Things Can Only Get Wetter – Rishi Sunak announces general election

By Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

In the pouring rain. You would have thought they might have provided him with an umbrella.

I imagine he had a dry suit indoors. Still, he gave new meaning to the term Tory wet!

Although I couldn’t make it out, people say that D:Ream’s song, “Things can only get better” was playing in the background, hence my title. People have already made this connection and the humour but it was New Labour’s theme tune. Here is the recording of the speech.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s General Election announcement in full

And here is a transcript. There are some spelling errors.

Here it is with my comments.

“In the last five years our country has fought through the most challenging times since the Second World War.

As I have been saying, we follow a timeline similar to WW2 only 80 years ago by my reckoning.

“As I stand here as your Prime Minister, I can’t help but reflect that my first proper introduction to you was just over four years ago. I stood behind one of the podiums upstairs in the building behind me.

Pedalling the pandemic lies. He was brought in specially, the ‘hi risk anus’ (anagram of Rishi Sunak).

“I told you that we faced a generation-defining moment and that we as a society could not be judged by some Government action, but by the small acts of kindness we showed one another.

Which is true. Many people did show kindness, others, including the NHS doctors and nurses lost the plot. I have said the love of many grew cold; so many forgot to love.

“You met that challenge and then some, and I had never been prouder to be British.

I have never been more ashamed at most of my fellow countrymen’s’ spinelessness to stand up to the nonsense of so-called coronavirus ‘rules’. It was always GUIDANCE, you should have checked website if in doubt.

“And when I introduced the furlough scheme, I did so not because I just saw a country in desperate need of help, all be it we were, but because I saw a country whose future hung in the balance.

And see who was stupid enough to believe it was necessary whilst given the opportunity for the corrupt to take advantage and steal millions.

“I could be bold and trust in the tens of millions of you at home that you would rise to the moment, or I could accept the inevitable millions of job losses and pick up the pieces. In truth it was no choice at all.

No, much better to indebt the country and those in it. He and his cronies would profit.


“I have never and will never leave the people of this country to face the darkest of days alone, and you know that because you’ve seen it.

Even if he is currently the wealthiest politician and with an even more wealthy wife I believe.

“As I did then I will forever do everything in my power to provide you with the strongest possible protection I can. That is my promise to you. Because for so many of us, it’s easy to forget the scale of what we’ve been through.

Forget the stupidity of the masses more like. As to protection do you mean like the ‘safe and effective’ vaccines? Tell me another Rishi.

“We were hit by a pandemic that upended normal life. Who would have thought that the government would tell us how many times a day we could leave our homes, then just as we were recovering from Covid, war returned to Europe with Putin’s invasion of Ukraine sending your energy bills spiralling.

No, we were hit by a scamdemic, a tidal wave lies, sewage from government and its institutions. A load of crap does not do it justice.

When we were recovering from the Covid crap the Ukraine crap started as a nice distraction from the vaccine harms and death. It was a good excuse for yet more money to be bled from the people of the UK into foreign bank accounts. Check who really owns the energy companies.

 “I came to office, above all, to restore economic stability. Economic stability is the bedrock of any future success whether that is rising wages or good jobs, investment in our public services, or the defence of the country.

You came to office as you were installed to further bugger things up.

“And because of our collective sacrifice and hard work we have reached two major milestones in delivering that stability, showing that when we work together anything is possible.

You have sacrificed exactly nothing but the UK and its citizens on the altar of greed and incompetency. As to milestones they should be hung around your neck and you be thrown into the sea.

“Our economy is now growing faster than anyone predicted, outpacing Germany, France and the US. And this morning it was confirmed that inflation is back to normal, this means that the pressure on prices will ease and mortgage rates will come down. This is proof that the plan and priorities I set out are working.

It is proof that things are manipulated as usual. Still, I am glad we are not Germany, France and the US. A hi risk anus is clearly dangerous but a ‘been inert pedo shit job’ is even worse when he is clearly demented. That’s an anagram of Joseph Robinette Biden by the way.

“I recognise that it has not always been easy. Some of you will just be starting to fill the benefits and for some it might still be hard when you look at your bank balance.

