots of nasty chemicals to sterilise your home to death. This will be the death of you if you are not careful. My wife and I have a builder whose partner is apparently like that. She and her two children have had an issue with asthma I understand. This is not surprising.

And as she works in residential care I would imagine her vitamin D levels are low due to an indoor job away from the sun.


Houses and buildings are themselves a problem due the very great many plastics used. These might be uPVC windows and doors for example.

Paints have contained volatile organic compounds and these can be a cause of poisoning.

Toxicity of building materials: a key issue in sustainable construction

Published online: 07 Apr 2011


Electromagnetic fields (EMF’s) can be an issue, although I think that these have their main effect on those already chemically vulnerable. I have yet to research in detail.

As usual I thought out of interest I would look at the anagrams of ‘Long Covid’. One might not think this would be relevant but perhaps not surprisingly, given what else I discover in other words, there are some fascinating results.

Anagrams of ‘Long Covid’

doc loving – i.e. you love doctors and think their advice sensible. Sadly in the majority of cases doctors have lost the plot and think colds and ‘flus are infectious. You will not get great advice from those doctors.

con god Liv – the god of this world, Satan, has conned you into poisoning yourself with vaccines and big pharma drugs.

doc gov nil – the doctors and governments combined have failed to advise us correctly. What was the point in employing and paying for them? None whatsoever.

gov idol nc – the government is your idol whom you worship and adore, trusting the high priest Fauci, Whitty or their successors and the phalanx of advisors and sycophants.

con gold vi – this the COVID con and the gold being made at your expense

inc logo VD – a logo is a mark or brand. Inc could be incorporated, and VD could be various things including an unpleasant disease.


So the whole is possibly the mark of the beast, a disease beast.

icon log VD – again icon is a mark or brand.

lingo od VC – this is the odd language of the government talking the usual rubbish about  infection rates, Gain of Fiction (sic), we’re all going to die with, by or from COVID etc. etc.

no logic VD – the lack of logic to any of the COVID nonsense, wear a mask, don’t wear a mask, wear 1,2,3 masks, keep 1.0m apart in Spain and 2.0 m apart in northern Europe or whatever it was as viruses are intelligent beasts that don’t transgress the imposed rules.

But will not go round the side of Perspex screens, except on the 2nd full moon after Lent, where there is an R in the month. I hope that they didn’t try telling anyone that but they might as well have as what they said was still utterly illogical rubbish.

clod in gov – to indicate the clods or idiots in government telling you lies about Long Covid, the ‘flu.

colon gi VD – the colon is the final resting place for the Long Covid  garbage from governments before expulsion into the void.

cold gov in – to indicate the cold you are suffering from, an extended cold you can’t shift because you listened to government advice and took the vaccines etc.

DC goon lvi – the Washington DC goons perhaps giving the bad/contradictory advice.

Cog oil NVD – the cogs need oiling. But the NVD won’t help. See following.

On Friday March 8, 2013, the database was taken offline after it was discovered that the system used to run multiple government sites had been compromised by a software vulnerability of Adobe ColdFusion.


The USA National Vulnerability Database was vulnerable! You could hardly make this up.

God lion VC – the lion king you should turn to for healing. This is Jesus Christ who knows a thing or two about that.


As regards what institutions etc. are saying I found these:

More than 1m people report long Covid in UK a year after infection

Thu 6 Oct 2022


Almost 70% of those with long Covid reported having fatigue, with shortness of breath and muscle aches also common, with women, people aged 35 to 69 years, and those with disabilities among the groups most likely to have long Covid.

How many of these were vaccinated? Sadly I get the impression that it is women who press most for getting the vaccines as they especially like ‘health & safety’.

Even though obviously vaccines are neither healthy nor safe.

Women may typically be indoor types who don’t get as much vitamin D as they need.

Those aged 35 to 69 have reported the highest rates of long Covid, with over 5% of all the people in that age group saying they have been suffering symptoms for more than four weeks and about 4% reporting symptoms for more than three months.

Which shows that age doesn’t necessarily bring wisdom or that the older you are the more poisoned you may be. Or both.

Danny Altmann, professor of immunology at Imperial College London and expert on long Covid, described the situation as deeply disappointing, noting that while the number of people with long Covid appeared to dip over the summer, it is now clear there is a definite, ongoing, upwards trend.

Danny  Altmann eh? Imperil, sorry, Imperial College eh? Where ‘Sod all’ Neil Ferguson works? Why am I not surprised.

Danny Altmann appears to be Jewish and in any event born in UK of German parents. A German 5th columnist perhaps? He might as well be for all the use he is.

