Marianna Spring and BBC disinformation

By Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

Says it all really. Not just America though, the whole world needs to wake up.

I found this link when looking for any posters online that premises might put up saying ‘No entry if not vaccinated or masked’. This was for an earlier article of mine Proof of Stupidity notice.

Covid: Anti-vaccination protests held in Australia ahead of rollout

Published 20 February 2021

The image below is from the article. The lady’s placard says “experiment or vaccine?” Well, it’s both; vaccines have always been an experiment, trying out different poisons on an unsuspecting populace to see if one day a miracle will happen.

The miracle will be that someone actually gets better because of it.

In the meantime big pharma can make a ‘little’ profit to help them do more research into how to make poisons help people.

Such as help those in big pharma make more money for example.

There is a sublink in the article.

Covid-19: How did a volunteer panel react when we showed them an anti-vax video?

14 February 2021

Who’s it by? Ooh look, it’s Marihuana Sting, sorry, Marianna Spring. She has form she has. She is the BBC’s Specialist Disinformation Reporter, BBC News.

For those that don’t know this means she specialises in spreading disinformation.

This is her apparently.

She was born on 21 February 1996 and went to Sutton High School, London and all-girls school. Perhaps she would have been a bit more balanced if she had been to a mixed school.

She was a ball girl at Wimbledon I gather. This has proved very useful in her job as she talks of balls a lot. Or is it the other way round?

Her Wiki entry says

In March 2020, she was appointed the BBC’s first specialist disinformation and social media reporter

Just in time for the COVID 19 government disinformation programme. She has yet to report on that.

Amazing timing in any event, you would think it was planned if you didn’t know better. More later on that.

As to why she was selected for the role there’s this.

BBC Disinformation Correspondent Marianna Spring Accused Of Lying On Her Resume

Spring was looking for work as a Moscow stringer and is reported to have said on her resume that she worked alongside BBC Eastern Europe correspondent Sarah Rainsford.


“I’ve only bumped into Sarah whilst she’s working and chatted to her at various points, but nothing more. Everything else on my CV is entirely true,” Spring wrote.

She added: “There’s absolute [sic] no excuse at all, and I’m really sorry again. The only explanation at all is my desperation to report out in Moscow, and thinking that it wouldn’t be a big deal, which was totally naive and stupid of me.”

Spring defended herself as a “brilliant reporter.” Antelava replied: “Telling me you are a brilliant reporter who exercises integrity and honesty when you have literally demonstrated the opposite was a terrible idea … I am sure if you use this as a lesson, things will work out.”

I guess when the BBC found this out they thought ‘Who’s going to be great at disinformation? Ah yes, Marianna Spring, just the ticket.’


according to an internal BBC monitoring system she had received more than 80% of all online abuse directed at BBC journalists in the first six months of the year.

Hardly surprising.

Marianna Spring went to Pembroke College, Oxford where Pete Buttigieg went. I am not sure if Stupidity is something that infects the college but they both have it.

Still, I suppose we can be thankful that by raising the profile of vaccinations she got the thinkers thinking.

And the dumbers dumbing down even further.

As regards the BBC article there is a Liam Smeeth, a doctor. He is a professor of epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine who’s also a GP I understand.

It says that the showing of an anti-vax video was under his watchful eye. After the video they had a discussion.


One by one, Dr Smeeth tackles the concerns raised by the panel. The vaccine doesn’t change your DNA, he explains. It has been through animal trials, and there’s no biological mechanism by which it would affect your fertility, he adds.

Personally I doubt it changes your DNA as such but could damage it. In any event it does poison people as vaccines contain poisons and always have.

As regards animal trials these are on-going. The people injected are the animals which is what happens when you believe in evolution, humans are reduced to animals to be treated as cattle.

As regards biological mechanism I don’t think he has checked what neuro-toxic poisons will do, affecting sperm and egg production. Liam Smeeth is a moron.

After the discussion, all our volunteers say they’re leaning towards having the vaccine. And some are even enthusiastic.

Poor deluded fools. I wonder what happened to them. I don’t suppose Marianna has checked.

Earlier it said

He wants any doctor or professional promoting false claims to face disciplinary action.

“I would certainly be very pro them being investigated and any evidence of harm being looked at,” he says, “and them being stopped from using their title.”

