Face Nappy New Year!

By Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

1st January, 2022

Well, why not? After all, people still wear the wretched things even when it is obviously stupid, let alone when not quite so obviously stupid.

But then people are stupid, and I have said before, the latest variant of Stupid 20 is doing the rounds. This is the Moronic variety, a.k.a. Omicron, the anagram of moronic. Or is it the other way round?

Yesterday, the 31st, I thought I would get off my Cloud and go for a spin on my bog wheel. A bog wheel was my grandfather’s term for a bicycle for some reason. I really don’t k now why. I mean it has wheels, but why bog? Soft, poorly inflated tyres? I pump mine up.

Perhaps my dad will know, I must ask him.

Anyway, I saw two people, perhaps in their 50’s walking down the hill where the school used to be as I cycled up. They were on a footpath and I was on the opposite side of the road. When they saw me as I approached, they whipped out their masks and put them on.

I blinked as it were and carried on. I stopped and looked back after a few yards. The footpath they were on had ended and they were now looking up towards me.

Hopefully to see if any traffic was coming, but possibly to see if a potential source of the deadly Covid 19 variant Moronic Omicronic was far enough away. This was because I then saw them without their masks which they must have removed.

I continued cycling up muttering to myself ‘How stupid can they be??’ I probable mentioned some words that some people consider rude – I am getting frustrated by the brain numbing idiocy of it all.

We were the only people obviously around. Why are you so deluded people, you are not fit to be on this planet. This is Darwin’s devolution of the species clearly at work. Next I shall expect people to be eating the grass like cows.

Nebuchadnezzar apparently did that for 7 years for his arrogance against the Most High. Although I question the bit about the translation of eating grass, and strictly it is oxen, that is (sometimes castrated) bullocks.

But he certainly went mad. It is worth noting the ‘…zzar’ bit of his name in fact relates to ‘Tzar’ as in Russian Tsar, a king or leader.

And this is the same as Czar, or c-zar. Which sounds like Caesar, from the Latin.

Anyway, cows remind me of vacca, Italian/Latin for cow. That in turn reminds me of vaccination, and the vaccines causing severe issues and death in some.

Including mental illness it seems. I can only assume the couple I saw were vaccinated to the hilt, including the latest booster. ‘Ionic vacant’ is an anagram of vaccination. When I put Ionic vacant into the search engine I came up with these links among others.


It says

In crystallography, a vacancy is a type of point defect in a crystal where an atom is missing from one of the lattice sites.


You may need to be a chemist to follow this but it says

When a cation of higher vacancies is added as an impurity to an ionic solid , some vacancies are created . This can be explained with the help of an example . When strontium , chloride ( S r C l 2 ) (SrCl2) is added as an impurity to ionic solid sodium chloride (NaCl) , two vacant sites are created by removal of one N a + Na+ ion . One vacant site is replaced by S r 2 + Sr2+ ion but the other remains vacant . The reason is that the crystal as a whole is to remain electrically neutral. Read more on Sarthaks.com –

In essence it makes me wonder if the vaccines knock out atoms and therefore render the neural pathways empty in places, like missing stepping stones across a river.

In other words as I have said elsewhere, the vaccines are merely neuro-toxins and stop your body and brain working properly.

So clearly the couple I saw had suffered damage from the vaccines. Or at least a similar effect from something at any rate.

Vaccination reminds me of ‘cows in the nation’; I wrote a story about that if you are interested. Suitable for children of all ages, adult children included!

But it all makes you wonder if people who have the vaccines and wear face nappies a.k.a. masks have had their brain’s chemistry altered. This would explain a lot of the madness going on.

And perhaps they are pretty vacant and they don’t care?

I found this link which was interesting.

Marjorie Taylor is wearing a mask, but presumably more to make a point with the message ‘Trump won’. Seems reasonable to me, given that Joe Biden is senile. One wonders how he got far enough to be the democratic front runner, let alone vice president (sic).

