Tesla Cybertruck – the future?

By Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

I hope not, it’s an ugly beast. Not that I am keen on motor vehicles, I prefer my bicycle but a car is useful to get around and I quite like driving when the traffic is not too heavy.

My wife and I once owned a Dolly 2CV (that’s deux chevaux, not two coronaviruses!) which was great fun. You could drive at 30 miles an hour over speed humps without a problem. The suspension was apparently designed to allow a French farmer to drive across a ploughed field with a tray of eggs and not break any.

You could apparently easily take out the back bench seat for more storage space and we did have a roof rack. There was a soft top which one could roll back in the summer.

It was narrow but the front seats were also a bench design making it cosy. We once drove over Shap Fell in Cumbria in December in very cold weather and had to stuff cloth into the ventilators on the dashboard to reduce the drafts!

Anyway as regards the Cybertruck there is this link with photos. Text in italics will be from here unless otherwise stated.



By Lcaa9 – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=141543648

It says

The Tesla Cybertruck is a battery electric medium duty full-size pickup truck built by Tesla, Inc. since 2023.

It is made with stainless steel panels.

Three models are offered: the tri-motor all-wheel drive (AWD) “Cyberbeast”, a dual-motor AWD model, and a rear-wheel drive (RWD) model, with EPA range estimates of 250–340 miles (400–550 km), varying by model.

As you will no doubt know, the CEO of Tesla is Elon Musk. If there is a Cyberbeast then I suppose it is the ‘Beast of the Musk’!

As to the design

“Elon threw in that it had to drive like a sports car but have all the utility of a pick-up truck… “.

I wonder about the mentality of someone who needs a pickup truck also wanting to drive like a sports car. Moving on.

In March 2019, following the Tesla Model Y launch, Musk distributed a teaser image of a vehicle described as having a cyberpunk or Blade Runner style, with the form resembling a futuristic armored personnel carrier.

Cyberpunk is defined in a wiki link as

is a subgenre of science fiction in a dystopian futuristic setting that tends to focus on a “combination of lowlife and high tech”, featuring futuristic technological and scientific achievements, such as artificial intelligence and cyberware, juxtaposed with societal collapse, dystopia or decay.

Sounds suitable for what is going on today. As to “futuristic armored personnel carrier” are things really that bad in North America?

But clearly it designed along the lines of internet gaming which might be fine in its place but hardly ideal in the real world. There have been safety concerns.

The Cybertruck’s angular design and stiff stainless-steel exterior have raised concerns among safety experts that it could hurt pedestrians and cyclists and damage other vehicles on roads.  Particular concerns have been raised about the high stiffness of the “exoskeleton” exterior, potentially reducing crumple zones. The tall, flat front of the truck may increase the severity of pedestrian leg injuries. The Cybertruck as it is currently designed would be illegal in various countries, including Australia, due to the risk it poses to both occupants and people outside of the vehicle, especially pedestrians.

I am sure that being hit by any vehicle is not recommended whatever its shape, but I can see the argument. Sharp angles can always be nasty. As to what risks are posed to the occupants over and above the usual is not clear.

As to risks to others there is a footnote link. Apart from the high front

The Cybertruck’s superfluous power is yet another concern—and an important one. Last month Tesla claimed that the high-end “Cyberbeast” version will go from 0 to 60 mph in 2.6 seconds. Such pickup is comparable to a Formula 1 race car, and well beyond the needless acceleration already offered by competitors, like the Ford F-150 Lightning that can go from 0 to 60 in under 4 seconds. Although such power presents obvious risks to other street users who lack time to get out of the way, its practical value is dubious. “The Cybertruck is an over-6,000-pound piece of steel that has no business going a quarter mile in under 11 seconds,” National Transportation Safety Board Chair Jennifer Homendy told me. “Why do we need that?”

Why indeed.

Tesla has defended the design, saying that the structures of the truck would absorb an impact during a crash.The Cybertruck had passed the U.S. regulatory review, according to Musk.  Musk has also made claims that are dishonest or misleading, including saying the doors are bulletproof to 9 mm bullets, but real-world testing indicates that it is merely bullet-resistant to these calibre of rounds, with tests showing that a hole can be punched cleanly through upon successive shots. Moreover, while the windows are strong by car standards, they do not come close to being bulletproof, meaning occupants are potentially exposed to gunfire through the windows.

