British Heart Foundation – what are they saying about Covid 19 and vaccines?

By Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

The British Heart Foundation does, as they say, what it says on the side of the tin. Only in this instance it’s in its bumph on the website.

What we do

We fund around £100 million of research each year into all heart and circulatory diseases and the things that cause them. Heart diseases. Stroke. Vascular dementia. Diabetes. They’re all connected, and they’re all under our microscope.

Which is all very nice, but what about the important things like diet?

That’s useful.


What about vitamins? This page for contents on vitamins.


1. Vitamins and heart medication: which supplements should I avoid?

Warfarin and vitamin K

Vitamin K can decrease the effects of warfarin, so even something as simple as a multivitamin needs careful consideration if you’re taking warfarin.

I daresay it can, but why take warfarin in the first place? I know it is anti-clotting, but why is it necessary when you should be able to improve your diet and get the same effect?

It has side effects for obvious reasons.

It is used as rat poison normally as it makes them bleed to death. Lovely. Perhaps medics think of people as rats to be experimented on, the Nazis did anyway.

It is not recommended generally in the USA since 2019.

Popular blood thinner warfarin no longer recommended for most atrial fibrillation cases

And then there’s this.

Long Term Side Effects Warfarin?

3 Dangerous Warfarin Side Effects Long Term

    • Bleeding strokes, or brain strokes. (hemorrhagic strokes)
    • Calcium build-up in the arteries and narrowing of the aortic valve that goes from the heart and carries oxygen to the body.  (aortic valve stenosis)
    • Alzheimers and dementia are higher in users of Coumadin long term. Especially if warfarin is used for heart irregularities, or AFIB.

Who benefits from you being on this? Medics and big pharma that’s who, keeps them in business.

When should I take vitamin D?

A vitamin D supplement can be useful in autumn and winter, but apart from that, for most of us a healthy balanced diet should be enough to provide the vitamins and minerals we need.

Fair comment but why not reference sunshine and explain a bit more? Perhaps because it is free and big pharma and supplement sellers don’t like free.

2. Vitamin D deficiency not guilty

Our Associate Medical Director, Professor Jeremy Pearson, said: “We’ve known for many years that a low level of vitamin D is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, but it was not clear whether lack of vitamin D directly caused the increased risk or is a consequence of other factors.

“The long-term Scottish Heart Health Study, which the BHF helped to fund, has provided a series of valuable insights over the years and they have now shown that low vitamin D is a result of other risk factors, rather than a cause of increased risk.

“The research team were able to use the large seasonal variation in vitamin D levels in the Scottish population in their study, which strongly supports the conclusions from other independent genetic studies”

Here is a statement but with no link to the actual study done. Why not, should be easy to do?

It says strongly supports the conclusions from other independent genetic studies, not an absolute certainty.  Who funds all this research anyway, anybody checked?

And what about this report?

    • Vitamin D deficiency cardiomyopathy in Scotland: a retrospective review of the last decade

      And no reference to the pandemic of vitamin D deficiency as stated here.

    • Vitamin D deficiency: a worldwide problem with health consequences

      Paste this link into browser to make it work.

      Note:  A circulating level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D of >75 nmol/L, or 30 ng/mL, is required to maximize vitamin D’s beneficial effects for health. In the absence of adequate sun exposure, at least 800-1000 IU vitamin D3/d may be needed to achieve this in children and adults.

      I have highlighted the amount, this is daily amount. It is possible to take much higher without ill effect; I have.

      Studies on D deficiency have been small so considered inadequate. Why?

3. Do I need to take vitamin D?

Well, Victoria Taylor has underestimated the amount by a long chalk, 800-1,000 is recommended. She has not done her research or updated it anyway.

You might get away with not boosting it though if you do the right things such as eating properly and not poisoning yourself. I will do a post on supplements in due course.

4. Vitamin D improves heart function in people with chronic heart failure

A five-year study at the University of Leeds suggests a daily dose of vitamin D improves heart function in people with chronic heart failure.

The study, which was funded by the Medical Research Council and involved several BHF-funded researchers including BHF Professor Mark Kearney, found that in the 80 patients who took Vitamin D, the heart’s pumping function improved from 26 per cent to 34 percent. In the others, who took placebo, there was no change in cardiac function.

