Coughs and tickles

By Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

This idea came to me the other day when I was looking for something to read in bed before sleeping.

It was a choice between Peter and Wendy, the Peter Pan story by J.M. Barrie, or Fillets of Plaice by Gerald Durrell. I had read neither but decided on Peter Pan.

I had seen a Christmas production at the London Coliseum as a child with Dorothy Tutin as Peter Pan and the 2003 film. I daresay I have seen the Disney cartoon film too, but I cannot recall if I saw it all the way through.

The book was a gift to my maternal grandmother in 1911 when she would have been 9 or 10 years old. According to Wikipedia the book was published in 1911 although I cannot find a publication date in the book.

Anyway, on page 6 I read this extract referring to Nana, the children’s nurse, who happens to be a dog!

“She (Nana) had a genius for knowing when cough is a thing to have no patience with and when it needs a stocking round your throat. She believed to her last day in old fashioned remedies like rhubarb leaf, and made sound of contempt over all this new-fangled talk about germs and so on.”

I thought I would look at these three points. But firstly I will note what hopefully everybody knows that

Coughing can be a reflex, or an involuntary response. It is your body’s way to clear your airways and lungs of fluid, food, particles, or irritants. Coughing also moves mucus up to your throat so you can spit it out, helping to clear your chest.


The majority of coughs will be nothing to worry about, but as the article indicates persistent coughs may indicate something else including:

– Environmental Allergens

– Air Pollutants

– Medical Conditions

Many issues arise because of environmental conditions and dealing with these should be the priority. Public health improvements dealt with many of the issues from industrialisation in the UK in the 1800’s and early 1900’s, only to be replaced by vehicle and other pollution.  

And some people still live in substandard housing or for various reasons cause their own problems such as condensation of which as a building surveyor I was well aware.

Added to which sadly we must add the medical industrial complex’s promoting of vaccines and big pharma drugs damaging our bodies. This link mentions some medications.

Drug-Induced Cough                   Published online 2020 Dec 1.

Stocking round your throat

This could of course be a scarf. Now it was my wife who introduced me to this to reduce the likelihood of a tickle or mild sore throat becoming worse. She has used this at night particularly.

I have certainly found it helps although I will do other things as well.

As to how it might help, it seems that raising the temperature of the throat slightly will help the body protect itself.

However, the cause of the tickle or cough needs to be considered. For example, I have found that certain sugary foods, particularly sweets or candies, can damage the throat lining leaving it vulnerable.

In fact I would say the effect is like a chemical ‘burning’ and I suppose in essence that is what it is.

It seems that dehydration is probably a large part of the problem. We are after all 75% or so water, and the throat drying out leaves it vulnerable as we produce less saliva.

This article is very interesting on the power of saliva.

The power of saliva: Antimicrobial and beyond

2019 Nov

It says saliva is 99% water, so if we can’t produce so much this is likely to be a problem. Dehydration will start with a dry mouth as the other parts of the body will suffer if they were ‘robbed’ of water.

In any event a dry mouth obviously warns us we need to drink and water is what is primarily required.

Apart from water to rehydrate I do find that a teaspoon of olive oil is a great help.

Here are some further ideas extracted from this link on scarves and sore throats.

Ashley Bennet

From USA

What helps against sore throat?

Here is the list of home remedies for treating sore throat you might not know about.

1. Salt Water

Salt water is reckoned as one of the simplest and most effective home remedies for sore throat, which has been used for a long time.

Warm salt water can help soothe a sore throat and break down secretions.

A half teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water is recommended for reducing swelling and keep the throat clean.

2. Honey

The next ingredient on the list of home remedies for sore throat is honey thanks to its antibacterial and antimicrobial quality.

Drink tea or warm lemon water mixed with honey is a time-honored way to soothe a sore throat.

2 teaspoons (10 milliliters) of honey at bedtime help reduce cough and improve sleep, too

3. Licorice Root

Licorice root has long been used as a useful treatment in home remedies for sore throats. It is effective when you mix it with water to create a gargle solution.

Licorice Root tea is also the secret to any sore throat tea. The infusion is intensely sweet and creates a viscous coat to soothe sore throats.

4. Slippery Elm

Do not forget to try slippery elm when your condition of sore throat becomes worse since this plant makes such a great treatment for sore throat. When you mix it with water, this mucus-like substance in it forms a slick gel that coats and soothes. To use, pour boiling water over powdered bark, stir, and drink. You may also find slippery elm lozenges that will help.

5. Peppermint

Due to the content of menthol, peppermint can be a great companion in home remedies for sore throat. Specifically, sprays containing peppermint oil may relieve sore throats, which helps thin mucus and calm sore throats and coughs more than a placebo.

6. Marshmallow Root

Like slippery elm, marshmallow root is another treatment for sore throat, which contains a mucus-like substance that coats and soothes a sore throat. You can add some of the dried root to a cup of boiling water to make tea. Sipping the tea two to three times a day may help ease throat pain.

7. Lemon and water

A mixture of one teaspoon of lemon juice and one cup of water will be a good home remedy for sore throat. A hostile (acidic) environment for viruses and bacteria will be created and it also help shrink swollen throat tissues.

8. Ginger, Honey, and Lemon in Water

Sometimes, all we need for a perfect home remedy for sore throat are one teaspoon of each powdered ginger and honey, ½ cup of hot water, and the juice of ½ squeezed lemon. Add ginger, lemon juice, honey, and gargle into hot water, then stir it up. This home remedy is simple and effective. Honey coats the throat and has mild antibacterial properties.

9. Hot sauce and water

Pain and inflammation will be alleviated by this capsicum in hot peppers. Five shakes of ground cayenne pepper (or hot sauce) and a cup hot water for sore throat. Try this gargle every 15 minutes and see how it works. It will burn but this can be the simplest and fastest choice.

10. Sage and Water

By mixing 1 teaspoon sage, ½ teaspoon alum, ¼ cup brown sugar, 3/8 cup vinegar, and 1/8 cup of water, we will have a traditional home remedy for sore throat. In detail, sage and water can soothe a sore throat, ease painful a swollen nasal passages.

11. Clove Tea

Do not miss the clove tea since it will help you a lot with a home remedy for sore throat. Pour hot water into 1 to 3 teaspoons of powdered or ground cloves, mix it up and gargle. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties in cloves will help soothe and heal a sore throat.

12. Tomato Juice

A mixture of ½ cup tomato juice and ½ cup of hot water, plus 10 drops hot pepper sauce will be a temporary remedy to relieve sore throat. With the antioxidant properties of lycopene, sore throat can be soothed faster.

13. Green Tea

Nothing more to say about this. Green tea is always the most natural and effective remedy for sore throar and really good for health. Brew a cup, make alittle extra and gargle with it, bacteria will be killed. Your throat may be harboring.

14. Goldenseal and Water

Add ½ teaspoon goldenseal tincture into 8 ounces water, we will have a good mixture. Gargle it, the viruses and bacteria will be killed because it soothes inflamed throat tissue.

Rhubarb leaves

I cannot find any obvious reasons why rhubarb leaves might have a health benefit but I did find this interesting link.

7 Surprisingly Brilliant Uses For Rhubarb Leaves

it is pointed out that we have been told for a long time don’t eat the leaves as they are toxic. It says

This is because the large leafy greens contain oxalic acid. When eaten in high enough quantities, oxalic acid can cause a slew of stomach and kidney problems, and possibly even death.

It goes on to say

As the story goes, the first publicized cases of rhubarb leaf poisoning occurred during the First World War. To ease food shortages, the British government encouraged its citizens to eat rhubarb leaves to aid the war effort. The recommendation was promptly withdrawn after reports of sickness and death.

I haven’t found a primary source for that but this seems to be nothing new from government. After all we had the government say vaccines are ‘safe and effective’ and that is not working out too well.

Continuing the article says

Muddying the waters even more is that many herbs, fruits, and vegetables also contain oxalic acid. As does coffee, tea, chocolate, and beer.

Surprisingly, spinach, Swiss chard, and beet greens have – gram for gram – higher levels of oxalic acid than rhubarb leaves. And we eat them just fine.