While Altmann added that many may get better, he said it was clear that the most recent wave of Covid, involving the BA.5 Omicron sub-variant, had meant people were coming into the long Covid working definition much faster than they are recovering.

Which is not surprising as many people were getting vaccinated. It is not rocket science. As I have said before the Omicron sub-variant is moronic and anybody fooled by Danny Altmann’s statements is moronic.

“This reinforces the message that it’s really foolhardy to imagine we can laugh off a massive, growing BA.5 wave as ‘living with the virus’ and ‘no worse than flu’,” he said. “Long Covid and even long Covid from the 2022 Omicron waves continues to wreck lives in people of all ages. I do wish we could just remind everyone to take this seriously – get boosted, keep indoor meetings well ventilated, wear masks indoors and for travel.”

I find laughter far more useful than vaccines and masks. And Danny, Covid is the ‘flu and Long Covid is the ‘flu for a long time. You are seriously moronic. But those with German Jewish backgrounds often seem to excel in moronicity (my word), it is very sad.

Altmann added the rising Covid hospital figures bodes ill for the winter, with the NHS already under considerable pressure and a population who have negligible protection against symptomatic infection.

‘Flu figures, Danny, ‘flu figures. Do get this into your thick head. And you CAN’T catch the ‘flu Danny, you really are very dim.

Still, it doesn’t bode well as the NHS is essentially now useless, so I suppose we can concede that point.

“The booster rollout needs to be faster,” he said, adding another concern is that uptake may be lower among younger eligible people. “There hasn’t been strong messaging around the need for boosters and many may now be thinking it’s a rather optional luxury,” he warned.

If you want to make people ill you cretin Danny, you are going about it the right way. It is possible that younger people have more sense than to take the poisonous vaccines, though I am not convinced it is necessarily wisdom that they have on this.

This is a brief Wikipedia page on Danny Altmann


Foot note link to his father. He has Jewish roots.


And this has a photo and a little more information on Danny.


His picture is somewhat typical of the mad professor image we can have.

I have anagrammed Danny Altmann’s name.

Damn alt nanny – a damned alternative nanny, part of nanny state.

Adamantly NNN – NNN could be this: No Nut November


Yes, well, quite.

Madly Ann Tann – who Ann Tann is I wouldn’t know but madly fits Danny’s profile.

An anal NT ny MD – he has a PhD not an MD I gather

Here’s a further link on Danny’s and others views.


It contains sub-links such as this.

Three years on: are we any closer to understanding long Covid?

Thu 23 Mar 2023


I started listening to the podcast. At around 58 seconds the narrator says “Three years on and we still don’t know what causes it (Long Covid) or how to treat it.”

I will now use various profanities (silently). You bunch of complete imbeciles, I worked this out in 2020 and STILL you blather on in your gross ignorance of the blindingly obvious.

Apparently you can buy a book authored by Danny Altmann. Don’t waste your money.

The narrator, Ian Sample, is science editor of the Guardian. Before joining the newspaper in 2003, he was a journalist at New Scientist and worked at the Institute of Physics as a journal editor. He has a PhD in biomedical materials from Queen Mary’s, University of London.



Well if that is a sample of Ian Sample’s expertise I am not impressed. ‘A an simple’ is an anagram of his name. He is a bit simple, or dim.

‘A lam pen is’ also an anagram i.e. his writing is lam or lame.

Of course you can join ‘pen is’ together to make one word. Perhaps that bit of him is lam too.

Following the Ian Sample rabbit hole I find this.

Matt Hancock’s messages: how scientifically literate should our politicians be?


It says:

Ian Sample speaks to mathematical biologist Kit Yates about what Matt Hancock’s leaked WhatsApp messages reveal about scientific understanding at the heart of government during the pandemic, and what should be done to prepare for the future

Shoot them, shoot the politicians. There, solved that one.

By the way, before anybody gets uppity, I am recommending vaccine shots in this instance. That is test the shots on the politicians recommending them. Remember that one should wait 15 years at least in case side effects occur.

Going back to Danny Altmann there is this.

Where’s the herd immunity? Our research shows why Covid is still wreaking havoc

Danny digs himself a dirty big hole, the abyss of stupidity. There is no such thing as herd immunity you complete nincompoop. I worked this out in 2 months yet you are still wandering like a lost sheep!

I don’t think I stand any more of Danny’s dumb utterances, let’s try this.

The National Academy of Social Insurance

Posted on: September 16, 2022

Two years into the pandemic, 16 million working-aged adults across the United States have Long COVID, and between two and four million of them are not working because of it. The estimated cost of resulting lost wages alone is at least $170 million and as high as $230 million, and author of the report Katie Bakich warns that “these impacts stand to worsen over time if the U.S. does not take the necessary policy actions.” 