Which in a dystopian future might be a consideration but really, do people want to think this way with a pickup truck?

There have been recent issues with unwanted acceleration.

On April 17, 2024, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration announced that Tesla had recalled all 3,878 Cybertrucks sold as of that date to fix an accelerator pedal pad that could come loose and get lodged in the interior trim, causing the car to unintentionally accelerate.

As a foot note link to a Guardian article aptly observes

“What we have seen perpetually with Tesla is the ethos of a tech company, wanting to push out product as quickly as possible, wrapped up in an automotive manufacturer, which should be far more intentional and thoughtful in producing vehicles,” he said. “This is not an app, this is a multithousand-pound vehicle hurtling down our roadways at high speeds.”

Anagrams of ‘Tesla Cybertruck’

There are some interesting anagrams which seem to suit the vehicle. For example:

It looks a bit of a brute, an angular box.

– Style cc ark brute

It is bulky

– Bulky crest crate

It has stark outlines

– Stark yet cruel bc

It is battery powered

– cc battery sulker

It has been likened to an armoured personnel carrier

– Battle cry sucker

It looks rather mad

– Cure batty clerks

It is sporty

– Best racy truckle

It has tyres obviously

– Blacker cut tyres

It might be cursed

– Accurst by Terkel

It is suitable off road

– Burly treks CA etc

And will go through creeks

– Burly creeks tact

You can carry stuff in the back

– Let’s carry bucket

You might be mad to spend your money on it

– Scatty berk lucre

It is more of a cult car

– Bye treks cult car

Out of this world

– Star trek cly cube

It is a rather cruel looking car

– Be sky tt cruel car

Albeit a car to be seen on the street

– By luck streetcar

It went mad when the accelerator broke

– cc tautly berserk

But this might become my favourite and could be taken up by people as a byword.

– Berkley scut cart

As there is a Tesla factory at Fremont where the photo was taken, not far from Berkeley, California, this is not unsuitable.

Summary and final thoughts

The Cybertruck seems to be a product of computer geeks without proper reference to real life and people. In the cyber world the program can be rebooted and start again, but people, human beings, cannot, the resurrection of the dead notwithstanding!

It will come at a high price US$60,990 to $99,990 according to Wikipedia.

Like all electric vehicles it is heavy and bulky. They are supposed to be ‘green’ and environmentally friendly but whilst is will not spew out noxious gases in exhaust fumes, its weight will mean more impact wear and tear on the roads. I think it is an ugly beast and no mistake.

Or as it is Elon’s idea, I think I will call it a Musktake!!

Look out for the sign of Baldmichael, he will be back!

P.S. That post filled in a gap for me as I struggle with the post on Edzard Ernst. . I was inspired to do it by this article.

In any event, I hope you have or are having a good weekend.

And here’s a real Dolly.


Heat, ice cream, BBC, cannabis, Ben & Jen, bison, Alok Sharma, GP’s, Consultants, Royal Navy, toilets, Aida H Dee etc.

Daily Mail – Monday July 18th, 2022

By Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

25th July 2022

I haven’t done a post on the Daily Mail yet, so here is one. It may only interest those in the UK, but I dare say others might be informed or amused or both by my take on matters.

I got hold of a paper copy. The tory leadership contest is its main focus. It is rather boring to be honest. The usual political crap-trap…or is it clap-trap…anyway the usual ‘I will do this’, ‘You mucked this up’, etc. etc.

So as I reflected and tried to analyse this, I felt it was too much hard work and anyway things are moving on. I want to do an analysis of the remaining candidates who are now Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss. I may cover others too.

Let’s look at the other items, or at least some of them. I think I am being more serious than usual although I do have some humour. My apologies for that if you need them, but I am getting rather annoyed with the nonsense now and things need to change.

As we face record 39c heat will millions just bunk off?


Did they? I don’t know, don’t ask me. It was very hot, too hot and rather humid for my liking. Friends of ours said that the workmen were working on the road works near them though.

However, as it usual takes 3 or 4 to supervise one man, I don’t suppose they exerted themselves too much.

But our builder carried on putting in our new bath and starting the tiling, so well done him.