But I have talked about that elsewhere on my site. See link at end.

Marjorie hugs a man in a wheel chair. That’s good, bit of affection always helps. Of course nobody has seemed to comment how dangerous this is, to be so close.

But then that’s because it isn’t dangerous; just like wearing these stupid masks is pointless except in this instance to make a sensible statement.

There is a video link at the bottom. Bear in mind this is January 2021, a year ago. There is a Kate Taylor talking about her journeys around the world. She looks nice (I am a man, I notice these things).

She talks about whether she has been naïve about the CDC advice. Yes Kate, I am sorry to say you are. The CDC couldn’t advise a cowman to clean up a cow pat, let alone advise properly on health.

Still, cleaning down things is nice for people if things are grubby, especially if you make a mess (I have wiped my place at table myself in restaurants etc. if I have made a mess). But generally in this case the airline company should be cleaning after the flight, not you.

This link is interesting. Some of it may be useful to see what the idiot so-called experts are thinking, if thinking is the right word.

Which it isn’t. Stinking might be better, the whole thing stinks of ignorance and corruption.

‘This Scientist Just Gave The Best Explanation Of Covid Vaccine Safety’.

This is a further sub-link to a scientist, Robin Shattock; under Wikipedia entry it says he works at Imperial college.

Oh dear, that explains a lot. Neil Ferguson of 500,000 deaths from Covid 19 fame works there. He, Robin, went to Lancing College, not so very far from where my Cloud is currently stationed.

He is ‘…professor of mucosal infection and immunity.’ As it is pantomime season we can say ‘Oh no, he snot!!!’

Apparently’… he was initially more interested in acting and music than science.’

He still is by the looks of things if he thinks the vaccines he has helped develop are any good. He’s making a song and dance about them. Doesn’t seem Lancing College gives a good education then, in science at least.

Top anagrams of his full name, Robin John Shattock, include:

Ashton Bjorn thicko

Abort Johnson thick

Whether the second refers to Boris Johnson or Robin I don’t know. How about both, yes let’s stick with both.

Top anagram of his name, Robin Shattock, is

attrib schnook – i.e. attributes of a schnook, a stupid or gullible person.


Le Schnook works in the cartoon series SpongeBob Squarepants. He is not very nice. Read the section about him. He leaves the restaurant almost bankrupt with his demands. Like the UK perhaps?


Further anagrams:

Actor bonk shit

Actor knob shit

bant crook shit

Boot crank shit

Actor hob stink

Oh dear, do you think these are significant?

This is his academic profile from the university website.


Professor Shattock has published over 160 peer reviewed articles in this area and secured funding from the European Commission, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome Trust, MRC and the NIH.

So no bias then, we all trust Bill and Melinda don’t we? No? Oh, perhaps not.

Robin did a virtual lecture to his old college.


It says

‘…but still recognised that to be successful in science (and in most endeavours) the use of knowledge in a creative fashion is paramount.’

Use of knowledge in this case means, make things up as you go along. Also known as fibbing, distorting the truth and lying.

It was a virtual lecture. Virtual means among other things ‘…very close to being something without actually being it’


‘…of, relating to, or being a hypothetical particle whose existence is inferred from indirect evidence’

From https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/virtual

Therefore in so many words, fibbing, distorting the truth and lying in this case.

On Twitter video he says vaccines “saved more lives than any other medicine”.

Bollox. It has allegedly helped prevent some illnesses, whist maiming and killing people in the process. Again and again vaccines have done this. The Covid 19 vaccines just happen to be rather better at it, that’s all.

The supposed benefits are merely distortion of the reality. No one has ever tested you for anti-bodies that can be put down to the vaccines in the long term.

Vaccines are of no benefit whatsoever. I used to think otherwise until I researched properly last year at 60 years of age.

“When you’re looking at side effects, most side effects occur very quickly. Within a week or so of have having a vaccine we would see any severe side effect at this stage.”