One possible explanation for this discrepancy is that rhubarb leaves also contain anthraquinone glycosides. These phenolic compounds have been reported to be toxic in animal experiments and could very well be the true culprit behind rhubarb leaf poisonings.

Well, as ‘satanic hydrosol queening’ is an anagram of ‘anthraquinone glycosides’ perhaps this is significant.

Germs – germ theory

It was interesting to see the comment in Peter and Wendy re new-fangled talk about germs. I don’t intend to go into detail merely to point out how, in 1911, it was being pushed.

Also that the fear of germs was pushed so that an invisible (to the naked eye) microorganisms known as pathogens or “germs” can cause disease.

One has to wonder if the whole thing was part of the psychology behind WW1 which started 3 years later in 1914.  

After all, it was Robert Koch, a German, who was much responsible for the development of the theory. So create a bogeyman, a germ, which the root of the word ‘German’. Germ itself is used as a word meaning ‘root’ as in germ of an idea or germinate.

The very fact that the war caused such trauma to many followed by another dreadful world war 20 years after the end of the first has helped germ theory get established as many good men were killed who might have otherwise stood up against the nonsense.

Those that remained had more than enough to do in helping rebuild the country again after the disruption.

The fear of germs has been given a good satirical beating by George Carlin who uses strong language to make his points. Whilst I don’t agree with all his conclusions as to why he didn’t fall sick (his lack of fear is probably the real reason), this video is worth considering.

Fear of GERMS – George Carlin

I found this link posted on a Sam Bailey substack post yesterday for which I am very grateful, providing a look at the issue from a biblical perspective. I have yet to trawl through it but I append the link here for reference.

A look into scripture. Are germs and contagious viruses really what we are being told

Summary and final thoughts

So some thoughts on coughs and tickles and a few other matters all arising out of a couple of sentences in a children’s book.

Whether a scarf round the neck truly helps against a tickly cough developing into something worse is perhaps debatable, but as one breathes via the throat, keeping it warm and moist is a good thing.

But of course moisture requires water so that is the priority number 1. And there are many pleasant ways to drink water with something added with can give you additional nutrients your body needs and helping sooth the tickle.

You can find such things in your kitchen and garden or buy them from others. They will be more effective than buying the cough medicine which is highly likely to contain Paracetamol. I have pointed out the issues with that in another post, link at the end.

As regards the book ‘Peter and Wendy’ you can find it online. The reference to the passage I quote is here.

To finish I will mention that what is rather intriguing is that the words ‘coughs and tickles’ will anagram to the following:

Chest aid CS lung ok

aids lung choke cst

aids unlock chest g

nags use thick cold

achiest colds gunk

ask itched unclogs

This indicates the purpose of coughs and tickles, what they indicate and what they can clear out, mucus gunk from the lungs etc.

So as so often it seems it is all in the words.

And in the beginning was the Word…

Look out for the sign of Baldmichael, he will be back!

P.S. Here are my links on Paracetamol, vaccines and drugs.

Paracetamol (branded as Tylenol, Calpol and Panadol among others) – how useful is it really?

“Why vaccines do not work” in a nutshell

The Big Pharma health business model in a nutshell – drugs

Fear is the Key

What is the ‘flu a.k.a Covid 19 and why vaccines are pointless at best.

Standard text for defeating the argument that vaccines help the human body.

By Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

11th August, 2022

This is my standard text I use around the internet. Please use as you see fit if it helps, adapt to suit your own needs and way of dialogue with others. If you disagree with any of it I am happy to discuss but please make sure you have read my text in full first.

If you do use it and refer to me, please make sure you do not misquote me or take me out of context.

As a Chartered Building Surveyor in the UK with a broad knowledge of many subjects in science and language I have been well placed and trained to set out the case that the world has been deceived over many decades as to the supposed usefulness of vaccines. Here’s the text.


“I have had my fair share of vaccines, including polio I believe. I used to think vaccines were of some use until, at 60 years of age in 2020, I researched properly.   I changed my mind.

Covid 19 and the ‘flu

Covid 19 is the ‘flu, renamed or re-branded if you will at the end of 2019 and dressed up as a monster to scare people. This helps big pharma etc, control the populace and make more money.

The ‘flu is the internal toxicosis of the body, mainly via urea, partly due to metabolism of food and partly due to the many poisons in our environment which can and do enter our bodies in the air, food and water. The ‘flu cannot be transmitted to someone else as it is individual to each person.

Unless your blood is given to someone in a blood transfusion, for example.

In essence urea is a neuro-toxin due to the nitrogen which the body may use up to a point but must ultimately excrete as it is from ammonia which is highly toxic.

Injecting poisons such as via vaccines merely adds to the toxicosis problem. Vaccines have never been of any use, it is merely that constant and persistent ‘advertising’ persuaded people that they were of use. The various deaths and harm have been well-documented over the decades. It is being documented now.

Vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D deficiency is the true pandemic due to indoor working and living away from the sunshine which, if we do the right thing things, will give us vitamin D (free!). Big pharma etc. are not keen on free as they don’t make much money out of it.

Vitamin D levels drop in the winter months, depending on latitude, due to reduced sunshine levels and as any gains in the summer months are depleted.

Lack of vitamin D causes rickets among other things. Polio was merely rickets re branded again for big pharma to make money – but see note at end of this subheading.

The polio vaccine was pointless. A good dose of vitamin D such as was once given via cod liver oil in a spoon (a disgusting taste I understand). You can now get this in capsule form of course.

(Note added 16th March 2023 – Other issues with cause of polio are DDT poisoning I gather, but I have yet to research. As this stage it should be said that disease is essentially internal poisoning and all diseases merely made up names for certain symptoms lumped together).

Vaccines are neuro-toxins

Vaccines are neuro-toxins, if there is anything in them at all, as are most big pharma drugs. The toxic drugs contain nitrogen and can be readily identified as a consequence if you know the chemistry.

Therefore they are at best pointless, suppressing symptoms and not dealing with the real issue. Indeed, they usually merely add to the issues, hence the ever increasing cycle of drugs to treat side effects of drugs etc.

This ever increasing cycle is good for big pharma business, but not for the human body.

Vaccines and immune system

If your immune system is in good order then by and large you will tolerate a poisonous vaccine. If weakened you will suffer various side effects. If your immune system is very poor you may die.

Boosting your immune system with vitamin D can go a long way to protecting you against the toxicosis, but vitamin C is very good as an anti-oxidant to help flush the toxins out of your system. By and large you should be able to gain your vitamins etc from good, untainted food. Highly processed foods will not help.

Vaccines and alleged correlation to benefits

I have seen the statistics on Australia since February 2020. These show a close correlation between Covid cases and vaccination. It is abundantly clear the vaccines are causing the case numbers rise, as would be expected. Look at other statistics and you will no doubt see the same correlation. It is not rocket science.

Vaccine makers will say that correlation is not causation, although try telling that to those who fall ill immediately after the shot (or die!).

However, they use the same argument for justifying that vaccines do any good, that because people don’t fall ill or not so badly, it is the vaccines which have helped. Pure nonsense, and unsubstantiated at that. Lots of factors change over time and each person is an individual, not a herd.

Links to further discussions and outside references

I have done much on Covid 19 etc., here is my link to my summary. That gives access to the various other issues. I cover the statistics in the UK and USA and more recently those in Australia.

The following explains the variants. These are merely fear techniques to fool the gullible.

The propaganda fear

The following explains the media fear campaign.

A useful website on the deceit.

Fear is a major problem in health. It should be noted that fear tends to ‘freeze’ the body’s immune system from functioning correctly and can stop people doing sensible things. Like avoiding having foreign bodies injected into their systems.

So when your soul or spirit is at peace your health will tend to be better. However, this does not mean you will avoid the side effects of chemical poisoning on your body if you don’t eat and drink cleanly.

Vaccines are not ‘free’

And I wonder how many people would choose to have a vaccine if they had to pay for them directly rather than via their taxes (vaccination is not free)?

Deceit of governments changing the goalposts and playing Russian roulette with our bodies

As regards vaccinated/unvaccinated I gather the goal posts keep changing so unvaccinated currently means not fully vaccinated in at least some countries. This means people who have had vaccines are lumped in with those who have not had recent vaccines. Therefore the people of the world are being duped into having something nasty put into their bodies.

