Kreesten Madsen, Danish epidemiologist and lead author on study of MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine and autism

By Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

And expert on infectious diseases according to his Wikipedia page. He was known for

… leading two studies that found no link between either the MMR vaccine and autism or thimerosal and autism.

These were published in 2002 and 2003 respectively.


His wiki page is very brief so one has to dig to find out anything about him. I found this.

Madsen, Kreesten Meldgaard was born on November 23, 1965 in Copenhagen.

So he is 59 years old. His qualifications are

Doctor of Medicine, University Aarhus, Denmark, 1996. Diploma of medical research, University Aarhus, Denmark, 1996. Doctor of Philosophy in Epidemiology, University Aarhus, Denmark, 2004.

Student clinical neurology and pediatrics, University Oxford, United Kingdom, 1994.

As regards his career he was

Research assistant Danish Epidemiology Science Center, Denmark, 1995-1996, researcher Denmark, 1998. With department epidemiology and social medicine University Aarhus, Denmark, 1996-1997. House physician Middelfart Hospital, Denmark, 1997-1998.

Middelfart apparently means middle road before you ask. I suppose the elderly are known as old Middelfarts.

Registrar department infectious diseases Marselisborg Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark, 1999-2000. Researcher Danish Epidemiology Science Center, since 2001.

For some reason it doesn’t bring his career up to date. However I found this.

LEO Pharma announces changes to its Global Leadership Team


It says

Ballerup, June 20, 2023 – LEO Pharma today announced the appointment of Kreesten Meldgaard Madsen as Chief Development Officer. Effective today, he will join LEO Pharma’s Global Leadership Team (GLT).

Kreesten Meldgaard Madsen joined LEO Pharma in 2016 with broad leadership and drug development experience from a number of R&D organizations. Most recently he held the position as Head of R&D, Asia Pacific Hub. Further, he is an experienced Medical Doctor and has served at public hospitals, as a researcher and in the industry since he graduated in 1996. His scientific merits include a long list of scientific publications with more than 4,000 citations in international publications.

Christophe Bourdon, CEO of LEO Pharma, commented: “I am thrilled that we have been able to select an internal candidate for the role as Chief Development Officer. With his extensive experience in clinical development, I am convinced that Kreesten is the right match for the role. Also, Kreesten is a dedicated leader and has been a strong voice in LEO Pharma during his seven years with the company. I am now looking forward to bringing his perspectives into the discussions in the Global Leadership Team.”

So we have a gap of maybe 12 years, given that in 2004 he obtained his PhD in epidemiology. Where was he gaining drug development experience, which were the R&D organizations?

My observations are that

He obtained his PhD in epidemiology AFTER his lead of the two studies. Were the studies the basis of his PHD?

And why should he be called an expert on infectious diseases? Most of his work has been in research and not hands-on experience of which he has had little it seems.

The implication is that he was an expert at the time of the studies but he had only been qualified 6 years at the time of the first study making him perhaps 37 years old.

Still, it helps universities to call people experts as it helps bring in the funding.

In any event he now works for a private company, LEO Pharma.

LEO Pharma

Its history includes 1958 – Patent filed for bendrofluazide.

The chemistry includes fluorine so particularly toxic.

1962 – The company launched Fucidin to be used to treat staphylococcus infections.

Sounds unpleasant already. Add a ‘u’ and you have Faucidin, even more unpleasant! It is

Fusidic acid, sold under the brand name Fucidin among others, is a steroid antibiotic that is often used topically in creams or ointments and eyedrops but may also be given systemically as tablets or injections.


It has side effects in the liver as all drugs seem to do as the poor liver has to deal with the toxic stuff people put into themselves.


He has a Linkedin profile to which I have limited access.

This is a screen shot.

madsen 1

You can see the bit celebrating pride month and the LGBT etc. nonsense.

It says LEO Pharma supports LGBTQ+ community and Kreesten likes this clearly. Is he homosexual himself?

Leo pharma

MMR and autism link study

MMR vaccine is not linked with autism, says Danish study

2002 Nov 16

A Population-Based Study of Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccination and Autism

Published November 7, 2002

The above is a summary, below is the full detail.

These are the authors.

Kreesten Meldgaard Madsen 1, Anders Hviid, Mogens Vestergaard, Diana Schendel, Jan Wohlfahrt, Poul Thorsen, Jørn Olsen, Mads Melbye

It was supported by grants from the Danish National Research Foundation; the National Vaccine Program Office and National Immunization Program, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); and the National Alliance for Autism Research.

It is not clear if these had links to pharmaceutical companies’ interests, except that the revolving door between the CDC and big pharma are well known.

However I would point out that the livelihoods of many depend on promotion of vaccines etc. They do not want to bite the hands that feed them.

It mentions a review of 40 children, 13% of those diagnosed as having autistic disorder.

The three children who did not meet the criteria for autistic disorder were all classified as having other autistic-spectrum disorders. For two of the children, the diagnosis of autistic disorder was questionable because of profound intellectual impairment.

I would highlight the “diagnosis of autistic disorder was questionable” as this is the key factor in all this, how was the diagnosis done and who does it? It obvious that the medical profession must but they are lead to what is autism based on certain criteria, and the study is therefore biased from the outset.

What should be asked is what range of problems affects children in general after vaccination, not a specific set of symptoms which are not so easily defined in any event.

And defined by those who will profit eventually by it.

Another matter to notice is that the issue of genetics is raised and so-called inherited factors. Whilst genetic damage will affect people, no one is asking how it is caused. It is not rocket science to say vaccines which contain toxic substances will cause damage at cellular level and harm development.

One of the authors is Poul Thorsen. There seems to be some oddity about him as he seems to have been wanted for significant fraud yet nobody apparently wants to find him and bring him to justice. See

All of which throws into question the validity of the vaccine and autism study even though the study is suspect for other reasons.

Indeed, the study was criticised in 2022.

2022 Sep; 14

Examples of Outcome Reporting Bias in Vaccine Studies: Illustrating How Perpetuating Medical Consensus Can Impede Progress in Public Health

It says

Medical consensus has exonerated vaccines as having any causal relationship to autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), yet no other reasonable cause has been proposed.

Genetics is used as an excuse to cover up vaccine harms. The article says

However, many Denmark children in the Madsen et al. study from January 1991 through December 1998 were too young to have been diagnosed with autism, such that the number of autistic children were underrepresented. Dr. Samy Suissa, Department of Epidemiology and Statistics at McGill University, reanalyzed the Madsen data, investigating the rate of autism by the time of vaccination, and found a 45% greater risk of ASD in the vaccinated vs. unvaccinated children. The New England Journal of Medicine declined to publish Dr. Suissa’s November 10, 2002, Letter to the Editor, which included the following criticism of the Madsen et al. study:

I won’t reproduce it here, but the main thing is that there is no transparency, it is clear that there are those who don’t want the truth to come out, let alone any hint of an error in the original study.

Reference is made to Andrew Wakefield who was vilified by the mainstream medical profession in the UK for daring to suggest the MMR combined vaccines were causing problems.

I don’t know if this study was especially used against Andrew, but the attacks on him did awaken him and others to the deceit of vaccines more generally. Let’s briefly look at the definition of autism.

Autism definition

Autism is very broadly defined by the NHS.

Autistic people may:

find it hard to communicate and interact with other people

find it hard to understand how other people think or feel

find things like bright lights or loud noises overwhelming, stressful or uncomfortable

get anxious or upset about unfamiliar situations and social events

take longer to understand information

do or think the same things over and over


Now if you don’t think that just about covers everyone I shall wonder what planet you are on!

The NHS page continues

Autism is different for everyone

Autism is a spectrum. This means everybody with autism is different.

Some autistic people need little or no support. Others may need help from a parent or carer every day.

Some people use other names for autism

There are other names for autism used by some people, such as:

autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is the medical name for autism

Asperger’s (or Asperger syndrome) is used by some people to describe autistic people with average or above average intelligence

In other words who knows what autism truly is. What a nonsense the NHS speaks!

Anyway, let’s look at anagrams of Kreesten’s name which may prove both enlightening and amusing.

Anagrams of his name

Kreesten Meldgaard Madsen = 23 letters

Krestn Mldga = 11 individual letters

These are my selections.

Single words and Full phrases

Degenerateness – one of two longest words.

– Dark mal MD degenerateness


– Make damsel transgendered

– Sleek transgendered madam

– Masked transgendered male

– Am ems transgendered Dalek


– Mental degradedness maker


– Dark measled derangements


– Dreaded gentleman maskers

– AD desks dreamer gentleman


– Darkens angel deemed smart


– Demented Denmark slag arse


– Retarded skell madman genes

Skell refers to a person who is homeless, vagrant or derelict. It is often used to connote such a person who is habitually engaged in small-time criminal activity, especially by one working as a con artist or panhandler.



– Denmark measles adder gent

– Alas Denmark regs demented


– grandmas marketed needles


– Ardern delegated masks men


– Masked adder enlargements


– See damnedest Mr dark angel


– Dalek grandmaster needs me

– Daleks derangement dreams


– Gates damned maker slender

– Gates damned marks needler

– Mr keen sledder Gates adman


– Satan renegades km meddler

– Satan mad desk germ needler


– Deemed Mr stall snake danger


– Keen Dr messed data mangler


– Deletes MMR DNA leak dangers

Summary and final thoughts

Kreesten Madsen, the lead author of a study denying a link between MMR vaccine and autism. The study was not the only one done, but it was an early study.

We have limited information about him and quite what he was doing in the decade or so before 2016.

He was not really well experienced in epidemiology at the time even if you think statistics are truly worth analysing, given that they are so easily distorted to fit someone’s own agenda.

Most of his work seems to be in research rather than practical hands on dealing with real people and their disease.

Like many in his field he now works in a pharmaceutical company for profit. How can he retain an unbiased view when his working life depends on promoting pharmaceuticals including vaccines?

He supports the LGBTQ+ agenda and its perverse ideology which has in part been fuelled by pharma’s toxic products.

His study should be considered suspect even if one think vaccines are of some use.

The main issue will always be the terms of reference and the limits of the study. This is primarily the fact that autism is defined and identified by those who have a vested interest in controlling the story to their own benefit, and that of the industrial medical complex without which they would be left bereft.

This includes researchers like Kreesten Madsen.

To break up general disease into a multiplicity of disorders and conditions is a ‘divide and rule’ tactic by the medical complex, make it confusing and complex to deceive the masses.

Such studies should look not at one controlled set of vague symptoms for a condition called autism which must cover just about everyone, but look at vaccine harms over all.

The anagrams of Kreesten Madsen may be amusing as much as anything but prove to be very suitable. I like these best:

– Mental degradedness maker

– AD desks dreamer gentleman

– Retarded skell madman genes

– Denmark measles adder gent

– Dalek grandmaster needs me – “exterminate, exterminate!”

– Gates damned marks needler

– Satan mad desk germ needler

– Deletes MMR DNA leak dangers

Perhaps that last one sums him up and the lies he has helped promote, the damage the MMR vaccine, indeed all vaccines cause to the body. So, as in one final anagram, his name condemns him:

– Me damned dark angel tester

Look out for the sign of Baldmichael, he will be back!