What about long term effects, you little shit?

“No regulatory authority, whether it’s the UK Medicines Regulatory Authority, or the European Regulatory Authority or the FDA will let anything go through that doesn’t have a totally squeaky clean safety record.”

How can it be squeaky clean if you have only monitored for a year, you little shit?

“One thing that I think people completely forget is that a vaccine stimulates your immune system, it tricks it to see if it’s seen the virus, so you’re getting an aspect of the infection that’s so much minor than the real virus.

So what?? Your immune system is not fooled, it identifies a foreign body and works to reject from your body with anti-bodies. The anti-bodies stay a while in your body until the job is done, then they fade away.

Until the next time that you have something nasty, or Nazi, a shit shot, injected into your system, you little shit.

So take vitamin D via good food and the sun (free!) if you do the right things, to boost your immune system. See links at end.

“So when you think about the risk-benefit, the risk of having a severe outcome from Covid-19 far outweighs any theoretical risk of a vaccine, and the problem is that vaccines are so successful that diseases go away and all you see are the side effects.”

The risk of having a severe outcome from Covid 19, a.k.a. the ‘flu until re-branding last year to sell vaccines, is very low. Haven’t you seen the statistics, you little shit?

And don’t make me laugh about ‘vaccines being so successful’ you little shit. They have only ever caused harm and sometimes death. You are an ignorant fool, compromised by relying on money from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

What you should have said is ‘the problem is that vaccines are so pointless that all you see are the side effects’.

Because that is all they do, the biggest fraud of the century (and last century too), you little shit

Going back to masks, the earlier Huffington Post article has a link at the bottom called:

We Can’t Wear Face Masks, Don’t Shame Us, Say Those With Invisible Illnesses

Here a young woman called Nicola Little, who has asthma and beautiful big eyes despite being Little, points out how she can’t wear a mask.

Fazilet Hadi, a policy manager at Disability Rights UK, very sensibly points out

“We really urge the public to be kind and assume that the people around them aren’t wearing it for a reason.”

Quite. It is written in the Bible, the love of many will grow cold. This is occurring because people have had their brains destroyed by vaccines etc.

This is not rocket science. Even I worked this one out last year, and have not worn a mask just because some idiot tells me I must, or I am putting them or their staff at risk. Like a doctor once said to me in the heat wave in June last year.

Burke. The doctor not me, that is. Mind you there are a lot of stupid doctors around, whether M.D.s or Ph.D.s.

As regards mask wearing, I identify 4 main groups

1.        Won’t wear – Those free from fear, even though they may not understand why in all the issues, they realise it is inherently wrong. They may wear masks when suits them as situation demands when truly sensible to do so. They may use them to make a statement like ‘Trump won’.

Or possibly to make fun of all the stupidity. Why not wear a daft Vader mask, a scarf and 10 gallon hat like a cowboy, anything really. Cardboard box on the head with appropriate writing like ‘keep right way up’, or ‘my other mask is at home’, that sort of thing.

Or ‘I am really ugly and I look better like this’.

Or ‘if you look at my face, you will turn to stone as my gaze will petrify you like the Gorgon’.

2.        Will wear – on sufferance to avoid confrontation and the ensuing agro. Too tired to always resist, but prepared to fight battle on their own ground when pushed.

3.        Will wear – multi-layered – may wear on occasions when silly to do so to or wear almost all times despite obviously stupid. This does not cover those who think screens or visors of any reasonable use; they look complete wallies.

4.        Will wear – possibly always, in cars on their own, with loved ones (I assume they love each other but probably not if they are both afraid of a hoax). I believe they do take off to eat and drink, but I can’t be sure.

Perhaps they have their food blended into a soup so they can drink via a straw, which would suit their logic. Except, of course, there is no logic whatsoever in that.

There are various reasons for all this but boils down to these:


Fear as in fear of authorities who are public servants; but they serve us, not the other way round.