Unless they like playing Russian roulette with their bodies of course. But then that is both sad and mad.

Variance of symptoms – the causes

As regards reasons of variance of symptoms, if any, between those who are vaccinated the problem lies in not knowing what exactly in each vial; sadly people will sell nothing for something and the vial might contain only saline, it is impossible to tell without testing each vial.

Each person is an individual in any case, circumstances can vary enormously, and each person must be considered on a case by case basis. Even within family groups no one person is exactly the same.


There are various ways of dealing with the toxins in your body but prevention is better than cure. However, ultimately the root to good health is in eating, drinking, sleeping and living well.

I say in my Covid 19 summary the cure (and indeed the defence) is in the name Covid.

C Or VItamin D. Stress on the capitals. These two vitamins are critical

Final observations and conclusions

Vaccines are causing the issues by and large nowadays and case numbers and deaths will rise as a consequence. I recommend avoiding vaccines like the plague.

As regards dying with, by, from, through etc. etc. Covid 19/the ‘flu, in essence the body organs are poisoned and then fail one by one. The ultimate cause is poisoning, but the symptoms, the cormorbidities, are what people are seen to die with.

Even the poisoning in itself is a deceit on the body’s defence systems and persuades them not to act, thus hastening sickness and death.

Some people have had the vaccines and are then promptly ill for a while, often very ill. I even know people who I would call friends. I warned them and they did not listen. Quite mad they are.

As I have said I used to think vaccines were of some use. But they were only ever said to be of some help preventing ‘infection’ or reducing severity of the disease.

In reality this is a whopping lie, and because it is so large a whopper, it is a bitter pill for many to swallow that that they have been right royally had as the saying goes.

To repeat, correlation is not causation. This applies to big pharma ‘advertising’ that vaccines work when in fact this is all lies.

As regards vaccines not doing any good, there is a trail of evidence as long as your arm as it were or even longer. This goes back decades regarding big pharma and the corruption and injury it has caused.

As regards any reports from vaccines companies saying their products will be effective, well they would say, that wouldn’t they? They know there are suckers out there who trust anything they are told without double checking properly.

I note that vaccination is an anagram of ‘Icon Vatican’ or even ‘I con Vatican’. Referring to the icon, brand or mark of the Vatican, a Beast of Revelation. ‘I con’ refers to the fraud and deception that Covid 19 is anything more than the ‘flu.

As regards the ‘believers’ who place their trust vaccines as their saviour, they are seriously deluded. Their religion will not save them. It is very sad.

Please note I do use humour as necessary on posts and pages to lighten the mood and help make the points. I will use strong salty language if required. I am not PC.”

The fraud behind vaccines is so vast that many people struggle to comprehend it, but is like the tip of a very big iceberg; you only see a tenth above the surface.

What is below is the damage caused by the other big pharma drugs which cause harm.

It’s in the name pharma. P-harm-a. It really is that obvious.

P.S. This article will be placed in The Arsenal section on my World Menu

Face Nappy New Year!

By Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

1st January, 2022

Well, why not? After all, people still wear the wretched things even when it is obviously stupid, let alone when not quite so obviously stupid.

But then people are stupid, and I have said before, the latest variant of Stupid 20 is doing the rounds. This is the Moronic variety, a.k.a. Omicron, the anagram of moronic. Or is it the other way round?

Yesterday, the 31st, I thought I would get off my Cloud and go for a spin on my bog wheel. A bog wheel was my grandfather’s term for a bicycle for some reason. I really don’t k now why. I mean it has wheels, but why bog? Soft, poorly inflated tyres? I pump mine up.

Perhaps my dad will know, I must ask him.

Anyway, I saw two people, perhaps in their 50’s walking down the hill where the school used to be as I cycled up. They were on a footpath and I was on the opposite side of the road. When they saw me as I approached, they whipped out their masks and put them on.

I blinked as it were and carried on. I stopped and looked back after a few yards. The footpath they were on had ended and they were now looking up towards me.

Hopefully to see if any traffic was coming, but possibly to see if a potential source of the deadly Covid 19 variant Moronic Omicronic was far enough away. This was because I then saw them without their masks which they must have removed.

I continued cycling up muttering to myself ‘How stupid can they be??’ I probable mentioned some words that some people consider rude – I am getting frustrated by the brain numbing idiocy of it all.

We were the only people obviously around. Why are you so deluded people, you are not fit to be on this planet. This is Darwin’s devolution of the species clearly at work. Next I shall expect people to be eating the grass like cows.

Nebuchadnezzar apparently did that for 7 years for his arrogance against the Most High. Although I question the bit about the translation of eating grass, and strictly it is oxen, that is (sometimes castrated) bullocks.

But he certainly went mad. It is worth noting the ‘…zzar’ bit of his name in fact relates to ‘Tzar’ as in Russian Tsar, a king or leader.

And this is the same as Czar, or c-zar. Which sounds like Caesar, from the Latin.

Anyway, cows remind me of vacca, Italian/Latin for cow. That in turn reminds me of vaccination, and the vaccines causing severe issues and death in some.

Including mental illness it seems. I can only assume the couple I saw were vaccinated to the hilt, including the latest booster. ‘Ionic vacant’ is an anagram of vaccination. When I put Ionic vacant into the search engine I came up with these links among others.

It says

In crystallography, a vacancy is a type of point defect in a crystal where an atom is missing from one of the lattice sites.

You may need to be a chemist to follow this but it says

When a cation of higher vacancies is added as an impurity to an ionic solid , some vacancies are created . This can be explained with the help of an example . When strontium , chloride ( S r C l 2 ) (SrCl2) is added as an impurity to ionic solid sodium chloride (NaCl) , two vacant sites are created by removal of one N a + Na+ ion . One vacant site is replaced by S r 2 + Sr2+ ion but the other remains vacant . The reason is that the crystal as a whole is to remain electrically neutral. Read more on –

In essence it makes me wonder if the vaccines knock out atoms and therefore render the neural pathways empty in places, like missing stepping stones across a river.

In other words as I have said elsewhere, the vaccines are merely neuro-toxins and stop your body and brain working properly.

So clearly the couple I saw had suffered damage from the vaccines. Or at least a similar effect from something at any rate.

Vaccination reminds me of ‘cows in the nation’; I wrote a story about that if you are interested. Suitable for children of all ages, adult children included!

But it all makes you wonder if people who have the vaccines and wear face nappies a.k.a. masks have had their brain’s chemistry altered. This would explain a lot of the madness going on.

And perhaps they are pretty vacant and they don’t care?

I found this link which was interesting.

Marjorie Taylor is wearing a mask, but presumably more to make a point with the message ‘Trump won’. Seems reasonable to me, given that Joe Biden is senile. One wonders how he got far enough to be the democratic front runner, let alone vice president (sic).

But I have talked about that elsewhere on my site. See link at end.

Marjorie hugs a man in a wheel chair. That’s good, bit of affection always helps. Of course nobody has seemed to comment how dangerous this is, to be so close.

But then that’s because it isn’t dangerous; just like wearing these stupid masks is pointless except in this instance to make a sensible statement.

There is a video link at the bottom. Bear in mind this is January 2021, a year ago. There is a Kate Taylor talking about her journeys around the world. She looks nice (I am a man, I notice these things).

She talks about whether she has been naïve about the CDC advice. Yes Kate, I am sorry to say you are. The CDC couldn’t advise a cowman to clean up a cow pat, let alone advise properly on health.

Still, cleaning down things is nice for people if things are grubby, especially if you make a mess (I have wiped my place at table myself in restaurants etc. if I have made a mess). But generally in this case the airline company should be cleaning after the flight, not you.

This link is interesting. Some of it may be useful to see what the idiot so-called experts are thinking, if thinking is the right word.

Which it isn’t. Stinking might be better, the whole thing stinks of ignorance and corruption.

‘This Scientist Just Gave The Best Explanation Of Covid Vaccine Safety’.

This is a further sub-link to a scientist, Robin Shattock; under Wikipedia entry it says he works at Imperial college.

Oh dear, that explains a lot. Neil Ferguson of 500,000 deaths from Covid 19 fame works there. He, Robin, went to Lancing College, not so very far from where my Cloud is currently stationed.

