Clear and Present Danger – part 2

By Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

We’ve had Clear and Present Danger – part 1, so why not move onto part 2. If you haven’t seen part 1 and wish to, then click the hyperlink.

Anyway, what got me started on the phrase was anagramming it and as is so often, I found some very interesting things, albeit some are very tragic and disturbing. Not for the faint-hearted so be warned, although there are various moments of humour to lighten the mood.

Anagrams of ‘Clear and Present Danger’

Clear nd Pst g = 11 individual letters

Of the longest single words this stands out alone at the top.


Which is perhaps not surprising given the insanity of it all, men wanting to be women and women wanting to be men.

And then there is the ‘preferred pronouns’ nonsense where individuals deny reality and want to be he/they or she/they etc. etc. It is clear that he or she is demonically possessed and if they consider themselves ‘they’ then a whole legion of demons infests ‘them’!

Of course demon in French could be ‘de mon’, meaning ‘of my’ so the demons are really of the individual, created within them. As Jesus indicated it is out of the heart of man that evil things come.

As to the cause, well, I see two things, the physical and the spiritual, the former typically a chemical imbalance and the latter a language or word imbalance.

That is in the former the transgendered have been chemically altered by big pharma drugs and chemicals in various guises, separating the body from the soul or spirit, leaving them fighting themselves internally.

In the latter they have been propagandised, lied to, being persuaded they are something they are not.

Both things can occur from conception as sounds and words can be picked up in the womb as well as chemicals via the mother.

However, it is clear that toxic vaccines are going to contribute substantially to the issues as they inject them into babies and young children, affecting their physical and mental development.

Steve Kirsch has done a post on the matter. Whilst I have issues with him on other matters, at least he has pointed out to many the harms of vaccines.

Here are some anagram phrases and related links I found including the word.

– Alena cpr transgendered

Alana McLaughlin

Alana McLaughlin is a trans woman, which according to the Wikipedia link was ‘assigned male at birth’. It is not clear what that actually means in this case, was this person born with male genitalia or not?

There is a footnote link to this.

It is a harrowing tale. In McLaughlin’s own words

“My whole life I was a runt, I was undersized, I was bullied, I was raped, I was beaten, like I did not have an easy time,” said McLaughlin. “The story of my life has been trying to physically resist people that were larger and stronger and more skilled than me.”

McLaughlin went into the U.S. Army Special Forces and earned eight distinguished service medals throughout their career.

Here’s more information and before and after photos including this.


It says

Alana McLaughlin’s journey wasn’t easy. She’s an artist, a survivor, a Cancer and a transgender veteran who suffers from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). McLaughlin says, “PTSD has made me fearful of men, fearful of large groups, fearful of loud noises, fearful of potential ambush sites, fearful of wide open spaces with no cover or concealment. I size up every person I meet, always.” As a trans veteran, McLaughlin is not alone.

UCLA assessed that nearly 150,000 transgender people have served in the military, which is about 21 percent of all transgender adults in the United States. Societal pressure, transphobia and isolation are often linked to social anxiety and PTSD. Combined, these factors make coming out as a trans veteran a rough road for many people.

Despite risking their lives to serve their countries, trans vets are often not awarded equality, protection or respect.

I have highlighted the 21 per cent of all transgender adults who served in the military. Hardly surprising given the vaccines and drugs they are given, let alone the traumas of war and childhood abuse as in McLaughlin’s experience.

And It is not so much the fact that such people are not awarded equality, protection or respect after the event but during their service. This is the U.S.A for you, drug addled and warmongering to the detriment of its beloved sons and sometimes daughters.

‘maniacal laugh ln’ is one anagram of ‘Alana McLaughlin’. Satan is laughing maniacally that’s for sure.

Wikipedia link says

McLaughlin is most known for being the second openly transgender woman to fight professionally in MMA, with the first being Fallon Fox who last fought in 2014.

Fallon Fox also has a wiki page.

Fallon Fox

By Hambone Productions –, CC BY 3.0,

He was once married to a girl who had his daughter. Fox joined the US Navy for a while. He moved with his daughter to Chicago (Chicago has had a bad reputation for years). What happened to the wife it not explained. Pity the poor child with her father now like a woman. No wonder the USA is a mess.