Fear as in internal fear of something they have hidden for years and don’t want found out, perhaps something like abuse etc. or some shyness for some reason.’ I don’t look good.’ (Who says so, don’t assume it, you are far better than you realise).

Sadly, too many are female who seem to suffer this. Why is this the case? Social conditioning, the ridiculous advertising to make them want the unobtainable look, or latest fashion.

Adverts to make them buy unnecessary things that too often pollute the planet when the plastic containers are thrown away.

There are men who do this too, of course, but women seem more prone to it.

Blind Obedience

As in the Germanic trait which has infiltrated society. We know where that leads don’t we, I hope? Apparently in Germany, it is the women who often rule the roost. Angela Merkel, the Mark Angel, a mark of the beast, was ruling the roost there.

Too lazy

Can’t be bothered to fight. This may be in part due to diet and obesity etc, but may be a state of mind too.

Mere stupidity

The result of brain washing, so much so, that the brain has been substantially washed away by propaganda on the T.V. etc.

Overall, we have all been subjected to subliminal messages on multi-media esp. main stream, which includes books and films.

I found the following re masking problems. It is excellent. I have also read an article about a lady whose son relies on lip reading to help him understand what people are saying. If you rely wholly on lip reading, then it is blindingly obvious that this is necessary.


So do wake up if you are not already. Please be aware that much of what is going on is to distract you from far more important battles round the health and welfare of the nations, the move to digitise everything, centralise control and take over your lives, let alone a probably depopulation agenda.

They want to euthanise you, murder you in the womb before you start, turn you transgender, confuse you with various letters of the alphabet including LGBTQ (but not necessarily in than order), anything to muck you up. Other first letters are available for muck, like the first letter of first of course.

The elite want your money, and will do anything to get it. Lie, cheat and murder if necessary. Their lies are always concealed by half-truths so that there can be confusion and doubt.

They divide and conquer.

But once you realise this, you have woken up. You just need the right words and the power to act.

As always I point to Jesus Christ, who is the Word of God. In Him you find all you need, and He points the way to the heavenly Father who gives generously to those who ask.

But there is a battle royal going on, so things are not always as straightforward as it may seem. It can take time for things to get through.

I am here to help if I can. But there is only one of me and lots of others who can help in their way. So just ask if you are in need. We can only do our best, and sometimes we do fail, so be patient.

And so again I say have a face nappy New Year!

No, let’s make it a ‘No face nappy New Year!’ instead.

This will be the New Normal (like the Old Normal, only with wisdom this time).

Bye for now, and see you next time without the face nappies.

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P.S. If you should wish to, whilst the lyrics are rather ‘vacant’, I love the raw energy of this.

As it says

Don’t ask us to attend

‘Cause we’re not all there.

Oh don’t pretend ’cause I don’t care

I don’t believe illusions ’cause too much is real

So stop your cheap comment

‘Cause we know what we feel

The Emperor’s New Cows

Joe Biden – the first 13 days

D is for…..D. Vitamin D 

V is for…..Vaccination

Sunshine, sunburn and sunstroke

This is very helpful and includes reference to Imperial College and Robin Shattock


Author: alphaandomega21

Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector'sson. When not posting pages or paging posties, trying to be a good husband, and getting over a long term health issue, I am putting the world to rights. I have nothing better to do, so why not? But of course that includes dancing, being funny (in more than one sense), poking fun at life, poking fun at myself, deflating the pompous, reflating the sad. Seeking to heal the whole of the soul (and body where possible). In short making life as good as it possibly can be for others as well as myself. You can't say fairer than that. But if you can, please say. People need to know.

3 thoughts on “Face Nappy New Year!”

  1. “This is not rocket science. Even I worked this one out last year, and have not worn a mask just because some idiot tells me I must, or I am putting them or their staff at risk. Like a doctor once said to me in the heat wave in June last year.”

