Coronavirus (COVID‑19) Government Guidance and Advice – reviewed

24th March 2021

I thought I would post something I have had as a page for some time. It might be of use. it is not up to date, but I don’t think it has really ever changed that significantly.

Or even amuse you. Rather than copy and paste, I will add the link below, so if you are at a loose end and want to understand something of what is going on in the government’s collective mind, as it were, do go and have a look.

I am still working on Cressida Dick’s post which is a bit of a struggle as it needs care and attention as always to get it right and as fair as possible.

And I can’t be bothered to do anything new at the moment.

But I must look at Boris’s road map out of ‘Another fine mess we have got ourselves into’ government.

However, as I make clear in the page link the general public have much to answer for in not checking the GUIDANCE and realising that is all it is.

And you don’t have to follow it. Here’s the link. G is for…..Guidance

Author: alphaandomega21

Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector'sson. When not posting pages or paging posties, trying to be a good husband, and getting over a long term health issue, I am putting the world to rights. I have nothing better to do, so why not? But of course that includes dancing, being funny (in more than one sense), poking fun at life, poking fun at myself, deflating the pompous, reflating the sad. Seeking to heal the whole of the soul (and body where possible). In short making life as good as it possibly can be for others as well as myself. You can't say fairer than that. But if you can, please say. People need to know.

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