Police Chief Peter Sloly – Ottawa Police Service

By Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

10th February, 2022

I thought I had better have a look at him as I had seen the following:

Background comments

I have used the following link for some basic information and assume it is reasonably reliable. I will try and be fair but to be honest, sadly, I am not impressed by his credentials, so I will use my usual blend of truth and sarcasm, as it seems common sense has evaded Canadian officialdom for a while.

Or perhaps that should be official doom, as at the rate things are going Canada is doomed to failure unless something drastic happens.

But then there are the truckers’ convoy protests, so things are looking up.

Quotes from Wikipedia in italics unless otherwise stated.


He is also a former soccer player who represented the Canadian national team in 1984.

Which all sound very good but he was only capped once. In a friendly game. Against Egypt. Amazing eh! See later text.

In 2015, he was considered a serious candidate to succeed Bill Blair as Chief of Police but was passed over in favour of Mark Saunders

So not that serious then. I hope Bill Blair wasn’t related to Tony Blair. Have a look at Bill’s Wikipedia entry. Doesn’t give me great hope.

In January 2016, Sloly gave a speech criticizing the size of the police budget as excessive, in which he said: “Until policing stops being focused and driven on that reactive enforcement model, it will continue to be exponentially costly.”

Which simply put is ‘It is too costly to do anything to prevent crime and we will just see what happens on the day.’

In August 2019, it was announced that he would become Chief of the Ottawa Police Service, effective 28 October 2019.

Or not that effective as the case may be, if you apply my translation of Peter’s comment in 2016 as above.


Sloly graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology from McMaster University in 1989 and a Master of Business Administration from York University’s Schulich School of Business in 2004. Sloly also earned a Criminal Justice Certificate from the University of Virginia, an Incident Command System Certification from the Justice Institute of British Columbia, the Major City Chief’s Police Executive Development Program, University of Toronto’s Rotman Police Executive Leadership Program and is a graduate of the FBI National Academy.

So lots of nice degrees and bits of paper which he can wave at protesters or genuine criminals, if they are dealing with the latter at the moment.

Or wave at those who are a bit put out by being told that being vaccinated by something either useless or poisonous is a duty every good citizen of Canada should do.

Or be sacked for the privilege of being sensible.

He was a graduate of the FBI National Academy but isn’t on the list of notable graduates. Fair enough. But the link footnote says the relevant page is missing. Odd, very odd. Needs some police work I think. Any takers?

Soccer career

He is also a former soccer player who earned one cap for the Canadian national side against Egypt in a friendly match on 2 November 1984.

As referred to earlier. Still, if the cap fits, wear it. Most of us only have one head anyway, so one cap’s enough.

Early life

Sloly was born in Kingston, Jamaica and moved to Scarborough at the age of ten.

I thought initially that this was Scarborough in England, but no, in Toronto, Ontario.

I wonder if he went there willingly, but at age of ten (years I assume, not months or days), I don’t suppose he had a choice.

He came from Ja-maica, so I suppose his parents ja-made him, ho, ho. I noted this on Scarborough. From


In 2008, councillors Norm Kelly and Michael Thompson argued that the media was distorting how crime was reported in Scarborough. They noted that whenever a shooting occurred in the rest of the city the location was given as the nearest major intersection, while when a shooting happened in Scarborough the location was given as ‘Scarborough’. According to the councillors, this gave people an erroneous impression of Scarborough as ‘crime-ridden’. They proposed that news outlets sign a ‘media protocol’ so that all crime locations were given as intersections. However, the city’s Executive Committee turned down the request citing this as a form of censorship. Mayor David Miller said “It’s not city council’s role to tell the media how to do their job”.

Seems fair enough. Let media make up lies as they wish, distort the truth etc as this is in the greater public good no doubt. Or the revenues of the media owned by whoever owns them nowadays. You choose.

Of course, protocol is strictly guidance rather than rules that must be adhered to at all costs. There should always be exceptions for rules to allow for the unforeseen. This is called common sense.

Of course nowadays Justin Trudeau and his cronies are telling media how to do their job to support big pharma and the elites, like Justin Trudeau…..excuse me while I am sick…..ah, that’s better. Where was I? Oh yes, support big pharma etc is telling lies about the vaccines etc and how they are helping, note helping (allegedly), to stop Covid 19 in its tracks.