P.S. for those that haven’t seen, here is my main vaccine summary as regards COVID 19 etc. It contains various sublinks including the COVID 19 Summary which has individual links covering various aspects.

What is the ‘flu a.k.a Covid 19 and why vaccines are pointless at best.

Bits and pieces – May, 2024

By Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

I thought I would do a collection of odds and sods, various things I have observed more recently.

Problems with ‘like’ button on substack

I have been unable to ‘like’ comments on substack in the last two weeks or so. My browser has been Brave and this appears to be the issue. It says that it no longer does updates for anything older than Windows 10. It has said for quite a while mind you.

In any event, I tried used Firefox and that will function correctly. I can’t say I am keen on Firefox but if you see I have liked your comment it will be because I have accessed another browser.

If I do not ‘like’ your comment it will not necessarily mean I am ambivalent about it, so please bear with me. For the time being it is all a nuisance.

Timeline of events and World War Three

I have pointed out that I consider we follow a pattern after WW2, only 80 years ago which would place us in 1944.

Significant events that year at this time include the capture of Rome on the 5th June and the invasion of northern France by the allies. I intend to write something on both of these shortly.

However, in the light of the forthcoming UK general election I double checked on the date of the election in 1945, just after the war in Europe had ended.

You will see it was held on the July 5th 1945 and resulted in a Labour landslide. This could parallel what might happen this year on the 4th July.

However that would make it 79 years ago rather than 80. 79 is an interesting number because it is a prime number. Wikipedia has details for those interested.

There is a lady called Joanie Higgs on substack who I believe subscribes to my substack newsletter. She might like to note that 79 is a Higgs prime!

Anyway, I have wondered whether the pattern after ww2 is nearer to 79 years than 80. In any event the comparison is striking as I consider that COVID 19 has been a world war.

Nevertheless I don’t consider the war won except that the narrative as it is called is collapsing as more people wake up to the scam.

Big pharma’s game plan

I made this comment on a substack newsletter.

Work to harm is the game. Big pharma like to start with killing to generate fear then ease back to managed harm. It is a profitable formula. Once you see it for what it is you will understand.

If they are really clever they can poison someone so well that they end up on multi-medications that cancel each other out. The patient is back where he/she started but big pharma and doctors are laughing all the way to the bank.

I note that ‘multi-medications’ anagrams to

medic mutilations

On Angela Merkel

By Armin Linnartz, CC BY-SA 3.0 de,

Another comment of mine on a substack newsletter. I believe she is referred to in Germany as ‘Mutti’, meaning ‘mummy.

Angela Merkel’s journey from ‘Mädchen’ to ‘Mutti’

September 6, 2017

I could do a whole post on her but her full maiden name ‘Angela Dorothea Kasner’ will anagram to

oho ere dark Satan angel

If we take her married name, ‘Angela Dorothea Merkel’ we can get

ere loo death mark angel

Remember the book of Revelation talks about angels. She might be one of them.

I said in response to a comment

I think of her as the Mark Angel, rather like Mark of the Beast. I have friends who lived in Germany. The wife said it tended to be the women wives who ruled the roost.

Like the pharaohs, they love their mummies!

Maria Caulfield, MP for Lewes, Sussex

By Chris McAndrew, CC BY 3.0,

She is Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Mental Health and Women’s Health Strategy and Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Women.

She is someone who has been trotted out to spout the government’s line on vaccines and responded to Andrew Bridgen’s parliamentary debate.

She has made this statement.

Covid-19 Update

Statement made on 25 March 2024

It says among other things

The continued effectiveness of vaccines and treatments to protect people at high risk means that we can transition to an approach where COVID-19 is managed in line with other respiratory illnesses, such as flu. From 1 April 2024, changes will be made to COVID-19 testing to align with other respiratory infectious diseases.

It is all a load of bollux and shows how bad the UK government is. She is just a puppet, mouthing what the uncivil serpents have put in front of her.

She is said to be a nurse, I consider her a very stupid, uncritical woman.

However she has raised an issue regarding 15 minute neighbourhoods in Lewes.

The local council has said she is misinformed or malicious. I don’t know about the ins and outs of the business but certainly we know about the move for the 15 minute neighbourhoods.

If 15 minute neighbourhoods meant people didn’t need to normally travel more than time for most services that would be a good thing, but as small businesses have been squeezed by successive governments in favour of the large corporations and supermarkets this is a problem.

Anyway I see Maria Colette Caulfield as she is in full will anagram to

Acme idiot cellulae fart

This probably explains her although to be fair there are an awful lot of idiots about.

In the Sound of Music the nuns sang ‘How do you solve a problem like Maria?’ How indeed, and not just Maria but the other scumbags who have supported mass harm and deaths by poison vax and drugs. However I see the answer lies in her name.

I electrocuted all Mafia

There’s an answer for everything if you look.


The following link talks about DDT and the polio link. I made this comment here.

“The Moth in the Iron Lung”

Monday 20th May, 2024

Thank you. Polio as a supposed viral disease was a good wheeze by the pharmaceutical companies to cover up chemical harm from their products.

‘Sir, our chemicals are harming people.’

‘Just make up a story that something so small that only our scientists can see it are causing the problems. Then blame it on evolution, and get the advertising boys on to it.’

It reminds me a bit of Naked Gun ‘Nothing to see here.’ as the firework factory blows up.

I saw an article recently on Love Canal, Niagara in the States where I understand a lot of people were falling ill due to the chemicals buried in the ground.

There is a chap called Josh who thinks viruses as a disease causing agent are a thing and sees vaccines as having eradicated smallpox. I have had dealings with him here as well as the earlier link.

Disease X

There has been talk about this, an unknown bogeyman sickness to scare everyone shitless. Yawn.

Look, it’s obvious what disease X is. People think this is going to be bird ‘flu again which is dragged out when pharma sales are flagging.

This seems reasonable. After all this is what you will find with the twitterers on twitter, now X.

Disease X is all the twits tweeting on X that they are scared silly of the latest threat and everybody had better get jabbed otherwise they will DIE!

Sod that for a game of soldiers.

What you fear will come upon you, so don’t be afraid of the latest nonsense. Instead be wise as serpents and innocent as doves because the big pharma hawks and its cronies are at their latest tricks.

Look out for the sign of Baldmichael, he will be back!

P.S. As of the 29th May 2024 I note on my Word Press site that I have had some views from Paraguay for the first time. I have only French Guiana and Guyana to collect. Unless the Falklands are considered separate for listing purposes.

Anyway I have a lot of gaps in Africa still and some in Asia as you can see. Well, I have to have something to aim for!


Timeline – anticipated events in World War 3

Vaccination industry in a nutshell

The Big Pharma health business model in a nutshell – drugs

Coronavirus – is it really a monster, and if not, what is it?

The Importance of Being Ernst – Edzard Ernst, retired British-German academic physician and researcher

By Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

Who specialised in the study of complementary and alternative medicine according to Wikipedia.

It says

Edzard Ernst (born 30 January 1948) is a retired British-German academic physician and researcher specializing in the study of complementary and alternative medicine. He was Professor of Complementary Medicine at the University of Exeter, the world’s first such academic position in complementary and alternative medicine.

I have come across his name before, but he is probably best known (for those that do know of him) for his disagreement with Charles III when Charles was Prince of Wales. This was over Complementary and Alternative medicine (CAM) in the NHS.

According to Wikipedia

He was Professor of Complementary Medicine at the University of Exeter, the world’s first such academic position in complementary and alternative medicine.

I gather he held this from 1993 until 2011, about 18 years.

He has a website and having examined it and looked at a few articles I though it worth doing and exposé on the man. This is primarily for his support of vaccines. This is a picture of him.

By wife of Edzard Ernst – Publication by Edzard Ernst, CC BY-SA 4.0,

His website indicates he has various letters after his name:


This always makes some people feel good about themselves and others look up to them. He has received another boost to his ego.

An unexpected email

He is apparently 86th best scientist in the UK. As I gather he is no longer in the UK and gone back to Germany I am not sure how they worked that out. It is probably a scam.

Early life

Ernst was born in Wiesbaden, Germany, in 1948. As a child, his family doctor was a homeopath, and at the time he saw it as part of medicine. His father and grandfather were both doctors, and his mother was a laboratory assistant. Ernst originally wanted to be a musician, but his mother persuaded him that medicine might be a good “sideline” career for him to pursue.

I have wondered before about the ‘Bad’ places in Germany (link at the end), but it amuses me to see someone like him who is bad for promoting toxic vaccines should came from Wies-bad-en!

If you look up Wiesbaden on Wikipedia it does not refer to him as a notable person. Perhaps they forgot or don’t think that much of him.

In any event I note that Wiesbaden anagrams to ‘ie bad news’ and certainly that is true of him.

It would have been better for all concerned if he had stayed with music as we shall see.

Please note that he is fundamentally a German who obtained British citizenship in 1999, thus was probably 51 years old at the time.

There is a footnote link which leads to this.

A Scientist in Wonderland: A Memoir of Searching for Truth and Finding Trouble Paperback – 12 Jan. 2015

The overview by Ernst says regarding his research into Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)

Clashes were inevitable, but the sheer ferocity with which advocates of alternative medicine would go in order to protect their field from scrutiny came as a profound surprise. This memoir provides a unique insight into the cutthroat politics of academic life and offers a sobering reflection on the damage already done by pseudoscience in the field of medicine.

Which may well be partly true of CAM. However, it applies far more particularly to advocates of pharmaceuticals who have attacked those of us who have seen the damage they cause and/or understand why they cannot be good.

Edzard Ernst: outspoken professor of complementary medicine     19 Oct 2014

It says

But Ernst didn’t set out to wage war against the unconventional. Indeed, fresh from his studies, he began his career in a homeopathic hospital. “To me, homeopathy wasn’t as strange as it would be to many other people because, in a way, I was brought up on homeopathy – our family doctor was a homeopath,” he says. But something didn’t quite fit. “I had of course noticed that in medical school you don’t hear about [homeopathy] except when the pharmacologists go into a blind range (sic) about it.”

So here we have the fact that the medical schools didn’t teach homeopathy, being subject to the irrationality of pharmacologists.

Chatting to his boss at the homeopathic hospital, Ernst became curious. “I asked him why patients could get better on homeopathy. His answer should have made me think a lot because he didn’t say ‘because of our homeopathic remedies’; he said ‘because we discontinue all the rubbish medicine they come in with’.

Now it would be fair to criticise the homeopathic remedies if they are not justified, but I now understand and have done since 2020 how rubbish is the pharmaceutical approach.

Judging by comments on the internet it seems many people are better off when they stop taking all their medications. I have said it elsewhere, but it is hardly surprising when the one word anagram of ‘medication’ is ‘decimation’!

In the article he is asked some questions including:

Q. Are you worried about population increase?

A. One has to be worried: the increase in numbers and the increase in stupidity of the number.

This may be why he thinks poisonous vaccines are a good idea. As to stupidity he is living proof sadly.