Although Rishi will be laughing all the way to the bank.

“But this hard-earned economic stability was only ever meant to be the beginning, the question now is how and who do you trust to turn that foundation into a secure future for you, your family, and our country?

Not Rishi that’s for sure.

“Now is the moment for Britain to choose its future, to decide whether we want to build on the progress we have made or risk going back to square one with no plan and no certainty.

Well, we certainly don’t want to go back into Europe although Labour and others might want it.

“Earlier today I spoke with His Majesty the King to request the dissolution of Parliament. The King has granted this request and we will have a general election on July 4.

How very gracious of the king. He has not been very well with cancer we are told, a bit wan. That makes him a wan king. Mmm…

Anyway, happy 4th of July, eh. 80 years ago Operation Windsor took place in the Battle of Normandy, France. The king is of the House of Windsor. Mmm…

“This election will take place at a time when the world is more dangerous than it has been since the end of the Cold War. Putins’s Russia is waging a brutal war on Ukraine and will not stop there if he succeeds.

Come on, we are in a cold war now, it’s called COVID 19, the ‘flu rebranded or as some like to call it, the common cold. Atishoo!!

Atishoo of lies more like.

The whole thing is a farce, an excuse for more money laundering whilst the ordinary people in the middle face death and destruction. The wealthy bankers and minions make even more wealth.

“That war has also made it all too clear the risk to our energy security in the Middle East the forces of Islamist extremism threaten regional and ultimately global stability. These tensions are exploited by extremists who attempt to undermine our values and divide or society here at home.

The extremists are the politicians and bankers who are extremely rich like Rishi. But he is only a puppet by comparison to the real manipulators.

“China is looking to dominate the 21st Century by stealing a lead in technology and migration is being weaponised by hostile estates to threaten the integrity of our borders. These uncertain times call for a clear plan and bold action to charter a course to a secure future.

China is having a smashing time, and fragile things are broken by all and sundry. But it is true that most things seem to be ‘made in China’. This is why so much of their stuff breaks down.

He is correct about “…migration is being weaponised by hostile estates…” and the same is particularly true in the USA.

“You must choose in this election, who has that plan, who is prepared to take bold action necessary to secure a better future for our country and our children?

The cunning plan. None of our leaders have one that’s for sure except to further ruin the country to their own benefit.

“Now, I cannot and will not claim that we have got everything right. No government should, but I am proud of what we have achieved together, the bold actions we have taken and I’m confident about what we can do in the future.

The government has got very little right, having caused many of the problems in the first place. Still, if Labour get it this is likely to be even worse, not so much very little right, but an awful lot left (wing).

“We tackled inflaton, controlled debt, cut workers’ taxes and increased the state pension by £900. We have reduced taxes in investment and seized the opportunities from Brexit to make this the best country in the world to grow for business, put record amounts of funding into our NHS and ensured it is now training the doctors and nurses it needs in the decades to come.

Controlled debt having artificially raised it in the first place. Wasted record amounts on the useless NHS. As to training doctors and nurses what in?

Euthanasia techniques I guess, and ‘How to Jab your patients to death without really trying.’ That’s being going on for years.

“We prioritise energy security and your family finances over environmental dogma in our approach to net zero. We fully funded an increase in defence spending to two and a half per cent of GDP.

The first part is sensible provided we clean up our pollution at the same time. For example, the private companies poisoning our rivers and lakes include those who are supposed to treat sewage. How many of these are owned by hostile states, countries or entities outside the UK only interested in asset stripping and doing the UK down?

As to defence this will make money for the warmongers and arms manufacturers; most of the largest companies are in the USA.

“We made a decision to invest more in local transport that you actually use rather than endlessly power more money into HS2.

Pity they didn’t do that before the HS2 white elephant was started. It is ruining yet more swathes of my beautiful England.

“We set out a comprehensive plan to reform our welfare system to make it fair for those who pay for it, as well as those who need it. Immigration is finally coming down and we are stopping the boats with our Rwanda partnership.