Summer of 99’s? Not if councils have a say.

This is a reference to the Summer of ‘69’ by Bryan Adams I presume. Apparently, 69 might be the year 1969 when he brought his first real 6 string guitar. I might also be something else. I don’t get out much.

Anyway, it seems that that Mr Whippy vans might be an endangered species if councils have their way. They don’t like the diesel fumes of the vans which have to run to keep the ice cream soft enough to serve.

Well, I don’t like diesels myself, Nazi smelly things, invented by Herr Diesel, a German.

As to the ice cream this seems to be the ingredients.

What are the ingredients of soft serve ice cream?

Milk, Sugar, Cream, Nonfat Milk Solids, Corn Syrup Solids, Mono- and Diglycerides, Guar Gum, Dextrose, Sodium Citrate, Artificial Vanilla Flavor, Sodium Phosphate, Carrageenan, Disodium Phosphate, Cellulose Gum, Vitamin A Palmitate.


Personally I don’t much like the sound of some of that. This is Mr Whippy website.


Mr. Whippy (or Mister Whippy) is a brand of soft-mix ice cream produced by Wall’s, a subsidiary of Unilever

Unilever make soap and detergents too. Perhaps some these go in the ice cream.



This is another Mr Whippe, note spelling. Are they related?

You can make your own Mr Whippy style ice cream yourself. This link tells you how.


And this tells you about the contents of industrial ice cream.


It says Suddenly, the rousing jangle of the ice cream man’s van doesn’t seem quite as appealing.

I quite agree. What will it do to your insides I wonder?

Lords: TV licence fee is ‘regressive’ and it should be reformed

To be honest the arguments about the BBC are well worn. It is not what it used to be, although it seems it has always been a propaganda machine for governments anyway.

But now it just isn’t well balanced on the whole. As I have said before, the TV side as far as I can judge is poor, news is biased to the left-wing and not neutral, they like the sensationalist items more than they should.

They have also supported the vaccinations which is despicable. Those culpable for this crime should be hung, drawn and quartered.

That is hung out to dry, their images sketched by the police artists and quartered at their own expense (not the public’s) in the deepest dungeon of the Tower of London.

After a fair trial of course.

I still say the radio side is pretty good, although I haven’t listened to the music side for some time.

Priti to target well-off cannabis users

Is she going to shoot them? No, just crack down on crack users and other drugs.

Pity Priti won’t be cracking down on the 50% or so of the UK population who use drugs. Mmm? Oh sorry, I was talking about prescription drugs via doctors and hospitals.

These include vaccines of course and most big pharma drugs which as I have said elsewhere are neuro-toxic. Many people become addicted and do bizarre things. Like take more big pharma drugs.

This is good for business but not for the individuals concerned. But some people love money more than people.

I see there is a public consultation. Perhaps we should write and say ‘Oi Priti, what about cracking down on the manufacturers, big pharma?’


This contains the ways to respond.


After 20 long years, Jen and Ben finally ‘tie the knot in Vegas’

This is not a vasectomy operation, but marriage. Like many celebrities or ‘stars’ they have been married before, in Jennifer Lopez’s case three times. Why is it that so often celebs can’t remain faithful?

Perhaps it is the temptations they face being away from one another on different film sets. Sometimes it is narcissism, the individuals being in love with themselves and the idea of marriage rather than the reality. Sometimes it is an unstable family background,

They both have had difficult early lives. This talks about Ben.


His father was an alcoholic and his parents divorced in his teens. The link says

There is a history of addiction and mental illness in Affleck’s family. Two of his grandparents were alcoholics. His paternal grandmother, addicted to both alcohol and barbiturates, died by suicide at age 46. His paternal uncle was an addict who died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. His aunt was a heroin addict. Affleck attended Al-Anon support meetings as a child due to his father’s addiction issues. His brother is a recovering alcoholic.

Help! What a crazy mixed up family. He is a long term Democrat supporter. He says regarding missing out on voting in the 2000 presidential campaign

“I’m going to vote twice next time, in true Boston fashion.”

That worries me. Does this go some way to explain the result in 2020 with Joe Biden and the ‘extra votes’?


“I like Bernie, I like Biden, I like Warren but the thing is that most of all; I don’t like Trump.”

