Chris Whitty, British epidemiologist, Chief Medical Officer for England and Chief Medical Adviser to the UK

By Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

It is high time I addressed this individual. But I don’t know where he lives so I will have to make do with talking about him!

He now has ‘sir’ as a title. As I consider all men can be addressed as ‘sir’, I am not sure what all the fuss is about. All these wretched titles from the honours list annoy me intensely now; I used to think them rather silly anyway, but they give a false sense of importance to the individual concerned.

Others have the foolish tendency to look up to them as a consequence. And it is all a con, believe me. The consequences are people will believe anything such people say without double checking the facts.

Now we in the UK may have a love/hate relationship with the French and their revolution, but they do very sensibly address one another as monsieur, madame, or mademoiselle.

So hats off to the French then. Mind you, I make an exception with Emmanuel Macron to whom I wave deux doigts. But we are not talking about him at the moment.

I will use this link to provide a framework for the article. Text in italics from this unless otherwise stated.

Chris Whitty, Image from Wikipedia link above.

Early life

In full he is Christopher John MacRae Whitty.

He was born in 1966, the year England won the world cup. Things went downhill after that.

In fact it was the 21st April which made him a Taurus as in bull. A load of bull is what followed.

His father was murdered by militants from the Abu Nidal Organisation, a Palestinian terrorist organisation. It was probably a case of mistaken identity. They couldn’t know that it would be the son, not the father, would be the dangerous one.

Of course this helped people feel sorry for him. Until they worked out he was lying about vaccines.

He attended Windlesham House School in Pulborough. It is rather misleading to have Pulborough in the address, but not untypical.

Still, misleading is what Chris Whitty has been in his role as Chief medical Adviser to the UK.

He went to Malvern College, near Worcester. There are various well-known people who went there. For example, Aleister Crowley (occultist), Jeremy Paxman (broadcaster and journalist), and Monty Don (television presenter, writer and speaker on horticulture). C.S. Lewis also went there for a year.

‘Malvern College’ includes the longest one word anagram ‘malevolence’. In fact it has 999 single words from it. 999 is the reverse of 666. Perhaps this is significant.

He then studied at Pembroke College, Oxford (BA in Physiology, DSc in medical science),

‘Pembroke College, Oxford’ has the longest one word anagram ‘Rockefeller’. I find the full phrases.

– Beg doom pox Rockefeller

– Degree fool Bork complex

– Or feebler God complex ok

These seem suitable for Chris Whitty.

J.R.R. Tolkien went to Pembroke College but then so did Pete Buttigieg, the current United States Secretary of Transportation.

…Wolfson College, Oxford (BM BCh in Medicine, 1991, where he was also the founding chair of the National Postgraduate Committee),

Anagrams of Wolfson College, Oxford include

– God clones fox follower

– Clorox wolf oneself god

– Cox Nero follow god self

Again these seem suitable for Chris Whitty.

Notable people who went there include Eric Lander (once Science Advisor to Joe Biden) and Wes Moore (current Democrat governor of Maryland). Eric Lander had to resign in 2022, whilst Wes Moore supports the LGBTQi+ nonsense.

Postgraduate he went to:

…the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (DTM&H in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 1996;

So he could experiment on people abroad.

MSc in Epidemiology, 1996),

So he could learn how to misinterpret statistics.

…Northumbria University (LLM in Medical Law, 2005),

So he could learn what he could get away with

…Heriot-Watt University (MBA in Business Administration, 2010),

So he could learn how to hide deceit under the cloak of qualifications. I see that ‘Business Administration’ will anagram to ‘brim unionised Satanists’ which makes me think.

And Heriot-Watt University anagrams to ‘AI introvert use Whitty’ so he had to go there.

…and The Open University (DipEcon in Economics).

All of which gave him a nice string of letters after his name to make him look like a real expert. Everybody trusts an expert with lots of letters don’t they?


Whitty is a practising National Health Service (NHS) consultant physician at University College London Hospitals (UCLH) and the Hospital for Tropical Disease

He is practising like many doctors. He has yet to get it right (like many doctors).

he was Professor of Public and International Health at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) where he was also Director of the Malaria Centre. He worked as a physician and researcher into infectious diseases in the UK, Africa and Asia.

And how to spread disease via vaccines.