They have increased the number who will need support by maiming them with toxic vaccines etc. So-called compensation is presumably paid by the taxpayers, courtesy of the government.

“And we ensure that the next generation grows smoke-free.

Which is the most stupid idea from a Conservative government to stop people smoking.

Poison them with pharmaceuticals but stop them smoking. You hypocrite Rishi!

And don’t forget the Tories brought in a law to microchip cats, another disgusting piece of financial gain for the veterinarians. I have heard of a US company buying up a practice in the UK. It’s all about the money and the USA is behind a lot of this.

It is after all where the bulk of big pharma lies.

“I hope that my work since I became Prime Minister shows that we have a plan and are prepared to take bold action necessary for our country to flourish.

Your work has shown you are a globalist stooge and that you have a plan to drag the UK into a One World Government.

“Now, I have stuck with that plan and always been honest with you about what is needed, even when that’s been difficult, because I’m guided by doing what is right for our country, not what is easy.

Always been honest??? You are a lying toad Rishi.

“I can’t say the same thing for the Labour Party, because I don’t know what they offer and, in truth, I don’t think you know either.

Oh yes we do, more of the same but probably worse if that were possible.

“And that’s because they have no plan, there is no bold action, and as a result the future can only be uncertain with them.

Labour always make hard work of things (or should that be hard woke?); it’s in the name ‘Labour’.

“On July 5, either Keir Starmer or I will be prime minister.

No thank you.

“He has shown time and time again that he will take the easy way out and do anything to get power.

True, but that is the pot calling the kettle black.

“I have to say, if he was happy to abandon all the promises he made to become Labour leader once he got the job, how can you know that he won’t do exactly the same thing if he were to become prime minister?

True but that is all politicians for you.

“If you don’t have the conviction to stick to anything you say, if you don’t have the courage to tell people what you want to do, and if you don’t have a plan, how can you possibly be trusted to lead our country, especially at this most uncertain of times?

And how can you be trusted when even by politicians standards, the Conservative government has taken lying and deceit to new lows. Or should I say misinformation? I have Fact Checked it you know.

 “Over the next few weeks I will fight for every vote, I will earn your trust and I will prove to you that only a Conservative government led by me will not put our hard-earned economic stability and restore pride and confidence in our country, and with a clear plan and bold action, will deliver a secure future for you, your family and our United Kingdom

You had better not come round to my house Rishi old bean asking for my vote. Not that I want Queer Stammer coming either thank you very much.

Well that’s his speech. There are reactions from the other idiots.

Keir Starmer

It says

In a TV statement shortly afterwards, Sir Keir argued Tory “chaos” had damaged the economy, and a vote for his party represented a chance to bring political stability.

Well, it wasn’t so much Tory chaos as CHAOS agents, all deliberate. Perhaps it was the demonic Tony Bliar at work as usual with his motley crew. Make the Tories self-destruct, the masses clamour for a change and get Labour instead.

As it is all the UK’s institutions have been compromised for some time by both Nazis and Marxists.

And both came out of Germany, surprise, surprise. A vote for Labour may bring stability but it is likely to be the political stability of insanity and totalitarian idiocy. Labour wants to make it easier for someone to change gender for goodness sake!

Still that’s politicians for you. Change the gender, change the agenda, all the same.

Adding it was “time for change”, he criticised the Conservatives’ management of public services, the NHS and record on tackling crime.

Nobody has managed those well for some time, Conservative or Labour. People forget the last Labour government under Tony ‘evil eyes Bliar and Gordon ‘Bennett, I sold all the country’s gold at a knock down price’ Brown.

“Give the Tories five more years and things will only get worse. Britain deserves better than that,” Sir Keir added.

Give Labour five new years and things will get even worser. Bad English, but hey.

John Swinney

SNP leader John Swinney, who took over as Scotland’s first minister earlier this month, said the election was a chance to “remove the Tory government and put Scotland first”.

Head first in the toilet. Wikipedia says

Swinney has described himself as “a man of deep Christian faith”

He supports LGBTQi+ etc. He is as Christian as the pope. Who also supports LGBTQi+ but not quite so obviously.

