Fanatic and other –atics: Definitions

By Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

I thought I would do a mildly amusing take on some words ending in –atic. I find this link useful.

I have selected the ones I could make work best but do add others in the comments if you wish.

Please note that I am unable to like comments as this is not currently working for me or other substack sites. I can like articles, including my own though. If anybody has any thoughts as to why this is the case let me know.

By Ben Husmann from Chicago, USA – Attic bedroomUploaded by Yarl, CC BY 2.0,

Automatic – the roof space between September and November

Overemphatic – too heavy for the roof space floor

Melodramatic – a very nice drop of whiskey in the top of the house

Problematic – a difficult conversion project

Dogmatic – an alternative kennel

Aromatic – roof space in Italy’s capital city

Diplomatic – mind your head as you go into the roof space

Schematic – where you left your winter gear

Morganatic – there’s a pirate in the roof

Pneumatic – recently converted roof space

Rheumatic – result of above

Hanseatic – our German friend looks round

Climatic – the staircase to the top of the house

Thematic – pronoun confused roof space

Erratic – I think this is the roof space

Fanatic – cooling device in the roof space

Lunatic – toilet in the roof space

Look out for the sign of Baldmichael, he will be back!

P.S. I am still working on Edzard Ernst article but it is coming together so maybe next time.

In the meantime if you want more similar articles to lighten the mood try these.

Pandemic: Definitions

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Paradox – what does it mean, and other ‘para’ word definitions

Author: alphaandomega21

Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector'sson. When not posting pages or paging posties, trying to be a good husband, and getting over a long term health issue, I am putting the world to rights. I have nothing better to do, so why not? But of course that includes dancing, being funny (in more than one sense), poking fun at life, poking fun at myself, deflating the pompous, reflating the sad. Seeking to heal the whole of the soul (and body where possible). In short making life as good as it possibly can be for others as well as myself. You can't say fairer than that. But if you can, please say. People need to know.

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