He is ‘…professor of mucosal infection and immunity.’ As it is pantomime season we can say ‘Oh no, he snot!!!’

Apparently’… he was initially more interested in acting and music than science.’

He still is by the looks of things if he thinks the vaccines he has helped develop are any good. He’s making a song and dance about them. Doesn’t seem Lancing College gives a good education then, in science at least.

Top anagrams of his full name, Robin John Shattock, include:

Ashton Bjorn thicko

Abort Johnson thick

Whether the second refers to Boris Johnson or Robin I don’t know. How about both, yes let’s stick with both.

Top anagram of his name, Robin Shattock, is

attrib schnook – i.e. attributes of a schnook, a stupid or gullible person.

Le Schnook works in the cartoon series SpongeBob Squarepants. He is not very nice. Read the section about him. He leaves the restaurant almost bankrupt with his demands. Like the UK perhaps?

Further anagrams:

Actor bonk shit

Actor knob shit

bant crook shit

Boot crank shit

Actor hob stink

Oh dear, do you think these are significant?

This is his academic profile from the university website.

Professor Shattock has published over 160 peer reviewed articles in this area and secured funding from the European Commission, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome Trust, MRC and the NIH.

So no bias then, we all trust Bill and Melinda don’t we? No? Oh, perhaps not.

Robin did a virtual lecture to his old college.

It says

‘…but still recognised that to be successful in science (and in most endeavours) the use of knowledge in a creative fashion is paramount.’

Use of knowledge in this case means, make things up as you go along. Also known as fibbing, distorting the truth and lying.

It was a virtual lecture. Virtual means among other things ‘…very close to being something without actually being it’


‘…of, relating to, or being a hypothetical particle whose existence is inferred from indirect evidence’


Therefore in so many words, fibbing, distorting the truth and lying in this case.

On Twitter video he says vaccines “saved more lives than any other medicine”.

Bollox. It has allegedly helped prevent some illnesses, whist maiming and killing people in the process. Again and again vaccines have done this. The Covid 19 vaccines just happen to be rather better at it, that’s all.

The supposed benefits are merely distortion of the reality. No one has ever tested you for anti-bodies that can be put down to the vaccines in the long term.

Vaccines are of no benefit whatsoever. I used to think otherwise until I researched properly last year at 60 years of age.

“When you’re looking at side effects, most side effects occur very quickly. Within a week or so of have having a vaccine we would see any severe side effect at this stage.”

What about long term effects, you little shit?

“No regulatory authority, whether it’s the UK Medicines Regulatory Authority, or the European Regulatory Authority or the FDA will let anything go through that doesn’t have a totally squeaky clean safety record.”

How can it be squeaky clean if you have only monitored for a year, you little shit?

“One thing that I think people completely forget is that a vaccine stimulates your immune system, it tricks it to see if it’s seen the virus, so you’re getting an aspect of the infection that’s so much minor than the real virus.

So what?? Your immune system is not fooled, it identifies a foreign body and works to reject from your body with anti-bodies. The anti-bodies stay a while in your body until the job is done, then they fade away.

Until the next time that you have something nasty, or Nazi, a shit shot, injected into your system, you little shit.

So take vitamin D via good food and the sun (free!) if you do the right things, to boost your immune system. See links at end.

“So when you think about the risk-benefit, the risk of having a severe outcome from Covid-19 far outweighs any theoretical risk of a vaccine, and the problem is that vaccines are so successful that diseases go away and all you see are the side effects.”

The risk of having a severe outcome from Covid 19, a.k.a. the ‘flu until re-branding last year to sell vaccines, is very low. Haven’t you seen the statistics, you little shit?

And don’t make me laugh about ‘vaccines being so successful’ you little shit. They have only ever caused harm and sometimes death. You are an ignorant fool, compromised by relying on money from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

What you should have said is ‘the problem is that vaccines are so pointless that all you see are the side effects’.

Because that is all they do, the biggest fraud of the century (and last century too), you little shit

Going back to masks, the earlier Huffington Post article has a link at the bottom called:

We Can’t Wear Face Masks, Don’t Shame Us, Say Those With Invisible Illnesses

Here a young woman called Nicola Little, who has asthma and beautiful big eyes despite being Little, points out how she can’t wear a mask.

Fazilet Hadi, a policy manager at Disability Rights UK, very sensibly points out

“We really urge the public to be kind and assume that the people around them aren’t wearing it for a reason.”

Quite. It is written in the Bible, the love of many will grow cold. This is occurring because people have had their brains destroyed by vaccines etc.

This is not rocket science. Even I worked this one out last year, and have not worn a mask just because some idiot tells me I must, or I am putting them or their staff at risk. Like a doctor once said to me in the heat wave in June last year.

Burke. The doctor not me, that is. Mind you there are a lot of stupid doctors around, whether M.D.s or Ph.D.s.

As regards mask wearing, I identify 4 main groups

1.        Won’t wear – Those free from fear, even though they may not understand why in all the issues, they realise it is inherently wrong. They may wear masks when suits them as situation demands when truly sensible to do so. They may use them to make a statement like ‘Trump won’.

Or possibly to make fun of all the stupidity. Why not wear a daft Vader mask, a scarf and 10 gallon hat like a cowboy, anything really. Cardboard box on the head with appropriate writing like ‘keep right way up’, or ‘my other mask is at home’, that sort of thing.

Or ‘I am really ugly and I look better like this’.

Or ‘if you look at my face, you will turn to stone as my gaze will petrify you like the Gorgon’.

2.        Will wear – on sufferance to avoid confrontation and the ensuing agro. Too tired to always resist, but prepared to fight battle on their own ground when pushed.

3.        Will wear – multi-layered – may wear on occasions when silly to do so to or wear almost all times despite obviously stupid. This does not cover those who think screens or visors of any reasonable use; they look complete wallies.

4.        Will wear – possibly always, in cars on their own, with loved ones (I assume they love each other but probably not if they are both afraid of a hoax). I believe they do take off to eat and drink, but I can’t be sure.

Perhaps they have their food blended into a soup so they can drink via a straw, which would suit their logic. Except, of course, there is no logic whatsoever in that.

There are various reasons for all this but boils down to these:


Fear as in fear of authorities who are public servants; but they serve us, not the other way round.

Fear as in internal fear of something they have hidden for years and don’t want found out, perhaps something like abuse etc. or some shyness for some reason.’ I don’t look good.’ (Who says so, don’t assume it, you are far better than you realise).

Sadly, too many are female who seem to suffer this. Why is this the case? Social conditioning, the ridiculous advertising to make them want the unobtainable look, or latest fashion.

Adverts to make them buy unnecessary things that too often pollute the planet when the plastic containers are thrown away.

There are men who do this too, of course, but women seem more prone to it.

Blind Obedience

As in the Germanic trait which has infiltrated society. We know where that leads don’t we, I hope? Apparently in Germany, it is the women who often rule the roost. Angela Merkel, the Mark Angel, a mark of the beast, was ruling the roost there.

Too lazy

Can’t be bothered to fight. This may be in part due to diet and obesity etc, but may be a state of mind too.

Mere stupidity

The result of brain washing, so much so, that the brain has been substantially washed away by propaganda on the T.V. etc.

Overall, we have all been subjected to subliminal messages on multi-media esp. main stream, which includes books and films.

I found the following re masking problems. It is excellent. I have also read an article about a lady whose son relies on lip reading to help him understand what people are saying. If you rely wholly on lip reading, then it is blindingly obvious that this is necessary.


So do wake up if you are not already. Please be aware that much of what is going on is to distract you from far more important battles round the health and welfare of the nations, the move to digitise everything, centralise control and take over your lives, let alone a probably depopulation agenda.

They want to euthanise you, murder you in the womb before you start, turn you transgender, confuse you with various letters of the alphabet including LGBTQ (but not necessarily in than order), anything to muck you up. Other first letters are available for muck, like the first letter of first of course.

The elite want your money, and will do anything to get it. Lie, cheat and murder if necessary. Their lies are always concealed by half-truths so that there can be confusion and doubt.

They divide and conquer.

But once you realise this, you have woken up. You just need the right words and the power to act.

