World Cancer Day

By Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

4th February, 2022

It does also affect many in some areas below the Tropic of Capricorn too I gather. But I am not aware that these people have capricorn. Corn on the cob perhaps, corns on their feet maybe, whether or not they have been to the island of Capri or not. Here is a map from the W.H.O.

Cancer is also the sign of the crab in the stars. And Capricorn is the goat.

Baldycorn is the jokes Baldmichael makes of course.

I am not going to delve too deep into the meaning of these words at the moment as this is a post for today and I will need more time.

However, I would like to point out that I was diagnosed with a cancer (stage 1) in late 2019, supposedly the cause of my facial palsy. I started immune-therapy which I did not complete as I realised it was not doing me any good. Indeed, in reality I now suspect it did more harm than good. They don’t tell you what is in it you see, and all I was given by the NHS was a booklet telling me, among other things, the possible side effects which seemed to include everything under the sun.

With just one little paragraph telling me that in essence it switched off my immune system allegedly attacking my nerve cells, and then switched it on again to work correctly.

I trusted the doctors and have paid the price for not double checking. But then we pay shedloads of money into the NHS to supposedly have them help us, not harm us. Why should I question them deeply, aren’t they trustworthy?

Sadly, no. After all, if the current vaccination assault has woken you up to the fact that something is not quite right with the medical industry, sorry, medical care services (cough, splutter, choke…sorry, something stuck in my throat there), then you might be a weensy bit suspicious that all is not well elsewhere.

You would be right of course.

Anyway, I thought we should have a quick look at a couple of websites and I will comment as appropriate with my experience and knowledge to date. It won’t necessarily be well supported with references, but hopefully will get you questioning and researching yourselves if nothing else.


World Cancer Day targets myths, spreads message

By Liz Szabo, @LizSzabo, USA TODAY

Some cancers are more common in poor countries partly because access to health care and preventive services is lacking. For example, 85% of cervical cancer deaths are in developing countries, according to the cancer union.

These are caused by the toxins in the world. And by vaccines as usual. This does not relate directly but should be noted.

Cancer rates are increasing in developing nations for many reasons. As poor countries industrialize, people are exposed to more hazardous chemicals

True. The introduction of hazardous chemicals is deliberate as the big chemical companies, big pharma and big farmer etc. put profit over people health and lives.

Cigarette companies also market their products heavily overseas. As more people take up smoking, lung cancer rates are rising

I don’t smoke and never have, apart from passive smoking of course which is difficult to avoid – I include ‘smoking’ diesel fumes which we STILL haven’t dealt with, but then some Germans invented that so I am not surprised.

However, I now believe the real issue with cigarettes etc is the use of chemicals in processing tobacco (unnecessary and harmful), and anyway, difficult to separate fact from fiction when media controlled by those with most to gain financially.

Needs more research. I can’t do everything at once!!

“It’s a perfect storm: more urbanization, with more fast food and more inactivity,”

True, but urbanisation not so much an issue as the way towns are developed and pollution within them. Fast food ok if it is done in a wok for example with freshly prepared ingredients – I know as I cook this way myself (there’s a clever Baldy!).

Yet developing nations often are ill-equipped to care for cancer patients, Brawley says. Many dying patients lack even the basics, such as adequate pain relief, he adds. According to the Union for International Cancer Control, 99% of patients with “untreated and painful deaths” live in developing nations.

“Pain relief is cheap to do, and should logistically be easy to do, but it’s not being done,” Brawley says. “It’s an issue of human suffering.”

It is an issue of human suffering because we should not be poisoning the planet and each other in the process. Pain relief is relatively cheap if you use poison vaccines, for example, to finish the job of poisoning people by environmental means first, he said sarcastically.

Big pharma will happily sell you poison either directly or via your BFG. Not Big Friendly Giant as in Roald Dahl, but Big Friendly (sic) Government who will spend your taxes, whether you like it not, on your behalf.

I will not explain how they do this, I am sure you can work it out.

And 90% of the global consumption of opioid analgesics, such as morphine, is in just five regions: Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the USA and Western Europe.

In fact generally speaking those of the Allies who fought against the Axis powers in WW2. But then I have mentioned this in so many words in my Covid 19 summary.

World Cancer Day 2010


Extracted text in italics.

“Of the 12 million people who are diagnosed with cancer each year around 20% of cases can be attributed to viral and bacterial infections that either directly cause or increase the risk of cancer,” said Professor David Hill, UICC President. “For this reason the UICC, with over 300 member organizations in more than 100 countries will focus this year’s World Cancer Day campaign on increasing awareness of the contribution of infections to the global cancer burden.”

Baldmichael is focusing on how ‘…increasing awareness of the contribution of injections to the global cancer burden.’ Note one little letter change makes all the difference.

Cancers caused by viral or bacterial infections can be prevented through strategies such as vaccination and by adopting lifestyle changes, safe behaviours and other control measures, all of which could be implemented worldwide.

This should read

‘Cancers caused by viral or bacterial infections can be prevented through strategies such as vaccination and by adopting lifestyle changes, safe behaviours and other control measures, all of which could be implemented worldwide.’

Note redaction. N.B. Test for vitamin D deficiency in vulnerable groups who don’t get into sun much to get vitamin D if they do right things. Cancer societies don’t like free very much as they like to keep their jobs, and anyway big pharma have told them what to say.

Dramatic developments have recently taken place with a second vaccine now available that is effective at preventing cancer: the HPV vaccine which protects against the human papillomavirus that can lead to cervical cancer, the third highest cause of death by cancer in women. The very first vaccine protects against the hepatitis B virus which can lead to liver cancer – the third highest cause of death by cancer in men.