Well, he may not like Trump, but his judgment is seriously flawed if he likes Biden and voted for him, twice or not.

Jen was born in the summer of ’69 (Daily Mail missed the Segue there). Raised in a Roman Catholic family, her parents divorced probably in Jenifer’s twenties.  She has two children by a former marriage.

Lopez is widely celebrated for her callipygian figure.

Or in the language of The Sun, she’s got a nice bum.

Lopez is considered a global icon

An icon is a mark, her image is used in marketing. Mark-eting.

Like mark of the best, the best brands. A brand is a mark.

Do you follow me; have you understood what the book of Revelation is really talking about?

Anyway, perhaps they could set up a new ice cream franchise to replace Mr Whippy. You know, Ben and Jenny’s. Perhaps they could put something decent into the ice cream.

Still, easier probably to make it yourself. At least then you will have some idea of what’s really in it. And Ben and Jenny don’t need the money anyway.

And no wonder the world has problems when people follow people who have problems and poor judgement.

Which is why the world will be judged of course.

Bison back in Britain

Not something to wash your hands in (we do wash in the UK though), but the animal that as well as roving the Great Plains of America, also roamed Europe, even the UK it seems.

They can weigh up to a ton which is a big bison. They are being released into Kent countryside to help ‘rewild’ Britain. ‘They will create an explosion of biodiversity’ according to Paul Whitfield, director-general of the Wildwood Trust.

If they fart, then at their size there certainly will be a great explosion. They are to be located near Canterbury. I hope they take precautions with the stained glass at the cathedral.

The Germans targeted the cathedrals cities in WW2 in the Baedeker Raids. This talks about Canterbury.

The same might be said in this WW3 when the church buildings have been closed by stupidity in the hierarchy, let alone those who attended services in the buildings.

But then the church was never about buildings but people the children of God. And God does not dwell in a building but in His people who are His temples.

There is this sub-heading.

The ‘Aryan’ animal loved by the Nazis

That’s a bit off putting. I gather Bison existed in Europe up until 1927 when the last wild bison was shot in 1927 on the Poland-Belarus border. Some remained in zoos and Herman Goring, no relation to Herman’s Hermits, thought the bison a noble creature and kept a small herd.

He protected them and thus the origin of ‘herd immunity’.

Bison have a tendency to exhibit homosexual behaviour. The article says ‘More than 55 per cent of mounting tend to be young males of the same gender’.

Duh, if one is talking about homosexual behaviour, then that is between same sexes. Colin Fernandez, Environment Editor wrote this. Dimbo.

Still, it explains the Nazis love of the animal.


Mind you, put male bullocks generally into a field and mounting is evident, so not necessarily restricted to bison.

On the other hand Satan was a ‘bi-son’. You might wish to ponder that and why I say it.

Here is some more info on the Nazis and animals.


By the way, we now have a new ‘bison’ installed in our bathroom.

Cop26 minister may quit

Apparently Alok Sharma has said he may resign if the New P.M. is not committed to reaching ‘net zero’ on greenhouse gases.

Well, get going Alok then (I was going to say something stronger but have refrained for the sensitive readers).

He was a remainer in Brexit terms. He seems an opportunist, and if you look at his Wikipedia entry regarding Heathrow airport expansion you will see why.

He was not born in Britain. I do not trust him an inch. Perhaps this explains why.

These are some anagrams of his name.

A loam shark – ‘soiled’ his reputation then

Ah amoral ks

Ah alarms ok

Harm koalas – I can’t bear it.

ak also harm

Aka harm sol

Alas harm ok

Kamala rosh – rosh in German means ‘pink’ I gather. Kamala Harris is not pink. Still, they both have Indian heritage.

But perhaps it refers to this.


Anyway, I hope the authorities sort him out.

Kemi; We will stop policing Twitter spats and focus on what matters

Kemi Badenoch has pledged to stop police intervening in Twitter spats so they can do something useful for once like investigate burglaries and anti-social behaviour.

About time the police used common sense and stopped worrying about OAP’s not in the right one-way supermarket system or arresting people on suspicion of telling the truth about Covid 19.

You may remember the incident with a former police officer Henry Miller visited at work by an officer from Humberside Police after a member of the public apparently complained about some allegedly transphobic twits.