That sounds sensible, yet:

Our thoughts on the findings

Professor Peter Weissberg, our Medical Director, comments: “Ideally, any new treatment for heart failure should make patients feel better and live longer. This research found that giving 12 months vitamin D supplementation to heart failure patients with subnormal vitamin D levels was safe and measurements of heart function showed some improvement. 

“However, there was no significant improvement in the patients’ ability to exercise. A much bigger study over a longer period of time is now needed to determine whether these changes in cardiac function can translate into fewer symptoms and longer lives for heart failure patients.”

Now it bothers me a bit that someone with a German surname is in charge given the vaccine advice later and how false it is it makes me very suspicious. What are his roots?

Perhaps all it is that he has, along with the majority in the medical profession, been brainwashed.

But I know the Nazis never went away and moved into the medical profession in a big way and have been seeking to destroy the UK by fair means or foul, including via the EU which we have thankfully now left.

In any event Peter Weissberg is a fool. As long as he promotes poisonous vaccines and not the real benefits of vitamin D one wonders if he is has any common sense at all. I gather he is shortly to retire as Director.

Anagram of his name is ‘besieger’s twerp’. Perhaps this says it all.


If you are already in the know about vaccines and harmful effects this will seriously disturb you.

Myocarditis and Covid-19 vaccines: should you be worried?

From above

I’ve had myocarditis or pericarditis in the past, should I have a Covid vaccine?

Yes. Having had myocarditis or pericarditis (unrelated to the vaccine) doesn’t mean you can’t have the Covid vaccine. There is currently no evidence that people with a history of myocarditis or pericarditis are at increased risk of developing it following the Covid vaccine. If in doubt, ask your health professional for advice.

You should be very worried. Possibly you won’t get worse due any medication you already take (see later) but why take the risk for no gain? And don’t ask a health professional for advice if at the very least they won’t give you a balanced view of pros and cons.

But reality there never have been any pros, only prose, lots of words from big pharma and its cronies in the medical profession etc. saying how wonderful they are, ignoring the deceits of big pharma over the decades, harms caused  and fines issued.

They are conning you into taking a pointless vaccine. But then all vaccines were and are pointless.

Three people who decided to get the vaccine

1. Why I chose to get the Covid-19 vaccine – Joy Akinsanmi

Joy Akinsanmi, 27, from London, explains why getting the Covid-19 vaccine mattered to her, and the importance of weighing the benefits against the risks.

“I’m on warfarin, which means there is more risk of bleeding from the vaccination, but you can have it as long as your INR levels are controlled. Because I’m on warfarin, the first vaccination centre I went to refused to give me the vaccine, so I went to a different centre to have both my first and second dose. The staff there were lovely and made me feel safe, and being on warfarin didn’t cause any problems with the vaccine itself.

She is on warfarin, which as I said is rat poison, which does indeed reduce clots as I have indicated earlier.

So bizarrely the risk of clotting from the vaccines will be reduced by the warfarin.

But the thing is she is being given a cocktail of drugs at great expense to the taxpayer and to the profit of big pharma who make a false prophet (sic) from the business. Being tied in to public health care funded by the taxpayer gives them easy money which of course they exploit.

In reality, none of these drugs/vaccines are needed, if one looks after one’s health properly in the first place and has a decent diet and clean uncontaminated water to drink etc.

Joy also says

“I talked a lot about it with my grandma, who really didn’t want the vaccine. She was apprehensive: because she’s older she remembers lots of things that have happened to the Black community and she felt scared. I think it helped that I was honest about my own apprehensions and reasons for choosing the vaccine. I said “I’m human, I’m nervous, it’s new, but this is what we know and I’m willing to try this…And if you get to the point that you are in a hospital bed really unwell with Covid, you’d look back and wish you had the vaccine.” So putting it into that perspective, she agreed to have it.

How very sad, and how very ignorant of thewoman. She has been brainwashed at best into accepting the false narrative as they say that vaccines do any good.

The British Heart Foundation and charities like all too often become a self-perpetuating business, founded originally on worthy premises in the main, but corrupted by the likes of big pharma/big business.