This meant to say

‘Dramatic developments have recently taken place with a second vaccine now available that is effective at causing cancer: the HPV vaccine which protects against the human papillomavirus that can lead to cervical cancer, the third highest cause of death by cancer in women. The very first vaccine protects against the hepatitis B virus which can lead to liver cancer – the third highest cause of death by cancer in men.’

I hope that makes sense.

Despite the existence of these preventative measures, there is a clear disparity between low- and high-income countries in incidence rates of cancer related to infections (26% vs 8%), access to prevention programmes and also treatment and care. For example, 80% of global cervical cancer deaths are in developing countries, and even where affordable technology is available, enormous challenges remain due to limitations in disease awareness and public health infrastructures, illustrated by the significant differences in the coverage of hepatitis B vaccination programmes worldwide.

Again this meant to say

Because of the existence of these causative measures, there is a clear disparity between low- and high-income countries in incidence rates of cancer related to injections (26% vs 8%), access to prevention programmes and also treatment and care. For example, 80% of global cervical cancer deaths are in developing countries, and even where affordable technology is available, enormous challenges remain due to limitations in disease awareness and public health infrastructures, illustrated by the significant differences in the coverage of hepatitis B vaccination propaganda programmes worldwide.’

Big pharma have issued a statement saying “We are really, really sorry for the confusion and promise not to do it again, until the next time it happens and a few more million people are harmed or dead. Okay maybe a few billion, but what are a few more deaths, eh?”

“The possibilities offered by prevention calls for increased awareness of how some infections can lead to cancer,” said Cary Adams, CEO of UICC. “Policy-makers around the world have the opportunity and obligation to use these vaccines to save people’s lives and educate their communities towards lifestyle choices and control measures that reduce their risk of cancer.”

Yet again

“The possibilities offered by prevention calls for increased awareness of how many injections can lead to cancer,” said Cary Adams, CEO of UICC. “Policy-makers around the world have the opportunity and obligation (as big pharma have paid them large amount of cash to do so) to use these vaccines to bugger up people’s lives, instead of educating their communities towards lifestyle choices and control measures that reduce their risk of cancer and providing clean unpolluted water.”

N.B. A large proportion of world STILL do not have access to clean drinking water, despite the fact that this relatively cheap to do, compared to finding a so-called miracle death vaccine, rendering the need for clean water as the dead don’t wash much I understand.

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have plenty of money but seem keen on vaccines and not clean water. Who would have thought it, eh? Does the W.H.O.? I believe they may have mixed views.

Protecting against cancer-causing infections is one of the topics addressed under the umbrella of the ‘Cancer can be prevented too’ campaign. The campaign aims to raise awareness of the fact that the risk of developing cancer can potentially be reduced by up to 40% through simple lifestyle changes and other control measures such as vaccination, regular physical activity, eating healthily, limiting alcohol consumption, reducing sun exposure and avoiding tobacco. “Comprehensive and coordinated national initiatives that focus on key risk factors are required to realise the full preventive potential of cancer.” said Dr Ala Alwan, Assistant Director-General of WHO. The worldwide campaign is supported by a provocative digital campaign focusing on these six main lifestyle changes and control measures.

Once more

Protesting against cancer-causing injections is one of the topics addressed under the umbrella of the ‘Cancer can be prevented too’ campaign. The campaign aims to raise awareness of the fact that the risk of developing cancer can potentially be reduced by up to 40% through simple lifestyle changes and other control measures such as vaccination, regular physical activity, eating healthily, limiting alcohol consumption, improving sun exposure (subject to avoiding heatstroke) and avoiding toxic sunceams. “Comprehensive and coordinated national initiatives that focus on key risk factors are required to realise the full preventive potential of cancer.” said Dr Ala Alwan, Assistant Director-General of WHO. The worldwide campaign is supported by a provocative digital campaign focusing on these six main lifestyle changes and control measures.

I hope this all makes sense. What the six main lifestyle changes are, I can’t ascertain, but if anybody knows, please let me know.

Healthcare in Europe contact page

I note that most of the people are German, or German sounding names and have German email addresses. No surprises there then. Nazis came out of Germany, they still do, but their agents are everywhere nowadays.

Nazis good at medical experiments. They STILL haven’t worked out how to kill everybody off yet, despite trying for many decades. They won’t give up until we intervene and put a stop to this nonsense once and for all.

Of course the communists do their bit for the cause by undermining societies via education systems among other things. Both Nazis and communists arose from Germany.

And don’t forget that ‘vaccination’ is anagram of ‘Icon Vatican’ or ‘I con Vatican’. Both are true.

Until the next time ‘auf wiedersehen’.

P.S This would be a particularity useful follow up to view on the toxic effects of sodium nitrite in food and the cancer issue.

Sodium nitrite (E250) – the poison in your food and how to remedy it.

If you haven’t seen these you might like to view.

Sunshine, sunburn and sunstroke

Covid 19 Summary – links to vitamin D in here.

Author: alphaandomega21

Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector'sson. When not posting pages or paging posties, trying to be a good husband, and getting over a long term health issue, I am putting the world to rights. I have nothing better to do, so why not? But of course that includes dancing, being funny (in more than one sense), poking fun at life, poking fun at myself, deflating the pompous, reflating the sad. Seeking to heal the whole of the soul (and body where possible). In short making life as good as it possibly can be for others as well as myself. You can't say fairer than that. But if you can, please say. People need to know.

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