The wiki page of Fox says

In July 2022, the BBC interviewed Fox on the BBC Radio 4 Today programme, but later apologized for the interview, which had been criticised for not informing listeners that Fox had taken pride in violence against supposedly transphobic competitors.

A tweet from Fox in 2020 said: “For the record, I knocked two out. One woman’s skull was fractured, the other not. And just so you know, I enjoyed it. See, I love smacking up TEFS (sic) in the cage who talk transphobic nonsense. It’s bliss!”

In response to the BBC, Fox said: “It’s part of MMA culture to talk smack about opponents. You see it all the time. Only when I do it people take issue with it.”

There is more information here.

The link says he was called Boyd Burton and as the wiki page says, he went to Bangkok for gender reassignment surgery. I hope you will forgive me, but it is obviously where men will go for such alterations!

Boyd Burton will anagram to:

– nobody brut

– boy doubt RN

– booby nut rd

Whereas Fallon Fox will anagram to:

– fax fool ln

– lo lox naff

– ff lax loon

No improvement there. It is all very sad.

– Care plan transgendered

British Medical Association (BMA)

Inclusive care of trans and non-binary patients

Thursday 31 March 2022

It says

It is important that all groups within the patient population have access to appropriate, timely, high quality healthcare. We acknowledge that many trans and non-binary patients have had negative experiences of accessing healthcare in the past and continue to do so.

The National LGBT survey 2018 captured data about people’s experiences of healthcare.

40% of trans respondents who had accessed or tried to access public healthcare services reported having experienced at least one of a range of negative experiences because of their gender identity in the 12 months preceding the survey.

21% of trans respondents reported that their specific needs had been ignored or not taken into account, and

18% had avoided treatment for fear of a negative reaction.

This is the level at which the BMA treats us generally, not just those with severe mental problems. I know this from my own experience regarding my eventual cancer diagnosis and the doctors never asking about my diet. I have a link about sodium nitrite (E250) at the end.

Looking at the website I find very little to do with patients in general – why not? If it is there, it is not easy to find. Why are the trans and non-binary patients the only ones singled out? Are the trans and non-binary patients the only ones to be treated with respect?

But then the BMA thinks COVID 19 was a ‘thing’, a new disease. Those who work there, as indeed most of its members, are a bunch of indoctrinated morons.

I could do a whole article on the inept and ignorant organisation and its lackeys.

– Al prance transgendered

Miss Maryland USA – Bailey Anne Kennedy

Apparently Bailey Anne Kennedy has been crowned Miss Maryland USA. Compared to some transwomen ‘she’ looks quite like a woman. The article says she is married to a military husband.

Which all seems rather odd as one should be single to be a ‘Miss’ and as many commenters point out. Perhaps this is a deep fake to distract from other things.

I gather she is Asian-American. As ‘Miss Maryland USA’ will anagram to ‘Asians lads rummy’ perhaps this explains it. She is referred to here but as yet has no separate page.

It says she has the local title of Miss Williamsport. As a transgender woman I don’t suppose she sports a willi anymore. Whether she misses it you will have to ask her.

Miss Alabama

Then on the same Daily Mail link there is Sara Milliken, now Miss Alabama. Not transgender but maybe 2.5 times the size of the usual size of a contestant. In the USA women used to be called ‘broads’. Maybe this is why.

In Africa such women are called ‘traditionally built’ I gather, at least according to ‘No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency’ by Alexander McCall Smith.

I wonder really if all this isn’t merely a joke.

I see that her name includes the single words ‘slimline’ and ‘slinkier’. Well, they say inside every fat person there’s a thin person trying to get out.

I really do think somebody is trying to be funny, and it’s not just me.

– Arc penal transgendered

Policy Exchange

Transgenderism and policy capture in the criminal justice system

Why criminal justice policy needs to prioritise sex over ‘gender identity’

May 30, 2022

It says

This report addresses the impact of policies and practices within the criminal justice system in England and Wales which classify and treat suspects, defendants in criminal trials, and convicted offenders on the basis of their ‘gender identity’ rather than their biological sex.