Training and early career

Ernst qualified as a doctor in Germany in 1978 where he also completed his M.D. and Ph.D. theses. He has received training in acupuncture, autogenic training, herbalism, homoeopathy, massage therapy and spinal manipulation. He learned homeopathy, acupuncture and other modalities whilst at a homeopathic hospital in Munich, when he began his medical career. In 1988, he became Professor in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PMR) at Hannover Medical School and in 1990 Head of the PMR Department at the University of Vienna.

There is a footnote link talking about his position in Vienna and his transferal to Exeter University in 1993.

The alternative professor

It says about his start in Exeter

“At the beginning I had more opposition from mainstream medicine locally. At the hospital and the Trust [in Exeter], they felt they did not need a witch doctor in the first place and certainly not a German witch doctor. A lot of people thought once they had seen what I was up to that it was a waste of talent and money.”

Given that mainstream medicine is pharma based I am not surprised. I guess they thought he might actually prove that CAM worked and threaten their prestige and livelihoods.

He won most of the mainstream critics over, but failed so regularly with the CAM lobby that after a few years of assiduously attending meetings, giving lectures and trying to convince them of the value of rigorous randomised controlled trials, he gave up: “They say you can’t squeeze a holistic, individualised approach like homeopathy or spiritual healing into the straitjacket of RCTs – not that it is the only research tool, but it is a good one. The argument surfaces on a daily basis. It is as frequent as it is wrong.”

I have not looked in detail at randomised controlled trials (RCTs) but even Wikipedia points out the disadvantages of them.

RCTs are trying for a ‘One size fits all’ which benefits big pharma companies. They can use the results to skew and spin the advertising.

It seems obvious that each person is an individual and RCTs cannot prove that something has helped or not helped an individual whether is pharmaceutical or herbal etc, there are just too many variables. The real problems occur with the longer term.

But in the short term the exception might be for example the use of adrenaline. I had it injected three times into my body in late 2019 when my blood pressure dropped alarmingly whilst being monitored in hospital. It worked within about 5 seconds every time.

I note that ‘randomised controlled trials’ will anagram to ‘or Satanic demon troll riddles’ which suits the nature of RCTs.

Work in complementary medicine

The world’s first professor of complementary medicine, Ernst researches complementary medicine with an emphasis on efficacy and safety. His research mainly surveys systematic reviews and meta-analyses of clinical trials; the institute has not performed a clinical trial for some time due to budget constraints.

As the department seems to no longer exist and hasn’t for some time now that is hardly surprising. There is a footnote link

Complementary therapies: The big con?

22 April 2008

It says

That clash of philosophies set the scene for the battles that Ernst has waged ever since. Alternative therapists think he is out to destroy them. But he denies he is a “quackbuster”. “I don’t see myself as that at all. When the evidence is positive, I say so. When it is negative, I say so. The alternative is to tell lies, which I will not do. It is a disentangling exercise – lots of [alternative medicine] is rubbish, but a few things are to be encouraged.”

He will not tell lies eh? Mm…

Why is it so popular, then? Ernst blames the providers, customers and the doctors whose neglect, he says, has created the opening into which alternative therapists have stepped. “People are told lies. There are 40 million websites and 39.9 million tell lies, sometimes outrageous lies. They mislead cancer patients, who are encouraged not only to pay their last penny but to be treated with something that shortens their lives. “At the same time, people are gullible. It needs gullibility for the industry to succeed. It doesn’t make me popular with the public, but it’s the truth.

Well, I am sure that some CAM people tell lies to sell their services and products, but it would be hypocrisy to ignore the fact that this is exactly the way big pharma works.

And if anything it is considerably more expensive. I have been a supposed cancer patient myself since 2020 and I have seen something of it from the inside. See my link at the bottom re sodium nitrite.

But to be fair to Ernst he does say this.

“Mainstream medicine is pretty awful, too. Doctors lack empathy and time. There is plenty of evidence that people using alternative medicine don’t even expect effective treatment – they are just looking for a therapeutic relationship. They are not getting it from their GP, so they look for it elsewhere.”

So he does agree that mainstream medicine is pretty awful, too. But it is not just empathy and time that is lacking, it is a holistic view of the individual that is severely lacking in mainstream medicine and again I have suffered as a consequence. Continuing with Ernst’s main wiki page.

He has over 700 papers published in scientific journals.

‘Haff you got your papers?’ Seriously though, having a lot of published papers sound impressive but they could be all rubbish for all we know. Volume does not mean quality.

He has said that about five percent of alternative medicine is backed by evidence, with the remainder being either insufficiently studied or backed by evidence showing lack of efficacy.

But we have no presentation of the percentages of the remainder. How much is insufficiently studied, can’t he tell us?

Ernst’s department at Exeter defined complementary medicine as “diagnosis, treatment and/or prevention which complements mainstream medicine by contributing to a common whole, by satisfying a demand not met by orthodoxy or by diversifying the conceptual frameworks of medicine.”

Ernst asserts that, in Germany and Austria, complementary techniques are mostly practiced by qualified physicians, whereas in the UK they are mainly practiced by others. He also argues that the term “Complementary and Alternative Medicine” (“CAM”) is an almost nonsensical umbrella term, and that distinctions between its modalities must be made.

That seems fair, something is either helpful or it is not.

Since his research began on alternative modalities, Ernst has been seen as “the scourge of alternative medicine” for publishing critical research.  In a 2008 publication in the British Journal of General Practice, his listed treatments that “demonstrably generate more good than harm” was limited to acupuncture for nausea and osteoarthritis; aromatherapy as a palliative treatment for cancer; hypnosis for labour pain; massage, music therapy, relaxation therapy for anxiety and insomnia; and some plant extracts such as St John’s wort for depression; hawthorn for congestive heart failure; guar gum for diabetes.

So it is not all bad in his opinion.

In our book More Good Than Harm? … ethicist Kevin Smith and I discuss the many ethical issues around alternative medicine and essentially conclude that it is not possible to practice alternative medicine ethically.

Mmm, that could be levelled at mainstream pharma medicine with at least the same accusation. I have pointed out that ‘pharmaceutical’ contains the longest single one word anagram ‘malpractice’ (apart from ‘pharmaceutic’). It is most appropriate when one considers the matter.

Ernst presented at the first Global Congress on Scientific Thinking and Action, which took place on 17-20 March 2021. He spoke about the risk and dangers of alternative medicine, pointing to homeopathy and chiropractic as the most problematic areas within alternative medicine at the time.

One might think that this was an unbiased congress. But if you look at the subject list one might wish to reconsider. There is a footnote link.

Aspen Global Congress on Scientific Thinking and Action

Stuart Vyse

April 1, 2021

I note the date of the article. Perhaps it is an April Fool? After all it does say the panellists are all experts! These are the subjects;

1) Overcoming Science Denialism,

2) Science Literacy and Popularization: Understanding How Science Works,

3) Risks and Dangers of Alternative Medicine,

4) Dousing the Fires of Climate Change Denial,

5) Defeating Vaccine Hesitancy through Communication,

6) Food Biotechnology for a Sustainable Future.

I note in 5) there is mention of an Ovidiu Covaciu from Romania. I cannot find much at all on the internet about him although there is a Wikipedia page for a Romanian professional footballer. Expert is he, really? How much did they pay him to be an expert?

From the internet it appears this is him. He looks rather young to me.


I think he is used to a load of balls, so useful for the panel.

And his name anagrams to ‘CIA oui UV Covid’. It’s a joke clearly.

Also there is also speaking a Kavin Senapathy from Illinois where the ill come from. This is her website.

Apparently she uses the she/they. She says she was raised atheist from birth!? I suppose she didn’t hear her mother say ‘Oh God, it’s a girl!’

But is see she is critical of Monsanto as she says in her links “However, I gradually began to sense that there was something very wrong with the GMO gospel.”

Her name sounds like a disease and anagrams to ‘heavy pink Satan’. She is a nutter; just not quite a complete nutter.

Look who funds The Aspen Institute. Oh dear.

The Aspen Institute is largely funded by foundations such as the Carnegie Corporation, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Gates Foundation, the Lumina Foundation, and the Ford Foundation, by seminar fees, and by individual donations.


As to Ernst he says to a panellist in a video “…homeopathy is nothing and therefore it does nothing and it is dangerous because it does nothing…”

Well, I have to say I would rather be no worse with homeopathy than poisoned by big pharma drugs which do something harmful if anything.

Smallwood Report

In 2005, a report by economist Christopher Smallwood, personally commissioned by Prince Charles, claimed that CAM was cost-effective and should be available in the National Health Service (NHS).

Ernst was initially enlisted as a collaborator on the report, but asked for his name to be removed after a sight of the draft report convinced him that Smallwood had “written the conclusions before looking at the evidence”. The report did not address whether CAM treatments were actually effective and Ernst described it as “complete misleading rubbish”.

The report is of some length and I do not intend to read it all but you can find it here.

It does point out the serious difficulties in subjecting CAM to the same approach as to pharmaceuticals. See page 26 Design Difficulties.

small 1


Ernst was, in turn, criticised by The Lancet editor Richard Horton for disclosing contents of the report while it was still in draft form. In a 29 August 2005 letter to The Times Horton wrote: “Professor Ernst seems to have broken every professional code of scientific behaviour by disclosing correspondence referring to a document that is in the process of being reviewed and revised prior to publication. This breach of confidence is to be deplored.”

This did not prevent Richard Horton from agreeing with Ernst after the report was formally published. In a letter to the Guardian he wrote:

The summary includes the following : “The best evidence for homeopathy, in terms both of improved health benefits and reduced costs, is associated with its use as an alternative to conventional medicine in relation to a number of everyday conditions, particularly asthma.”

Let’s be clear: this report contains dangerous nonsense.


Rational medicine is being undermined

8 Oct 2005

The words ‘…in general care…’ are for some reason omitted after the words “everyday conditions” which is in the report. And he doesn’t quote the whole paragraph which qualifies the statement. See below.

small 2

His comment is quite frankly ridiculous by being at best misleading. The report is clear that the evidence is fragmentary for benefits from homeopathy. He continues.

In any event it seems reasonable to have criticised Ernst for jumping the gun and commenting before the formal publication.

Prince Charles’ private secretary, Sir Michael Peat, also filed a complaint regarding breached confidentiality with Exeter University. Although he was “cleared of wrongdoing”, Ernst has said that circumstances surrounding the ensuing university investigation led to his retirement.

Which is quite frankly Ernst’s own fault.

In the 1 January 2006 edition of the British Journal of General Practice, Ernst gave a detailed criticism of the report.

Which you can find in a footnote link here.

The ‘Smallwood report’: method or madness?    2006 Jan 1

He says

The ‘Smallwood report’ is one of the strangest examples of an attempt to review CAM that I have ever seen. One gets the impression that its conclusions were written before the authors had searched for evidence that might match them. Both Mr Smallwood and the ‘Freshminds’ team told me that they understand neither health care nor CAM. Mr Smallwood stressed that this is positive as it prevents him from being ‘accused of bias’. My response was that ‘severely flawed research methodology almost inevitably leads to bias’.

I think lots of things can lead to bias. Being indoctrinated in the ways of big pharma leads to bias.