You’re telling me. I knew most of the problems in 2020 and have been trying ever since to warn people not to be taken in by the government fear campaign.

But whilst the UK has become bad, the USA sold out to big pharma long ago, let alone big farmer and pig farmer!!!

Summary and final thoughts

Long Covid is the ‘flu for a Long Time. Anybody still believing anything else is seriously dim and has not been researching properly.

They think the government will look after their every need and big p-harm-a is in business to heal people and making excessive profits is justified.

They think mainstream doctors are gods who only want to make a ‘modest’ living and live in a mansion with smart large cars and go on expensive holidays because they are worth every penny/cent or whatever currency you like.

At least this is what they will tell you as big pharma have said this sort of advertising goes down well with the gullible suckers.

So again I repeat, detox yourselves with vitamins C and D and other things (including fasting, Lent is not the only time you should consider doing this).

Even Jesus said to His disciples ‘when you fast’, not ‘if you fast’. And He knew what most people know as the Old Testament where there are good basic guidelines for healthy eating and public health. Leviticus contains most of this advice.

Review your life style and your environment, what you eat and drink, avoid vaccines and big pharma drugs, and nasty toxic domestic cleaning chemicals Look at the materials in your home, especially plastics, and issue of electromagnetic fields.

Finally I repeat Long Covid is the ‘flu for a Long Time.

So get over it please, for all our sakes, we need you well.

P.S. If you would rather not get well that is your choice but please die ASAP so those of us who are sensible can move on. Thank you.

These may be of use for further research.


What is the ‘flu a.k.a Covid 19 and why vaccines are pointless at best.


Pharmaceuticals: What’s in them?


World Cancer Day

Poisoned bacon and other processed meats.

Sodium nitrite (E250) – the poison in your food and how to remedy it.


Fluoridation UK Alert!

Author: alphaandomega21

Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector'sson. When not posting pages or paging posties, trying to be a good husband, and getting over a long term health issue, I am putting the world to rights. I have nothing better to do, so why not? But of course that includes dancing, being funny (in more than one sense), poking fun at life, poking fun at myself, deflating the pompous, reflating the sad. Seeking to heal the whole of the soul (and body where possible). In short making life as good as it possibly can be for others as well as myself. You can't say fairer than that. But if you can, please say. People need to know.

11 thoughts on “Long Covid – what is it?”

    1. Thank you, Bald, for giving me a “hearty har har” about the homogenous Jewish dimwit, Altman (he’s a cross between Gene Wilder and Danny DeVito, if you ask me–LOL!).

      Long Covid is NOT the SarCoV2 virus–it is the body revolting against all of the spike protein “shards” floating around their system which will NOT go away unless they detox. Our Dr. Joseph Mercola has shared a wonderful “COVID Detox” protocol (which also works well for those who were “vaccinated/boosted” by the bioweapon jab. Here’s a link to it, if you would care to check it out, Bald: https://groups.io/g/MediaCog/message/990

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Great article!!! And, yes, spot on. Long Haul is just another name for chronic spike protein infections that can never ever be cured nor helped with vaccines nor other Big Pharma means. It’s recurring flu, or recurring mono or one of the recurrings but it is NOT a novel condition.

    Bald you are so right, it is what we choose to consume (eat, drink, wear, breathe in). You also give the proper remedy…detox and clean up your diet and environment. All would also be served to repair their relationship with God if it is lacking.

    It’s now 2 1/2 years since I began that process…from getting bad food out and good food in, celery juice!, and Low Dose Methylene Blue w/ red light therapy and of course, the vitamins and supplements. And of course going deeper into spiritual transformation.

    More than 30 years I’ve been aggravated by a condition I was told was incurable. Today that and other conditions do not aggravate me any longer. May blessings rain down on your head Bald ☺️🙏🏼

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. Perhaps the blessings on my head will make my hair grow and I will no longer be bald!

      But then I would not be able to tease myself about that so maybe I shall remain bald on top!

      For example, they say fortune favours the bald. Or something like that. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. WHAT! Our “own” government isn’t telling us the truth! OH, OH …… the shock of it all. Tubularsock suspected something was up just about three seconds after birth. And by golly, it hasn’t changed!

    Great post, as usual.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. A useful article from Time magazine for once on the issue. I don’t agree with all that it says but it does say ” Yet even if only half the currently reported deaths in the U.S. are not really caused by the virus, that would mean an actual daily COVID-19 toll of around 200, roughly the number dying during a bad flu season.”

    Well yes, that is because it is the ‘flu, duh!


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