By reducing the excess population of course. Yup, that’ll work up to a point until the next bunch of individuals arrive, weakened by big pharmas etc. toxic chemicals when they have done their preparatory job.

Personal life

Sloly lives in Ottawa with his wife and two children, a daughter and son.

A family man then, that’s good.

On 28 April 2016 Sloly was hired by Deloitte Canada to serve as a consultant handling risk and forensic practices projects.

Useful to have a policeman in house to advise you on how the police might spot accounting frauds and avoid them being found. Remind me what Deloitte do, I’ve forgotten.


In 2011, he was the recipient of the Canadian Soccer Hall of Fame’s Brian Budd Award.

I can’t find the page from the link. Page doesn’t exist. Mmm…anyone help please? If he was only capped once for a friendly game against Egypt, what does this say about Canadian soccer I wonder?

Still, always good to big (mediocre) things up as they say. This is apparently what the Brain Budd award is for. Not sure Wikipedia text has been well written. Still, it’s the thought that accounts I’m sure…I’m sorry I’ll read that again, it’s the thought that counts.

What was it that Deloitte do again? I’m sure it’s in the back of my brain somewhere.


The Brian Budd Award recognizes those who have excelled both in soccer and in another endeavours but who might not otherwise qualify for induction. The candidate must exemplify good character, show outstanding dedication, achievements and leadership in developing soccer in Canada and provide inspiration to past, present and future generations.

I am not sure quite how Peter Sloly fits in here. Perhaps doing things Slo-ly counts. Slow but sure, that’s me. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread, that sort of thing.

Still, I am not quite sure how he has either excelled in anything so far. However, raising a family is good and if he has been faithful to his wife that is truly wonderful.

Mind you, I didn’t think many people cared about that sort of thing nowadays, so I can’t quite see them awarding him for that. All thoughts gratefully received.


I found this.

Do you defend carding, the practice of stopping people and questioning them even if they’re not doing anything wrong?

I don’t defend it; I’m trying to reform it. The Police Act requires us to interact with the public. Carding provides data on who’s being stopped and by which officers.

I suppose this is like the football system. Just as well the police don’t come on the pitch and try this all the time though.

‘’ello, ‘ello , what’s this, what’s this? Kicking a ball about with intent to score a goal. I shall ‘ave to report this to my superiors I will. I ham issuing you with a yellow card and putting yew in quarantine (editor’s note – i.e. lockdown) for two weeks, or longer if we lose the paperwork.”

Growing up here, were you ever harassed because of your skin colour?

Yes. I understand what it feels like to be followed by store security, to get pulled out of a line for a secondary search, to hear my brother tell me he was blocked in by two police cars and interrogated when all he was doing was sitting and eating a roti with a friend in Scarborough. Policing is an institution that is always a little bit behind the times when it comes to diversity and human rights. We’ve done a much better job in the last 10 to 15 years, but there’s still a long way to go.

And not very good when it comes to arresting real criminals I believe. Still, arrest a few short sighted grannies misbehaving in a supermarket by going done the wrong aisle, or toddlers protesting at a truckers rally without a mask, that sort of thing.

For the real criminals they have to fill in an ‘elf and safety risk assessment form before attempting that. If the real criminals won’t mind awfully if they could wait in their getaway car whilst the paperwork was completed, of course.

Real criminals also include corrupt politicians who sit in their homes afraid to come out and face the music allegedly blaring throughout Ottawa from truckers trucks so MSM tell us, and they never lie do they?

Well, not often anyway.

What’s the most important issue facing the Toronto Police Service in 2015?

The same as in 1988 when I joined: race, racism and diversity.

But not crimes like murder, thieving etc. It’s not cool you see. Or even PC nowadays. It is vital that PC’s are PC u c, see?

In the second half of 2013, 23 per cent of those carded were identified as black, yet only eight per cent of ­Toronto’s population is black.

Disproportionality is a fact, but based on many factors, including gender, age and, yes, race. Our 140 neighbourhoods are not homogeneous. Racial bias on the police force is also a fact. What we have to do in the future is use the carding data to identify trends and, if necessary, correct officers’ biases.

Biases are, I believe, two asses, two bottoms or bums. Bi-asses.