In recent years, self-declaration of ‘gender identity’ has been adopted as policy by all of the key criminal justice institutions, despite the fact that this is not aligned with the law. This change appears to have come about largely as the result of policy capture, as it is a widely contested belief and has been adopted without public scrutiny.

Current criminal justice policy prioritises the wishes and feelings of those who identify as transgender over the rights of others, and particularly over the sex-based rights of women, such as rights to single-sex facilities. This publication examines the detrimental effects of this approach and makes recommendations about the development of policies which are based on acknowledgment of the significance of biological sex in the field of criminal justice.

In other words the loonies have taken over the asylum and should never have been allowed to do so. Let’s face it, we had a transgender MP, Jamie Wallis.

Or at least, he apparently said he wanted to be.

Jamie Wallis

By David Woolfall –, CC BY 3.0,


I have mentioned him before – see link at end, Transgender and other ‘trans’ words – definitions

If you look up the wiki page you will see what a suspect individual he is, how on earth he got selected as a Tory M.P., let alone elected is unclear. There have been numerous complaints against companies linked to him.

He has criminal convictions as a serving MP for goodness sake. Wikipedia says

Criminal convictions

In February 2022, Wallis was fined £270 and received three points on his driving licence after pleading guilty to an offence in August 2021 of “failure to comply with solid white line road markings” on the A48.

On 28 November 2021, Wallis was arrested on suspicion of driving while unfit after a car collided with a lamppost in Llanblethian, Vale of Glamorgan. On 30 March 2022, he said that he had “fled the scene” of the car collision due to having a form of post-traumatic stress disorder after being raped in September 2021.

In April 2022, Wallis was charged with failing to stop following a road traffic collision, failure to report a road traffic collision, careless driving and leaving a vehicle in a dangerous position.

In May he pleaded not guilty to the offences. On 11 July 2022 Wallis was found guilty of failing to stop and report an accident, leaving his car in a dangerous position, but cleared of driving without due care and attention.

The court heard that Wallis was wearing “a black leather PVC miniskirt, tights, dark shoes and a pearl necklace” when he fled the scene of the crash, and that police “forced entry into the Wallis’ family home address which was described as a ‘mansion’ and ‘absolutely colossal’, out of concern for the MP”. Wallis said he was frightened of a group of people who came to help him. He was picked up by his father and fell asleep at home without reporting the crash to police.

Wallis was fined £2,500 and disqualified from driving for six months. District Judge Tan Ikram said he “didn’t find the defendant credible”. Following the conviction, the Conservative Party said it “will not be taking any further action”.

The Conservative Party didn’t take any action? They withdrew the whip from Andrew Bridgen under false pretences, yet they let Mr Wallis stay??

Mind you as he is someone who wants to be transgender and will wear a black leather PVC miniskirt, I suppose he begged them not to withdraw the whip.

And of course he says he had a ‘…form of post-traumatic stress disorder…’. Which is what happens when you hit a lamp post!

It says he is married with 2 young daughters. What will they think of their father?

Here are some anagrams of his full name.

– I am ill I a jot Welshman – he is welsh

– I am Satan mole Jill whi

– I am a woman el Jill shit

– I ail him jam stonewall

This is the post he hit by a stonewall

Wikipedia says he is not standing for his current constituency but is seeking a new seat. He should not be an MP and needs his seat severely kicking.

– Clare pan transgendered

There are the support groups who use charitable status to avoid tax as many other types of group do. Here is one in Sussex based at Dorset Gardens Methodist Church in Brighton.

The Clare Project.

Its vision is here.

What a load of waffle! Transphobic, cissexist, homophobic, biphobic, acephobic, interphobic, heterosexist, sexist, misogynistic, racist, ableist, ageist, classist and sizist! I am sure they have left someone out.

Believe it or not but the anagram machine I use will give me one longest word from that list, meningoencephalomyelitideses. This is in essence what we generally know as meningitis, a central nervous system disease. Yes, a serious nervous disease sounds just right!

This is the team.