In 2008 the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation awarded the LSHTM £31 million for malaria research in Africa.

To help spread disease via vaccines for example by testing them on Africans.

This footnote link article from the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) gives more information.

It mentions the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF). Otherwise known as the Biggest Medical Ghastly Fraud. Or

– Satan agenda bill demolition fund

This is an anagram of ‘Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’. Who would have guessed. However if you prefer then there’s this.

– Blind demolition Satan flu agenda

There are sub-organisations like the Gates Malaria Partnership (GMP). Otherwise known as the Great Medication Poisoning. Or

– Satanist apple hr marriage

This is a very useful link on Chris Whitty’s Gates connections.

The Defendants & Their Gates Connections | Chris Whitty          19 Dec 2021

It says regarding the LSHTM grant

This research grant was an integral part of the Gates Foundation’s drive to maximise the ‘vaccination’ uptake in Africa and the rest of the world, which developed into the ‘Decade of Vaccines’ project, from 2010-2020. The project was singularly dedicated to maximising ‘vaccination’ uptake worldwide over the course of a ten year plan, in which the 2nd defendant was engaged to play his integral part.

From the moment the 2nd defendant accepted the benefit of the funds donated by Gates, as director and Principal Investigator of the ACT Consortium, he had a vested material interest in the maximisation of ‘vaccination’ uptake, on the basis that he accepted monies intended and used for the research and development of ‘vaccines’ to be used in the fulfilment of that specific purpose in Africa, in relation to the treatment of malaria and in accordance with the UN Sustainable Development Goal to immunise the entire population of the world from every conceivable illness and disease they declare into existence.

We can see Chris Whitty has a vested interest in promoting vaccines. And note the statement regarding declaring a disease, i.e. invent a disease based on some symptoms and then make a supposed solution.

Or more simply, create a problem and the alleged solution to make a profit.

He is on SAGE, the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies

This is a reference for members interests.

SAGE COVID-19 register of participants’ interests

Government roles

From 2009 to 2015, Whitty was Chief Scientific Adviser and director of research for the Department for International Development (DFID). He led the Research and Evidence Division, which worked on health, agriculture, climate change, energy, infrastructure, economic and governance research.

During this time, with co-authors Neil Ferguson and Jeremy Farrar, he wrote an article in Nature titled “Infectious disease: Tough choices to reduce Ebola transmission”, explaining the UK government’s response to Ebola in support of the government of Sierra Leone, which he took a leading role in designing, including the proposal to build and support centres where people could self-isolate voluntarily if they suspected that they could have the disease.

Well we know all about Neil Ferguson I hope. As to Jeremy Farrar he is now Chief Scientist at the World Health Organization since 2023. No wonder the UK government resists coming out of the WHO, people like Jeremy have a position to retain.

There is a footnote link.

Infectious disease: Tough choices to reduce Ebola transmission -2014

It is full of the usual gubbins and makes reference to R rate, R standing for ‘Rubbish’ in my books. It is a statistical device to make them look clever

It says

Models vary, but most work, including that led by N.F. and W.J.E., suggests that isolating 70% or more of Ebola cases within three days of their becoming symptomatic is key to reducing R to 1.

Most work eh? And ‘suggests’ that isolating a % of Ebola cases is key. What a load of tosh. All vague nonsense all to make out they are working hard to do their best.

It continues

Currently, most people with early Ebola-like symptoms will not have Ebola, but diseases such as malaria and pneumonia.

Here’s the problem, symptoms are all rather similar as with all so-called diseases. But it helps to make them look clever as of course only they, the specialists have the experience to tell the difference, allegedly. Further

Community control of previous Ebola outbreaks relied on active ‘case-finding’: tracing contacts of known cases and then monitoring and quickly isolating suspected cases early. It can take as many as ten staff to monitor the contacts of just a single case,

10 staff eh? Hmm, so there is a need for more funding to support them. All a scam to justify increasing budgets rather than getting at the root cause.

It was what helped justify the COVID19 ‘Track and trace’ scam and we know how that worked out I hope.

It mentions the UK aid effort at £200 million pledged so good business for somebody.

It mentions PPE.

Using PPE safely is difficult even for professionals, as infection rates in health-care workers demonstrate.

Well I am not surprised health-care workers will be ill, imagine working all wrapped up in hazmat suit in the tropical conditions in Sierra Leone.