The pope is the false prophet of Revelation. Swinney is just false.

I find that ‘annoyware’, software that annoys the user is one of the longest anagrams in his full name, John Ramsay Swinney. In the USA a john is a toilet so I say he is a dirty swinney and needs flushing away.

Ed Davey

Lib Dem leader Sir Ed Davey said it would be a chance to “kick Rishi Sunak’s appalling Conservative government out of office”, whilst Greens co-leader Carla Denyer said her party was aiming to elect at least four new MPs.

Ed Davey believes in trans rights. If we include the fact that is ‘Sir’ Ed Davey, his full name Sir Edward Jonathan Davey anagrams to ‘adj envoy hardwired Satan’.

The Conservative government has been appalling but the others will be just as bad or worse.

Carla Denyer

Carla Denyer “describes herself as bisexual or pansexual” according to Wikipedia. It also says

She is also noted for her lead role in bringing about Bristol City Council’s declaration of a climate emergency in 2018, which was the first in Europe.

 ‘cursed zany annealer’ is an anagram of her full name, Carla Suzanne Denyer. That’s one way of putting it.

And Reform UK leader Richard Tice said the Tories had “broken Britain” but Labour would “bankrupt Britain”, and only his party would offer “common sense policies that can now save Britain”.

The political parties have been breaking Britain for decades, but the rot has accelerated since the turn of the millennium.

Richard James Sunley Tice, his full name, anagrams to ‘Satan cheerily cursed Jim’. I don’t suppose he knows that.

Summary and final thoughts

I hadn’t expected to be doing this today but it seemed appropriate. Edzard Ernst is almost ready but he will have to wait a little longer.

An election was on the cards and was unlikely to be left until the autumn. Anyway, the starting gates are up and their off.

There is a commenter, Rhys Jaggar, on the off-guardian website who says

I hope both Labour AND Conservative suffer a catastrophic loss of support. I hope that Independents who are local candidates win 100+ seats.

If enough people say: ‘I won’t vote for any party supporting the Gazan genocide, I won’t vote for any party that voted for lockdowns and all the Covid19 corruption etc and I won’t vote for any idiot that thinks Net Zero is anything but economic suicide’, then an astonishing voting pattern ought to emerge.


I think he makes a good point, we need good independent M.P.s who aren’t party affiliated and who will think for themselves.

So pray for the right, righteous candidates and vote appropriately. We need good men and women in parliament, not a bunch of ungodly narcissists, greedy opportunists or transgender LGBTQi+ nutters, but those to whom public service for the public good is second nature.

But we get the government we deserve and if the people are bad the government will be bad. It is our own fault and the land is full of unrighteousness and evil laws, but there are many here who have not bent the knee to Baal.

As is written in Proverbs “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.”

Jesus talks about the end times being like labour pains of the world. If Labour gets in, will that be an ironic twist in this pantomime to end all pantomimes?

Remember though it matters as much if not more what we do at local level, and love covers over a multitude of failings.

If my reading of the WW2 timeline is correct then there are moves afoot to win this new war in Europe. Is the election part of it? We will have to wait, pray, watch and see.

As for Sunak’s question “ …how and who do you trust to turn that foundation into a secure future for you, your family, and our country?”, well my foundation is Jesus Christ and as Joshua put it in the book of Judges

“As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD!”

Look out for the sign of Baldmichael, he will be back!

P.S. Here are some links of mine for any who have not yet seen.

Timeline – anticipated events in World War 3

My analysis of Sunak before he became P.M.

A new PM for UK? Conservative party candidates Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss:

G is for…..guidance

NHS COVID 19 vaccine advice

Breaking News: Second Lockdown

On the Ukraine war

Put In Boots – the UKraine Panto

This contains my Covid 19 Summary with a brief overview of 2 of the three main parties involved in this Covid war.

What is the ‘flu a.k.a Covid 19 and why vaccines are pointless at best.

I’m pussed off – UK government wants cats microchipped

BBC Fact Check

The Five Rules of Propaganda and transgender compared

The church’s one foundation…

In the News – The Daily Telegraph Monday, 15th April, 2024

By Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

I haven’t done a review of a newspaper for a while so here are my thoughts. A few words used may be rather strong for some so be warned.