In any event the report makes recommendations to be followed up including RCTs which Ernst loves so much. I daresay he has a point but generally methinks he doth protest too much.

There is a separate Wiki page for the Smallwood Report but it says precious little. There is however a link to David Colquhoun who according to his Wiki page ‘is a British pharmacologist at University College London (UCL).

However, I think he retired formally in 2004 and is only an Honorary Fellow. See

Anyway, he has a website and thinks Covid is a new disease, vaccines have been good for people and Marianna Spring has done a terrific job. He says

And the BBC appointed its first specialist disinformation and social media correspondent, Marianna Spring.  She’s done a terrific job in investigating conspiracy theorists.  She’s talked to some of the more extreme people -those who claim that the Covid virus doesn’t exist and that the pandemic was a hoax,…


How do we stop a resurgence of fascism?         

Published March 11, 2024

He also sees Prince Charles as he then was as “a threat to constitutional government and to the health of the nation”. See

The Quacktitioner Royal is a threat to constitutional government and to the health of the nation

Published July 30, 2013

Well that might be true nowadays but Colquhoun has omitted the far greater threat of pharmaceuticals to our health. King Charles is only a figurehead after all, controlled by the money men.

But then Colquhoun is a pharmacologist so I understand, he has invested his working life into it.

I see and anagram of his name is ‘qua old Covid Hun’. Sounds more like Edzard Ernst who is an ‘old hun’, but as qua apparently means ‘in the capacity of’ I guess that is fair.

Trick or Treatment

In 2008, Ernst and Simon Singh published Trick or Treatment? Alternative Medicine on Trial. The authors challenged the Prince of Wales, to whom the book is (ironically) dedicated, and The Prince’s Foundation for Integrated Health on alleged misrepresentation of “scientific evidence about therapies such as homeopathy, acupuncture and reflexology”. They asserted that Britons spent £500 million each year on unproven or disproven alternative therapies.  In a review of Trick or Treatment in the New England Journal of Medicine, Donald Marcus described Ernst as “one of the best qualified people to summarize the evidence on this topic.”

Which he might well be, although the amount spent each year by Britons on alternative therapies pales into insignificance compared to pharmaceuticals, most of which are poisonous and harmful. Apparently

In 2021, the annual turnover of pharmaceutical goods wholesalers in the UK was over 57 billion British pounds.


Pharmaceutical industry in the United Kingdom (UK) – Statistics & Facts

Feb 14, 2024

It looks like almost £18 billion of the costs are through the NHS.

With alternative therapies these are presumably by and large paid for directly by the patient, whereas with the pharmaceuticals the taxpayer pays for the cost regardless. This gives a steady market for big pharma and its toxic drugs.


In 2008, Ernst sent an open letter urging the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain to crack down on high street chemists that sell homeopathic remedies without warning that the remedies lack evidence for claimed biological effects. According to him, this disinformation would be a violation of their ethical code:

My plea is simply for honesty. Let people buy what they want, but tell them the truth about what they are buying. These treatments are biologically implausible and the clinical tests have shown they don’t do anything at all in human beings. The argument that this information is not relevant or important for customers is quite simply ridiculous.

He seems to make a fair point but the same must be argued for pharmaceuticals, not on the basis that they don’t do anything at all for human beings, but that they invariably harm, being merely highly refined and concentrated/synthesised versions of what is available in plants etc.

Any argument that there is plenty of evidence for efficacy in actually helping people is countered by the fact that the studies are done by those with bias towards pharma industry. And that has vested interests in maintaining the fraud.

In a 2008 interview with Media Life Magazine, when he and Simon Singh were asked this question—”What do you think the future is for alternative medicine?”—they replied:

For us, there is no such thing as alternative medicine. There is either medicine that is effective or not, medicine that is safe or not. So-called alternative therapies need to be assessed and then classified as good medicines or bogus medicines. Hopefully, in the future, the good medicines will be embraced within conventional medicine and the bogus medicines will be abandoned.

Which all sounds fair, but the same must apply to pharmaceuticals.

In a 2009 article entitled “Should We Maintain an Open Mind about Homeopathy?”  published in the American Journal of Medicine, Ernst and Michael Baum—writing to other physicians—offered strong criticism of homeopathy:

Homeopathy is among the worst examples of faith-based medicine. … These axioms [of homeopathy] are not only out of line with scientific facts but also directly opposed to them. If homeopathy is correct, much of physics, chemistry, and pharmacology must be incorrect…. To have an open mind about homeopathy or similarly implausible forms of alternative medicine (e.g., Bach flower remedies, spiritual healing, crystal therapy) is therefore not an option.

Whilst physics and chemistry can be seen to be fundamentally reasonable and justified, pharmacology is based on germ/viral theory and a misunderstanding of body chemistry.

Pharmacology is incorrect in its presumption that refined chemicals are better for the body than food (unadulterated) that we eat as a means to maintaining our health. We are what we eat.

More Harm Than Good?

In 2018, Ernst and co-author Kevin Smith, a medical ethicist, published the book More Harm Than Good? The Moral Maze of Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

Kevin Smith is a senior lecturer at Abertay University, Dundee, Scotland. He is someone who thinks that

Genetically-modified babies ‘ethically justifiable’, academic claims

19 November 2019

He is reported as saying

Dr Smith said the creation of genetically-modified babies was “highly desirable”.

He said that if common disorders could be avoided or delayed by genetically modifying humans, the average disease-free lifespan could be “substantially extended”.

Dr Smith said that to win public trust, an ethical approach must be at the heart of any advances, as society was “largely opposed” to genetically modifying humans.

Most people would find his view highly questionable that genetically-modified babies are desirable. More harm than good they might say. Kevin Smith ignores the genetic harms to people caused by pharmaceuticals. And he co-authored a book with Ernst eh? Continuing

In a review of the book for Skeptical Inquirer, Harriet Hall called Ernst the “world’s foremost expert on the claims and the evidence (or lack thereof) for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM).” Hall said that Ernst and Smith direct their attention to the ethicists and the scientific community for this book with the goal “to inform, not to entertain. It is not a easy or ‘fun’ read, but it is an important one”.

Harriet Hall died in 2023 but she was a founding member of Science-Based Medicine.

It says she gave a positive review of a book Irreversible Damage by Abigail Shrier (she has a substack page).

However it also says

within two days, the review was removed and replaced with a retraction notice authored by Steven Novella and David Gorski.

Those two are vaccine/pharma shills so it is not surprising. Continuing

Dougal Jeffries, writing for the British Journal of General Practice, said the book was “replete with both theoretical and real-life examples and is thoroughly referenced, but is a rather turgid read. It clearly demonstrates the extraordinary capacity of intelligent beings, including both practitioners and patients, to hold to irrational beliefs in the face of contrary evidence, but the authors show little sympathy for this very human tendency.”

The footnote link from which the above quote is taken also says this.

I know many sensible people who seek CAM treatments; I also number a handful of CAM practitioners, all of them moral beings, among my acquaintances. I doubt that any of them would have their minds changed by reading this book.

It may well be fair to say that CAM adherents hold some irrational beliefs in the face of contrary evidence but then so does Ernst. I found this link.

Edzard Ernst: The “natural” equals “safe” fallacy

August 15, 2012

He says

Much of the popularity of AM can be explained through our attraction to all things natural; according to its proponents, AM is natural; and, by definition, this means that it is devoid of risks—not like those nasty, synthetic, chemical prescription drugs, which are a major cause of mortality!

He is being sarcastic re nasty, synthetic, chemical prescription drugs I assume, but nevertheless it is true.

But the point about ‘natural’ is fair, although what is natural anyway. He says

What, for instance, would be natural about an acupuncturist sticking needles into patients…

True enough, but they don’t inject toxic synthetic chemicals via the needles unlike in vaccinations.

I had three sessions of acupuncture at the year end of 2018 related to trying to cure my facial palsy. It did not work but I now know why as my problem was a chemical affecting my nerves.

The closer we look, the more we realise that, in AM, natural is little more than a false label which might be good for PR, but which frequently does not coincide with reality.

Which is reasonable. Of course big pharma spend a huge amount on PR.

Big Pharma spent an additional $9.8 billion on marketing in the past 20 years. It worked

January 9, 2019

It says

In 1997, drug companies spent roughly $17.1 billion on marketing for prescription drugs and any health conditions that may be associated with them. (A relatively paltry $600 million was spent to market condition awareness, health services, and lab testing.) By 2016, that figure was $26.9 billion. Simultaneously, total US spending on prescription drugs skyrocketed from $116.4 billion to $329 billion.

So in 1997 roughly 96.5% was on advertising. And most of that was aimed at the doctors.

Of all the money spent advertising drugs, the majority went towards efforts to market to doctors. In 1997, the total spending on marketing to physicians was $15.6 billion. By 2016, it was $20.3 billon. Marketing to physicians includes sending paid representatives to doctors’ offices to talk about a drug, free samples of it, or compensating physicians for speaking engagements about the drug.

If you recall the Sackler family affair and the opioid crisis in the USA you will understand the above. Back to Ernst’s article of August 15, 2012.

Similarly, herbal remedies can cause adverse effects through the toxicity of their ingredients or through interactions with synthetic drugs.

So what? Why are they being given with synthetic drugs? The whole point is alternative, not alongside as the chemistry may be bound to interact harmfully.

What if they are not given with synthetic drugs? Did he ever check? This is a very misleading comment of his.

But, on the whole, AM is relatively safe, ie it causes less problems than conventional treatments, enthusiasts would insist. This argument may well be true but, if employed to promote AM, it is nevertheless misleading.

If AM causes less problems that’s better than taking toxic big pharma drugs. If it is true then it is true. Whether AM actually helps people is another matter.

He points out that post-marketing surveillance systems for AM do not exist. I assume that is broadly true. But he says

It is therefore conceivable, perhaps even likely that adverse-effects of AM are simply not being picked up.

All of which is conjecture. The article is an opinion piece only though, but gives an idea of his thinking, or lack of thinking.

Early retirement from Exeter

It is probably enough to say that he was essentially forced to retire because of being

accused by Prince Charles’ private secretary of having breached a confidentiality agreement regarding the 2005 Smallwood report.

Ernst apparently said

“There never was a formal confidentiality agreement with signature etc. But I did feel bound to keep the contents of the Smallwood report confidential.”

But that didn’t stop him going public on the draft before final publication so he broke his own feelings.

It appears really he should have waited rather than attack it earlier. At least he could not have been accused of breaking confidentiality then.

As I said earlier he has only himself to blame, however justified he may have felt.

There is this footnote link.

Professor calls Prince Charles, others “snake-oil salesmen”

July 25, 2011

It says

Ernst said that during his 18 years of researching the efficacy of hundreds of different types of alternative medicine – from acupuncture, to herbal remedies, to homeopathy and chiropractic therapy – he has found that “snake-oil salesmen and pseudo-science are ubiquitous and dangerous.”

Asked whether he included Prince Charles in that category, he said, “yes.”


According to Ernst, “The snake oil salesman story is an entirely separate issue”, which “happened years later.”

His logic is bizarre. Either Reuters lied when they reported what he said or not. What does it matter if he refers to it years later??