There is reference to hospitals and funerals.

Hospitals and funerals

The initial symptoms of Ebola (which may include fever, diarrhoea and vomiting) mimic those of many common diseases, including malaria, pneumonia and gastrointestinal infections. Transmission occurs through bodily fluids: diarrhoea, vomit, blood and probably sweat and semen. Patients become infectious when they are symptomatic, and remain highly infectious until they begin to recover. Corpses are highly infectious.

It is good idea to say corpses are highly infectious as people won’t be keen to check too closely on what actually happened to the person or even necessarily carry out an autopsy.


From January 2016 to August 2021, Whitty was Chief Scientific Adviser to the Department of Health and Social Care, responsible for the department’s research and development work, including being Head of the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR).

There is a link to WHO’S WHO 2024. This is a list of noteworthy and influential people who impact British life. Well, it doesn’t say on the website homepage whether it is good or bad influence.

From 2017 to 2018, Whitty was also interim Government Chief Scientific Adviser and head of the science and engineering profession in government. During this period Novichok, the military nerve agent, was responsible for the 2018 Salisbury poisonings, and Whitty chaired the government SAGE (Scientific Advisory Group in Emergencies) and advised COBR for the crisis.

It seems odd for someone who is a medic to be head of the science and engineering profession in government. Despite all his qualifications he does not seem broad in his experience, focussed as it is on health and care.

Whitty was appointed Chief Medical Officer (CMO) for England in 2019.

Just in time for the fake COVID19 pandemic. Here’s The Guardian.

PowerPoint slides and exponential curves: Vallance and Whitty’s best bits

Sat 26 Feb 2022

It says

Asked about claims by the rapper Nicki Minaj that the coronavirus vaccine could make you impotent, Whitty said that people who “know they are peddling untruths … should be ashamed”.

He said: “There are a group of people who have strange beliefs, and that’s fine … but there are also people who go round trying to discourage other people from taking a vaccine which could be life saving.

“And many of those people, I regret to say, know that they are peddling untruths, and still do it. And in my view, they should be ashamed.”

It might be argued that impotence is the least of one’s worries. The main thing is as always that having poison injected into one’s body in the name of good health was never a good idea.

Chris Whitty should be ashamed for peddling untruths and held to account.

COVID-19 pandemic

Whitty and two of his deputies, Jenny Harries and Jonathan Van-Tam, took high-profile roles during the COVID-19 outbreak. This included appearing – often with prime minister Boris Johnson and Chief Scientific Adviser Sir Patrick Vallance – in televised news conferences, and giving evidence to parliamentary bodies.

And here are some bodies and the latest modelling techniques.

whitty valance

By Bob Moran

I would like to point out here that Jenny Harries, Jonathan Van-Tam and Patrick Vallance all contain the word ‘Satan’ in their full names. Given the lies they have told I am not surprised.

Boris does not. But he does talk a lot of piffle, and that word is in his name.

From 19 March, Whitty appeared in public information adverts on national television, explaining the government’s social-distancing strategy to reduce the spread of the virus during the pandemic.

There is a footnote link.

Chris Whitty: The man with our lives in his hands


17 March 2020

Note that in the photo in the open air that Mr Whitty seems to be well ahead of what I take to be Patrick Vallence behind. He is obviously taking what I call anti-social distancing very seriously.

However in the next image indoors he, Boris and Patrick are within about a metre so no longer being serious about it.

As for the press, well they seemed pressed together which is no doubt why they call them the press.

The BBC link says

Prof Whitty and his colleagues can only tell elected politicians what the science suggests.


Chris Whitty has certainly not been shy of telling the media what he thinks lies ahead, for example flagging up the possibility of school closures and bans on mass gatherings before any minister or expert had mentioned those options.

Please note the above paragraph has been amended to make better sense.

But he will have to be judged by how the UK looks in a year’s time when, they hope, the peak of the epidemic will have clearly passed and normal life returned.

Four years have passed now and I judge Chris Whitty and find him guilty of high treason.

Here is some of the propaganda he was involved with (albeit this is mild compared with the pushing of toxic vaccines).

Continuing with the main Wikipedia article on Chris Whitty.

