Three turds (sic) – a meme

By Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

Just a short post. It is Hallowe’en and here are some ‘scary’ monsters, known in some circles as the three turds (sic).

N.B. In mathematical terms, it takes three turds (sic) to make a circle.

So from right to left (which is the way the world has been going) as follows:

Charles the Turd (sic)

William Henry Gates the Turd (sic) and

Justin the Turd (sic).

What type of turds (sic) they are is up for discussion in the comments below.

Please bear in mind they all think vaccines are a Good Thing.

N.N.B. Charles seems to be shaking William’s hand yet William is not looking at Charles for some reason. Perhaps he is looking at the devil on Charles’ shoulder.

Although Justin has an evil look in his eye. As you can see he is introducing Charles to His Royal Slyness William the Turd (sic), a.k.a. Satan Inc.

Look out for the sign of Baldmichael, he will be back!

P.S. The photo came from here, dated November 2021.

How Bill Gates and partners used their clout to control the global Covid response — with little oversight   09/14/2022

I have yet to do a post on Charles. I mention Bill in various places and again I have yet to do a full post.

However the third turd (sic) Justin has had special attention so here is a link which will lead to other helpful articles if you wish to understand turds better.


Silly Saturday: SOVIETK – Turdo, the latest brand in Canada


Silly Saturday: SOVIETK – Turdo, the latest brand in Canada

On the Number of the Beast.


I have found a couple of Canadian websites which might be of use to people.

Author: alphaandomega21

Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector'sson. When not posting pages or paging posties, trying to be a good husband, and getting over a long term health issue, I am putting the world to rights. I have nothing better to do, so why not? But of course that includes dancing, being funny (in more than one sense), poking fun at life, poking fun at myself, deflating the pompous, reflating the sad. Seeking to heal the whole of the soul (and body where possible). In short making life as good as it possibly can be for others as well as myself. You can't say fairer than that. But if you can, please say. People need to know.

One thought on “Three turds (sic) – a meme”

  1. Thanks for this Funny yet sadly uncomfortable post,the only thing is, there are far more than ‘3’ Turds in this Dimension. were all surrounded by Demonic entities from the Bowels of Hell, The Holy Bible as well as the Holy Quran clearly states that in the end day’s there shall be a deluge of Demons roaming the Earth, well we don’t have to look too hard or far,they’re everywhere, on the Tel-a Lie-Vision all MSM and Anti Social Media Platforms, the CelebTards, Pop and silver screen ‘icons’ sporting ‘Hero’s’ and yes we can rely on the ‘PressTitutes’ to raise awareness of the unfolding narrative so much so,that if our very lives depended on it,we could kiss our asses goodbye, quicker than we can say ‘The GateKeeper’! All the usual suspects are congregating every which way to sustain their devious agenda, they don’t have a particularly difficult task ahead, as most of the masses are sufficiently dumbed down and spellbound with ensuing noble attributes of being Fat, lazy, useless, and carefree with an additional element of a level of stupidity never before witnessed, no doubt real scientist’s will at some point ascribe an appropriate albeit unceremonious ‘title’ to the modern all pervading phenomena .

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