I don’t think Joy would be very joyful if she new the truth.

2. Why I chose to get the Covid-19 vaccine – Zena Forster

Zena Forster, 65, from Newcastle, explains why getting the Covid-19 vaccine mattered to her, and how the benefits far outweigh the risks.—zena-forster

She has a peculiar scarlet dyed strip in her hair. Some people really are a bit odd. Perhaps she thinks of herself as the original scarlet woman! She had a stroke I gather from other research on line I did – perhaps this caused the red streak!!

“Getting the vaccine was important to me to protect myself, those around me and my community. It’s not just about yourself but protecting all the people you might be in contact with in daily life. I would feel terrible if I was responsible for passing on Covid-19 to someone else.

Well you can’t pass on Covid 19 as it is the ‘flu, an internal disease but the vaccine makers don’t want you to know that Zena.

“We know it can have lasting effects, so why would you want to take the chance of that unknown compared to a proven vaccine? Having the vaccine is not just a lifesaver in terms of preventing the illness, but is also something that is vital to help prevent those potential lasting or long-term effects. 

She is lying, where does she get this information from, the BBC?? The vaccine is not proven, does she not realise she is part of a big worldwide trial?

Perhaps she is just very ignorant but when people just feed you words without substantive research, this is just emotional blackmail pure and simple.

And all too often it is the females who fall for it, which is why Satan targets them as he did Eve in the Garden of Eden.

We need to suppress the virus through vaccination so we can all start to get back to some kind of ‘normal’. 

As I have said before, supress the virus?? Like a dog, down boy, down boy! Gordon Bennett, what stupidity!

I have total faith that everything has been examined carefully and that there is the ongoing monitoring. 

So here we have the Covid Cultist, the religious zealot who has faith in the unseen as she does not say she has examined the evidence carefully nor presents any of it.

“If it’s because people are worried about side effects, I think it’s just really important to be clear that the risks if they are there are very low, compared to the benefits of not getting Covid-19.

“…the risks if they are”?? This is Satan’s trick with words, ‘Has God said?’ There are risks, even the NHS website says so. There have always been risks; she really is incredibly stupid or deliberately lying.

Indeed, who is she really, does she really exist as we are told? There are a few other references on line so I guess she probably does, but does anybody know her personally?

“Whether or not you trust the government, there should be trust in what the scientists and the people who have actually done the work on the vaccines are saying.

Why for goodness sake? If you don’t trust the government which I didn’t and don’t because of all that has gone on over Brexit etc., why start to trust them now as they push all the garbage re anti-social distancing, masks and vaccines?

Zena would trust the Nazis as they led her to the death camps with all their pretty flowers out the front to welcome the doomed.

“I think it’s also worth raising all the good things that vaccines have achieved in the past. When I was growing up in the 50s, you would see images or hear about people with polio needing an iron lung to breathe or being fitted with callipers to walk. The availability of a vaccine has eradicated that in the UK.

I say polio was caused by vitamin D deficiency (in reality rickets rebranded). Others say it was chemical poisoning. In any event it was a lie, carefully constructed to make vaccines the saviour of the human race than the destroyer of health and maker of money for big pharma etc.

And it was public health measures and cleaner air so people would benefit from the sun’s rays that will enable us to make vitamin D in our bodies that actually eradicated polio/rickets.

3. Why I chose to get the Covid-19 vaccine – Kelvin Pitman

Kelvin Pitman, 71, from Newbury, explains why getting the Covid-19 vaccine mattered to him, and why the benefits far outweigh the risks.—kelvin-pitman

Kelvin had a heart attack in 2008, has atrial fibrillation and a pacemaker.

Now you may not believe this but Kelvin Pitman is an anagram of…

‘implant Kevin’!!!

You could hardly make this up, he has an implant, a pacemaker!

“For me, getting the vaccine was important to protect myself, my wife, and my daughter who lives on her own and is in our ‘bubble’, as well as to protect anyone else I might come into contact with.

Another who has swallowed the ‘Covid 19 is really contagious’ lie and the ridiculous bubble nonsense. I have ridiculed that in my G is for…..guidance page.