‘Trump will be much worse a second time’

So says Salman Rushdie, or Salmon Rusty as I might think of him.

Rushdie in 2014

By © Ed Lederman/PEN American Center, CC BY 2.0,

He was knighted by the Queen for services to literature. However he caused a storm among Muslim world with his book ‘The Satanic Verses’ and is still under a ‘Fatwa’.

He is considering moving back to the UK from the USA if Trump wins. As he is apparently a committed remainer who thinks Brexit has damaged Britain, I am not keen that he returns.

But maybe many in the USA are not that keen that he stays either. I found this.

Salman Rushdie says re-elected Donald Trump will drive me back to Britain

Emma Guinness

Mon, 15 April 2024

A vocal supporter of Hillary Clinton’s presedential (sic) campaign in 2016, Rushdie was asked whether he thinks Trump will be re-elected when America goes to the polls again in November.

“I’m going to make the same mistake again. I think he might lose,” he told The Telegraph.

Asked to consider the prospect of a Trump victory, he said: “Unbearable. Unthinkable. Because he’ll be much worse this time. He’ll be unleashed. He’s a liar and a bully, and cares about nothing except himself.”

I am not sure he has considered what Joe Biden is. C’mon man! He continues

Rushdie said America would be “unlivable – it’s seriously what I think”.

He added: “[My children] want me to come back to London. I’ve always been torn by having almost all my close family live in London, and to be living here.”

Pressed on whether he would return: “I might do. I’m not going to say more than that,” before adding that Brexit Britain was pretty bad too.

“Brexit. Because I think the damage done to England, not just economically but culturally, is so awful that’s mad too.”

Any damage done to the UK has been much due to the resistance of rabid remainers who fought tooth and nail to sabotage the process.

Rushdie has penned a memoir, Knife: Meditations After an Attempted Murder, in a bid to come to terms with the attack (he suffered a knife attack which injured him).

In the novel, the 76-year-old reveals he wondered whether the attack was his own fault for offending parts of the Islamic world with his 1988 novel The Satanic Verses, which prompted a fatwa to be issued against him by the state of Iran.

“As so many people had said all along – was it my own fault?” he wrote of the then-removed assassination order.

“But as I grew stronger in body and mind, it was an analysis I rejected emphatically. To regret what your life has been is true folly.

“There were probably few exceptions to this principle, but very few of the people who ought to regret their lives – Donald Trump, Boris Johnson, Adolf Eichmann, Harvey Weinstein – ever do so.”

Hmm, he leaves out rather a lot of others from the list. As to Donald Trump well, whatever you may think of him, he did help expose the deep state corruption in the USA.

And in this case the stupidity of Salman Rushdie.

Here’s another link.

Salman Rushdie: ‘A lot of what Trump unleashed was there anyway’

2 Sep 2017

“I had a lecture gig in a city called Vero Beach in Florida: big audience, older people, quite affluent, very well educated, and almost all Trump voters,” he says. “Not at all the cliche of the ignorant blue-collar Trump voter. These were people with college degrees who’d had highly paid jobs, many retired, readers.”

Here is the arrogance of people like Mr Rushdie, because he is educated he looks down those who voted for Trump.

When the author mentioned climate change, he says, “this gentleman – they were all very courteous – disagreed with me and he said: ‘When you say that all the scientists agree on this, that’s not true.’ And I said: ‘Yeah, it is true actually.’ And he said: ‘No it’s not.’ And I said: ‘Sir, we can’t go on like this, it’s silly. But let me put it to you this way: if you say the world is flat, it doesn’t make the world flat. The world doesn’t need you to agree that it’s round in order to be round, because there’s this thing called evidence.’”

What a load of bollox from Rushdie! Not all scientists do agree on climate change, or at least the causes of it, beyond the cyclical changes which are observable.