As always I point to Jesus Christ, who is the Word of God. In Him you find all you need, and He points the way to the heavenly Father who gives generously to those who ask.

But there is a battle royal going on, so things are not always as straightforward as it may seem. It can take time for things to get through.

I am here to help if I can. But there is only one of me and lots of others who can help in their way. So just ask if you are in need. We can only do our best, and sometimes we do fail, so be patient.

And so again I say have a face nappy New Year!

No, let’s make it a ‘No face nappy New Year!’ instead.

This will be the New Normal (like the Old Normal, only with wisdom this time).

Bye for now, and see you next time without the face nappies.

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P.S. If you should wish to, whilst the lyrics are rather ‘vacant’, I love the raw energy of this.

As it says

Don’t ask us to attend

‘Cause we’re not all there.

Oh don’t pretend ’cause I don’t care

I don’t believe illusions ’cause too much is real

So stop your cheap comment

‘Cause we know what we feel

The Emperor’s New Cows

Joe Biden – the first 13 days

D is for…..D. Vitamin D 

V is for…..Vaccination

Sunshine, sunburn and sunstroke

This is very helpful and includes reference to Imperial College and Robin Shattock

Stop Press!

By Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

23rd December, 2021

Why? Why not, that’s what I say. After all, this is my blog. Whose press then?

Well, I would say stop pressing people to get a vaccine, or as it is currently called, a booster. I don’t of course mean your good selves, dear readers, but the governments or indeed any of their lackeys.

Or the NHS or people who believe that because they are vaccinated you should be too. This is apparently due to them thinking (I use the term loosely) that if we all get vaccinated we shall achieve turd immunity.

Mmm? You think I have misspelled the word? You mean vaccinated? No? Well immunity then? No? Mmm, let’s see, let me think….. ah! I have it, you mean turd don’t you? Well, done Baldy, got there in the end.

Well, the thing is that if we all get vaccinated, people, many people sadly believe that this will enable us to all get on with our lives and not have to live with all the, to put it bluntly, bullshit, they have had to put up with over the last 20 months or so.

But don’t forget that an awful lot of people have had what, again to be blunt, are shitty lives. Whether in the shitty (sic) or the rural areas! It is too easy to forget there are shanty towns which are shitty, places where shit of all sorts gets dumped where it shouldn’t.

And now there is pressure to make their lives even worse with poisonous vaccines (this has been done before but not at the current scale). Assuming of course they are not merely saline. Who knows, people gladly will sell you nothing for something.

Anyway, vaccines do do not do anything for any kind of immunity as I have said elsewhere, and certainly not against turds. They are there all over the place, to be found online as people write lots of crap, a.k.a. rubbish, if you prefer, about Covid and a whole host of other things.

By the way did anyone spot my deliberate mistake there? Do do? Quite right. ‘Why did you do do that?’ I hear you cry. Well, ‘do do’ can be as in dog do, dog shit.

But really, who wants to think about such matters at Christmas, let alone any other time of the year. Except there are lots of people who do have to deal with such things at any time of the year, so do try and remember them and help where you can.

In the mean time I have been reading some headlines in a newspaper, The Daily Telegraph, or Torygraph as it has been called. I thought I would do a quick resume/observations of ones that caught my eye. From 21st December, 2021.

This website gives some pointers, and quotes in italics from this unless otherwise stated.

The vax divide tearing us apart.

There is a young man and a young woman having an argument. They are arguing about who does the vax or vacs. This who is to do the cleaning before Christmas with the vacuum cleaner, I imagine.

On the other hand perhaps it is about the vaccine. I will have it, I won’t have it. ‘We’ll all die!’ ‘No we won’t, it’s the ‘flu!’.

‘You will kill me!’ ‘No I won’t, but if you have vaccine it might’.

‘You will infect me!’ ‘No, if the vaccine is going to protect you, then you will be okay.’

‘But it doesn’t fully protect me!’ ‘So why did you have it then?’

‘Because the government told me too!’ ‘No the government/NHS etc. offered it to you, advertised it incessantly, but it did not tell you too.’

‘My boss said I will lose my job if I don’t!’ ‘Go tell your boss to sod off (politely)’

‘But if I lose my job, we won’t be able to pay the mortgage!’ ‘If you are ill or maimed by the vaccine, you may not be able to work again. If you are dead you definitely won’t be able to work again. And while I am at it, why the hell did we borrow so much money to buy this pokey flat/apartment??’

Anyway, that sort of conversation may be ensuing. Telling your boss politely to sod off could be in the form of ‘Please sod off’ as this uses the polite word ‘please’.

It is however not quite what I meant, even though some of us may wish to use this or stronger language.

A carefully written letter to your employer may be of great use as in ‘Are you willing to accept all liability if I am ill within the next, say, 10 years or forever, whichever is the longer, as a consequence of taking the vaccine you say is necessary to remain employed at your firm/NHS etc. etc.’

There is an example online. Here is a link.


On the assumption your employer will not sign it then you can then say ‘Well then, I won’t have the vaccine.’ You should be able to explain why it is dangerous, and that you don’t wish to play Russian roulette with your body.

If they should possibly sign it then you will to review your options. People advise make sure your employer fires you and then you may be able to sue for unfair dismissal. But don’t leave merely because of undue pressure, unless you are happy to do so.

It is your judgement, but do seek advice as best you can and someone faithful to support you.

Confusion at Christmas

BORIS JOHNSON was last night urged to bring clarity to Christmas as plans were thrown into limbo amid uncertainty over new restrictions.

Well, Christmas is when many celebrate Jesus of Nazareth’s birth at Bethlehem. Many people forget this is what we used to do more whole heartedly. Perhaps Boris ‘Karloff’ Johnson might mention this.

He might also mention that the government has issued GUIDANCE. It says so on the website under Coronavirus (COVID-19).


You need to show your NHS COVID Pass at nightclubs, some venues and large events to show you’re fully vaccinated, have had a negative test result in the last 48 hours, or you have an exemption.

‘you have an exemption.’ Means you have a brain and don’t need to follow government advice, thank you all the same. If you don’t have a brain, then follow the advice if you can. Be ill or dead, but don’t expect me to bury or look after you as I have my hands full looking after the living.

By the way, the new restrictions are more or less the old restrictions rehashed to make the more confusing in a clear manner. Which probably doesn’t help.

So just ignore the GUIDANCE and have the best Christmas you can, helping friend and families (and enemies if you can).

I haven’t double checked but I strongly suspect that a negative test result might include a C- etc on a test paper, the cricket test was against your favorite side or indeed any other sporting test.

Or that you have had a pregnancy test. Current prices may be around £5.00 if you actually want one. If you are a man this should (I hope!) be negative. Otherwise you should be seriously worried.

This will be more problematic than Covid 19, a.k.a. the ‘flu.

Trans people should be able to declare gender

This is blindingly obvious. If they are male, they can say they are male. If they are female they can say they are female.

If they are not sure which they are, then tell them to have a look and check their bodies for the tell-tale signs. The internet will help or another male or female, a.k.a as a sensible person.

If they are still unsure then they are confused. But don’t ask the government as it doesn’t know what it is either at the moment.

N.B. Anybody who is Trains gender is no doubt feeling chuffed with themselves (That’s my Christmas joke).

Frequent attenders ‘fuel increased pressure of GP’s’

This is not news. This has been the case for a long time. Too many people don’t know how to look after themselves properly.

In any event, GP’s in general only look at the internet nowadays it seems when you are there at the surgery. They will by and large only treat the symptoms, not the cause. And treat the symptoms with pointless poisonous neuro-toxic drugs.

Any old fuel (sic) should see this, like me and I did. Too many GP’s are fuel-ish (sic). It’s sickening.

Queen cancels Christmas at Sandringham

This is sad, as she will now only have the small space at Windsor Castle to run around in, together with other members of her extended family; we don’t know who.

They will presumably have Windsor Great Park to run around in. I believe this is not quite 5,000 acres, so not very large for a queen and her family, however many turn up.

Of course they will have to share at least some of it with the smelly general public if the smelly general public are not afraid of venturing out given the ‘ghastly plague’.

The ‘ghastly plague’ maybe other members of the royal family, but again we don’t know how many will turn up.