“I also want to be able to see my other daughter, her husband and our three grandchildren. They live in Dubai and we haven’t seen them for 18 months. We want to do anything that will make it safer and more possible to see family and friends, as soon as we safely can.

More emotional blackmail. I want the vaccine so I can see family and friends.

“I also wanted to help build up herd immunity, which I think is very important. We want to get to a point where society can open up without worrying about more waves of the virus. So it’s important that as many people as possible are vaccinated.

Yet more lies. Herd immunity is a nonsense, I have said it before and I repeat, there is only the individual’s immune system which each person is responsible for, we are not a herd.

The virus is the ‘flu, the internal poisoning of the body by metabolism and external toxins. It normally comes in waves peaking near the end of winter when vitamin D levels are low for those living above a certain latitude away from the sun’s beneficial rays.

“Another important point is to try to limit the spread of new coronavirus variants. Every time someone gets infected, there is potential for a variation to occur. So the less transmission you have, the less chance there is for mutations, and the less chance for new strains to spread.

Did someone write this for him? He is just parroting the misinformation. The virus does not mutate as it is the ‘flu, a chemical poisoning of the body.

“I think for some people, there’s a religious element – they think that if they have faith they will be protected, so they don’t have to worry. I do have a fairly strong faith, but I see it in a different way. God has given us this vaccine to protect us.  

Yet more emotional blackmail, this time to the religious, whoever they are.  You have no faith in God Kelvin, you put your trust in man, in particular evil men who would poison you for profit.

But it is the vaccine cultists who are putting their faith in the vaccine saviour. It will fail them big time, it is the anti-Christ vacine.

And don’t say God gave us the vaccine, He did not, it is Satan’s venom and he has been a liar and a murderer from the beginning.

The chances of catching Covid, and the chances of life-threatening complications from the virus, far outweigh with what seems to be an incredibly small risk of any serious side effects if you have the vaccine. Overall the risk of something happening to you after a vaccine, compared to usual life or getting Covid-19 itself, is very small.”

The chances of catching Covid, and the chances of life-threatening complications from the virus are dependent on how you look after yourself, diet, exercise, fresh air etc. Boosting you vitamin D and C in winter is critical if these are in short supply.

The vaccine is unproven and in any event will never do any good, it cannot. It was founded on the lie that poisoning oneself with something will help ‘train’ your body to resist it, that poison, the next time.

Poisons need to be neutralised so poisoning your body with something is not a good idea unless you also have an antidote, sometimes another poison.

But really that is not a good idea and rather mad. But many people have gone mad since 2020 when they let the devils out and they took over the world from the sane.

How might I reduce my risk of dying from Covid?

It says

1. Manage your heart health

No obvious info here of any real use. Primarily it is vitaimns C and D. I have explained this before.

But in essence C for Cure and D for Defence, the first and last letters of the word CoviD. Easy to remember.

2. Get the vaccine and boosters

Lies. Avoid the vaccines and boosters like the plague unless you like playing Russian roulette. But in the UK we pay for this evil via taxes merely to fund big pharma fat cats and shareholders etc.

3. Manage your weight


4. Quit smoking

Sensible, but risks may have been exaggerated as it is the various chemicals in processing that are likely to be the issue more than the original tobacco.

I have yet to examine in detail but I am very suspicious that people have been misled on this to get them focused away from all the other toxins including diesel fumes for example.

Let alone toxic big pharma drugs and vaccines.

And don’t go down the e-cigarette route, that is likely to be a dead end, literally.

5. Get moving

Sensible. And move as far away as possible from the insane who think vaccines and big pharma drugs are a Great Idea.

As regards sensible advice to avoid dying from Covid 19 please see my article on vaccines which explains what Covid19 is and what to do about it.

But in essence you need to flush out the poisons that have accumulated like any ‘flu which is what Covid 19 is, only re-branded as usual to make big pharma etc. more money.

Cold, flu or Covid: which is it?

What are the differences between Covid, the flu, and a cold?

Each of these illnesses are caused by different viruses, but unfortunately, they can have similar symptoms. As different symptoms and different strains of Covid-19 have arisen, it’s become harder to tell the difference between Covid-19, colds and flu.