It lists 14 staff and trustees, but one of the trustees is now dead. I make 8 of them using they/them/theirs. Mentally ill they are, albeit some worse than others.

I see ‘The Clare Project’ will anagram to ‘let chap rejector’. Men who are rejecting their manhood, remarkably apt.

Methodist Church

As to the Methodist church which is the base of the organisation this is hardly surprising. The Methodist Church has long since sold its soul to the LGBTQi+ nonsense. The Dorset Gardens Methodist Church has a website.

On the team is Heather Leake Date. What a name, she must have fun with all the jokes with ‘date’. It says she is a Senior Pharmacist at Royal Sussex County Hospital which is not far away. I have been there once to the older bit which I found was very dated and confusing internally.

I also had my immunotherapy treatment there in the newer section.

Senior Pharmacist will anagram to:

– Hire Mrs satanic op

She specialises in HIV/AIDS treatment. I daresay she may not realise she is probably poisoning her patients to death.

Or maybe just keeping them going to big pharma’s profit.

‘death healer Katee’ is but one anagram of her name.

Then there’s this related also to Sussex.

Kieran Mullan

Kieran Mullan is homosexual so no doubt will be at home in Sussex. He can be a HomoSussexual!

This is him.

By Richard Townshend –, CC BY 3.0,


Interestingly he was born on the anniversary of D Day, 6th June, 1984. And which reminds me of George Orwell’s novel.

Anyway, Kieran Mullan has been written about here by Jonathan Engler.

Medically qualified British MP talks total nonsense in the House of Commons

Apr 19, 2024

Jonathan mentions this statement from Mr Mullan.

Kieran is talking a load of bollox as Jonathan says. ‘all inane murk’ is one anagram of his name as is ‘all ink manure’. It is all crap.

I see also ‘Len liar man UK’.

He plays rugby football and reminds me of Grant Robertson, former Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister in New Zealand who is homosexual and who played rugby.

They like playing with loads of balls and speaking them too.

– A lard pence transgender

Victoria McCloud

There was a transgender judge apparently.

I gather McCloud transitioned in the late 1990s.

Thankfully, McCloud has resigned as a judge. The Spectator ran an article which said

So, what happened? Why did trans identities become so political, and why is McCloud now complaining that ‘I am now political every time I choose where to pee’? In another extract of a letter – parts of which it has been claimed were leaked to the Times – McCloud added:

I have reached the conclusion that in 2024 the national situation and present judicial framework is no longer such that it is possible in a dignified way to be both ‘trans’ and a salaried, fairly prominent judge in the UK.

That’s a big statement for a senior judge to make, and a sad indictment of modern Britain. Is this country really no longer a place where trans people can contribute their skills, knowledge and expertise?

There are all sorts of people who can contribute their skills, knowledge and expertise, but what sort of skills, knowledge and expertise are they? Even evil is skilled and knowledgeable and is expert at deception and injustice.

This article discusses McCloud’s wishes to intervene in Scotland over an appeal about the legal definition of “woman”.

Victoria McCloud wants leave to join litigation in supreme court appeal brought by For Women Scotland

There is this discussion.

Trans judge intervention harms legal system’s independence

By Joan Smith                   March 28, 2024

It says

McCloud complained that the existence of gender-critical feminism means “it has been open season on me” and “I am now political every time I choose where to pee.” This is the language of gender ideology, which dismisses out of hand the feelings of women who don’t want to share intimate spaces with biological men.


We’ve repeatedly been told we can rely on the police and judges to use common sense, but what if some of them go along with the dogma of activists?

The police and common sense are an oxymoron nowadays, just look at Covid lockdowns and mask wearing for example. As to judges, many of them are severely lacking if they fell for Covid too.

It also says

“McCloud and her family have made provision to emigrate to an EU state where she would remain legally recognised as a woman” if the For Women Scotland appeal succeeds.

This is typical of the blackmail (or should that be ‘blackgenderneutralbeing’!) that such people use. Good riddance I say, if McCloud and her family go.