Did he get the impression these positions were held partly as a way to punish condescending liberals? “Well, I do think there’s some of that; this idea that the elite is now the educated class, rather than the wealthy class, so you’ve got a government with more billionaires in it than ever in history, but we’re the elite – journalists and college professors and novelists, not the ones with private planes and beach front properties in the Bahamas. It’s a weird time.”

Condescending liberals describes Rushdie and his ilk to a ‘T’.

Since 2000, Rushdie has lived in the United States, mostly near Union Square in Lower Manhattan, New York City.

Which was just before the Two Towers were demolished in 2001.

Mm…..perhaps the Islamic terrorists were aiming for Mr Rushdie and missed. That would make a good conspiracy theory!

I am sure I could do a whole post on him, but suffice to say what an arrogant tosser he is.

He should be in no rush to come back to Britain. After all, ‘He alarms, dies in mad rush’ is an anagram of his full name (including ‘Sir’) so it would be a risky move.

Iran’s UK centre paid £240, 000 in Covid cash

As opposed to billions lost in fraud overall.

Covid-19 support worth £4.5bn lost to error and fraud


17 January 2023

It says

In response, the chief executive of HMRC, Jim Harra, said the figure was estimated to be £4.5bn in total across two financial years, 2020-21 and 2021-22.

Of this sum, £3.5bn was lost through the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, £1bn through the Self Employed Income Support Scheme and £71m through the Eat Out To Help Out.

It continues

In the letter, Mr Harra wrote that Covid support schemes “helped millions of people and businesses through the pandemic”.

He said, from the beginning of the pandemic, HMRC was “clear that the schemes would be targets for fraud and also that customers operating at pace and under pressure would make mistakes”.

The whole COVID 19 thing was a fraud, he was aware there would be fraud and yet it happened anyway.

I see Jim Harra is also HMRC’s LGB&T Champion.

Moving forward with Pride

Jim Harra and Russell Barnes, 9 June 2015

It says

Participants can display their government building pass on a bright Rainbow lanyard, which clearly identifies them as actively role-modelling the right behaviours and offering day-to-day friendship and support to LGB&T colleagues.

The right behaviours eh? Like the COVID 19 nudging I suppose, shame people into doing what the LGBTQi+ crowd want.

Of course, to plan effectively, departments need to know more about the people who work in their organisations and what their demographic make-up is. The more our workforces – at all grades – reflect the diversity of our customer base, the better we will be able to understand and respond flexibly to their diverse needs.

If the workforces reflect the diversity of the customer base then there will be quite a few useless idiots employed at HRMC. Long gone then the desire to employ the best and most suitable, just make sure we employ a diverse range of people good and bad.

The worse society gets, the more bad people will be employed, but that’s ok because it reflects diversity.

In HMRC’s Business Tax we launched a ‘Count Me In’ campaign last year, to encourage all our staff to fill in their diversity declarations.  I’d like to see all Civil Service leaders leading by example, making sure their declarations are up to date, and that everyone understands why this is so important.

It is so important because then there will be less competent people about to pick up on fraud.

I believe passionately in treating everyone fairly and with respect – behaviours we should all encourage throughout the Civil Service. We need to get to a position where LGB&T people can just be themselves at work, and where they feel completely safe and comfortable in sharing details of their sexual orientation or gender history whenever they wish. Quite simple, really.

I am glad he believes in treating everyone fairly and with respect. But we need to get back to a position where HRMC don’t waste taxpayers’ money on such evil stupidity.

Quite simple really.

I see James Alan Harra, his full name, anagrams to ‘an arse mal rajah’, whilst Russell Barnes, the other author of the article, anagrams to ‘run sell arse BS’.

A couple of arses then, that figures.

Yousaf’s popularity plummets after launch of hate crime laws

The paper version says 29% of SNP voters think he is doing a bad job where as 36% think the opposite. The English didn’t seem quite right so I checked. Daniel Sanderson who wrote the piece got it the wrong way round I assume.

It is possible the online version is different but I don’t have a subscription.

His popularity is 3 points higher than Rishi Sunak, the ‘Hi risk anus’ which is not much comfort. That’s Humza Yousaf, not Daniel Sanderson.

At the rate things are going SNP seats will crash at the next election and labour support increase hugely.