On 27 March, Whitty was reported to be self-isolating owing to symptoms consistent with COVID-19 after Boris Johnson and Health Secretary Matt Hancock had tested positive for the virus.

The virus of Stupidity no doubt. By the way, ‘self-isolating’ is an anagram of ‘long falsities’, i.e. one is being deluded for a long time.

Rather like Long Covid where one is deluded that having toxic vaccines is not the likely cause of your illness.

On 6 April, he had reportedly returned to work having recovered from the symptoms of the virus. In July, he told the Lords Science and Technology Committee that elimination of the disease in the UK would be very difficult, a view that was contested by other scientists including members of the Independent SAGE group.

It is certainly true it is unrealistic to expect to eliminate the ‘flu across a population. Covid is the ‘flu re-branded as I keep repeating. As for Independent SAGE there is a footnote.

It refers to a Gabriel Scally, a member of Independent SAGE. He is reported as saying

But he added that Britain had a “long history of eliminating diseases”.

He pointed to measles as an example of a disease that was effectively eliminated for a long period of time in the UK, before making a resurgence in more recent years.

No doubt it is coming back because of the poisonous vaccines people keep taking as much as anything.

And of course up take of the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine is declining as people decline to be poisoned in the name of good health.

It should be noted that measles-like symptoms can be seen from other causes. For example, Amoxicillin, an anti-biotic drug has side effects including rashes:

The rash is described as maculopapular or morbilliform (measles-like;


Anyway, Gabriel Scally’s full name is Gabriel John Scally. Perhaps we could say he is a Scally wag!

Alternatively we could say he ‘Be jolly nigh rascal’ and ‘arch Joe lying balls’ which are anagrams of his name.

Back to Whitty.

At a televised briefing on 12 October where the Prime Minister introduced three tiers of localised restrictions, Whitty said he was “not confident” that the measures in the highest tier would be “enough to get on top of it”. Whitty and Vallance presented updated data and forecasts at a televised briefing on 31 October, where the Prime Minister announced stricter measures for the whole of England.

What a load of bollox it all was. As Jim Davidson said he knew it would all end in tiers!

Jim Davidson – I knew it would end in tiers !


During the outbreak, BBC health editor Hugh Pym called him “the official who will probably have the greatest impact on our everyday lives of any individual policymaker in modern times”.

So Chris Whitty became a policymaker did he? I thought he was just an adviser. Maybe it’s just Hugh Pym’s English. Still, Mr Whitty certainly has had a great impact, albeit not good.

The Guardian’s sketch writer, John Crace, described him as “the Geek-in-Chief, whom everyone now regards as the country’s de facto prime minister”. At the same time, he was compared to James Niven, the Scottish physician known for reducing the death rate of influenza during the 1918 flu pandemic in Manchester.

Nice exaggeration from the Guardian re “everyone”. As regards John Crace (pronounced Krayss rather like the Krays, the pair of gangsters who murdered etc.), he was once a heroin addict according to Wikipedia.

John Crace’s article in the Guardian where he refers to “everyone” is here.

It is quite an amusing article. It also says

There’s no one who wouldn’t rather listen to a few minutes of Whitty than half an hour of Boris’s bullshit.

Well count me out for a start. Listening to Boris’s bullshit was out too. There’s more.

The moment Whitty opens his mouth, the words flow with liquid intelligence.

Excuse me while I choke. Mind you if one considers the following one wonders quite how people managed to get themselves in such a lather about it all.

Whitty never tried to soft-soap or minimise the situation. In a worst-case scenario, 80% of the country could get the virus, the mortality rate could reach 1%, with the elderly and those with pre-existing medical conditions most at risk, and there would be no chance of the NHS having enough beds. And though his attempts at reassurance – “most people over 80 will live” – didn’t sound particularly reassuring, there was something undeniably refreshing about his honesty and directness. Here was a man willing to treat the country as adults and didn’t feel the need to lie about the severity of the situation.

Hardly doomsday scenario stuff, yet people panicked. Or did they, the article was the 5th March 2020 and most things were still quite normal. Perhaps the Guardian was trying to up the ante as they say. I don’t suppose Brexit had anything to do with it, some people would do anything to mess it all up.

John Crace has recently had a heart attack. I don’t know if he has had the COVID 19 vaccines. He is 67 so not that young.