Kahn cancels New Year’s Eve Trafalgar Square Event

This is presumably due to the ‘Wrath of Kahn’, a Star Trek film. Anyway, it seems Kahn, the mayor of London is saying you can’t.

Personally, I would tell him to go and jump in the Thames. Or throw him in, as I understand this is now government guidance for dealing with Covid 19, so it is alleged. I think you kahn, others may say you kahn’t. But I may be wrong, so do double check.

However, I daresay Nelson on top of his column may be happier as he won’t get woken up this year by the revellers. On the other hand, perhaps the revellers scare away the pigeons, and they won’t shit on Nelson for a bit.

There is a picture of a nurse holding something like a syringe in her right hand. I assume it is a nurse, but it could be an actor. She is wearing a mask for some reason. Perhaps the photographer might be able to give her Covid 19 or vice versa.

Or perhaps she is an actor after all, and doesn’t want to be recognised in case she gives the game away. Yes, I’ll go with that.

By the way, I think the plastic bit on top of the syringe is meant to come off and there is a needle underneath. You don’t need to worry that she might inject you with the plastic.

You should however be concerned that she might inject you with a poisonous vaccine. You just can’t tell so best to be safe, not sorry, and avoid them altogether. Unless you like Russian roulette.

High streets lose shoppers to ‘Covid-friendly’ retail parks

This is odd as you would have thought there will be lots of Covid around in retail parks if they are friendly to it. So go to High Streets instead where presumably they are not friendly to Covid. Anyway, small businesses need your help.

And I thought Covid 19 was number 1 enemy at the moment. All very odd.

I gather that Chichester Retail Park in West Sussex is very busy so lots of people crowding into the shops there presumably. I can’t see from my Cloud, its rather misty today.

So I reckon lots of social distancing going on if people are rather near to each other which seems likely. The crowds may ‘catch Covid’. There will another wave of Covid after Christmas as a result. This will be due to the vaccines among other things. And eating and drinking too much etc. etc.

But the blame will be put on the ‘ghastly plague’. People are mad, quite mad.

Boris emerges from ominous meeting to say the party’s not over…yet

Ominous has to do with Omicron I believe. Anyway, apparently the party’s not over it seems. That’s nice. I hope Boris and chums are having a good time at the party. I like a good party, especially if there is dancing. Any chance of an invite Boris?

Mind you, on second thoughts they might all threaten to vaccinate me. I really don’t want to be associated with all those needles, a.k.a. a load of pricks.

Moderna booster gives 50 pc more protection than Pfizer, says study.

Well, I make that 50% of 0 which is…don’t rush me…ah yes, 0. Clever Baldy. So whichever one you have, it doesn’t matter. Unless one is more dangerous than the other, in which case it does. But why take the risk? Don’t have either unless your brain is missing.

However, the headline might have meant 50 PC’s, Police Constables. I thought police constables were meant to protect the public; why do they need boosters? Unless boosters is another word for pay rises funded by big pharma. As opposed to the taxpayer footing the bill for the Bill.

On the same page is a photo of God with us Mac Ron, the president of Vichy or fishy France at the moment. There is a cuirassier guard to the right of him. It looks like a female, but you cannot be sure. ‘She’ has a slight smile, rather like the Mona Lisa.

Perhaps it is the Mona Lisa come to life. Perhaps the guard has just farted, and that’s why Mac Ron is seen to be putting on a mask before he is overwhelmed by the smell.

On the other hand, perhaps she is thinking ‘I wonder if anyone will notice if I cut off the head of the beast with my sword’.

Giant Millipedes may have roamed the North

Apparently a fossil was found on the beach at Howick in Northumberland. It is supposed to have been ‘…as long as a car’.

I think this is one of the April Fool’s that is written about each day now.

However, the BBC has more info.

It says

When the giant millipede lived, 326 million years ago, the north-east of England had a much more tropical climate than today.

This specimen was found in what researchers believe was an old river channel. It may well not actually be the fossil of a dead creature, but an exoskeleton that was shed as the massive millipede grew.

“Finding these giant millipede fossils is rare, because once they died, their bodies tend to disarticulate, so it’s likely that the fossil is a moulted carapace that the animal shed as it grew,” said Mr Davies. “We have not yet found a fossilised head, so it’s difficult to know everything about them.”

One thing that can be said with certainty is, that in common with almost all millipedes, it did not have 1,000 legs – the researchers believe it had at least 32, but it may have been up to 64.


This fossil is just the third Arthropleura to be discovered, and is far older and larger than the two previous specimens which were both found in Germany.

So it was 360 million years old eh? Are you sure? Why are you so sure?

You believe where it was found ‘…was an old river channel’ do you? You only believe, you are not sure?

It may not be the fossil of the creature, but an exoskeleton. Really, well I never! But you’re not sure though, are you.

I see finding these fossils is rare. In fact this is only the third. I make that extremely rare, not just rare. The other two were found in Germany. Germany, the home of current germ theory. Mmm, German germ theory was, and is, a load of bollux too.

You haven’t yet found a fossilised head. And it’s difficult to know everything about them. So it might not be a fossil of the creature or even a millipede.

But it didn’t have a 1,000 legs. And probably, probably mind, 32 or maybe 64. As the Beatles might have sung ‘Will you still love it if it has 64?’

I could go on and on. But it is all bollux. It is something, but beyond that you can’t really be sure. Yet. If ever.

So another April Fool’s then, definitely. Some people will believe anything. Like thinking the vaccines are worth having etc. etc. Next please!

Brexiteers  concerned over Truss workload

So am I. She is being ‘trussed’ up of course. Next!

Prison inspectors say inmates should get keys to their cells

Excellent idea! Give them the front door key as well, and say they can go out all day as long as they are back by 11p.m. or else they will be on the naughty step and get their bottoms spanked by matron. Okay, some of them will enjoy that, but it’s the thought that counts. Next!

Government ministers say pensioners should be locked up in their homes

This is the current guidance, and due to the fact that prisoners may get the keys – see above.

Personally I think this is rubbish, and another April fool. In fact I can’t see it in the newspaper at all, so I think someone just made it up. Baldmichael’s on the naughty step, tut tut.

Like the one about Covid 19, a.k.a. the ‘flu and we are all going to die by, with or from it. Someday. Whateva’. Next!

Gambling by pensioners surged during lockdown.

I believe they were betting on whether Boris was going to lock them down again at Christmas to spoil their fun. Or whether it was worth the risk to go outside when the moronic version of the virus is raging.

Or which of their friends was going to go down with dementia, die or be debilitated or even defibrillated as result of having the poisonous vaccines. Next!

Murder suspect held after lightning strike

I thought at first that they were trying to blame an innocent man for a murder clearly caused by lighting. Silly me.

It was the yacht. ‘Oh lord, please bring justice’ cried out the murder victims family. ‘Right oh’ said the Lord. BAM! ‘Bother’ said the Lord (I think that’s what He said). ‘Missed, and only hit his yacht!’

Many of you are no doubt wondering why the Lord has not hit a lot of people this year with His lightening. I asked Him. He says that it takes a while to charge up the generators, and although He has a lot of wonderful angels on the job, they can’t do everything at once.

Miracles the angels can do straightaway. The impossible takes a little longer. Be patient a little longer please.

And don’t forget to do your own bit of loving while you can in the meanwhile. Next!

Rebel democrat tells Biden he will not be beaten up

That’s Joe Biden will not be beaten up, not the rebel democrat. No, apparently Joe Biden is going to be put in a peach or something like that, then hung (out to dry), drawn (on by anybody who wants to) and quartered (in a home for the mentally bewildered).

This will probably be the same as the one in which Jack Nicholson starred in, ‘One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest’. Jack’s character got smothered with a pillow by Will Sampson who played “Chief” Bromden.  Jack’s character had had a lobotomy.

So as Joe Biden has no brain either, perhaps Jack might like to have a go as “Chief” Bromden as Will Sampson is dead. Next!

A conspiracy of silence has left us trapped in permanent Covid fear.

This makes reference to the headline and article.

