Sanitiser and handwashing. Do they work against a virus?

By Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

1st April 2022 – April Fools Day. N.B. I can be foolish, but this is no joke, believe me!

Well, do they it? Sanitiser doesn’t. I have seen the loonies rubbing their hands with it like Pontius Pilate or Lady Macbeth and thinking they will now be ‘guilt free’ of bringing stupidity upon the masses and supposedly preventing infection.

And, of course, it does not make them any saner! They are still as mad as ever, if not worse.

Here is a video of Lady Macbeth realising that hand washing etc won’t do any good against Covid 19. It is turning her mad. It is rather disturbing and not for the faint hearted.

I wonder if other women will feel the same when they realise they have been fooled?

Anyway, it should be pointed out that all these so-called sanitisers are, in theory at least, around to prevent infection. From what exactly? A virus? Covid 19?

Well, in case anyone hasn’t noticed yet, these sanitisers are by and large anti-bacterial, not anti-viral. So what was the use eh?

Fine (possibly) if you were reducing bacteria but pointless, utterly pointless, against a virus, or Covid 19. Covid 19, a.k.a. the ‘flu after rebranding in 2020.

Viruses as I keep saying, are chemical not biological.

Firms will say they produce anti-viral sanitisers, but then they would, wouldn’t they? Since when has anybody sold you something to deal with something you cannot see been truly trustworthy? A case of the emperor’s new clothes.

If you can’t see to check yourself if they actually work, you must be suspicious.

So we have all these pointless plastic containers, which will need to be disposed of (there are enough problems with plastics as it is), containing something inexpensive but no doubt sold at some exorbitant price for what they are. I have never bought any, so I haven’t double checked the prices.

Add up the money wasted on these and pointless masks, pointless visors, pointless vaccines (except of course vaccines are administered via points or needles) and you have a huge waste of money which could have been far better spent on good untainted food and drink etc.

And testing for vitamin D deficiency, the true pandemic in a physical sense.

Add to this the fact that sanitisers are merely breaking down the natural oils on your skin that protect you and you have a recipe for disaster.


Bizarrely or not depending on your point of view, the word sanitiser or sanitizer has lots of clues to the pointlessness, if not harm, caused by these products.


a sinister – obvious I hope.

Aries snit – Snit is ‘A state of agitation or irritation.’ Aries is a ram so implies ramming your head against a brick wall in the vain attempt to remove the problem.

Irate sins – angry sins i.e. you will get angry but not make yourself any saner or healthier.

Ire saints – you will anger those like me who realise the pointless of it all and wasting taxpayers money on stuff that is useless and worse, polluting.

Is nastier – obvious I trust.

As it siren – like the sirens who lured you into a false sense of security, and then destroyed you.

IE sin tsar – ‘that is the leader of sin’. Sin means ‘without’ in Spanish, so you can do without it.

Sin satire – we are being taken for a ride by governments, big business etc telling us how useful these products are when they are not.

Arse it sin – self-explanatory

Nisi Tares – remember the parable of the wheat and the tares.

I sin Tares – as above.

In is Tares – as above.

Is ra stein – the father’s stone, as in ra meaning ‘father’, God and Father, and stein (German) being the stone, i.e. Jesus. Now He will give you sensible advice and heal you.


Triazine – a nasty Nazi poison widely used. It is neuro-toxic, that is blindingly obvious from chemical formula.

From above

Geigy’s poor financial performance called into question its survivability outside the cartel. During the 1950s, however, the full market potential of DDT was realized. Suddenly profitable, Geigy expanded its market in agri-chemicals by introducing a corn herbicide called triazine.

Nazi rites

Nazi tiers

Nazi tires

Nazi tries

er it’s Nazi – just in case you don’t already get the point.

What about hand washing? Well, as I said in my post G is for…..guidance, how often were you supposed to wash anyway? Did you not wash your hands anyway? Could you not use common sense? But not to wash your hands in because that makes no sense.

But hand washing too often will damage the natural oils on your skin and cause problems. And will not stop the ‘flu or Covid 19 as it is now called, the internal toxicosis of the body. It will help against bacteria, but won’t remove toxic chemicals as such.


As I say, sanitisers do not work, they do not make people saner, merely madder.

And I do hope you will be getting madder about the huge fraud perpetrated on you if you have succumbed to the government advertising to use sanitisers etc. You have wasted your money, so have the NHS and other government departments. If you pay tax they have wasted your money.

Of course, you must also blame yourself if you do, because you should have checked in on your brain, shouldn’t you?

I worked this out in June 2020, and if I can, anybody can.

Perhaps now we can get down to dealing with the other problems in the world and enjoy life properly.

And be sane for once.

P.S. Here are various links on sanitisers or sanitizers for you to look at.

From 2013!!

Reuters are very nasty or Nazi liars –see below. They have twisted the truth, mixing some truth and lies together like clay and iron.

I see reference to an Aaron Michael Milstone who supplied the false information – tie a millstone around his neck and throw him in the sea!

Author: alphaandomega21

Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector'sson. When not posting pages or paging posties, trying to be a good husband, and getting over a long term health issue, I am putting the world to rights. I have nothing better to do, so why not? But of course that includes dancing, being funny (in more than one sense), poking fun at life, poking fun at myself, deflating the pompous, reflating the sad. Seeking to heal the whole of the soul (and body where possible). In short making life as good as it possibly can be for others as well as myself. You can't say fairer than that. But if you can, please say. People need to know.

6 thoughts on “Sanitiser and handwashing. Do they work against a virus?”

  1. Foolishness is the real pandemic. And the fear of taking responsibility. And the need to have someone to blame. And the need to buy a brand. If Moderna filled something inside this vial it must be good. If I put water inside my body I will die. And the desire to pull down everyone who demonstrates the ability to think and take responsibility. And and and…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much. Quite right. I didn’t want to have a long list myself as I go one enough as it is, but you put it in very well. Or are Putin it very well…

      You wrote this 42 minutes ago when I first opened your comment. Thus this is the ultimate answer to the ultimate question ‘what is the real pandemic?’. I took a screen shot to prove the timing, but I can’t paste it here. I did try.

      But you can trust me, I’m not a doctor!!


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