As regards James Niven it is difficult to find out quite exactly what he did. This article gives some idea.

Manchester’s hero of the Spanish Flu

it says

This was one piece of his advice

So far as one can judge at present, in checking further outbreaks, it will be necessary to rely chiefly on general preventative measures. The measures alluded to include the maintenance of a reasonable distance between the sick and the healthy, care of the hands, avoidance of common towels and common soap, careful washing out of common basins, avoidance of the handling in common of food to be afterwards cooked, and other like precautions; above all, the immediate segregation of persons attacked.

James Niven died in 1925 following depression by committing suicide three years after his retirement. Perhaps he realised that he was mistaken about the ‘flu and how to avoid it.

Perhaps Chris Whitty will follow his example.

Back to Chris Whitty’s Wiki page.

During the Christmas weekend of 2020, Whitty was spotted treating coronavirus patients in London. It was said he “worked the shifts in his capacity as a practising doctor [as] a consultant physician at University College London Hospitals Trust… on the north London hospital’s respiratory ward over the weekend and bank holiday Monday”.

Ah, the brave, fearless Whitty, sacrificing his Christmas for the sake of his patients.

Or maybe as I gather Christmas in the hospitals can be quite festive perhaps it was better than staying at home alone.

And bearing in mind people were told to keep away from others over that Christmas, it gave him a good excuse to get out and see people.

On 26 June 2021 a group of COVID-19 protesters demonstrated outside what appeared to be Whitty’s flat in central London. Earlier in the month Whitty was followed down a street by a prominent anti-vaccine activist who shouted at him for being a liar, and in February he was called a liar multiple times while waiting for a takeaway lunch at a street food stall.

I believe this is the supposed incident.

A liar is the least of what Chris Whitty is. Remember Jesus called the Devil a liar and a murderer from the beginning.

On 27 June, Whitty was the subject of manhandling, described by Boris Johnson as “despicable harassment”, by Lewis Hughes and Jonathan Chew in St James’s Park, Westminster, who filmed the event for social media. The Health Secretary, Sajid Javid, said such behaviour would not be tolerated and that those responsible “should be ashamed”. The Vaccines Minister, Nadhim Zahawi, said they were “thugs” and should face charges.

Projection or what eh. The ministerial ‘planks’ were calling the so-called thugs ‘specks of dust’, worse than they were. I say planks but I think plonks or plonkers would be better!

As to thugs well this describes the politicians very well. The Savage Jabit should have known better. As for Nadhim Zahawi, I ask how does someone not born in this country get to help govern the country. He was dismissed in the end for tax irregularities.

‘ah him wad Nazi’ is an anagram of Nadhim Zahawi.

Zahawi said they were thugs. I couldn’t agree more, Whitty, Javid and Zahawi were thugs (among many others).

 Hughes subsequently pleaded guilty to a charge of beating and was given an eight-week suspended custodial sentence. He had previously apologised for any “upset” caused and had lost his job as an estate agent over the incident. In January 2022 Chew, who had initially pleaded not guilty, changed his plea and was given an eight-week custodial sentence.

I suppose Chew found he had bit off more than he could. All of which is presumably to make you feel sorry for Chris Whitty. Well, I don’t.

As to suspended sentences well, hanging by the neck until dead is a suspended sentence, suitable for those who have promoted death by vaccines.

Awards and honours

Whitty was appointed Companion of the Order of the Bath

This was in recognition of the fact that he could wash himself properly. Very witty I’m sure.

And that he could share his bath with someone else. This is useful to save water in a drought.

I see a footnote link to a Guardian article. A wonderful fawning piece of puke.

It says

But in medical circles, Whitty has long been regarded as a legend. Those who work with him speak in glowing terms: amazing, extraordinary, fantastic, brilliant, though perhaps not so good at tennis.

Not so good at tennis eh? Nope, he just talks a lot of balls.

He embodies the return of the expert to the national conversation almost four years after the then Vote Leave campaigner Michael Gove declared: “People in this country have had enough of experts.”

What changed their minds in 2020 then?

The now de facto deputy prime minister’s words were directed at economists who were warning of the adverse impact of Brexit, but they had a populist resonance among Brexit voters and prompted a dangerous wave of anti-expert commentary.

A dangerous wave of anti-expert commentary, eh? Well what do we expect from the Guardian nowadays.