Well said Liam. You have judged yourself. You will be investigated but you will lose more than your silly Dr. title. Your life will be demanded of you.

‘I lie god myope’ is an anagram of ‘epidemiology’. Myope relates to myopia short-sightedness. Very suitable.

Liam Smeeth anagrams to ‘me male shit’. Very suitable indeed.

Add in doctor and we can have ‘CEO dimmest harlot’.

Or even this which is funnier. ‘comatose MD Hitler’.

Back to Ms Spring.

The Light: Inside the UK’s conspiracy theory newspaper that shares violence and hate

11 June 2023

Biased reporting already, setting up the left wing loonies to hate it already. Of course they then ignore the fact that vaccines really are dangerous and so will take them.

This is why they are loonies.

Ms Spring says

Other posts shared by the Light on Telegram have featured cartoons of gallows and included work addresses of “liable people to be held to account” for taking part in sinister plots to harm people with vaccines – plots for which there is no evidence.

I assume the gallows cartoons reference may include this from Bob Moran.



Moving on.

‘…plots for which there is no evidence’ eh? So it is just incompetence then?? But what about the vaccines, child? Have you checked what is in them? Have you ever bothered to double check anything dear girl?

I understand she has included Totnes in Devon in her documentary ‘Marianna in Conspiracyland’

I did a bit of searching and found this.

Crowds gather as growing conspiracy theorist movement continues to divide Totnes

17 Jun 2023

Looks like some sensible people in Totnes.

However not the reporters Chris Matthews and Molly Seaman. They use the silly words ‘Under the guise of protecting their human rights’.

The article says

However, according to some The Light has become a beacon for hateful and often aggressive rhetoric towards medical professionals, MPs and journalists, as well as giving a platform to far-right figures accused of anti-Semitism.

According to some eh? Who is some? Perhaps they think of the former mayor of Totnes, Ben Piper who they reference.

I hate to break it to you Chris and Molly but one person is not ‘some’. If you are going to be proper journalists you must back it up with real people you have interviewed. Whoever edits Devon Live needs a kick up the backside.

And while I am at it there is no such thing as anti-Semitism, you mean anti-Jewish which is quite different.

I recommend the comments section. It is a mixture of pro and against the protestors.

This is Marianna’s Twitter feed. Copy and paste into browser to make it work. Any Twitter links will need this done.

Here are some screen shots:

Example of alleged abuse.

twit 1

Example of anti-vaccine legal papers sent to her at work – accusing her of killing people with her reporting on the antivaxx movement.

twit 2

There is a video link.

She talks about weaponising the journalism that we do. So she is not interested in just reporting the facts then?

There is this reference to a lady called Patricia allegedly.

twit 3

I had the thought that this is Marianna made up. Nah, can’t be can it?

There is a further comment on the above by Marianna. It says

“It turns out Patricia never received the actual vaccine.

Medical records show that she received a placebo, a small injection of salt water – which dermatologists confirmed would not cause her skin condition.”

twit 4

So Patricia never had the vaccine. Lucky Patricia.

But why did she not have the real thing Marianna? Didn’t you ask? No of course not, silly me, you are just engaged in misinformation that’s all.

She tries to report with empathy.

Rather than the facts. Facts are a bummer aren’t they Marianna. Did you know that empathy is an anagram of ‘ah empty’?

Your empathy is empty of reality, you speak words devoid of substance whilst vaccine substance abuse goes on unabated.

There is a video link, 2mins 14.

Byline TV


At yesterday’s anti-vax rally in London, people told us they wanted to see the Capitol insurrection happen in the UK.

Despite Facebook’s claim to have clamped down on disinformation, almost everyone said they still use it to organise. Some even have as many as 40,000 followers.

Here is a YouTube video

How to argue with conspiracy theorists | Marianna Spring interview

I would comment that she makes some assertions without any recorded evidence. She is therefore the only alleged witness. Poor reporting.

At 21:27 talking about anti-lockdown protests she talks about ‘…the BBC is brilliant at um…

I think the word you are looking for is ‘lying’ Marianna.

But then she continues ‘…making sure that I feel really safe those rallies you have a great team of…


‘…producers, security advisers and others who make sure…

I don’t stray from the party line?