There are obviously a lot of asses in the police force. This explains everything.

Rachel Byass is another matter. I gather she makes ceramics and pots. It looks rather good to me.

I suppose that makes her potty. Two botties and lots of potties. I digress.

Of course correcting officers’ biases presumably means they must stop/arrest the correct umber of criminals in each age, gender, sex, skin colour etc. etc. group as they must be seen to be scrupulously fair.

Any additional criminals over the fair proportions can get away scot free, which to Peter’s mind is no doubt very fair.

But stupid to those of us with any brain cells.

Going back to the link referred to at the beginning.

Police Chief Peter Sloly warned that protests could grow again this weekend. “There may not be a policing solution” to resolve the impasse, he said on Wednesday. Though many protesters have left over the course of the week, some 250 remain who are “a highly determined and highly volatile group of unlawful individuals”, Chief Sloly has said.

Bear in mind this is Friday 4th February. The BBC recently reported


Up to 500 such trucks are estimated to be in Ottawa’s downtown 12 days now with no end in sight.

Well it seems 250 individuals is a slight under estimate. Looks like working for Deloitte might not count for anything. Last time I looked, I am not aware that one individual can drive two trucks at the same time.

Peter, if you said this you are a bit thick, or haven’t been on the streets to double check for yourself. Can’t you be bothered, or are you too busy filling in forms on diversity, and ‘elf and safety??

And you did say didn’t you, and I quote from earlier, The Police Act requires us to interact with the public?

Are you personally having quiet chat with the protesters? Are you drawing this to Mr Justin ‘case I get the ’flu, I’m not going to meet the smelly truckers and their children’ Trudeau attention and suggesting he should do his job and get off his bias (sic)?

Mr Trudeau has told the protesters to “go home” – a sentiment echoed by city officials. The prime minister has refused to meet the truckers. Ottawa residents have also expressed frustration over the demonstrations, complaining of constant noise, an impact on local businesses and public services, and unruly and aggressive behaviour.

City officials echoed Justin’s sentiments after checking their bank accounts to see if the usual bung had been paid in it is alleged. Justin Trudeau refused to meet the truckers as the cold would spoil his good looks.

He has denied the charges that his demonstrations against the truckers, his constant whining noise, his lockdown polices having any impact on local businesses and public services, and his unruly and aggressive behaviour towards anyone opposed to government policies are anything to do with him despite video evidence to the contrary.

The police are looking into the matter, and also checking their bank accounts and the rear view mirrors in case a big trucker or toddler waving a flag is going to talk to them.

Police have begun ticketing protesters, writing 30 traffic tickets for infractions like excessive noise for horn honking and disobeying street signs. On Thursday, protesters were seen building a wooden structure in Ottawa, and gathering supplies of fuel such as propane.

It is understood these include the signs ‘This way to the gas chambers’, pardon me, ‘This way to the vaccination centre’.

The wooden structure is believed to be for November 5th latter this year. This is when people put stuffed dummies on top of a funeral pyre to exorcize evil.  Mention has been made of Justin Trudeau. This may explain why he is scared to come out and say hello in case he is mistaken for a dummy. Easy mistake to make.

Horn honking sound very dodgy, what ladies of the night and their customers might get up to. It is alleged Justin Trudeau has tried it and likes it, but these are mere rumours.

I found this too.

 “Over the past few days, Canadians were shocked and frankly disgusted by the behavior displayed by some people protesting in our nation’s capital. I want to be very clear: We are not intimidated by those who hurl insults and abuse at small business workers and steal food from the homeless. We won’t give in to those who fly racist flags. We won’t cave to those who engage in vandalism or dishonor the memory of our veterans,” the prime minister said.

It is understood that Justin Trudeau has included himself, as he does not intimidate himself one little bit.

Indeed he kisses his image in the mirror every night as it is sooo beautiful.

Apparently Canadians ‘…shocked and frankly disgusted by the behavior displayed by some people protesting in our nation’s capital.’ are disgusted and shocked atwere those people organised by George Soros’s gang and not Justin’s fault or indeed his own gang of thieves and charlatans.

Of course he is not intimidated, which is why he hides away at home and refuses to talk to the protesters.

Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson has said

“Their kids can’t get to sleep. They feel fearful. We’ve had a number of occasions where people have been intimidated and yelled at for wearing a mask outside. It is just illogical. Even their theme of coming here to fight for freedom – you’re fighting against some of the rare tools we have to fight Covid-19,” Watson said.

Jim Watson is quite right. It is completely illogical to wear a mask outside unless it is a balaclava to keep out the cold or hide the fact you are a government/George Soros crony out to cause trouble.

As regards tools, these include Justin and his cronies. They are blunt tools who cannot be sharpened they should be thrown away A.S.A.P. as many more will get hurt if they continue to be used. Enough people already damaged as it is by their evil stupidity.

I gather Erin O’Toole has resigned as the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada. I haven’t looked at him in detail but looks as though the wrong tool may have been discarded.

It said one member of the shelter community was also assaulted by protesters and a security guard was threatened and called racial slurs.

Rumour has it one member of the shelter community had a salt sprinkled on his hand. Rumour further has it the security guard said his name was Justin Time, not Rachel Shloers. Rachel Shloers does not seem to be immediately evident on the net, so may not exist.

Like Justin Time I imagine.

So sound like this was a drunken somebody. It happens when you are you are homeless and the bottle is your only consolation.

Still the shelter community got good support from the community as a result, so good comes out of the misleading advertising.


A spokesperson for the Ottawa Paramedic Service also said rocks were thrown at an ambulance and received racial slurs from the protesters.

Apparently the truth was Ottawa Paramedic Service also said rusks were thrown at an ambulance, as a toddler thought they looked hungry sitting in their publicly owned vehicle, and he/she didn’t want them to starve.

If the Ottawa Paramedic Service could confirm it did in fact receive Rachel Shloers for medical attention, this would be helpful.

In a statement released on Sunday, the Ottawa Police Service said they avoided ticketing and towing vehicles so as not to instigate confrontations with demonstrators.

And because they had run out of tickets as all the paper had been used up to make toilet rolls for those who had panicked and cleared the shelves.

And because the tow truck companies had somehow found they were very, very busy on other matters, such as attending fringe minority events like the truckers’ protest.

I gather Trudeau has said

“Join with your fellow Canadians, be courageous and speak out – do not stand for or with intolerance and hate,” the prime minister said.

This encouraged rather more people to attend the rally in Ottawa as obviously the prime minister approved it and he is never wrong is he?

The prime minister latter clarified his statement by saying he was not standing for or with intolerance and hate, as he was actually sitting down on his toilet (editor’s note. This should read ‘shitting down’ as in Hebrew).

This is more comfortable when he is blogging as ‘Eyam A. Kompleat R. Soul’, his moniker for his Twatter account.

This may include helping the media write the following drivel.

I gather the military have raised 2 fingers to this in effect. Two fingers to indicate that they are having a nice cup of coffee at the moment and can they have 2 spoons of sugar please?

Anyway, they are probably preparing to go to Ukraine and have more important matters on their minds.


In short probably a good family man, but a desk wallah as one might say, with plenty of paperwork to his name but not very practical.

Not prepared to go and see what’s going on the ground it seems, too concerned with race (we are all one human race, get a grip Peter), racism (doesn’t exist see race) and diversity, rather than real crime such as big pharma corruption etc., the murder and poisoning of the innocent.

Mediocre at his job at best, and perhaps this reflects on general standards in society in the Canada. This might be ok if others responsible for him in positions of authority were up to much, but when they are the likes of ‘Just call me Jesus Christ Trudeau’, this is asking rather a lot.

He is, I guess, a bit slow, but not really very sure in my books.

But then it’s in his name , Peter Slo-ly.

As to his legacy, I imagine it will Peter out!

P.S. Links in case you haven’t seen

Justin Trudeau

Looks like we got us a convoy

Covid 19 Memes

Out of the mouths of babes and children…

Author: alphaandomega21

Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector'sson. When not posting pages or paging posties, trying to be a good husband, and getting over a long term health issue, I am putting the world to rights. I have nothing better to do, so why not? But of course that includes dancing, being funny (in more than one sense), poking fun at life, poking fun at myself, deflating the pompous, reflating the sad. Seeking to heal the whole of the soul (and body where possible). In short making life as good as it possibly can be for others as well as myself. You can't say fairer than that. But if you can, please say. People need to know.

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