    • Covid-19 is a respiratory illness caused by the strain of coronavirus that first emerged in December 2019 in Wuhan, China. This strain of coronavirus hadn’t been seen in humans before.
    • Flu (influenza) is also a respiratory illness that affects your lungs, but flu is caused by a different kind of virus, instead of a coronavirus. Flu can be dangerous, which is why those with underlying medical conditions like heart disease or diabetes are offered a flu jab at this time of year.
    • Colds are caused by many different viruses, but most commonly a rhinovirus or a coronavirus (not the same type of coronavirus that causes Covid-19). A cold only affects your upper respiratory tract (your nose and throat), not your lungs. Because of this a cold is often referred to as a “head cold”. Colds usually aren’t serious.

 Well, it didn’t emerge in Wuhan, China it merely appeared to.

‘flu is caused by the poisoning of the body, mainly via urea, partly due to metabolism of food and partly due to the many poisons in our environment which can and do enter our bodies in the air, food and water. The ‘flu cannot be transmitted to someone else as it is individual to each person.

See my link for further information.

Colds are typically due to shortage of some nutrient. The old adage remains true; feed a cold and starve a fever (‘flu).

What are the symptoms of Covid-19?

The main symptoms of Covid-19 have changed over time, and the NHS has updated its list of symptoms to reflect this. The new list of Covid-19 symptoms includes:

    • high temperature or shivering
    • a new and continuous cough
    • a blocked or runny nose
    • feeling tired or exhausted
    • a sore throat
    • a headache
    • an aching body
    • feeling breathless
    • loss or change to your sense of smell or taste
    • loss of appetite
    • diarrhoea
    • feeling sick or being sick

The following Covid-19 symptoms are also being reported by users of the Covid ZOE app:

    • sore throat
    • runny nose
    • blocked nose
    • persistent cough
    • headache

These Covid-19 symptoms are similar to those you may experience when you have a cold or flu, which can make it hard to tell the difference.

These symptoms are not just similar; they are very, very similar. They are so similar because Covid 19 is the ‘flu and only a complete idiot would not be suspicious of what the BHF is saying.

I have had the ‘flu and I know what the ‘flu is. I had it frequently in my childhood and when living with my parents. I have almost all of the symptoms together at any one time.

Covid vaccines: your questions answered

Updated 14 October 2022

Everything you need to know about the vaccine, including its safety, effectiveness and side effects.

As you can see from the above picture there is an idiot with a badge who is proud of his stupidity.

Or at least has been paid to pose for the photo, so who knows. Lots of people pose to sell useless stuff for money, celebrities do it all the time.

Anyway the whole page is sickening, vile, stuffed full of lies and misinformation, a Satanic deception of the worst kind in history.

I will highlight the following:

Is the vaccine less effective for people with underlying health conditions?

Experts have tested how vaccines work in people with most health conditions, including heart conditions, and found they are just as effective. 

Experts eh? Well, who exactly? But don’t bother to answer they are all liars and frauds.

The vaccine will probably be more effective for people with underlying health conditions as it will be effective in making them even sicker.

If it doesn’t kill them of course.

But as I say if it’s only saline no problem, but you will be paying through the nose for the privilege. Hopefully you are not that gullible.

Or are you?

The only possible exception to this is people who are taking immunosuppressants or are immunocompromised. We know that people in this group don’t tend to have a strong enough immune response to the Covid-19 vaccine – see below more information.

As I have said, it will probably be more effective for people with underlying health conditions as it will be effective in making them even sicker.

If it doesn’t kill them of course.

What is the dosing schedule for people who are immunocompromised or immunosuppressed?

 Everyone over 12 with a severely weakened immune system should have been offered:

three doses (given 8 weeks apart) as part of their primary course

A booster jab (given no sooner than 12 weeks from the third dose) followed by a further booster 3 to 6 months later.

This has been offered to up to 500,000 people in the UK who were severely immunocompromised – including for example if you have had a heart transplant or are on certain types of steroid medication.

This recommendation followed findings from research carried out by the University of Glasgow, showing that 40% of people who are immunosuppressed or immunocompromised do not have a strong enough immune response after two doses of the vaccine.

