I knew an old doctor who swallowed a lie

By Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

29th May, 2022

Well, I don’t know any personally who died for swallowing the lies about vaccines being the ‘saviour of the world’, but I have met some lying, ignorant doctors who should have known better.

And these were of all ages. And on line of course you can find them, leastways they say they are doctors. They certainly doctor the truth which is about all mainstream doctors do nowadays. Whether they are PhD’s or MD’s.

I have suffered from their incompetence and gross ignorance which I may have mentioned before. They consider themselves gods, whereas in reality they are dogs following the pack of stupidity and cupidity.

Anyway, I thought I would continue my posts with this as I gear up for the Battle of Midway in June which started 80 years ago. I am looking for a significant turn of events in the Covid 19 narrative.

As Jean-Luc Picard says to his crew ‘Make it so’. So let’s do it people. Here’s my small contribution. Share as you wish.

I know an old doctor who swallowed a lie

I don’t know why, he swallowed the lie

Perhaps he’ll die.

I know an old doctor who swallowed fake facts

That turned his brain mush, he took the vax

He allowed the vax because of the lie

I don’t know why, he swallowed the lie

Perhaps he’ll die.

I know an old doctor who followed the herd

How absurd to follow the herd!

He followed the herd, because of fake facts

That turned his brain mush, he took the vax

He allowed the vax because of the lie

I don’t know why, he swallowed the lie

Perhaps he’ll die.

I know an old doctor, a bit of a prat

Imagine that, a doctor a prat!

He was a prat, he followed the herd

He followed the herd, because of fake facts

That turned his brain mush, he took the vax

He allowed the vax because of the lie

I don’t know why, he swallowed the lie

Perhaps he’ll die.

I know an old doctor who swallowed the lot

What a clot, to swallow the lot!

He swallowed the lot, he was a prat

He was a prat, he followed the herd

He followed the herd, because of fake facts

That turned his brain mush, he took the vax

He allowed the vax because of the lie

I don’t know why, he swallowed the lie

Perhaps he’ll die.

I know an old doctor who started to gloat

Opened his throat, and started to gloat

He started to gloat, ‘cos he swallowed the lot

He swallowed the lot, he was a prat

He was a prat, he followed the herd

He followed the herd, because of fake facts

That turned his brain mush, he took the vax

He allowed the vax because of the lie

I don’t know why, he swallowed the lie

Perhaps he’ll die.

I know an old doctor was holier-than-thou

I don’t know how, he was holier-than-thou

He was holier-than-thou as he started to gloat

He started to gloat, ‘cos he swallowed the lot

He swallowed the lot, he was a prat

He was a prat, he followed the herd

He followed the herd, because of fake facts

That turned his brain mush, he took the vax

He allowed the vax because of the lie

I don’t know why, he swallowed the lie

Perhaps he’ll die.

I know an old doctor who took the whole course*

He’s dead – of course!


1 That the vaccines will protect you in any way at all.

2 Herd immunity. It is written, broad is the way that leads to destruction.

3 All the lies promoted by many governments and big pharma etc.

4 Whole course of vaccines, expected to be 7 in total. However, if the syringe contains the ‘magic bullet’ then the whole course will not be necessary. Of course.

P. S. If you would like a reminder of Burl Ives version in a song here is a link.

You might be interested to note that these links inspired me to write the alternative version. If anyone has any more suitable links please add in comments.

Author: alphaandomega21

Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector'sson. When not posting pages or paging posties, trying to be a good husband, and getting over a long term health issue, I am putting the world to rights. I have nothing better to do, so why not? But of course that includes dancing, being funny (in more than one sense), poking fun at life, poking fun at myself, deflating the pompous, reflating the sad. Seeking to heal the whole of the soul (and body where possible). In short making life as good as it possibly can be for others as well as myself. You can't say fairer than that. But if you can, please say. People need to know.

6 thoughts on “I knew an old doctor who swallowed a lie”

  1. ‘Herd’ captures the moral, if it can have a moral, in a word. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, ‘herd’ is a “typically large group of animals of one kind kept together under human control.” https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/herd.
    Rulers can rule and businesses can make money when they can instill the herd mentality in a population. Take the vaccine. Buy a certain model of phone.
    A thinking person is always a risk and hence must be…herded.

    Liked by 1 person

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