Clear and Present Danger – part 1

By Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

Apart from being a political thriller novel, written by Tom Clancy and also a film starring Harrison Ford, it

…was a doctrine adopted by the Supreme Court of the United States to determine under what circumstances limits can be placed on First Amendment freedoms of speech, press, or assembly.


You can read about it yourself if you wish but I was interested in some other thoughts.

António Guterres

For example here’s something from the secretary-general of the United Nations, António Guterres who mentions the phrase. This is him.

Infectious diseases ‘clear and present danger’ everywhere

27 December 2021

It says

Noting that infectious diseases remain “a clear and present danger to every country”, Mr. Guterres maintained COVID-19 would not be the last pandemic for humanity.

Even as the world responds to this health crisis, he spelled out the need to prepare for the next one.

“This means scaling-up investments in better monitoring, early detection and rapid response plans in every country — especially the most vulnerable”, he said.

“It means strengthening primary health care at the local level to prevent collapse… ensuring equitable access to lifesaving interventions, like vaccines for all people and…achieving Universal Health Coverage.”

As the pandemic was contrived it seems reasonable that those who make money from such things will try again if they can. As you can see Mr. Guterres is doing his bit by stressing the need to invest more, i.e. including spending taxpayers’ money, on such wonderful things as toxic vaccines for everybody.

After all fair’s fair, they don’t want only some people poisoned. Let the poor be poisoned too if they can’t afford it.

Of course the vaccines could have saline in them as no one checks each vial before injection, but that is very hush-hush so don’t pass it on.

Vaccines with saline in them help keep harm and deaths down to low levels and help suppress suspicion that all is not as it seems. That is hush-hush too.

By the way, ‘Universal Health Coverage’ anagrams to

– Evolve huge charlatanries

Which makes you wonder. As to ‘António Guterres’, that will anagram to

– go unseen traitor

A ‘clear and present danger’ clearly.

Harrison Ford

By Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 3.0,

I gather he is, according to Wikipedia, a lifelong Democrat. His father was Catholic and mother Jewish. He endorsed Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign against Trump which was the first time he had endorsed a presidential candidate. In fact

Along with Mark Hamill, Ford worked with the anti-Trump Republican group The Lincoln Project to produce and narrate a 2020 election ad attacking Trump’s disparaging of Anthony Fauci.


Here’s a link.

Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill share anti-Donald Trump adverts

3rd November 2020

There are two videos in the link. The first says

The Lincoln Project and Harrison Ford are teaming up to let Americans know you can only keep one of them: Trump, or Fauci.

Americans chose Fauci. That went well didn’t it, you chose the laughing gnome.

Mark Hamill

The second with Mark Hamill says that Trump was saying that only those votes arriving on 3rd November 2020 should count with no extensions. I would have thought that a no-brainer.

But no, Mark Hamill thinks that it’s ok for them to arrive latter. After all, nobody knew the election was coming up, or who was running, it was all a complete surprise.

Anyway, giving extensions helps make sure that the right result occurs. Which of course for The Lincoln Project it did.

Mark Hamill also says that Donald Trump doesn’t get to decide the future of America’s leadership. This is true. I believe the bankers do that.

By the way, Mark Hamill, it’s the United States of America, as America is strictly the continent, but I know accuracy is not your strong point.

He finishes with ‘Make every vote count; and count every vote’.

He forgot to add ‘until the numbers stack up and Joe Biden wins’. An easy mistake to make. And if you forgot what Mark Hamill looks like, this is him.

By Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 3.0,

You may not be surprised to see

Hamill is an outspoken advocate of the Democratic Party and has supported its candidates.



He endorsed P.G. Sittenfeld in the 2016 Ohio Senate election.

As to Sittenfeld I see he has been convicted of felony bribery and attempted extortion although there is an appeal.

This is him.

An anagram of P.G. Sittenfeld is

– de GNP leftist

As he is a Democrat this is suitable.

Sittenfeld’s mother is Catholic and his father was Jewish.

He has worked at Procter & Gamble and Planned Parenthood

In 2018, Sittenfeld was caught leading the “Gang of Five”, a group of five city council members (Sittenfeld, Chris Seelbach, Greg Landsman, Wendell Young, and Tamaya Dennard) who communicated via secret text messages attempting to undermine the mayor and bypass public meetings and debates.

I don’t think Mark’s judgement is very good.

I see that ‘Harrison Ford’ and ‘Mark Hamill’ together will anagram to

– Horrid RN child from Kamala Harris

I’m sure that is too contrived to be significant.

But I think we can say that Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill were a ‘Clear and present danger.’ What about the Lincoln Project?

The Lincoln Project

According to its own website, The Lincoln Project says

We’re here to stop Trump, break MAGA, and save America.

It has various videos including this.

It has Robert F. Kennedy Jr. stating the obvious that ‘No vaccine is safe and effective.’ It calls him ‘a right wing nut’.

I haven’t tried to look at any more videos but if that is the level of their argument then that explains it. They are insane.

I had a look at a twitter page from 2020.

It includes this.

The Lincoln Project


Aug 7, 2020

Joe Biden is a devout catholic and regularly attends Sunday service.

The last time Trump went to church, he gassed peaceful Americans.


Joe Biden is a devout Catholic???? A devout hypocrite would be more suitable. They think that going to church makes him legit???? They really are insane.

I see ‘devout Catholic’ will anagram to ‘touch devil coat’. Very appropriate, a coat or cloak of deception.

Still, I assume the reference to Trump is a joke referring to him talking or ‘gassing’ as you can say in the States. So maybe the bit about Joe was also meant as a joke.

The Lincoln Project are still at Trump bashing and deceit despite most of the original founder members leaving. One of their number, John Weaver,

…sent inappropriate, unsolicited sexual messages to 21 men, for which he apologized.


It goes on to say

Following the revelations, The Lincoln Project said “John’s statement speaks for itself”. It later issued a follow-up describing him as “a predator, a liar, and an abuser”, and denouncing his “deplorable and predatory behavior”.

The Lincoln Project will anagram to ‘elect coprolith nnj’ or ‘elect Clinton hop jr. Coprolith is fossilised faeces and reminds me of Joe Biden for some reason. The name Clinton rings a bell…

In any event The Lincoln Project was and is a ‘Clear and present danger’.


That is a start on the subject but I have more I can say. Those were mainly dangers to the USA but I have a very long list I can go through stemming from the phrase.

If you wish to add your own ‘clear and present danger’ please do so in the comments.

Look out for the sign of Baldmichael, he will be back!

P.S. These may be of interest if you haven’t seen and may lighten your heart if you need it. Except the vaccines as they won’t lighten your heart so much as cause myocarditis if you take them. Possibly.

Pandemic: Definitions

“Why vaccines do not work” in a nutshell

Friday Fun – Old MacFauci had a pharma

Factcheck: Is Joe Biden the new Nero?

Author: alphaandomega21

Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector'sson. When not posting pages or paging posties, trying to be a good husband, and getting over a long term health issue, I am putting the world to rights. I have nothing better to do, so why not? But of course that includes dancing, being funny (in more than one sense), poking fun at life, poking fun at myself, deflating the pompous, reflating the sad. Seeking to heal the whole of the soul (and body where possible). In short making life as good as it possibly can be for others as well as myself. You can't say fairer than that. But if you can, please say. People need to know.

2 thoughts on “Clear and Present Danger – part 1”

  1. I find it strange that everyone (in power of some sort, either political or business) supports “strengthening primary health care” and nobody ever talks about “strengthening primary health.”

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