Still I see it is reported that

He says he has identified around 20 such therapies which “demonstrably demonstrate more good than harm” including the herbal remedy St John’s Wort for the treatment of mild depression, hypnosis for the relief of labor pain and hawthorn for the treatment of congestive heart failure.

So he doesn’t right-off the whole of CAM, just most of it.

There is another footnote link.

Remember Prince Charles’ ‘Duchy Originals Detox Tincture’?

12 March 2021

He says at the beginning

As I don’t live in the UK at present…

I am rather relieved to hear that. In fact I gather he is no longer a British citizen but has become a German again!

Yesterday, the Royal Mail delivered my German passport

22 July 2022

He says

People who know me well are aware of the fact that I was never really proud of being German. As I grew older, I was often even ashamed. One of my research subjects had long been medicine during the Third Reich, and it was this topic that disenchanted me with Germany. Therefore, it seemed entirely right to become a Brit. In fact, I felt proud – the UK was my chosen home, and the decision was meant to be for life.

Here’s an interesting link on medicine in the Third Reich. Note that

After the war, only a few of the biomedical experts who helped to implement and to legitimize Nazi racial hygiene policies were ever indicted or disciplined professionally. Many continued their careers.


Never in my wildest dreams did I think in 1999 that Britain would one day succumb to the collective death wish of leaving the EU. After the deeply dishonest referendum in 2016, I was still convinced that this act of extraordinary self-harm would be prevented.

Which is why we have had so many issues with Brexit with him and others who aren’t British. They think they have a right to impose their views on those of us who are and go back generations.

His wife is Danielle, born in Brittany and French. See also

31 January 2020, a day to contemplate: WHAT HAPPENED TO BRITAIN?

He says the reason he lived here

…was because of the beautiful memories. And it was because of my deep appreciation of the people. I had grown to admire their humour, their tolerance, their openness, their way of life, their way of dealing with problems, their politeness, their understatement, their honesty, their fair play.

So he has gone back to Germany and its Fourth Reich. He talks of a death wish by leaving the EU, yet wishes to be injected by vaccines presumably.

I call that a death wish and plain insanity.

Other work and recognition

In a May 1995 Annals of Internal Medicine publication, Ernst detailed the Nazi “cleansing” of the University of Vienna medical faculty that allowed the “medical atrocities” of Nazi human experimentation.

The University of Vienna medical faculty is where he worked. There is a footnote link with an abstract.

A Leading Medical School Seriously Damaged: Vienna 1938

Only the abstract is available but it says

After the collapse of the Third Reich, most members of the Faculty were burdened with a Nazi past. Most remained in office, and those who had to leave were reinstituted swiftly. The Jews evicted in 1938 were discouraged from returning. These events have significantly—and with long-lasting effects—damaged the quality of a once-leading medical school. This story needs to be told to honor its victims and to fortify us so that history does not repeat itself.

This is highly significant given I have pointed out the Germanic origins of most of big pharma. This is a plus point to Ernst.

He has been on various committees and is a fellow of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry.

According to the Wikipedia link it

is a program within the U.S. non-profit organization Center for Inquiry (CFI), which seeks to “promote scientific inquiry, critical investigation, and the use of reason in examining controversial and extraordinary claims.

It was co-chaired by Paul Kurtz and Marcello Truzzi.

In the early 1970s, scientific skeptics were concerned that interest in the paranormal was on the rise in the United States, part of a growing tide of irrationalism.

Probably due to big pharma drugs and vaccines. Kurtz and Truzzi are no longer alive; I wonder what they would think of today’s irrationalism. You know, the ‘I have had several vaccines and I am now very unwell but they must be working as I might have died from COVID (a.k.a. the ‘flu)’.

I see Marcello Truzzi

…left the organization after only a short time, arguing that many of those involved “tend to block honest inquiry, in my opinion. Most of them are not agnostic toward claims of the paranormal; they are out to knock them. […] When an experiment of the paranormal meets their requirements, then they move the goal posts.” Truzzi coined the term pseudoskeptic to describe critics in whom he detected such an attitude.

I think Ernst has been reasonably serious into looking into the claims of CAM, but given his defence of vaccination with no evident research of his own that I can see, one can reasonably say he is a pseudoskeptic.


He has written various books which you can look up. I will highlight this.

A Scientist in Wonderland: A Memoir of Searching for Truth and Finding Trouble. There is a footnote link.

Edzard Ernst: a scientist in wonderland

15th May 2015

This is by a Robin Walsh, a student at the time at Sheffield University, UK. It says of Ernst

Originally, he had no particular academic bent and scraped into medical school via a convoluted route.

Remember that originally medicine was suggested as a ‘sideline’ to him. Still, even the most brilliant students get things wrong, so he can’t complain.

Today, with the current furore around vaccinations in the US, the campaign against pseudoscience is heating up again. Yet, while Ernst was doing battle with the establishment, the pro-science side in the vaccination debate at times takes on a patronising and hostile attitude towards members of the public – people who simply aren’t yet won over by the science. Ernst’s book is a reminder of the need to have the courage to tell the truth as you understand it, and fight your corner against those in authority, while never losing a compassion for patients and a commitment to winning the debate.

The campaign against pseudoscience is certainly heating up and has been since 2020. Of course it is the pseudoscience of vaccination I am thinking of, let alone pharmaceuticals in general.

As for pro-science I assume he means the vaccine cultists. Those of us who are against poisoning ourselves with pharma products have done our ‘science’ and woken up to the vaccine scam.

But the writer highlights ‘the patronising and hostile attitude towards members of the public’ which is what altered so many to question vaccination etc.

But the writer, Robin Walsh, is clearly a patronising pillock himself, using the words “…people who simply aren’t yet won over by the science.” My stress is on the “yet”. There is no way in hell that I will return to what I once vaguely believed, that vaccines were of some use but not for the ‘flu as people fell ill anyway.

How about some anagrams of Ernst’s name?


Edzard Ernst

Edzar nst = 8 individual letters

Single words:

Darnedest – longest word














I also note:

Ardern – in fact these are consecutive letters in his name!

Some phrases:

Dresden tzar

NZS retarded

Razed trends

Red tzar dens

Trends Zared

Adder RN zest

Dense dr tzar

Des nerd tzar

Errant sd zed

Nerd rats zed

Den dr ersatz

St zed Ardern

Dearest dr zn

Er zn DDT arse

What is interesting is that in German his name will anagram to

Arzt Dresden – meaning ‘Physician Dresden’ (arzt is a male doctor)

His website blog

He has this picture of himself, one of a collection of skeptic trumps.


I believe it was created by this chap, Crispian Jago. Jago is an atheist.

As of 2010 as far as I can see Crispian was pro-vaccine and believes in evolution. Atheism, evolution and pro-vaccine seem to go together. He has done nothing on Covid it seems, which is rather surprising.

He does an article on Ernst which has a quote from this.

Detox: flushing out poison or absorbing dangerous claptrap?

29 Aug 2011

He says

Unless someone is very severely ill, the elimination of toxins is most efficiently being taken care of by various organs – for instance, the liver, kidneys, skin, lungs and the gut. In a healthy person, the function of these systems is already optimal. No improvements are needed or can be achieved by detox therapies.

Overall that is true for a healthy person. But what about an unhealthy person?

Anyway, as far as Ernst’s blog it says at the top of the page

Please remember: if you make a claim in a comment, support it with evidence.

But then there is this link of his.

  • Are people who oppose COVID-19 vaccinations intellectually challenged?

09 September 2023

Are people who oppose COVID-19 vaccinations intellectually challenged?

Yet he says in a comment

Edzard on Tuesday 12 September 2023 at 10:26

no, I never claimed that this is a science blog.

if you want to read my science, I need to refer you to my ~1 000 publications in scientific journals.

e 1

If it’s not a science blog why bother with evidence, the blog is just a forum for discussion and opinion then.

Then there is this exchange.

Edzard on Sunday 10 September 2023 at 17:29

Perhaps you want to read my ‘conclusions’ again:

“I know, it would be politically incorrect, unkind, unhelpful, etc. but is anyone not tempted to simplify the issue by assuming that people who are against (COVID) vaccinations are intellectually challenged?”

Would it be fair to say that I ask a question?

Would it be correst to state that I did not draw a conclusion?

A reply

The Crack Emcee on Sunday 10 September 2023 at 19:31

I agree, this approach is “unhelpful,” that’s for sure – and wonder why a Doctor would want to be so?

You’re just “asking questions,” but you’re also being a weasel. As disingenuous as a man can be. I don’t have to wonder how homeopathy lasted for 200 years in the face of scientists acting this badly.

Ernst’s reply

Edzard on Sunday 10 September 2023 at 19:43

as they say: when you run out of arguments, insult your opponent!

Which, if you see later, is what Ernst does, the hypocrite.

e 2

You can read through the comments to see the nature of Ernst’s arguments or lack of them.

Primarily he seems to base his conclusions on one study from Sweden. It makes a lot of assumptions, primarily being that the personality tests given to the military age people were worthwhile in the first place.

It also ignores the fact that the test would have been one-off at the time of enlistment, i.e. in the individual’s youth. To assume that the results would be the same in their later years is plain ridiculous.

He also assumes that the better scores on the tests will mean the same as common sense. Sadly as we have seen during COVID this is not the case.

Here’s another post by Ernst.

  • The anti-vaccination movement is financed by the dietary supplement industry

21 December 2019

The anti-vaccination movement is financed by the dietary supplement industry

Firstly I would say that the pro-vaccination movement is financed by big pharma and governments.

Still, I think that it is true to a fair degree that parts of the anti-vaccination movement are financed by the dietary supplement industry, but this is because there are opportunists and people who always want to make money.

I am always suspicious of those with something to sell based on what they say, even if it is true as with vaccines being a fraud. Here’s a thread from the above link.

Roger on Sunday 22 December 2019 at 02:21

Gosh, we cant have people questioning the status quo pro-vaxxer position. That would be un-American. Come on! Join the herd! And for someone to use their own money to support this position…. positively criminal. Obviously the thought police need to do a better job to foster “authoritarian ultra-nationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy.” * Oh, that’s right, the tech giants are working on it for the greater good by censoring all anti-vacccine and many other alternative viewpoints . Thank goodness; we’re being saved!

* Wikipedia: Fascism

Ernst replied

Edzard on Sunday 22 December 2019 at 07:32

Wikipedia: Moron

I assume he is referring to himself.

e 3

Another link.

  • Andrew Wakefield, Donald Trump, SCAM, and the anti-vaccination cult

21 July 2018

Marcus on Saturday 23 March 2019 at 01:05

Agreed Lucy. If vaccines are safe and effective why is there a vaccine court to pay for injuries paying out millions a year. Why do our kids need 60 vaccines by the time they are 18 and why is autism estimated at 1:40? 1:88 is a stat that is 4 yrs old in case anyone wants to debate that. Why do they use aluminum to preserve vaccines which doesn’t have a safe injectable amount?

His reply.

Edzard on Saturday 23 March 2019 at 06:39

And why do you not inform yourself better before promoting anti-vax nonsense on this blog?

And that’s the quality of his reply??

e 4

There are more comments like that on that link from him and his troll fiends.