Though Whitty works hard, clocking up 16-hour days, he is known for his sense of humour.

That has to be a joke, right??

“Thank God he’s where he is to maintain some sense of sanity about all this coronavirus business,” Mabey added. “He’s an absolutely extraordinary, brilliant man. They couldn’t have a better person in charge. He’s exactly the man we need.”

What a joke. David Mabey is professor of communicable diseases at the LSHTM it says. I have recently written about the LSHTM. This is him apparently.


David Mabey will anagram to

‘a baddy me vi’

He has a nice chain around his neck. What was it Jesus said? Oh yes,

“Jesus said to His disciples, “It is inevitable that stumbling blocks will come, but woe to the one through whom they come! It would be better for him to have a millstone hung around his neck and to be thrown into the sea than to cause one of these little ones to stumble.”

Not a chain but something more suitable.

I see

In September 2021 he was awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Plymouth

They do love their awards, don’t they?

Whitty was appointed Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath

This was in recognition of the fact that he could still wash himself properly, and share his bath with someone else.

It also means he can take charge of the bath and command the various submarines, rubber ducks and other miscellaneous toys that he no doubt owns. But we cannot be sure if he does of course as he is very private.

Personal life

Whitty is described by those familiar with him as a private person. He is single and has no children.

Perhaps he hates children. He seems to like injecting them with poisons via the vaccines, so I will go with hate. Although some people love children so much, they like to eat them or do other nasty things to them.

Such as paedophilia, also known as child sex abuse.

He has the emotional range of a pea. Or possibly a pee. I doubt it makes much difference. Perhaps he has pea-dophilia or even pee-dophilia!

I note ‘private person’ anagrams to ‘tap perversion’. Is this something to do with fiddling with his ‘plumbing’?


Here are some of his Twitter comments:

Professor Chris Whitty


Mar 24, 2020

At this stage of the epidemic we need everyone to stay at home except in specific circumstances.

The NHS depends on us making it difficult for the virus to spread. We all need to make changes. This will be very disruptive but it is essential to keep the community safe.


whitty 1

Professor Chris Whitty


Jun 25, 2020

COVID-19 has gone down due to the efforts of everyone but is still in general circulation.

If we do not follow social distancing guidance then cases will rise again. Naturally people will want to enjoy the sun but we need to do so in a way that is safe for all.

50 k likes

w 2

Professor Chris Whitty


Jan 8, 2021

The situation in the NHS is very serious and the number of people in ICU is rising rapidly.

We are improving our knowledge on how best to treat people in ICU thanks to research, but hundreds of people a day are currently dying.

We must all take the lockdown very seriously.

w 3

Professor Chris Whitty


Jan 29, 2021

A highly effective vaccine to add to the medical countermeasures against COVID-19 trialed in the UK. If it gets MHRA approval this increases our future resilience, including against the B.1.1.7 variant. Many thanks to all trial volunteers and those who conducted the research.


NIHR Research


Jan 29, 2021


The Novavax #COVID19vaccine, supported by the NIHR, is 89.3% effective at preventing COVID-19 and offers a high level of protection, according to research involving over 15,000 UK participants.

Read more:

Show more


w 4

Professor Chris Whitty


Aug 20, 2021

The great majority of adults have been vaccinated.

Four weeks working on a COVID ward makes stark the reality that the majority of our hospitalised COVID patients are unvaccinated and regret delaying. Some are very sick including young adults.

Please don’t delay your vaccine.


w 5

Professor Chris Whitty


Oct 20, 2021

COVID-19 cases are rising and winter is drawing closer.

1) If you have not been vaccinated, now is the time.

2) If you are offered a booster please take up the offer.

3) Ventilation, masks in crowded indoor spaces and hand washing remain important.

w 6

Professor Chris Whitty


Dec 21, 2021

After a very difficult year for the health system, the UK CMOs want to express our enduring thanks to, and great pride in, the health professions across the country.

We face yet more hard weeks ahead. Look out for one another as we continue to care for the public.


w 7

Professor Chris Whitty


Feb 1, 2022

Children with measles can develop encephalitis (brain inflammation). Of these some die, others have neurological disability. Mumps causes viral meningitis in children. Rubella in pregnancy is dangerous for babies.

All are preventable with MMR vaccine.