Well, some of us have not been silent. We have been shouting from the roof tops – well, okay, in my case from my Cloud – ‘Oi, read the GUIDANCE. You don’t have to be this stupid. It’s GUIDANCE. This means you don’t have to do it. Nanny state is not there to tell you what to do all the time.

Look, if you don’t wake up soon, it will be telling you how to wipe your bottoms next.’

Gordon Bennett (distant cousin of Elizabeth Bennett – Pride and Prejudice – on her mother’s side), have you all lost your marbles??!….(bang, bang, bang)…. sound of Baldmichael beating his head against brick wall in despair. Next!

Stop this perpetual spiral of restrictions

This means ignore the restrictions and get on with your lives, loving people, including yourself, as best you can.

Although note the Telegraph article I found this.

It says in a sub-link According to data from North Carolina public health officials, vaccinated individuals are four times less likely to get COVID-19, and 15 times less likely to die of it.

In the link it says among other things.

Even with highly effective vaccines, the number of post-vaccination cases is expected to rise as virus transmission goes up and as more people are vaccinated.


Patients are counted as vaccinated if they provide proof of vaccination or if their vaccination status can be verified through North Carolina’s Covid-19 Vaccination Management System (CVMS). Patients who are not vaccinated, partially vaccinated, cannot provide proof of vaccine or whose vaccination status cannot be confirmed in CVMS are categorized as unvaccinated.

I cannot see where it says ‘vaccinated individuals are four times less likely to get COVID-19, and 15 times less likely to die of it.’ Anybody help me?

It does indicate that case will rise, among other things, due to the vaccines. This is not surprising, the vaccines poison you, so what do you expect.

Those who are counted as unvaccinated are, in fact, going to include some vaccinated or partly vaccinated. Perhaps even a lot of vaccinated.

So in other words the main article is a load of bollux. CDC people mutilating statistics are lying, conniving bastards. Or bars-turds, sons of turds, bullshitters.

People will believe anything nowadays. I hope you don’t. Next!

Get Boosted nOw

This shows a picture of a lady with the words Get Boosted nOw. The O in now is large so that people can realise that when you get injected you will go ‘Ow!’

What you will say when you fall ill from the jab is unclear. ‘Woe is me!’ probably.

What you will say when you are dead from the jab is not recorded, but then the dead don’t usually speak.

The lady’s look does not inspire me with great confidence, but then I am biased; I know the vaccine is at best pointless (apart from the needle which has a point with which to inject you. If it didn’t have a point, there would be no point, would there?).

There are a couple of whiches there. This is an indication of the witches who will be injecting you. This is a case of whichcraft of course.

To sum up

We are likely to be in for a tough winter. The next wave of deaths will be vaccine fueled as the latest variety of Stupid 20 runs riot in the nation of the UK and no doubt elsewhere. What shall I call it? Mmm…

…well, I suppose as omicron is the Covid 19 vaccine variant (caused by the vaccines), I will make mine the moronic variant.

Better still, the chronic moronic version. So let’s say this is a Christmas Special, The Two Chronies’ starting O’Micronie Barkingmad and Moronie Corbetthiswill runandrun.

For those of you who would like a Christmas Special which will help you relax why not try The Two Ronnies.

And don’t forget that the Lord God

‘He is not the God of the dead, but of the living, for to Him all are alive’

Thank God.

P.S. My next post should be ‘Away in a manger’ for Christmas Eve

Fear is the Key

(Or how to scare the children)

By Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

26th September 2021 (minor amendment re marriages 27th September 2021 and for debt slavery 3rd October 2021. Clarification re Catholic 19th November 2021). Clarification on virus 19th July 2023.

A book by Alistair MacLean. I have a copy somewhere. It is very good as much of his work is, especially the early stuff.

In essence it has to do with fear of death being the key to a confession of guilt to save the guilty parties lives.

So what about today? Well, people seem to be in fear of Covid 19, or Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‑CoV‑2). A deadly ‘monster’, apparently, to scare the living daylights out of you.

But is it a monster? Well if you check the statistics, no. You were more likely to die of coronary artery disease, strokes (not the nice kind!) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease according to the World Health Organisation up to 2019.

This suggests the same thing currently.

There is this from the Office for National Statistics in the UK. Covid 19 is still only third .

In August 2021, there were 40,460 deaths registered in England, 3,650 deaths (9.9%) more than the August five-year average (2015 to 2019) and there were 2,614 deaths registered in Wales, 119 deaths (4.8%) more than the August average.

The leading cause of death in August 2021 was dementia and Alzheimer’s disease in England (accounting for 10.9% of all deaths) and ischaemic heart diseases in Wales (12.1% of all deaths).

Coronavirus (COVID-19) was the third leading cause of death in August 2021 in England (accounting for 5.3% of all deaths registered in August); in Wales, COVID-19 was the seventh leading cause of death and accounted for 2.7% of all deaths.

In any event I have explained elsewhere that Covid 19 is just the ‘flu, the seasonal ‘flu. So how have we come to this place of so many being afraid?

I have seen the following useful check list:

The Check Off List:

· Create a name for a broad range of non-specific symptoms ✔

· Call it “covid-19” ✔

· Diagnose people with unvalidated tests to get “confirmed cases” ✔

· Bombard 7.9 billion people with fear 24/7 based on these “cases” and “deaths” ✔

· Use those numbers to convince the average person that “covid” and “the virus” must be real. Look at the numbers! ✔

· Encourage everyone to get tested like never before to keep the numbers up ✔

· Use sensationalized words like “soar” “surge” “spike” and “skyrocket” as frequently as possible ✔

· Remember the motto. Fear, fear, and more fear! Works every time. ✔

· Keep people in a sustained state of fear & stress on a mass scale to actually make them sick ✔

· Control the flow of information by establishing the “official story” as the one sole truth and censor anything outside of that  ✔

· Refuse and prohibit open debate in the scientific community ✔

· Ignore the complete lack of the scientific method being used in virology ✔

· Disregard the fact that virologists never purified out a “virus” from anyone ✔

· Remember. Koch’s postulates don’t apply to viruses. Viruses are made up anyway. We make the rules ✔

· If confronted, simply laugh and say “of course there’s a virus” or “we trust the science” ✔

· Promote well-meaning compassionate labels such as “anti-maskers”, “anti-vaxxers”, “conspiracy-theorists” and “science denier” ✔

· Remember. Nature is the enemy. Natural is bad ✔

· Create “the need for a vaccine” by discrediting any other health remedies. Vaccines are the only hope for humanity ✔

· Do not. Repeat. Do Not talk about healthy lifestyles, diet, exercise, stress minimization, or anything to that affair. It’s pseudoscience ✔

· Get the injection into as many people as quickly as possible before they see through the BS ✔

· Use every available resource, including Morgan Freeman, to incentivize and coerce people to get the injection ✔

· Repeat, vaccines are safe and effective, regardless of any information that contradicts that ✔

· Repeat, covid vaccines are not experimental, even though the NIH says they’re experimental ✔

· Encourage a mob-like mentality through fear of the “unvaccinated”. Remember, natural is bad ✔

· Find new and improved ways to convince people that “anti-science” “anti-vaccine” people are jeopardizing their grandma’s health ✔

· Indian variant, delta variant, bravo variant. Keep em comin’! ✔ ✔ ✔

·Always. Use fear and lack of understanding to your advantage ✔

· Divide and conquer ✔

In essence that is a good summary. However, the broad range of symptoms referred to at the beginning of the list are what we normally call the ‘flu, the influenza, the inflowing poisons or viruses within our body that are created by our metabolism and which we must excrete.

Otherwise our organs will pack up and we will eventually die.

So there is a virus (see foot note), just that it is the usual thing. Except of course that our environment, food, air and water, has been steadily and increasingly poisoned in various ways. This adds to what may be called the ‘viral load’, the toxins in our body.

As regards the deaths, any increase in deaths is due to the stresses and strains imposed by coping with the ridiculous imposition of lockdowns (guidance and advice in the UK as I have explained elsewhere).

So we see suicides are up, people are depressed, maybe out of work, angry and commit murder.

And who knows what happened in the care homes where so many ‘excess deaths’ occurred.

Others exploit people’s weaknesses and take the opportunity to abuse their positions, or make money out of providing pointless masks and visors, PCR tests, and poisonous vaccines.