Another post by Ernst.

  • A tribute to Prince Charles, champion of anti-science, on his 65th birthday

14 November 2013

A tribute to Prince Charles, champion of anti-science, on his 65th birthday

Doctor Jack on Thursday 21 April 2016 at 23:00

While I agree with the author of the above post – that most of the alternative approaches to healthcare are of no benefit and some are harmful – the same thing can be said of conventional medicine. (See Starfield Report). Medical science is just that – Medical Science – but that doesn’t mean it’s real science in the real world. Basing one’s conclusions upon symptom palliation after administering any treatment is not a reliable measurement of treatment efficacy; in fact, it’s quite unreliable. Therefore, the very quackery this author mentions would also apply to all that he’s learned from the entrenched schools of drugging. The exceptions would be for accidents, injuries, emergencies, birth defects and some corrective surgeries. This is where medical training is mostly correct. For all other anomalous health events, the causes are mal nutrition, i.e., physiologically incorrect habits of living. Physician heal thyself!

Ernst’s reply

Edzard on Friday 22 April 2016 at 06:59

in case you are trying to say that conventional medicines are supported by no better evidence than alternative treatments, you are VERY WRONG.

e 5

As you can see Ernst cannot come up with answers, let alone evidence, to refute the obvious statements of Doctor Jack.

Remember again his statement at the top of his website.

Please remember: if you make a claim in a comment, support it with evidence.

He is a hypocrite.

Summary and final thoughts

Well he is Edzard which sounds like ‘head’s hard’ to me, a hard headed German. In fact it seems this is not far off.

As Ernst means ‘serious’ in German we have a serious hard headed German here.

Starting with the plus side, Ernst has done an in depth look at CAM and at least thinks some of it is worthwhile even if not much. I haven’t tried to analyse his assessment of those things he has examined closely but I am sure there will be scams in CAM.

He has indicated that mainstream medicine is pretty awful as well as CAM, although the indications are he may only think this is limited to the lack of empathy and time doctors devote to patients rather than any concerns with pharmaceutical products.

He has also exposed the Nazi influence at Vienna University which is hardly surprising, but the question is how much lingers on? A great deal I believe and not just there but around the world.

On the down side he was against Brexit and part of the problem and why we needed to come out of Germany and its Fourth Reich Europe.

He and others have caused us a lot of grief as a consequence.

He is an atheist, and that will always be problematic as he will never fully understand the way the world works.

He is not right wing he says and has never voted conservative whatever that means, but neither is he right about a number of things. This is a list of his of what he says he isn’t.

Woke, Fraud, Racism, etc. – all those things that I am not

He does say he is not

an expert on any subject other than so-called alternative medicine (SCAM)

Yet he is happy to say that vaccination is a good thing. He has no grounds to justify that except his own vain opinion.

He has ignored the fact it is very difficult to do studies similar to pharmaceutical medicine on certain aspects of CAM.

He agrees that there are problems with conventional medicine but thinks vaccines have saved lives.

He approach on his blog shows huge variation between sensible conclusions and outright ignorance and blind stupidity.

I have given a glimpse of some of his inane and arrogant replies to commenters (Old Bob seems to get his particular attention for these).

He is in short vacillating between sensible and stupid, very stupid.

As to the causes, well I suppose growing up in post-war Germany wasn’t easy, the country had been affected by so much trauma, not just the second but also the first world war.

He came to this country and appreciated so much our humour, tolerance, openness, way of life, way of dealing with problems, politeness, understatement, honesty, and fair play.

Yet he displays a distinct lack of tolerance for views about the vaccines for example, leaves others to try and argue about them and is rude to commenters who are sensibly against them.

He and his fan club use verbal clubs rather than reasoned arguments and denigrate those with sensible contrary views. As The Crack Emcee indicated it is like a school playground and Ernst and his supporting cult act like children.

And as he also said Ernst is just being a disingenuous weasel, as bad as the Nazi doctors in Vienna University he ran away from.

So I say overall he is a hard headed, arrogant, hypocritical and substantially ignorant man. I say he has done more harm than good. Retarded seems to be a good conclusion to sum him up. It is after all in his name.

He obviously places importance on letters after his name and his recent ‘award’.

So that is Ernst who is full of his self-importance, the importance of being Ernst!

Look out for the sign of Baldmichael, he will be back!

P.S.  If you wish to see more evidence of Ernst’s crass stupidity and arrogance, along with that of his minions who attempt the arguments instead of him, see his website. These are two further links.

The contribution of 50 years of vaccination: 10·2 billion years of full health gained

05 May 2024

The contribution of 50 years of vaccination: 10·2 billion years of full health gained

The plastic surgeon who turned fraudulent anti-vaxer

29 March 2023

The plastic surgeon who turned fraudulent anti-vaxer

Here are some links of mine for any who have not seen which might be of use. At least there is some humour which is more than can be said for Ernst.

One size fits all – does it?

“Why vaccines do not work” in a nutshell

D is for…..Doctors

Why are so many German cities Bad?

Sodium nitrite (E250) – the poison in your food and how to remedy it.

and Stupid 20 of which Ernst has a terminal case.

Stupid 20

“Died suddenly” – the implications today

By Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

And tomorrow no doubt. This phrase has been cropping up a lot lately in news reports it seems. There is Mark Crispin Miller on substack who does ‘in memoriam’ articles for those who died suddenly in perhaps suspicious circumstances.

“Died suddenly” means of course an unexpected death for some allegedly unknown reason.

There are lots of reasons for sudden deaths, not just the harm from injected vaccines catching up on one.

For those of us who are aware of the evils of vaccines it can be tempting to blame all these cases on the toxic vaccines.

Thus it is easy to get paranoid about deaths reported but context is required. We rely on what is reported and that can be skewed. There is no doubt a lot of false or misleading reporting to enable the vaccine propaganda to continue to deceive the dreadfully dim.

Nevertheless, to suspect that “Died suddenly” could cover up a death from vaccine related injury is hardly surprising, given that injecting toxic substances in the name of future good health has never been a good idea.

Here is Mark’s site.

Many people know about the film “Died suddenly” from 2022 anti-vaccination film produced by Stew Peters which has had the usual attention from the vaccine cultists at the BBC etc. attempting to debunk it.

I note this by a Rachel Schraer appointed in 2021 as the BBC’s first specialist health disinformation reporter.

They died suddenly – then the anti-vax trolling started

Published 23 November 2022

She certainly is good at her job, specialising in promoting health disinformation. She can go on the list of criminals along with Marianna Spring.

I haven’t done more than glance at the film, but Wikipedia does say that

The film has received criticism from some members of the anti-vaccine movement, who said that the film was so poorly-researched that it had to be controlled opposition intended to discredit the movement.

This may well be true or at least not as thoroughly researched as it should have been, but doesn’t detract from the underlying theme that vaccines are bad for you and always have been.

But we, who know that there is an evil agenda afoot which has been going on a very long time, have more than just the obvious ‘toxic chemicals are bad for you’; the truth also lies in the words “Died suddenly”.

You see I tried anagramming the words and this is what I found.

Single longest words – there are 8 out of nineteen with a negative connotation namely:

– Deluded

– Deludes

– Densely

– Denuded

– Denudes

– Diddled

– Diddles

– Snidely

Full phrases include:

– Deluded in yds

– Deluded sin yd

– Densely dud id

– Did duly dense

– Denuded sly id

– Did sly denude

– Yes diddled UN

– Diddled Nye US – reminds me of Bill Nye, ‘the science guy’. Here’s him poison pushing.

Bill Nye On Why Americans Should Get Vaccinated | Mehdi Hasan | MSNBC

and here’s an article indicating he was at it before COVID.

5 things Bill Nye has to say to anti-vaxxers

May 08, 2017

And an interesting video about life after death (which he doesn’t believe in).

Bill Nye Makes SADDEST Argument Against An Afterlife I’ve Ever Seen

– Denied sly dud

– Deny diddle us

– Lied sudden yd

– Deny duds lied

Given how much we have been lied to about COVID 19, a.k.a. the ‘flu rebranded, and the poisonous vaccines etc, I think “Lied suddenly” would be more suitable!

But I hope you can see how the words “Died suddenly” contain truth in themselves as to their meaning.

As to Bill Nye I could write a book on him and his folly. But I see his full name, William Sanford Nye, will anagram to ‘an infamy world lies’.

Anyway I shall leave you with a recent most unfortunate event.

There are reports in of someone who fell into a vat of black ink. Sadly he ‘dyed suddenly’!

Look out for the sign of Baldmichael, he will be back!

P.S.  here is my main link on vaccines.

What is the ‘flu a.k.a Covid 19 and why vaccines are pointless at best.

Marianna Spring and BBC disinformation

WHO are you? – The World Health Organization

By Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

The World Health Organization, based in Geneva, Switzerland, that’s WHO.

Its full address is:

WHO Headquarters in Geneva

Avenue Appia 20

1211 Geneva


Interestingly as I have mentioned before elsewhere, the single word anagram of Geneva is ‘avenge’. Is the WHO based here for a reason, if so avenge what? Or who?

I note that Geneva, Switzerland anagrams to ‘dwelt Nazis avenger’. So maybe the Nazis are seeking vengeance.

Anyway, many people are blaming the WHO for many of the health problems today. I have said this in 2020 that Roger Daltrey and Pete Townshend should sue!

But what is the WHO up to? Perhaps firstly I will state that the basis of it is as a United Nations (UN) organization. Please note with a ‘z’ as it is the USA which has dominated and they like their z’s over there.

So let’s look at aspects of the WHO. These are my selection of what I consider key points. I use the link below as the basis for discussion.


It says at the beginning:

The WHO was established on 7 April 1948 and convened its first meeting on 24 July of that year.  It incorporated the assets, personnel, and duties of the League of Nations’ Health Organization and the Paris-based Office International d’Hygiène Publique, including the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). The agency’s work began in earnest in 1951 after a significant infusion of financial and technical resources.

“a significant infusion of financial and technical resources” i.e. a lot of money. Whose money I am not quite sure, but no doubt taxpayers’.

The WHO’s official mandate is to promote health and safety while helping the vulnerable worldwide. It provides technical assistance to countries, sets international health standards, collects data on global health issues, and serves as a forum for scientific or policy discussions related to health. Its official publication, the World Health Report, provides assessments of worldwide health topics.

Please note it has a mandate and that this mandate is authority to set guidelines rather than you must do something specifically.

Or at least that was the original intention.

The WHO has played a leading role in several public health achievements, most notably the eradication of smallpox, the near-eradication of polio, and the development of an Ebola vaccine. Its current priorities include communicable diseases, particularly HIV/AIDS, Ebola, COVID-19, malaria and tuberculosis; non-communicable diseases such as heart disease and cancer; healthy diet, nutrition, and food security; occupational health; and substance abuse. The agency advocates for universal health care coverage, engagement with the monitoring of public health risks, coordinating responses to health emergencies, and promoting health and well-being generally.

Now here we must take exception to what Wikipedia states. Let’s take the claims.

Eradication of smallpox

As far as I can tell this seems to have focused on vaccination. As I now know vaccination is a fraud, smallpox cannot have been eradicated by vaccination which merely injects poison into a person. Poisoning people has never been good for health.

