Paradox – what does it mean, and other ‘para’ word definitions

By Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

I thought we might need a light hearted look at the meaning of some words starting with ‘para’, but listening to the sound of the words to come up with a meaning.

So let’s start with the word paradox. The Free Dictionary says it is:

 1. A statement that seems to contradict itself but may nonetheless be true: the paradox that standing is more tiring than walking.

2. A person, thing, or situation that exhibits inexplicable or contradictory aspects: “The silence of midnight, to speak truly, though apparently a paradox, rung in my ears” (Mary Shelley).

3. A statement that is self-contradictory or logically untenable, though based on a valid deduction from acceptable premises.

Anyway, there may be some truth in the following and the words may or may not exist in a dictionary. I will use this link for ideas.

Paradox – two doctors who think vaccines are a good idea for health, e.g. Anthony Fauci and Chris Whitty

Parable – father can do something

Parables – two bulls

Paragon – what is said when a paratrooper jumps from a plane

Parapet – daddy is a darling

Parapet – father knocked something

Parados – sleeping paratrooper

Paraded – dead paratrooper

Paradigms – 0.2 of a dollar

Paradise – two cubes with numbers on them

Paradors – two doors

Paradors – daddy just loves it (whatever ‘it’ is)

Paranoid – father is angry

Parasite – drop zone

Parasite – doctor making money off vaccines

Parashite – as above but as described by Shaun (sic) Connery

Paranoia – daddy upsets his daughter

Parallax – lazy paratrooper

Paralyse – two untruths such as ‘vaccines help prevent disease’ and ‘big pharma are interested in making you well’

Paraquat – a yellow extremely poisonous soluble solid used in solution as a weedkiller

UK farmers call for weedkiller ban over Parkinson’s fears Published

1 April 2022

N.B. Paraquat is obviously neuro-toxic but is the article designed to cover up for vaccine injuries too?

Paraprat – stupid paratrooper

Paragoge – the addition of a sound or a syllable to the end of a word, such as st in amongst

Paragoggle – paratrooper staring

Paragoggles – safety glasses

Parasang – An ancient Persian unit of distance, usually estimated at 3.5 miles (5.6 kilometers).

Paravane – paratrooper who fancies himself

Parashot – 1. a portion of the Torah read in the synagogue on the Sabbath and holy days.

2. a selection from such a portion.

Parashat – a maroon beret worn by airborne troops all around the world

Parashit – a wounded paratrooper

Parashits – two doctors who think vaccines are a good idea, e.g. Teresa Kelly and Todd Wolynn. I just looked them up

Fighting back: the struggle with anti-vaxxers      Friday 17 September 2021

Teresa Kelly is a Manchester-based consultant obstetrician

Todd Wolynn is a Pittsburgh-based paediatrician

Parashuts – barracks for paratroopers

Paramount – film studios

Parameter – father likes mutton

Parachute – paratrooper fires his gun

Paralegal – girlfriend of a paratrooper

Paramedic – a useful person in a medical emergency

Parabolic – 1. Of or similar to a parable.

2. Of or having the form of a parabola or paraboloid.

Parabolics – the courage that paratroopers have

Parataxis – The juxtaposition of clauses or phrases without the use of coordinating or subordinating conjunctions, as It was cold; the snows came.

Parataxis – a couple of vehicles for hire

Parataxes – income and capital gains, for example

Parablast – explosion set off by paratrooper

Paraclete – the Holy Spirit

Paraclete – support for parachute cord

Parakites – short cockney name for two ladies , e.g. Kite Middleton and Kite Moss.

Parakeets – two poems by a well-known English poet

Paraffins – part of a fish

Paraffins – two people from Helsinki

Parazoans – any multicellular invertebrate of the group Parazoa, which consists of the sponges (phylum Porifera).

Parazions – Israeli paratroopers

Paradiddle – A pattern of drumbeats characterized by four basic beats and alternating left-handed and right-handed strokes on the successive primary beats.

Paradiddle – cheat a paratrooper

Paramounts – two horses

Paratactic – see parataxis, first version

Paratactic – parachutist’s method of fighting

Paratactic – father’s in the loft trying to catch a rodent

Paragenesis – “In the beginning was a paratrooper…”

Paraphrasers – people who paraphrase, i.e. restate a text or passage in another form or other words to clarify meaning.

Paraphasers – two Star Trek weapons

Parallelogram – A four-sided plane figure with opposite sides parallel.

Parayellowgram – a yellow four-sided plane figure with opposite sides parallel.

Parahellogram – message from a paratrooper

Parathormones – two gods of thunder complaining

Parathermones – father prefers complaining

Paralytically – friend of a drunk

There you go. Personally I like the paradox (pair of docs), where two (or more) doctors think that vaccines are good for health, the paradox being that doctors, who should know better, think being poisoned by vaccines will do anything but poison people.

And that’s a paradox for sure!

Look out for the sign of Baldmichael, he will be back!

P.S. If you are in need of more humour or a glutton for punishment there are these.

Pandemic: Definitions

Transgender and other ‘trans’ words – definitions

If you wish to know more about vaccines etc. then this.

What is the ‘flu a.k.a Covid 19 and why vaccines are pointless at best.

Author: alphaandomega21

Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector'sson. When not posting pages or paging posties, trying to be a good husband, and getting over a long term health issue, I am putting the world to rights. I have nothing better to do, so why not? But of course that includes dancing, being funny (in more than one sense), poking fun at life, poking fun at myself, deflating the pompous, reflating the sad. Seeking to heal the whole of the soul (and body where possible). In short making life as good as it possibly can be for others as well as myself. You can't say fairer than that. But if you can, please say. People need to know.

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