Where is the logic here?? The immuno-compromised will not benefit from the vaccines as much according to the statements (they will of course be more vulnerable to vaccine harm).

Yet 3 doses will be given 8 weeks apart. Utter madness.

But then to boringly repeat, who knows what is in each vial? The fraud can be as much that they are only saline doing almost nothing, but we wouldn’t know.

Which vaccine will I get?

 You will be offered either a Moderna (Spikevax) vaccine (either the original version or an updated version designed to give added protection against the Omicron variant) or Pfizer/BioNTech (Comirnaty). If you’re under 18, you will be offered the Pfizer vaccine. Novavax (also known as Nuvaxovid) will only be offered to those who can’t have Pfizer or Moderna due to a medical reason. The Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine is no longer being offered in the UK.

The Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine is no longer being offered in the UK because this is not as poisonous I believe and anyway would have made more money for the UK, more than other countries such as the USA (Pfizer) the USA (Moderna) and the USA (Novavax).

Strange the USA comes up so much. Rather like the military arms manufacturers of which 10 of the top 20 are in the USA. And 6 in the top 10.

Can I choose which vaccine I get?

No, you won’t be offered a choice of which vaccine you get.

No the authorities get to choose which poison is best for you.

I mean which poison is best to harm you.

Will I be able to pass on the virus to others if I’ve had the vaccine?

Yes. While the vaccine reduces your chance of becoming infected with Covid-19, it is still possible to pass it on if you do catch it.

No, you won’t. But you might infect others with stupidity if they haven’t woken up already to the lies.

I know some people think the vaccinated should be avoided like the plague as they believe I spike proteins, but I am not convinced. On the other hand the vaccinated are getting themselves pumped full of poisons (if not saline), so avoidance might be safest.

But then if your own immune system is good and you are not afraid there should not be a problem.

I’ve already had Covid-19, do I still need to get vaccinated?

Yes, it’s really important to get the vaccine, even if you’ve already had Covid-19, although you will need to wait a little while before you have the vaccine:

It is really important to get the vaccine if you want big pharma to make more money, but if you don’t want to risk being harmed or even die then avoid like the plague.

Can the vaccine give me coronavirus?

No, you can’t get coronavirus from the vaccine. None of the vaccines contain live forms of the Covid-19 virus.

If anything, the coronavirus is the exosome, part of the body’s own defence system so you already have the coronavirus in you to protect you.

Otherwise it is merely a made up concept to scare you to death and run in the abyss of destruction, chased by demons of your own making.

However, you will get the ‘flu from the vaccine, if indeed it does contain poisons. Or get Covid 19 which is the same thing, the ‘flu rebranded to make big pharma more money, blah, blah, blah.

A relative had a bad reaction to the vaccine. Should I still have the vaccine?

The vast majority of reactions to the vaccine (whatever the type) have been mild and short-term. If one of your family members has felt unwell afterwards, that doesn’t mean that you will experience the same thing. Serious and life-threatening reactions to the vaccine have been extremely rare, but if there has been one in your family it’s understandable that you would feel concerned. It would be a good idea to talk it through with your health professional, who may be able to reassure you and talk through your options. So don’t let this put you off getting the vaccine altogether.

If a relative had a bad reaction to the vaccine then this is a really, really big clue that you should avoid all vaccines.

If you are really thick and don’t get this clue then going to a health professional would not improve your chances of sanity any time soon. This is because most main stream doctors are pig ignorant about diseases and vaccines/big pharma drugs in general.

My advice is DO let this put you off getting the vaccine altogether. Vaccine harms and deaths are there as evidence that vaccines are really a very Bad Idea indeed.

Only the terminally dim will ignore these pointers and will deserve what they get.

Does the pneumococcal vaccine protect me from Covid-19?

No, the pneumococcal vaccine protects you from a different illness, not Covid-19. It’s important to have both vaccines if you are offered them.

The pneumococcal vaccine will not protect you from anything. If anything it will give you the so-called disease it allegedly protects you from.

It is important to big pharma and those who benefit from the money in generates, but I am assuming that is not what you want.

Avoid all vaccines, they are utterly pointless.