And whilst I have yet to do a detailed post on smallpox, how can anybody be sure that what is called smallpox is smallpox? That is, who defines it and why should they be correct?

Even the Wikipedia link on smallpox says the ‘…modified smallpox occurred mostly in previously vaccinated people.’


This form of variola major was more easily confused with chickenpox.


Well that sounds like vaccination is a problem doesn’t it, even I can work that one out. Get vaccinated and get smallpox even if it is (allegedly) not as bad as full blown smallpox whatever that really is.

But there is this chart too.


So being vaccinated doesn’t eliminate the risks according to the data and in all case there is still a large proportion of vaccinated dying relative to unvaccinated. Sounds like COVID 19, a.k.a. the ‘flu, vaccines.

Near-eradication of polio

In the USA

The medical doctor and virologist Jonas Salk put forward a promising vaccine and in the spring of 1953, the foundation rolled out a large-scale trial of the Salk vaccine for which 1.83 million children in 44 US states received either a placebo or the vaccine shot.


On April 12, 1955, the tenth anniversary of Roosevelt’s death, Francis announced that Salk’s vaccine was effective and potent in preventing polio.


Shortly afterwards Dr. Albert Sabin introduced a live polio vaccine that could be administered orally (rather than Salk’s by injection), the oral polio vaccine (OPV).


This is an image of the interactive chart.


What can be noted though is polio cases were dropping substantially from a high in 1952. However, after the vaccine trial in 1953 cases rose briefly which would hardly be surprising when injecting poisons into people.

Of course administering a vaccine orally means that the stomach may deal with some of the poisonous effects first making it less toxic (hopefully).

What the Our World in Data link also says is

The poliovirus is found only among humans and is transmitted via the so-called fecal-oral route. In other words, polio is mostly transmitted by drinking water that has been contaminated by the feces of a person carrying the poliovirus. The virus therefore spreads especially well in conditions of poor sanitation, for example when people defecate in the open or do not filter their water before drinking it.

So clean up basic public health and hey presto, the bulk of the problems will go away!

So why the need for vaccines? Good sanitation and clean water are no brainers, but toxic vaccines will lead to no brains!

Even the WHO seems to understand that good sanitation and clean water are essential.

Wikipedia says

The WHO estimates that 12.6 million people died as a result of living or working in an unhealthy environment in 2012 – this accounts for nearly 1 in 4 of total global deaths. Environmental risk factors, such as air, water, and soil pollution,

Its own website says

Better access to water, sanitation, hygiene and waste services in health facilities improve quality care and help to prevent millions of deaths

And the WHO think vaccines will help?? Seriously??

Development of an Ebola vaccine

Well, far from being an achievement it is still in clinical trials, or should I say cynical trials… fact I think sin-ical trials is best. This is because vaccines are a sin against God and his beloved children.

In fact ‘vaccines’ is an anagram of ‘ace sin VC’. Not a good sign under the circumstances.

I gather the US has helped lead the field in the Ebola vaccine according to this.

In 2014, Credit Suisse estimated that the U.S. government will provide over $1 billion in contracts to companies to develop medicine and vaccines for Ebola virus disease.


When it says U.S. government it means the taxpayers. In the U.S. you could say US or us. That’s you folks in the good ol’ U.S. of A.!

Still, it will give somebody some work. And the select few a lot of money. The poor sods in Africa might not be too keen and who can blame them? I daresay the WHO will.

Only it doesn’t so much blame people as say they are ‘vaccine hesitant’.

It says

Addressing vaccine hesitancy within a country and/or subgroup requires an understanding of the magnitude and setting of the problem…

It is important to understand the context, that the problem is for big pharma’s profits and the jobs of its minions.

Personally I say it is not vaccine hesitancy, more a case of ‘vaccine??? Arrrrrrgh!!’ I mean, who would think of injecting themselves with poison??

The WHO again! And a few billion dimwits who didn’t check the warnings or indeed the ingredients.

I appreciate in the developing world some people may not be able to read but in the western world one would expect people to check.

The WHO’s priorities

I thought I would copy the list. It says

Our goal is to ensure that a billion more people have universal health coverage, to protect a billion more people from health emergencies, and provide a further billion people with better health and well-being.

For universal health coverage, we: 

focus on primary health care to improve access to quality essential services

work towards sustainable financing and financial protection

improve access to essential medicines and health products

train the health workforce and advise on labour policies

support people’s participation in national health policies

improve monitoring, data and information.

For health emergencies, we:

prepare for emergencies by identifying, mitigating and managing risks

prevent emergencies and support development of tools necessary during outbreaks

detect and respond to acute health emergencies

support delivery of essential health services in fragile settings.

 For health and well-being we:

address social determinants

promote intersectoral approaches for health

prioritize health in all policies and healthy settings.

Through our work, we address:

human capital across the life-course

noncommunicable diseases prevention

mental health promotion

climate change in small island developing states

antimicrobial resistance

elimination and eradication of high-impact communicable diseases.

If that hasn’t bored you to death perhaps you will have seen no reference to clean water and good sanitation in the lists.

In fact most of it is management speak for vague meaningless goals that can be manipulated at will to justify incompetent and corrupt management.

As to human capital, this is the typical dehumanising phrase used to make people seem like mere economic products to be used.

The main Wikipedia article says

Its current priorities include communicable diseases, particularly HIV/AIDS, Ebola, COVID-19, malaria and tuberculosis; non-communicable diseases such as heart disease and cancer; healthy diet, nutrition, and food security; occupational health; and substance abuse. The agency advocates for universal health care coverage, engagement with the monitoring of public health risks, coordinating responses to health emergencies, and promoting health and well-being generally.

Let’s take the communicable diseases.

Communicable diseases

HIV/AIDS – this is said to be virus related. But as I have explained elsewhere viruses are not what we are told. Others have done good work and will tell you it is another fraud to poison people for profit.

Ebola – another viral scam as above.

COVID-19 – the current viral scam which fully awakened me and many others.

None of these are in fact communicable, they have merely been made to appear so by manipulation of statistics and ‘advertising’.

Malaria – malaria is related to mosquitos and parasites. It is communicable in the sense that being bitten by a mosquito will inject parasites into you it seems.

Tuberculosis – bacteria related. It appears that a lot of people can have the bacteria in the lungs which are the area it primarily affects when the bacteria are active.

But it says in the Wikipedia article People with latent TB do not spread the disease.

It also says

Public health

Public health campaigns which have focused on overcrowding, public spitting and regular sanitation (including hand washing) during the 1800s helped to either interrupt or slow spread which when combined with contact tracing, isolation and treatment helped to dramatically curb the transmission of both tuberculosis and other airborne diseases which led to the elimination of tuberculosis as a major public health issue in most developed economies. Other risk factors which worsened TB spread such as malnutrition were also ameliorated,…

So really it all depends on the environment again; clean water, good sanitation, clean air, good food.

As to communicable, well that is not making much sense is it? The article continues

…but since the emergence of HIV a new population of immunocompromised individuals was available for TB to infect.

These people are immuno-compromised, their bodies damaged by a supposed virus, in reality the drugs illegal and legal they use or are given by kind big pharma who only do it out of the goodness of its heart.

The heart of pharma is ‘harm’, the middle letters. Mmm…..



It is interesting to note that Germany is by far the biggest contributor. What does it seek to gain I wonder. Of course much of big pharma is Germanic in origin and there are some big companies based in Germany or German speaking countries such as listed below.

Full List of Pharmaceutical Companies in Germany (2024)

It says

There are many pharmaceutical companies in Germany, the largest pharmaceutical market in Europe, ahead of France, Italy, Spain and Poland, and the fourth in the world behind the US, China, and Japan. The market generated 46.4 billion Euros in 2019 and exported pharmaceuticals worth EUR 83.2 billion, making it the largest pharmaceutical exporter in the world. Germany invested EUR 7.4 billion in R&D in 2018.

In 2020, Germany exported 87 billion euros worth of pharmaceuticals, mostly to countries such as the United States, Netherlands.

There are over 500 pharmaceutical companies in Germany. Germany is the largest pharmaceutical location in the EU, and second in Europe behind Switzerland. The largest Germany-owned pharmaceutical companies are

Bayer Pharma AG

Boehringer Ingelheim

Merck KGaA

Fresenius Kabi.

Other prominent pharmaceutical companies in Germany with global presence are B. Braun, EuroPharma, BioNTech, Berlin Chemie, Stada Arzneimittel, Vetter Pharma, Medac, Merz Pharma.

After Germany comes the USA. Again there are a lot of pharmaceutical companies in the States, most notably Pfizer at the top of the revenue list in 2022.

The top 20 pharma companies by 2022 revenue

Apr 18, 2023

9 of these are in the USA.

– Pfizer

– Johnson & Johnson

– Merck & Co.

– AbbVie

– Bristol Myers Squibb

– Eli Lilly

– Gilead Sciences

– Amgen

– Moderna

4 are in Germany

– Bayer

– Boehringer Ingelheim

– Merck KGaA

– BioNTech

2 are in Switzerland

– Roche

– Novartis

2 in the UK

– AstraZeneca


1 in Denmark

– Novo Nordisk

1 in France

– Sanofi

1 in Japan

– Takeda Pharmaceutical Company

You can see that there are 6 companies in German speaking areas and 15 in total including the United States.

Next up is the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. We know about that of course and Bill Gates promotion of vaccines.

Then, to my shame, the UK. It is hardly surprising given two large pharma companies based here.

However, the next is GAVI based in Switzerland (funded by the UK at the top of the list, but then Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the USA) followed by the European Commission which I consider a front for German domination.

The World Bank is based in the USA and I see the Rotary International, no. 10 on the list, is based in the States.

All in all, I estimate about 46% of funding comes via Germany, Switzerland and the USA although some of that is other countries, mainly in Europe.

The WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty

This is the current issue preoccupying many with its wish to extend the powers of the WHO.

Note that the WHO has the responsibility to declare a pandemic.

The World Economic Forum helped raise the current issue.

Do we need an international treaty for future crises? These 23 leaders think so

Mar 30, 2021

Paste link into browser to make it work.

The 23 leaders are from these countries as well as the WHO it seems.

It says

The treaty got the formal backing of the leaders of Fiji, Portugal, Romania, Britain, Rwanda, Kenya, France, Germany, Greece, Korea, Chile, Costa Rica, Albania, South Africa, Trinidad and Tobago, the Netherlands, Tunisia, Senegal, Spain, Norway, Serbia, Indonesia, Ukraine and the WHO.

It also says

“There will be other pandemics and other major health emergencies. No single government or multilateral agency can address this threat alone,” the leaders wrote in a joint opinion article in major newspapers.

“We believe that nations should work together towards a new international treaty for pandemic preparedness and response,” they said.

It other words governments should work together to create the solutions to the problems they artificially cause in the first place.

Here is the UK governments summary of the main goal of the proposed treaty.