    You talk my language and you prevented your own brain from being altered from the get goes of the Hoax Pandemic as I did the same things you did and watched as even relatives and neighbors bought into it all and fell prey to the madness some of them now too damaged to really carry on a lengthy coherent and congenial conversation with!

    I just wrote today in a reblog how a week and a half ago I was at a major retail store and only a few patrons had masks on but the long ago conceived agenda and the now well established mechanism having been put into operation to deliver the cancellation of millions then eventually billions of human beings; yesterday in this same store suddenly I was one of about 3 or 4 who had no mask while over a hundred shoppers, now like March of 2020, every one of them was wearing nappies on those dangerous facial orifices that have the ability to strike another person dead if not covered and separated by at least a six foot buffer zone! I look around and say people have really lost it, and the human population has been severely damaged as more people than not are walking imbeciles and no better off than chickens pecking seed out on some farm where all those chickens are content to just peck away all day oblivious to the larger picture; until the day comes to get their throats cut!

    I’ll just leave a few links to a few of my essays so if you get too bored you can check them out and then who knows maybe one of us will come up with some novel idea on how to save the human race from running off the cliff together!

    Happy Nappy New Year!






    Keep your faith strong for what is ahead, and, Jesus has all the answers we need in this lost and losing man made world now!
    God bless you and yours.

    Brother in Christ Jesus,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Lawrence

      What a wonderful comment! Thank you very much indeed. I find it extraordinary that only 3 or 4 of the people in the store weren’t wearing masks, but then I think that would probably be similar here in the South of England. Sussex does have sane people, but so many are incredibly dim.

      The worst of it is when I tell people to go check the gov.uk website, even if common sense would tell someone to get their act together, I don’t think they do. But the UK’s website says clearly guidance so it shouldn’t be that hard. I do see people waking up on YouTube, but these are anti-stupidity sites so it is expected.

      I think the truth is like any war it is a long hard slog. And soldiers do need R & R, rest and relaxation as the US army used (perhaps still does) call it. I did a timeline in my previous post End of year round up etc. where I have seen that we follow a WW2 timeline, although in the States I see also a American Civil War timeline too. The coincidences seem unreal, but logical in a bizarre way if you understand me.

      Many thanks for your links, much appreciated. I have been telling myself I must look in on your site, so I think I will at least start to have a look shortly. I struggle with my energy as my head is heavy with the ongoing tiredness; I wish I had more than one head sometimes and several arms and keyboards to do all I want to do online!

      Thank you for your encouragement, all Truth is in Jesus, and with the Holy Spirit dwelling in our hearts we are more than conquers. Onwards and upwards. The angels are with you.

      Yours in Christ


      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hey Baldmichael good to hear back so soon! Yes I see what you mean but overall people don’t really change much being creatures of habit most of the time just as they say, in the rat race and needing to hustle a living unless they are wards of the state like some communist nations where thinking for yourself is kept at a bare minimum; they just want compliant drones.
        Don’t be concerned about checking anything unless you have the time and really want to spend any free time on these rants of mine. But if you do find some time maybe something can strike your interest to carry over into a conversation which may prove helpful going forward with the way things are now, and one never can tell. That was funny the multiple head idea, more like a gorgon or medusa; some kind of mythology creature comes to mind! Yes the R&R or rest and recuperation is still a standard official term in the military here too!
        I just wrote last night in a comment “onward and upwards” talking about picking up our broken lives at times, in order to carry on with doing our Father’s will and letting Jesus lead the way! You’re so right too, it’s all in being in tune with the Holy Spirit, the Comforter; so He can teach and speak in our hearts.

        The angels are with you as well and I’m looking forward to some opportunities ahead to encourage each other and discuss very pertinent matters at hand in this global war that is both materially finite while spiritual warfare!

        I hope you’re off to a great start and feeling well in all respects with the New Year; and that all is blessed and peaceful for you and yours!
        My best to you!
        Yours in Christ

        Liked by 1 person

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