5.3 k likes

w 8

Professor Chris Whitty


Apr 24, 2023

Before vaccines, diseases such as meningitis, tetanus, measles, diphtheria and polio killed or disabled many children and young people.

Effective vaccines massively reduced these risks.

 Please take up NHS recommended vaccines- they protect children, young people and families.



Apr 24, 2023

Today is the start of #WorldImmunisationWeek

This @UKHSA blog looks at the free NHS vaccination programme and how vaccinations protect our children throughout their lives ➡️

w 9

Professor Chris Whitty


May 30, 2023

The key points about vaping (E-cigarettes) can be easily summarised.

If you smoke, vaping is much safer; if you don’t smoke, don’t vape; marketing vapes to children is utterly unacceptable.

I expand on these points in the article below.

My comment:  I suspect vaping is worse that cigarettes, all those chemicals.

w 10

Professor Chris Whitty


Jan 23

Cervical cancer will be almost eliminated in coming decades if HPV vaccination rates are high in children.

In England HPV vaccination coverage in schools is rising again but still below pre-pandemic levels. Please encourage children to get protected.

Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine coverage estimates in England: 2022 to 2023

HPV vaccine coverage data for vaccinations in England, broken down by local authority and local team.

w 11


Fluoride in water

Fluoride will be added to UK drinking water to cut tooth decay

Thu 23 Sep 2021

It says

Chris Whitty, the chief medical officer for England, and his counterparts in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland cited estimates by Public Health England that adding more fluoride to water supplies would reduce cavities by 17% among the richest children and 28% among the poorest.

The usual use of dodgy statistics to try and justify putting poison in the water. This helps big pharma get rid of its toxic waste.

They also put fluorine in medications such as Midazolam.

Fluoride is an anagram of

– dire foul

– die flour

– dour life

– or die flu

Such poisons give you the ‘flu which is a reaction to the toxifying of the body.

And Chris Whitty thinks putting poisons in the water is a good idea? Mm…..

Public health ethics

The Daily Mail is a bit of a rag, but it reports this.

The calm, collected scientist leading UK’s fight against coronavirus: New chief medical officer Professor Chris Whitty is a plague expert raised in Nigeria whose life was scarred as a teenager when his father was shot dead.

5 March 2020

In an academic article written in 1999, he said public health is ‘not a branch of morality’ and that ‘taking a stern moral line can sometimes be highly effective’.

He wrote medics should ‘differentiate sharply’ between stigmatising a pattern of behaviour – which ‘can often be justified’ – and stigmatising a person with a medical problem.

And Professor Whitty added that any doctor who argues that ‘stigma’ should never be used to try to ‘back up a public health message’ is being ‘profoundly naïve’.

Which suggests that stigmatising the public for not observing anti-social distancing, not wearing masks or not getting vaccinated is ok??

Yet he does apparently say

And he warned Britons that there is no point in them wearing masks because they won’t have a ‘significant effect’ in guarding against the virus, he said.

Didn’t stop the stupid police and others wearing them later though, and him saying later in Oct 20, 2021 people should wear them in doors.

Saving the seaside towns

Oh dear, they had better watch out in Devon – see below.


The man on the white horse comes to be the saviour of the depressed seaside towns.

Or produce another report anyway. Perhaps it would say shutting down the economy for the ‘flu was not be good for resorts. I could have told them that for free.

Pfizer vaccine

Chris Whitty’s fury at Guardian for ‘total nonsense’ claim Pfizer vaccine might only be 33% effective amid fears it could threaten jab uptake

UPDATED: 23 January 2021

33% eh? That reminds me of the Freemasons 33rd degree. Of course it may only be 33% effective at killing and injuring people.

Here’s a clip from YouTube

Chris Whitty condemns Covid myth spreaders: ‘They should be ashamed’

No Chris, it is you who should be ashamed for lying through your back teeth.

Of course he only says ‘a vaccine which COULD (my stress) be lifesaving or prevent them having life changing injuries to themselves’.

But he still lied.

Covid 19 inquiry

This of course is a complete farce and window dressing to absolve blame for evil intent by passing it off as bureaucratic or political failure.