Not that that is encouraging as most politicians we have are useless if not corrupt.

I gather the legislation was launched on April 1st. Hardly an auspicious day but very suitable under the circumstances.

This link explains the situation.

Humza Yousaf’s ‘chilling’ hate crime law to continue as MSPs vote against repealing ‘clype’s charter’          17 APR 2024

The above says

Police Scotland has been inundated with anonymous complaints about alleged hate crimes, with more than 9,000 reports being made out. Out of these, only about 450 actually got investigated, with a number of them being described as “vexatious.”

It has meant already overworked officers need to chase every single complaint, with a huge overtime bill being racked up in order to do so. Confusion has also reigned due to the legislation, with even SNP ministers misquoting what the actual law is, despite a huge £400k advertising campaign.

It’s all about wasting taxpayers’ money and causing chaos whilst distracting from other evils.

Scottish Tory shadow justice secretary Russell Findlay opened the debate on the bill, as he stated that “Humza Yousaf’s hate crime law chills free speech and has turned Scotland into a place of international mockery…”

I think Nicola Sturgeon managed that on her own account.

The article link says that the MSPs voted to retain it. This included 25 abstentions from Labour, the Lib Dems and a SNP rebel Fergus Ewing no relation to JR I assume).

As I said SNP support crashing will not be great if Labour take the lead and get into power and can’t see how stupid this Act is. Perhaps they secretly like the law.

Anyway, it just shows how evil and ignorant are the SNP. As to Humza Haroon Yousaf I say this:

Hush you AZ faa moron

That’s an anagram of his name. Not bad I think.

Yousaf is a variant of ‘Joseph’. So like Joe Stalin and Joe Biden. Joseph in the bible was intelligent and became a leader in Egypt. Things have clearly got worse since then.

I see

Community safety minister Siobhian Brown accused her opposition MSPs of “regularly regurgitating misinformation” but failed to give any examples of this when grilled about it by Mr Findlay.

I note Siobhian Brown anagrams to ‘boobs inn a whir’ so I guess she must have a party trick. I also note ‘Rishi NW baboon’ so a version of the London ape.

Smoking ban ‘very difficult’ to enforce, Clarke warns Sunak

Speaking of which, I see he has been warned about the latest Conservative Party insanity. Even Boris thinks the plan is “absolutely nuts”. This is what happens when you have a WEF favourite installed to bugger up the country.

Would-Be British PM Rishi Sunak – WEF Front Man

JULY 19, 2022

Remember Fishy Rishi was chancellor and responsible for the furlough financial scheme so he has a track record of deceit and chicanery under the guise of a so-called ‘health emergency’.

Kenneth Clarke, who was made a lord by Boris Johnson, refers to difficulties as people age. Thus he mentions someone 42 years of age being able at some point to buy cigarettes but not a 41 year old.

As 42 is the number of the season and mentioned in the book of Revelation this might be the reason these figures are used.

Liz Truss has weighed in and said the move is ‘profoundly unconservative’. Just like the microchip cats act I say but par for the course for a corrupted increasingly fascist government.

It all distracts from the fact that the government with support from all other parties has been out to poison, harm and kill the UK citizens it is supposed to support and protect.

Rishi Sunak is an evil bastard among many. Or as an anagram of his name says ‘I is UN shark’.

Grandmother’s leg amputated after four-day wait on A & E trolley

I gather her son thinks that she wouldn’t have had to have so much of her leg cut off if she hadn’t had to wait so long.

There are rumours that she was ‘hopping mad’ and ‘off her trolley’ afterwards.

But I think that may be a delayed April Fool’s joke.

Biden used $1.7 million in donations for legal case

Speaking of fools, Joe Biden has been called a hypocrite for receiving money from donors despite publically accusing Donald Trump of doing the same.

It refers to Joe’s handling of classified documents found in his cluttered garage in his Delaware home.

The special counsel Robert Hur (no relation to Ben I assume) decided against prosecution as Mr Biden would present himself as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory”.

Stop laughing, it’s cruel to ridicule the senile.