So why have the British Heart Foundation sold themselves to Satan?

Here are the anagrams which might explain why.

Satan + at least 10, 000 phrases

Fourth redhibition Satan

Redhibition is a civil action available under Louisiana law against the seller and/or manufacturer of a defective product,

Of Satan hid retribution h

Satan hid inferior Bhutto

Satan in Bhutto horrified

Satan Biron firth hideout

Satan booth hifi intruder

Satan bitot Hun horrified

Satan both horrified unit

Satan hun horrified Tobit

Satan bitter hirudin hoof

Hirudin is a naturally occurring peptide in the salivary glands of blood-sucking leeches (such as Hirudo medicinalis) that has a blood anticoagulant property.[2] This is fundamental for the leeches’ habit of feeding on blood, since it keeps a host’s blood flowing after the worm’s initial puncture of the skin.


Satan fuhrer inhibit to-do

Others for amusement

To start with I have always thought of the organisation as the

British Fart Houndation

Ok, there should be an ‘e’ added for completeness but it’s the thought that counts.

Fart + at least 10, 000 phrases

Oh uninhibited Astor fart

Ah torso uninhibited fart

Aids unbent Hirohito fart – an emperor fart

Uninhibit arsed hoot fart

Soho uninhibited fart art

British fart in a nude hoot

Summary and conclusion

The British Heart Foundation has been taken over by Satanic forces, giving deceitful advice about the vaccines an northing it seems about diet and the neuro-toxic effects of big pharma drugs.

Or why hearts are damaged in the first place. These are being damaged by the current vaccines as evidenced by blood clots found in people.

Emotional blackmail is used by the 3 people the BHF presents to promote the vaccines, there is no evidence to back it up, no links to all the info out there, let alone the Dundee University report they mention.

The whole vaccine promotion by the BHF is propaganda pure and simple. Absolutely disgusting.

Its charitable status should be removed and those in charge put on trial for misinformation of the grossest kind.

If you donate money to it please don’t. I suggest boycotting its charity shops and telling the BHF why. This will make them change their tune.

Given the anagrams which one might merely think are amusing, it is obvious to those with discernment that the BHF propaganda is satanic and pure evil. As I keep saying though, most of it is because of money, the root of all kinds of evil with harm and death the side effects.

Perhaps it is no coincidence that ‘anti-Christ vaccine’ is an anagram of ‘retch Satanic Vinci’ and ‘Chev nitric Satanic’ and ‘chic invert Satanic’.

It is oh so chic to have the vaccine!

Those are contrived of course but as vaccines is an anagram of ‘cc in save’?

And ‘vaccinations’ an anagram of ‘Satan Vic icon’?

Satan and his evil minions have taken over the world for a season, this is the Great Tribulation and the evil empires must be taken down including the British Heart Foundation.

P.S. This link for some background information on the BHF.

Note these further organisations which you can research as to what they are saying. I have done enough for the time being, but I highlight some pointers.

American Heart Association – note the words contain ‘Satan’ and ‘Satanic’ together. ‘Satan cheerio Moria satanic’ is a full anagram.

Moria is the underworld in Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings.

It is a partner organization of the World Economic Forum. Oh dear.

Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada – note the words contain ‘Satan’ and ‘Satanic’

Heart Disease Research Foundation – note the words contain ‘Satan’ and ‘Satanic’

National Heart Foundation of Australia – note the words contain ‘Satan’

United OneHeart Foundation

Heart Protection Study

My links which may be of interest.

What is the ‘flu a.k.a Covid 19 and why vaccines are pointless at best.

Sunshine, sunburn and sunstroke

And on a lighter note.

D is for….D. Vitamin D.

More Vitamin D

G is for…..guidance

Author: alphaandomega21

Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector'sson. When not posting pages or paging posties, trying to be a good husband, and getting over a long term health issue, I am putting the world to rights. I have nothing better to do, so why not? But of course that includes dancing, being funny (in more than one sense), poking fun at life, poking fun at myself, deflating the pompous, reflating the sad. Seeking to heal the whole of the soul (and body where possible). In short making life as good as it possibly can be for others as well as myself. You can't say fairer than that. But if you can, please say. People need to know.

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