In one tweet Mr Miller wrote: “I was assigned mammal at birth, but my orientation is fish. Don’t mis-species me.”




Miller also tweeted: “Transwomen are women. Anyone know where this new biological classification was first proposed and adopted?”. He later wrote that the statement was “bollocks”.



This shows how far the incompetent police have come. I see the Guardian article mentions this.

On the same day, Stephanie Hayden, a trans woman, has won her case against a woman who called her a “pig in a wig” and made multiple Twitter accounts to send her anti-trans messages. The court found Kate Scottow guilty of persistently making use of a public communications network to cause annoyance/inconvenience and anxiety at St Albans magistrates court.

I can understand someone being very frustrated at the stupidity of a man thinking he can be a woman. I mean, it’s hard enough being a man sometimes, let alone a woman who often claim they are hard done by, so why go there?

The police are called by some ‘pigs’. I wonder how many wear wigs? Just a thought.

An anagram of Kemi Badenoch is ‘bad Enoch Mike’. Well quite. She is currently 42 years old please note. Perhaps this is an omen. This is another anagram.

I bad heck omen.

See what I mean?

On the other hand her Wikipedia entry has some positive things from my perspective. Apparently she … used the term transsexual which is considered offensive by many trans people.

Gordon Bennet! If trans-sexual offends trans-people they should be trans-ported to a secure psychiatric hospital for the completely bonkers.

Along with the brainless maskers/visor wearers and those who still think that vaccines are a ‘Good Idea’. They should all get on famously together.

Tugendhat: I’m in race to win it

This tells you a bit about him. Now I know photos can be misleading but he looks nice, but dim to me.


Please note his full name. I thought I would anagram it for fun.

I found these words

Gangster – problematic

Headstrong – possibly

Dangerous – Mmm…

Guardsmen – no, Territorial Army I gather

Madhouse – really?

Sturgeon – sounds definitely fishy

The Wikipedia entry says

Tugendhat voted against Brexit, supporting continued membership of the European Union in the 2016 referendum.[21] He voted in favour of the withdrawal agreement negotiated by Theresa May’s government on each of the three occasions it was put to a vote.

His wife is a French judge. So his Brexit stance is understandable. But I suggest he goes and lives in France.

Look him up if you want to find out more. He has no chance of being PM but I think he is a moron so I will go with my first impression.

And regarding his surname, where did that come from I wonder? And does he?

‘Tug’ the ‘end’ of his ‘hat’ that is. I did some anagrams of his surname only

Agent thud

Dante thug

Dung theta

It doesn’t look promising at all, does it? Why is he in UK government at all? Kick him out pronto and across the channel. If he swims across that will save us a lot of bother, especially if a tanker collides with him. Accidents will happen.

Bilderberg meeting

He attended a Bilderberg Meeting. I didn’t know what this is. Here’s a link. You should be aware of this, this is very important.


An extract

Partly because of its working methods to ensure strict privacy and secrecy,[36] the Bilderberg Group has been criticised for its lack of transparency and accountability.[37] The undisclosed nature of the proceedings has given rise to several conspiracy theories,[38][18][39] which have been popular at both extremes of the political spectrum, although there is disagreement about the exact nature of the group’s intentions. Some on the left accuse the Bilderberg group of conspiring to impose capitalist domination,[40] while some on the right have accused the group of conspiring to impose a world government and planned economy.

This explains more. Anything with a German name is highly suspicious to me now. Written in Apr 26, 2017.

Note this well.


The co-founders of the Bilderberg Group were two historical figures with checkered backgrounds. They were Prince Bernhard from the Netherlands and Józef Retinger who was a political advisor, originally from Poland, who worked with the Vatican.

Even though throughout his later adult life, up until his death in 1984, Prince Bernhard claimed he was never a Nazi. A historian, Annejet van der Zijl, found documents at the Humboldt University in Berlin, which prove Prince Bernhard was indeed a Nazi Party member until 1934 when he left school to work for the huge German chemical company named IG Farben. IG Farben did atrocious things in support of the Nazis including making the poisonous gas used to kill people in the German death camps.