As regards the psychological preparation this has been very long term, indeed over a century. The subversion of the education system has been critical; stop critical thinking, don’t teach history or revise it or both.

Encourage strict obedience by passing laws that the good people think they must follow, however stupid they may seem; the evil people will not bother anyway, they have always done as they pleased.

Destroy marriages and increase the numbers of people living on their own so they are isolated. There are a lot of women trying to bring up children and work to provide a living who have no time to stop and think. The men have abandoned them who might have otherwise had the time to think and help them.

Encourage people into debt, whether on property or for daily living. They will then be afraid to lose their jobs and so compromise on what is sensible, and avoid thinking critically. Getting into debt makes you a slave to the banks, the lenders, to money. You cannot serve two masters as Jesus said, you will love one or the other.

Distort the true meaning of the scriptures, the teaching in the bible, where it says ‘Submit to authorities’ by making out this must mean blindly following anything they say, whilst forgetting the authorities are the servants of all, not the other way round.

It is worth looking at the following three areas which have more recently influenced the nations, particularly since the year 2000:


I extract some text which I comment upon, but it is worth reading the plot summaries if you have not seen the films yourselves.


The authorities and CDC quarantine the building, not allowing anyone to leave. Angela interviews Briana, who states that her dog is at the vet because he was sick. Lawrence recognizes the symptoms as similar to those of rabies. Angela and Scott witness a rabid dog maul Randy to death. They are attacked by Elise and Scott kills her in self-defense. CDC officers wearing hazmat suits enter the building to test Fletcher and James who have become naturally aggressive and bites one of the officers and Lawrence. The surviving inspector reveals that Briana’s dog is the reason the CDC has quarantined the building, as it was infected. Briana succumbs and bites her mother before fleeing. The group finds Briana, who is now infected. She bites Danny, which forces the others to rush back downstairs as all the infected break loose. Kathy is killed and Nadif and Jwahir are infected by Lawrence.

The film is reminiscent of the vampire stories of old. It gets us thinking this could happen to us. But again it is a fear tactic.


It states:

…bears some resemblance to the pandemic depicted in the film

Help! If you read the plot summary, it bears a LOT of resemblance to the pandemic depicted in the film.

28 days Later

28 Days Later is a 2002 British post-apocalyptic horror drama film directed by Danny Boyle, written by Alex Garland, and starring Cillian Murphy, Naomie Harris, Christopher Eccleston, Megan Burns and Brendan Gleeson. The plot depicts the breakdown of society following the accidental release of a highly contagious virus and focuses upon the struggle of four survivors (Murphy, Harris, Burns and Gleeson) to cope with the destruction of the life they once knew while evading those infected by the virus.

It makes reference to Balfron Tower, a Brutalist residential tower building designed by architect Ernő Goldfinger. He was a Jewish Hungarian by birth it seems.

Personal life

Goldfinger was known as a humourless man given to notorious rages. He sometimes fired his assistants if they were inappropriately jocular, and once forcibly ejected two prospective clients for imposing restrictions on his design.

A discussion on a golf course about Ernő with Goldfinger’s cousin prompted Ian Fleming to name the James Bond adversary and villain Auric Goldfinger after Ernő—Fleming had been among the objectors to the pre-war demolition of the cottages in Hampstead that were removed to make way for Goldfinger’s house at 2 Willow Road. Goldfinger consulted his lawyers when Goldfinger was published in 1959, which prompted Fleming to threaten to rename the character ‘Goldprick’, but eventually decided not to sue; Fleming’s publishers agreed to pay his costs and gave him six free copies of the book.

I have extracted the above text because it makes interesting reading, and again emphasises some of the issues in society today. It shows the brutalism of this architect and the architecture he designed, where people can become isolated and ignored.

Isolated of course from both people and the natural world around us, the plants and flowers which benefit us.

And when ignored, people can become afraid and ignorant.

The other problems associated with tower blocks are well-documented, broken lifts etc. which I won’t go into here.

Monsters Inc,_Inc.

The text makes reference to ‘Child Detection Agency (CDA)’ and ‘…”23-19″accidents…’

The CDA reminds me of the CDC and the FDA, the  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Food and Drug Administration in the United States.

The CDA thinks children are infectious. This makes me think of those who want to vaccinate children needlessly with poisoned needles, let alone the adults. I call this child abuse and intent to kill.

The 23-19 accidents remind me of the so-called sanitisation of so-called infected areas or ‘at risk areas’. But I wonder what is in these chemicals they have used and what these do to public health?

On a positive note at the end we see:

…harvest children’s laughter instead of screams, as laughter is ten times more potent.

This is a beautiful point; laughter is so much more powerful than fear.


We were told early on that mask wearing in Asia was down to the ‘flu. This is at best misleading as this article indicates. Asian populations were wearing them due to pollution, not the ‘flu which was a secondary issue.

given Japan’s obsession with social courtesy, by cough-and-cold victims seeking to avoid transmitting their germs to others, rather than healthy people looking to prevent the onset of illness.

Note masks used by the sick as courtesy to others, not to be worn by healthy people!!

So if you are wearing a mask this suggests you may be sick, if the atmosphere is not polluted. But don’t try and force your decision to wear a mask on others.

Or you may be afraid of interacting with others; people wear masks to hide their feelings. I once was siting opposite a lady on a train who wore sunglasses. She had a little daughter. I sensed she was upset, but I didn’t say anything. Her glasses seemed to try and shut out the world and conceal her pain.

It upsets me even now as I remember nearly forty years on.

Much as it upsets me today, seeing people wearing masks when they do not need to, just because they are fearful.

It should not be forgotten that disposed of masks are adding unnecessarily to pollution. I have seen them discarded on the streets. The following link talks about the far more serious issue of marine pollution; the seas are already highly polluted anyway with plastics.


The media and health advisors have made the sun seem bad for you, and encourage use of sun creams which all too often contain poisonous chemicals. These reduce the likelihood of vitamin D production via the sun (free!) thereby increasing risks of toxociosis of the body and what are called cancers.


I think it might be best summed up as follows by the Monty Python sketch.

Er, among our chief weapons are: fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency, and near fanatical devotion to the Pope!

Although the last one may not seem relevant.

Except of course the disturbing revelations about paedophilia (paedophilia erotica would be a better term), the sexual abuse of children. And the accumulated wealth of the Roman Catholic church, at odds with Jesus Christ’s teaching about not hoarding up worldly riches.

Let alone the fact that He did not institute any of the hierarchy which is purely man-made.

After all, He came as a servant, not to Lord it over people. The heavenly Father is the same. As Jesus said, ‘I and the Father are one.’

So is the Roman Catholic church behind the pandemic? Well, I have already mentioned one of three groups, Germany, the source of current germ and viral theory. Strictly of course it is the old kingdom of Prussia which forms the bulk of modern day Germany.

And more strictly too, the Nazis and communists who both arose out of Germany.

But yes, the Roman Catholic church is behind them, and thus the second group. Please note this does NOT mean all who call themselves Catholic, but the institution which is the beast. There are of course individuals involved as ever.

The key in this case is do you follow Jesus Christ as opposed to an institution and rules and regulations as opposed to the Law of Love?

As to the remedy to fear, well, Paul the apostle said this.

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

When we have power and love and a sound mind we need not fear. And if you lack these things, just ask God and He will give them if you truly want them, really, really want them.

I have seen this definition of fear which is very good

So I say rise up and face everything; Covid 19 is the annual ‘flu and you need not be afraid of it.

And we must not forget laughter is the best medicine as the Reader’s Digest has said for many years.

In Monster’s Inc. it refers to laughter to be 10 times more productive and energy giving than fear.

So take time to laugh at the ridiculous goings on, as this will help dispel the foolish, rather like bogarts are dispelled by ridiculous images in Harry Potter.

Then our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with shouts of joy. Then it was said among the nations, “The LORD has done great things for them.”


Footnote added 19 July 2023: By virus I am thinking of chemicals, not a biological supposedly mutating agent. See these links on V is for…..Virus and E is for…..Exosome

P.S.Here is a link to the Monty Python sketch if you are interested.

And a link to Covid 19 Summary if you haven’t already read it and the sub-links.