‘…you’re safe…

Ok, well I got that wrong, didn’t I? Or maybe not.

She refers a bit later to those saying that there were posters about hanging various cabinet ministers. That of course is quite vile. Hanging is too good for those ministers that have promoted the vaccines.

If they only promoted the lockdowns then merely taking all their assets and throwing them into the deepest dungeon will suffice.

She says it is very different from saying ‘I don’t agree with the government’.

True, but then we are way past just saying that. Deliberate disinformation, lies from her and the government etc. has been akin to murder.

And it is devilish as the Devil has been a liar and a murderer from the beginning.

She mentions a comment from a ‘…very nice guy with his Bill Gates is trying to kill us all with the vaccine…’ She then says ‘…not true…

Well it is true Bill Gates is not trying to kill us all as in every last person on the planet, and anyway Bill Gates has his minions to carry out his dirty work.

In any event it is what she doesn’t say that is revealing. Has anyone ever tried to get her to see that vaccines contain poisons and always have?

Here are some comments at the end of the video. This is a quote.

 “Winston had disliked her from the very first moment of seeing her. He knew the reason. It was because of the atmosphere of hockey−fields and cold baths and community hikes and general clean−mindedness which she managed to carry about with her. He disliked nearly all women, and especially the young and pretty ones. It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy.”

George Orwell ‘1984’

Marianna is young and I guess we can call her pretty. Pretty useless as a reporter but pretty good, very good in fact as a disinformation specialist promoting government lies and propaganda.


8 months ago

“Disinformation Specialist”…. Where do you get a degree in that?

A replier said ‘Oxford’.

Oxford has long been selling disinformation, taken over by the Marxists and big pharma. Lots of politicians have been there.


2 weeks ago

I am so grateful to find that there is now an irrefutable paragon of honesty and truthfulness available to us all. If I should find myself listening to point of view which isn’t sanctioned by Marianna, then I shall simply say half a dozen ‘Hail Mariannas’ and I shall be forgiven.

Nicely put Mr Standfast. As an aside I wondered about the name as it sounded rather ‘Pilgrims’ Progress’ to me.

However there is a book by John Buchan called Mr Standfast. It refers to a German villain Graf von Schwabing! Argh, these dirty Schwabs!

Moving on, here’s an interesting article.

Troubling questions surround BBC ‘disinformation correspondent’ Marianna Spring


It says she became

the British state broadcaster’s very first dedicated “disinformation reporter” in March 2020. The timing was precipitous, for this was precisely when the World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 pandemic. The British government responded almost immediately by psychologically bludgeoning its population into compliance with harsh lockdown measures.

There you have it, all very deliberate and planned obviously. Here’s an interesting link.

The truth about the BBC’s war on ‘disinformation’

Despite the author’s, Frazer Myers, claim

‘For all the mountains of anti-vax content swirling around social media, and for all the establishment fear-mongering over vaccine refusal, nine in 10 Britons saw sense and got themselves double-vaccinated against Covid.

That didn’t work out too well did it Frazer. Have you been vaccinated? Have you bothered to check what’s in the vaccines? You are being moronic.

Russian war propaganda, denouncing Ukraine as the true and evil aggressors, is perhaps even more obnoxious.’

And ignoring the Nazis behind the Ukraine is even more obnoxious still but I guess history is not your strongpoint.

All of which shows how ignorant and indoctrinated he is, but he makes some valid points. Such as

The BBC not only inflates the dangers of social-media falsehoods, it has also applied the disinformation label to stories that are actually true.


Meanwhile, the BBC has been known to spread untruths of its own. Take its coverage of the trans issue.


Climate change is another major blindspot for the Beeb.

So three out of five correct. Your blind spots are vaccines and the Ukraine. Do more research Frazer.

I consider this a very good article by Citizen Journalists. Paste into browser to make it work.

Nobody Does Disinformation Better Than The BBC’s ‘anti-disinformation’ Unit – 26/04/2021

The ‘disinformation unit’ is headed up by Mike Wendling. Apparently he is not British but is originally from western New York State according to his Wikipedia entry.

And this idiot is in charge of the unit?? Couldn’t they find a Brit?

His Wiki entry is very limited but he seems to have done a book on the USA alt-right. I don’t suppose he has done one on the alt-left has he?

This is him from his twitter feed.