Józef Retinger was a secret spy for the Vatican. He was expelled from allied countries for his activities in association with the Jesuits. He later went on to create the Council of Europe during 1949, which became part of the foundational movement, which eventually led to the formation of the European Union.

As I have said elsewhere the Nazis (as well as Marxists and communists) and Vatican are behind the New World Order with the Jews who say they are Jews but are not, and are of the synagogue of Satan.

You should consider the German names associated with the so-called Jews.

Traffickers are creating fake families to fool UK border staff

The traffickers are in it to make money. And to make life very awkward for the UK as the illegal immigrants put a huge strain on our resources. There is plenty of space and land elsewhere yet because the evil elites manipulate wars etc. people are displaced and many come to us for the free stuff we had out.

Immigrants often take precedent over long term citizens. My wife and I know someone who testifies to this.

The French government are reported as not helping matters. Since when have they ever been truly helpful? They are jealous of us for some reason and probably haven’t forgiven us for destroying their dreams of empire under Napoleon at Waterloo.

Many individual French do help however. My wife and I have several good French friends, and most French I have met in passing are very pleasant and helpful. It is unusual not to meet with kindness in France from the French if you make the effort to speak French.

I think Emmanuel Mac Ronnie wants to be the new Napoleon. But then Mac-ron is a Mo-ron.

‘Little sunshine boy’ Albie, 3, dies after being hit by tractor

This is so sad, but one of many accidents which happen. His mother testifies to him as, among other things, ‘…a caring boy who just wanted everyone to be happy.’

I was a bit like that as a child. I only remembered a year or so ago that at probably the age of 7, I said to the void as it were in my thoughts, that if my unhappiness (I was aware of unhappy things in my family relationships) meant that the world would be happy, then I would be happy.

The angels heard and at 62 years old now I understand how this came and is still coming true. And we know that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose.

I also see a Brian Nutter was consider responsible for the death of his nephew, who was 4 years old and riding on the footplate of a load handler driven by Mr Nutter on the family farm in Lancashire.

Now this may be dark humour but it seems that Brian did not use his brain and was a complete nutter to let his nephew ride on the footplate at that age.

GOTT IM HIMMEL! The famously jingoistic yarns in Commando comics are under attack from woke warriors, says this war historian – and it could be their bloodiest battle yet

I enjoyed these cartoon stories as a child/teenager. The writer, Guy Walters, makes the valid point that, despite the violence, the comics are almost innocent compared to the graphic nature of computer games such as Call of Duty.

Apparently, Calum Laird, a former editor of Commando, has said the comics will be less gun-ho and presenting ‘more nuanced and compassionate depictions of wartime life.’ This is an interview with the chap.

Given that the Nazis are up to their old tricks again, perhaps the comics could still talk about the evil Hun. After all, not all Germans are Nazi or Hun-ish, many are Saxons related to us the Anglo-Saxons.

But the Nazis are nasty and always have been. The Commando should continue to portray them as such.

The shooting nowadays is not bullets of course, so much as vile vaccine ‘shots’. How about the Commando do a special cover with British Tommy saying ‘Let’s give you a taste of your own medicine, you swine Klaus Schwab, George Soros etc. etc.’ while injecting them with several needles at once and/or forcing big pharma  drugs down their throats.

Remote appointments here to stay, says top GP

This is Martin Marshall, a Professor. This tells you a little about him.


It is reported he says remote appointments are here to stay although he says they are not as suitable for older patients whatever that means.

He says the days of one doctor serving a community for decades are ‘long dead’.

And this is why many people are dead unnecessarily having being misdiagnosed by the many incompetent ill-trained doctors who do not understand the fundamentals of disease or indeed nutrition which is the key to good health.

This is interesting on continuity and long term benefits.

Note seeing a preferred GP is recommended for lower mortality. Chances of seeing the same GP twice re even one long term issue is difficult. I haven’t over my 4 years now except for seeing one part time GP more than once.

Otherwise it’s been various people, most unsatisfactory for which we pay eye-watering amounts in taxes.        

I see the NHS England issued guidance earlier this year that face-to face appointments must be offered unless there is good clinical reasons not to do so.

In the GP’s case I would say they use a cynical reason, i.e. they are too afraid of Covid 19 a.k.a. the ’flu and any excuse is valid to them not to see people if they can help it. I imagine they still receive funding via the NHS, i.e. us the taxpayers.