I see that Robert Kyoung Hur in full anagrams to ‘Bork hunt roguery’ so I guess he was a suitable choice for the role.

Whereas Robert F. Bauer along with Richard Sauber produced a letter in response to rebut the findings.

Robert F. Bauer anagrams to ‘BA refuter rob’ whilst Richard Sauber anagrams to ‘airbrush raced’. Couldn’t be better chosen people I guess.

In any event it sure should make US citizens secure in their beds at night that ‘their’ president (if you believe in that sort of thing) will never confuse the two red buttons on his desk.

You know, the nuclear one and the warden assist alarm.

Britain used to be a civil country – now all we have are nagging signs

Apparently there are signs at the entrance to the National Theatre reminding the visitors that they should not assume “other visitors and staff will necessarily agree with your point of view.”

There is an injunction in red type to be “open, patient and kind”.

It mentions the proliferation of signs in A&E departments, GP surgeries, public transport and in shops, warning of the consequences of aggressive behaviour.

It doesn’t say whether this is from the public or the staff. I imagine things like ‘Never mind the dog, look out for the sales assistant!’

However, from my own observations the writer means the public. Although quite frankly given the nonsense we had from the shops over masks and anti-social distancing she could have easily been including both.

This is all a consequence of the breakdown of what was called godliness in society. People accepted certain standards and sought to maintain them as best they could. But most people abandoned God as irrelevant and here we are today.

It is written ‘a quiet word turns away anger’ and if staff and police were properly trained in such wise words, we wouldn’t resort to the warning signs which I find merely aggressive and worse than useless.

The article was by Jane Shilling. I would say a penny for your thoughts, but inflation has kicked in clearly.

Anyway, she mentions John Donne at the end who wrote ‘No man is an island’. She says an affront to our fellow human is, ultimately, an act of self-harm.

Such signs though are grossly hypocritical in places such as hospitals. Harm has been done by government, doctors and nurses to patients via administration of vaccines and neurotoxic drugs, and they have the audacity to keep such posters up.

They are of course ‘the signs of the times’, the signs that all is not well at all with the people.

But no wonder some people are angry, they have every right to be.

But so is God and He is coming to judge the world. How will we stand before Him?

Sadiq is paving the way for a new tax grab

This is Sadist Khan, the mayor of London. He wants to bring in road pricing on a pay-per-mile, which the article writer thinks will make London a near impossible place to live or work.

Much of the problem lies with the fact that the suburbs are far more spacious than the inner boroughs. When I worked around London as a surveyor coming in from the south coast, I did my best to use the most sensible mode of transport.

Tube, rail and bus are practical and more time efficient within the inner boroughs but outer boroughs are more practical with a car, provide you don’t get snarled up with schools traffic which is a major problem in the early afternoon.

I would use my bicycle to get around and, not having a folding bike, I had to make sure I took trains that arrived and left within the off peak hours.

It was a great way to get about and as annual rainfall in London is not that high I hardly had to struggle with the weather.

But I don’t hold with road pricing as proposed, this merely penalises those who must use a vehicle, whilst the wealthy can afford to pay the costs. There are so many other things that have brought about the huge rise in traffic which need to be addressed.

Of course poisoning the masses with toxic vaccines to make them so ill or dead that they won’t go out is one way of doing it.

But I don’t hold with that either.

Letters to the editor – Pothole peace of mind

There is a letter from a Peter Cadogan of Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. He read a report in the paper about “UK roads have 100 times more potholes than craters on the Moon” (April 13th).

He says he has developed a software to count lunar craters and that there are in fact 10,000 craters in every square kilometre of the lunar surface.

Maybe so, but we don’t have to drive on the moon, do we?

Look out for the sign of Baldmichael, he will be back!

P.S. These are some links which may be of interest.

I’m pussed off – UK government wants cats microchipped

42 – The Ultimate Answer to Life, The Universe and Everything *

Factcheck: Is Joe Biden the new Nero?

“Why vaccines do not work” in a nutshell

S is for…..S.N.P.

Saturday Snigger – Stugeron and Sturgeon, what’s the difference?

Insanity and Transgender Visibility Day