He has been accused of downplaying the numbers at protest marches against lockdowns and says “…nor were the protestors very normal people, unless you think “COVID IS A HOAX” as one of the largest banners blithely proclaimed.”

Hello, anybody there?? COVID is a hoax you numb skull Wendling. But I daresay you know that.

However, the protestors were not very normal people that is true.

They were extra special people who took the trouble to travel to protest against the government’s corruption, lies and stupidity.

twit 5

I see ‘ken mildewing’ is an anagram of Mike Wendling. Mildew is a type of fungus. I looked up Wikipedia. It says:

mildew is white. ……. Both mould and mildew produce distinct offensive odours, and both have been identified as the cause of certain human ailments.

Perfect. He is ‘white’, pale skin anyway and he has a beard which in the UK can be called ‘face fungus’. I think he stinks with his lies. Perhaps if he shaved the problem would go away.

Back to the earlier Citizen Journalists link.

Marianna is young and her work suggests she is also naive and prone to influence from the likes of Wendling. Her role is obvious. It’s to discredit protests and rallies that go against the establishment narrative.

At the end he says

Defund the BBC

If you want to stop the BBC from pushing disinformation and propaganda then defund it. Stop paying your TV licence fee!

Of course the problem is mainly in the news reporting rather than all programs, but the BBC as a newscaster is despicable.


I thought this site worth mentioning and this link.


Dispatches from the Asylum

It includes this video which you can access directly from Decker’s site. About 4 minutes long.

The BBC – A Factory Of Lies

Richie Allen

This is a very good article in my opinion.

Summary and final thoughts

There you have the BBC’s Disinformation Unit spreading disinformation via Marianna Spring and Mike Wendling.

And don’t forget Liam Smeeth, a doctor who doctors information to get people to take the poisonous vaccines.

I thought I had better check anagrams of ‘Disinformation Unit’. Would you believe these? ‘intimidations’ is the top single word for a start.

Or UN intimidations

Dr insinuation motif

domination fruit sin

distortion Finn Maui

Mike Wendling should go back to the States where he belongs. I am sure there are those who can deal with him there.

As for Marianna I will repeat George Orwell’s words from 1984.

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy

I can’t find anything very interesting in anagrams of Marianna’s name, except that amusingly ‘anagrams’ itself is a part anagram!

Nevertheless, Marianna Spring should be thrown in the Mariana Trench for her disinformation and spreading of lies.

If for some reason it was all a deliberate ploy to wake up and annoy everybody, whilst exposing those very nasty people who are actually doing the physical harm via their actions, well I am sure any mistakes can be sorted out at the resurrection of the dead.

Look out for the sign of Baldmichael, he will be back!

P.S. For further interest or amusement if you haven’t already seen.

Proof of Stupidity notice

BBC Fact Check

Heat, ice cream, BBC, cannabis, Ben & Jen, bison, Alok Sharma, GP’s, Consultants, Royal Navy, toilets, Aida H Dee etc.

“Why vaccines do not work” in a nutshell

Author: alphaandomega21

Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector'sson. When not posting pages or paging posties, trying to be a good husband, and getting over a long term health issue, I am putting the world to rights. I have nothing better to do, so why not? But of course that includes dancing, being funny (in more than one sense), poking fun at life, poking fun at myself, deflating the pompous, reflating the sad. Seeking to heal the whole of the soul (and body where possible). In short making life as good as it possibly can be for others as well as myself. You can't say fairer than that. But if you can, please say. People need to know.

3 thoughts on “Marianna Spring and BBC disinformation”

  1. Thank you for this composition , it reminded me of the tennis player of the 70’s/ 80’s (John McEnroe ) who’s consistent and rather annoying mantra being’ Hey the BALL was in’ in regards to this despicable Girl that is a ‘Presstitute’ for the BBC, an appropriate Acronym of ( Biggest Bullshitting Corporation) yes, talking about all them ‘Balls’ maybe she’s had a few too many, a mixed school may have delayed her nauseating mental illness, though i rather doubt it.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Once upon a time there was misinformation. Pretty straightforward and clear. It had synonyms like “lie.” Wonder when that morphed into disinformation? Or is disinformation an addition to the dictionary? Words with a clear meaning must be dangerous for the powers.

    Liked by 1 person

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