GP practices are after all businesses owned by the GP’s themselves but funded by us, the ignorant public who pay taxes.

These tell you more regarding Mr Marshall with regard to the Covid 19 vaccines.





I am going to use strong language here so look away if you are overly refined.

You are a fucking idiot Martin Marshall. Vaccines do bugger all except bugger up the immune system.

They do make money for the doctors who give them and for big pharma who make these poisonous things. If they contain anything other than saline, for as I repeat, how do we really know?

It may be boring to repeat this but Covid 19 has exposed the hypocrisy and ignorance of the vast majority of the medical profession. The sooner the NHS is dismantled and doctors sacked the better.

We can then have a truly streamlined health sector made up of nutritionists/chefs and nurses and paramedics who can deal properly with health issues.

Provided of course we also teach children/adults about how to look after themselves, to cook from fresh and what foods are suitable.

This article is some further nonsense from the man. There are sensible comments at the bottom. Doctors are overpaid already for doing precious little. Rip up the contracts and start again.


I want my money back like others in the comments. They misdiagnosed me and I have suffered as a consequence. I could use the money wisely for the benefit of truly healing others.

We could even repair the roads – that would be good.

Consultant jobs not filled

Good. Waste of money anyway. These are consultant doctors. Almost ¾ of available posts had no applicants it says.

Perhaps I should apply. I know more about diseases and health issues that many doctors now.

Someone comes to me I will say ‘Your too fat, lazy, drive everywhere and you smoke, what do you expect?’

Outrage, mumble, mumble, outrage etc. etc.

‘Ok, ok. What do you eat? Macdonald’s and fish and chips. You are ill and you are surprised??’

Outrage, mumble, mumble, outrage etc. etc.

‘No, I am not giving you a prescription drug. Here’s a recipe book and nutritional information – you can read can’t you. Yes? That’s a relief’.

I shall write a book ’How to win friends and influence people’. Mmm? Its already been done?

I might be slightly more gentle, but it is high time people got real.

Also high time home economics taught properly in schools with proper kitchens using real food. Some schools do this, how many I don’t know.

As regards consultants generally one could write a book. Then throw it at them, then clear up the mess; it would be a very heavy book.

‘clot Satan UN’ is an anagram of consultant. This explains why.


Latest Navy gear…the sports bra

Oh Gott im himmel, save us from these stupid females!


The link show 3 Lieutenants (pronounced Loo-tenants), not four captains as referred to in the article.

There are some amusing, if predictable, comments in the comments section (where else?!).

Some may say ‘bra-vo’, others may say ‘What a load of tits.’ Is this want the Royal Navy has descended to?

In a war you can imagine the scenario ‘Lieutenant, radio for support at once!’. ‘Yes sir (do they say ‘sir’ to a female captain??), fire support sir?’.

‘No, my bra strap’s broken, and I need a new bra!’

Talking about Loo-tenants how about this.

Woke Whitehall flushes away £200,000 0f your cash on mixed toilets.

This is peanuts compared to the billions lost from fraud and dodgy contracts via corrupt civil servants etc.

And if my experience is anything to go on (but please don’t ‘go’ on my experience it doesn’t flush properly), the refurbishments will be bog standard anyway.

Parents slam drag queen library tour

This is to do with Drag Queen Story Hour UK run by Aida H Dee apparently.

I wonder if this is a joke. Aida H Dee, Mmm…got it.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder


Does he have ADHD? One things I for sure he will pervert children with his nonsense. What drugs is he on? Was he abused as a child? He needs serious help for his mental illness.

And his body testing for toxins. A seriously mixed up kid.

Why towns like mine desperately need ‘Bank hubs’

Why did they close the branches in the first place? To make life more difficult for customers and save some money which they will not pass on to customers.

With less staff there are less people to give checks and balances to the system and limit fraud. Where is the personal service? I want to see a friendly face, not deal with a faceless someone in a call centre somewhere.

Banks have become of limited use and frankly a waste of time.

Finally this.

Thought for the week

I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.

Matthew 25:26

And you can’t do that online via zoom.

P.S. For more news please see the Bog Standard on my world menu.https://alphaandomegacloud.wordpress.com/world-menu/