Victoria McCloud will anagram to

– col coracidium TV

Coracidium is a larval stage of some tapeworms that swims in water and infects aquatic arthropods. See

So a parasite, seems very suitable. I have also noted these:

– Covid claim court

– Covid cur clot aim

– Covid AI Mr occult

– Covid I arm occult

I think I can say rather like the Rolling Stones ‘Hey, you, get off McCloud!’

Debbie Hayton

Then there is Debbie Hayton who is a trans woman, but

supports laws which aim to define women-only spaces as being based on sex rather than gender identity.

Which is eminently sensible. This is from

The link also says Debbie

wore a T-shirt which (mimicking a slogan by Stonewall) stated that “Trans women are men. Get over it.”

Very reasonable too. I see that Debbie Hayton anagrams to

– ie bad boy then

There is a footnote link.

One Transwoman Speaks Out on the Dangers of Trans Extremism

February 25, 2020

It is a very good article. I would highlight these extracts. Re transitioning Debbie says

It does provide a solution — it does address the gender dysphoria, but in doing so, it creates so many more problems in terms of how we engage with society. And it’s just dreadful for families.


If you go through with it all, it leaves you sterile and medicated for life.

Which will please the population reductionists and big pharma no end, and which as much as anything is what it is all about. The world’s completely mad. Debbie Hayton’s wiki page refers to a Jayne Ozanne where it says

Hayton’s inclusion in Church of England resource materials caused controversy at General Synod in 2021. Jayne Ozanne criticised the inclusion, describing Hayton as someone “outspoken in her denial of the very existence of trans people”.

Jayne Ozanne

There is a wiki page about Jayne.

She is a lesbian and has an interesting CV, including working at Tony Blair Faith Foundation which in my books is a big black mark against her.

Her page says

Ozanne has called for the anti-LGBT verses in the Bible to be looked at again. She believes that they have been misinterpreted, stating “Until William Wilberforce came along, many evangelicals fundamentally believed it was right to treat black people as slaves.

That is a ridiculous argument, conflating peoples misinterpretation of the text with what the text actually says.

Her full name, Jayne Margaret Ozanne, will anagram to

– Me arrogant zany Jeane

The arrogance of insanity it seems. Anyway, I thought I would point out some anagrams of trans woman.

Trans woman

– Am worst Ann

– Mr now Satan

– Mr Satan won

– Romans want

– so want mRNA

– mRNA Watson

There is a James Watson who co-authored with Francis Crick the academic paper proposing the double helix structure of the DNA molecule.

He could be another whole avenue of research, but I note he is an atheist, was born in Chicago. Like Hillary Clinton for example. Satan is also in his name.

I would also point out that trans man includes the word Satan.

Summary and final thoughts

Transgendered is the longest single word anagram from ‘Clear and present danger’. It is the ultimate form of insanity, the denial of self, throwing everything into chaos.

The fabric of society is broken down by it as nobody knows where people stand. It corrupts beyond just the individual and will end in destruction.

There are those who profit by it financially via medication and the surgeries.

As indicated the causes of transgenderism is both chemical and spiritual, and both aspects must be dealt with for healing to occur.

I have being saying too in comments on the internet that Satan is transgender and really that is the reason for all the current insanity, with all its myriad layers and the minions, the fallen angels, who side with him (I use ‘him’ advisedly as he is very queer).

So it is very suitable that Transgendered is the longest word as it is, superficially at any rate, the clear danger. But there are many other dangers which must be exposed and dealt with.

But as I have said before the meanings are in the words, the very phrases themselves and which helps clarify one’s thoughts and what actions to take.

It is all the words. And in the beginning was the Word…

Look out for the sign of Baldmichael, he will be back!

P.S. There are more words from ‘Clear and present danger’ to come so a part 3 may come along in due course.

In the meantime there are these links if you are interested and haven’t yet seen.

 What is the ‘flu a.k.a Covid 19 and why vaccines are pointless at best.

Sodium nitrite (E250) – the poison in your food and how to remedy it.

Transgender and other ‘trans’ words – definitions

Insanity and Transgender Visibility Day

Texas Children’s Hospital’s transgender agenda

The Five Rules of Propaganda and transgender compared