Chris Whitty: UK should have focused more on stopping Covid-type pandemic

It says

The inquiry chair, Lady Hallett, said to Whitty: “I was astonished and sorry to hear about the abuse of you and other colleagues. It’s wrong for so many reasons … There’s so many different ways to express different opinions. Why do we have to have personal abuse?”

Indeed, why do we have abuse from the likes of Chris Whitty abusing people who warned others not to poison themselves with the vaccines?

People lied, people died they say. I say this includes Chris Whitty lying.

As to Heather Carol Hallett, a.k.a. Baroness Hallett, you ought to realise that if you lie to people consistently over a long period of time, one should expect comeback from others.

In the Wild West summary justice would have been executed on Chris Whitty. Instead he gets away with promoting grievous bodily harm and murder.

I note ‘Heather Carol Hallett’ anagrams to

– a health troll cheater

‘Baroness Hallett’ anagrams to

– Lethal BS treason

– a talentless Bohr

– She be Satan troll

No doubt I could do a whole post on her but what a useless woman she is, siding with the enemy.

The longest ingle one word anagram out of ‘Baroness Hallett’ is ‘treasonable’. That sums it up and she is supporting the mass harm and murder. The death penalty is required for such things.

How about anagrams of Chris Whitty’s name.


Christopher John MacRae Whitty = 27 letters

Christope Jn Ma Wy = 15 individual

I consider these the best and there are quite a few.


– Satanic Jew hr hr hypocrite moth

– Satanic WHO hr hypocrite Jeth Mr

– Satanic WHO cypher hermit hot jr


– Archetype Ohm WHO jr antichrist

– WHO chemotherapy jr antichrist

– Oh whom pj antichrist treachery


– Which NJ hot myrrh ectoparasite


– Hah hr psychotic Jew terminator


– He thy manic haj PC WHO terrorist


– Pharmacy whore inject Roth shit


– Thy rho whore inject pharmacist

– Oh why Jethro cretin pharmacist


– Why him injector catastrophe hr

Trojan horse

– Why I mph Trojan horse architect

– Why Mr pathetic chi Trojan horse


– Praiseworthy chm hi nj theocrat

– Hath chm praiseworthy injector


– Am Jethro Thor wretch physician

– He major troth wretch physician


– Ah I Mr Jewish trophy technocrat

– Hi hi jr shy tapeworm technocrat


– NJ hath hypocritic whoremaster

Summary and final thoughts

There you have my overview of Chris Whitty. At the start of 2020 people were praising him and one might be forgiven for thinking he was the new messiah, the Christ.

Indeed, Chris Whitty will anagram to ‘Why it Christ’. However, in reality he is the ‘Archetype Ohm WHO jr antichrist’, the anagram of his full name.

You can see how he pushed the vaccines, let alone lockdowns and masks (despite re masks having said earlier they were not any real use against a virus).

He has been set up to make people sympathise with him but this is all whitewashing of a dead man’s tomb, or in his case it’s whittywashing!

I have said in my earlier post on London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (link at end) that it is appropriate that his full name anagrams to ‘Thy jr PC White horseman chariot’.

Indeed, you can see from the anagrams I have mentioned in the main text that his antichrist, satanic nature is exposed which is substantiated by all he has said on the vaccines etc.

He is in this era the white horseman of the apocalypse, with toxic ‘arrows’ the needles of vaccines dispensing harm and death (subject to what is in each vial of course).

People talk of the banality of evil, and we see it in Chris Whitty. He has been weighed in the balance and found guilty of lying and promoting grievous bodily harm and murder by poisoning.

I consider him the equivalent of Anthony Fauci in the U.S.A. although the latter has been at it for longer. It is more than high time for Chris Whitty is brought to justice but it seems clear the Covid 19 inquiry will be a cover-up by the establishment.

We must not let that be the case, and keep pushing for people like him to be made accountable and punished for the evil they have perpetrated on the UK and the rest of the world.

Look out for the sign of Baldmichael, he will be back!

P.S.  By way of reference, I attach this link as to what was planned to be inflicted on the UK.

Coronavirus: action plan

A guide to what you can expect across the UK

Published 3 March 2020

links of mine which may be of interest.

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and the first horseman of the apocalypse – the seal is opened

A trip down memory lane – 3 Tier System

“Why vaccines do not work” in a nutshell

Anthony Fauci: director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the chief medical advisor to the president.

Covid 19 Summary