It says

The main goal of this treaty would be to foster an all of government and all of society approach, strengthening national, regional and global capacities and resilience to future pandemics. This includes greatly enhancing international co-operation to improve, for example, alert systems, data-sharing, research and local, regional and global production and distribution of medical and public health counter-measures such as vaccines, medicines, diagnostics and personal protective equipment.

As the COVID 19 pandemic was contrived in any event the whole thing is highly dangerous.

Ultimately it is an excuse to spend large sums of taxpayers’ money on unnecessary systems and bureaucracy, and all the medical paraphernalia of toxic vaccines and other big pharma products, with at best useless diagnostics and personal protective equipment (PPE).

Note the key dates.

Key dates moving forward

As moving backwards would be rather pointless!!

According to the WHO, the following are key dates in the progress of the treaty.

The INB will host its fifth meeting in April 2023.

The INB will deliver a progress report to the 76th World Health Assembly in May 2023.

By late May / early June, the first draft of the WHO CA+ will be distributed to Member States.

A INB Drafting Group will meet in June 2023.

The INB will host its sixth meeting in July 2023.

Further meetings or drafting group sessions could be held in September, November, and December 2023

The INB will submit its outcome for consideration by the 77th World Health Assembly in May 2024.

It is interesting that this is the 77th World Health Assembly. The dates are 27 May – 1 June 2024.

One has to laugh, look at the tag line.

The theme of this year’s Health Assembly is: All for Health, Health for All.

Sounds suspiciously like the 3 Musketeers rallying cry, ‘All for one and one for all!’

This really means your health is in our hands, i.e. ‘You can be sick in our hands – forever!’

I see ‘All for Health, Health for All’ will anagram to ‘Allah Ralf hot fart hellhole’! Yes, that is what the world will become if you don’t think it has already.

I mentioned 77th as a number as this is a multiple of 7 which in biblical terms is understood as a number of completeness. Perhaps the implication is that this assembly will complete what the globalists require if they are allowed to.

As to the intentions of the assembly perhaps these anagrams of ‘World Health Assembly’ give the game away.

– Harmless deathly blow – on the surface it is presented as harmless but it will be a deathly blow if acted upon.

– Shh steamrolled bylaw – there is the intention to force it thorough regardless

– Why smallholder beast – the WHO is a beast

– Ah mad worthless belly – the belly of the beast perhaps

– Be droll wealthy shams – a sham to make money for the wealthy

– Bad smelly harlot shew – it stinks to high heaven

– Yells deathblow harms – it shouts out ‘This means more death and harm’

– Bellows deathly harms – as above

This is a useful perspective from the Mises Institute

The WHO’s Pandemic Treaty: The End of National Sovereignty and Freedom


It says

Through the Pandemic Treaty, the WHO will impose its own value judgment on the world population, thereby ignoring the fact that values differ significantly between people, cultures, traditions, and nations.

In other words, it will disregard the diversity of people when it comes to making decisions about their own bodies based on their own religious beliefs, commitments, views, commitments, and cultural and traditional values.

It will also violate inclusiveness, as the imposition of a single value judgment; namely, the “One Health” approach, means that the WHO does not treat other value judgments, nor cultural and traditional practices, fairly and equally.

Here is Fred Nazar on the matter

Prof. Fred Nazar  

WHO global coup: International Health Regulations

Apr 27, 2024

I would highlight this from the above.

Another blade of the scissor is the modifications to the International Health Regulations, a legal scheme that was first weaponized in 2005, after SARS-CoV-1, by granting the WHO Director General, the discretionary superpower to declare an emergency, called Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC), coincidentally pronounced as FAKE, since all 7 PHEICs were FAKES:

2009 H1N1 swine flu pandemic

2014 setbacks in global polio eradication efforts

2013–2016 Western African Ebola virus epidemic

2016 Zika virus outbreak

2018–19 Kivu Ebola epidemic

2019–23 COVID-19 pandemic

2022 monkeypox outbreak

The WHO is in the business of declaring PHEIC or fake pandemics to suit the money makers’ ends.

What about anagrams of World Health Organization?


World Health Organization

World Heat gniz = 13 individual letters

Well first off I say it is Nazi run. Public health was in the forefront of the Third Reich

Here are some suitable phrases.

– Nazi Hitler Otho dragon law – interestingly Otho was the seventh Roman emperor

– Nazi hr old wealth iron toga – old Nazi wealth helps fund it maybe

– Iron Nazi wroth death Algol – Algol is known colloquially as the Demon Star and

Algol was called Rōsh ha Sāṭān or “Satan’s Head” in Hebrew folklore


It is the first star of Medusa’s head, i.e. one of the Gorgons.

Some more Nazi ones to play with

– Or logo nil Nazi death wrath

– All go Nazi iron wroth death

– Zed wog annihilator harlot

– Hal ltd Nazi whore rogation

– The Nazi iron rod a Goth wall

– Logo enthral aid Nazi wroth

– Nazi wraith throne do Algol – the seat of Satan then

– Goal Nazi dawn oh rot Hitler

– What I Rollo the Nazi dragon

– I the Nazi dragon low harlot

Go ape

– Godzilla throne with Aaron

Reptiles in human clothing

– Hah own alien lizard grotto

Universal remedy

– Azoth iron rod angel withal – the WHO wants to rule with an iron rod

– Azoth annihilator growled

– Azoth air enthralling wood

– Azoth ail harlot wondering

Azoth is a universal remedy or potent solvent sought after in the realm of alchemy…

A Zionist connection

– AD harlot late whoring Zion

And the pharma whore

– An aid azoth trolling whore

Summary and final thoughts

The WHO has become a solution looking for a problem, so it artificially creates one at regular intervals. This keeps those who profit by them with jobs, income and prestige.

The WHO wants more power to do so, and then it can twist the arms of those who sign up to it.

It has a goal to protect a billion more people from health emergencies which it creates by declaring them.

It is about the power to control and generate money, lots of money. Harm and death will follow as always.

If you understand what is going on with the COVID 19 scam and harmful vaccines, you will see that this is a power grab to persuade people to ‘Health & Safety’ on the WHO’s terms, a ‘One size fits all’.

But it is the pockets of the wealthy that it fits, not the individuals who pay for it via taxes etc.

I have pointed out the Germanic links to the pharmaceutical industry and the fact that Germany is the largest pharmaceutical exporter in the world.

The WHO is in essence a front for German domination, more particularly Nazi as the Nazis never went away after WW2 but moved into more lucrative businesses.

Resist it at all costs and do not let them get away with this.

Look out for the sign of Baldmichael, he will be back!

P.S. These links may be of use to those who haven’t seen.

‘One size fits all’

Organisation vs. Organization – what’s in the words, and why the different spelling?

Pharmaceuticals: What’s in them?

“Why vaccines do not work” in a nutshell

Switzerland – nice and Nazi?

Here is what I understand to be the latest draft of the treaty.

Revised draft of the negotiating text

of the WHO Pandemic Agreement

13 March 2024

This is a good site for all things WHO and the treaty.

Begging for billion$

James Roguski

Jul 24, 2023

Finally for light relief The Who, not the WHO.

The Who – Who Are You (HQ)

As they sing

God, there’s got to be another way

God says, yes there is, my way, the Yes way.

Amoxicillin and a hospital visit, 19th April, 2024

By Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

I thought I would mention my visit to Accident and Emergency (A & E) the other day. It wasn’t exactly an accident or emergency that took me there but I had woken up in the morning and had gone to the basin in the bedroom.

Apparently my wife heard a thud and came up to investigate and found me on the floor. I gather I then crawled back to the bed and got in but looking as white as a sheet. I have no memory of this.

In any event she called the emergency services which sent out the paramedics. The man and woman team came in and my wife invited them to sit on the other twin bed.

This was too much for the bed which buckled under the strain! The bed is old, a lightweight angle iron frame and the woman was on the large size to put it mildly. One could have put two of him into her I think.

Anyway, they ran various tests to check my heart and blood pressure which were fine. They then said they could take me into A & E but I declined as I felt ok, barring the usual energy issues, palsy and related issues that I have.

They then said they could set up an appointment to see the local GP to which I agreed.

We duly went later that day. He was a new addition to the practice, probably Pakistani or Indian extraction. He wasn’t exactly very helpful and said in essence I should have gone straight to A & E.

So to cut a long story short that is what we did, parking in the retail park on the east of town and walking a mile or so to the hospital.

I was taken in straight away although I didn’t see a doctor straight away. They arranged for a CT head scan (no contrast dye) and took bloods for testing, all fairly efficient.

Nevertheless I was in for about 4 hours all told. They had an assistant who came round later on asking people if they wanted anything to eat or drink. I said yes please, and asked for a sandwich and a banana.

The sandwich was what I call white plastic bread and very indifferent whilst the banana didn’t look that ripe. I took that home and eventually my wife ate it a few days later.

During the visit the A & E ward seemed reasonably sensible, that is no masking except for one nurse (I assume she was a nurse) who I saw talking to a patient both with and without a mask. And then with a mask again!

Whether she felt she needed it or whether she hadn’t bothered to remove it all the time wasn’t clear, but at least generally superficially common sense seemed to have returned (bear in mind I had not seen the A & E department during lockdown, so I am not sure what this hospital section was doing at the time).

As to my tests and scan nothing was shown I gather. I did not ask what was actually tested with the bloods and I wonder if my pituitary and thyroid levels were showing a reasonable balance. In late 2020 they were out of kilter which would explain my reduced energy levels.

I did mention my left ear which is deaf related to the palsy. The doctor examined and noted some infection as he called it and prescribed Amoxicillin, an antibiotic.

By and large I though he was fairly thorough, except that like most doctors he did not discuss the potential side effects of the drug.


Wikipedia says

Amoxicillin is an antibiotic medication belonging to the aminopenicillin class of the penicillin family. The drug is used to treat bacterial infections such as middle ear infection, strep throat, pneumonia, skin infections, odontogenic infections, and urinary tract infections.

This is the chemical formula.


Side effects

Adverse effects are similar to those for other β-lactam antibiotics, including nausea, vomiting, rashes, and antibiotic-associated colitis. Loose bowel movements (diarrhea) may also occur. Rarer adverse effects include mental changes, lightheadedness, insomnia, confusion, anxiety, sensitivity to lights and sounds, and unclear thinking. Immediate medical care is required upon the first signs of these adverse effects.

The rarer side effects sound like what many in the population at large have nowadays as they still seem to believe in the ‘COVID 19 is deadly and vaccines are good’ narrative.

But seriously, given the presence of nitrogen in the chemistry and NH2, which is ammonia and toxic, I am not surprised.

Other ingredients

The packet lists the following:

Erythrosine (E127)

It is banned as a food additive in the UK according to Wikipedia, yet can be put in these drugs.

Quinoline yellow (E104)

It is used as a food additive according to Wikipedia. It contains a nitrogen atom in its chemistry.


By RicHard-59 – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Titanium oxide (E 171)

It is used for various things including food colouring.

The European Union banned its use in February 2022.

Red iron oxide (E172)

It is used for various applications including food colouring.

Anagrams of Amoxicillin

As usual I thought I would look at anagrams of the word to see if anything interesting came up. And indeed some things did.

The two single longest words apart from the longest, oxacillin, another similar antibiotic, are ‘inimical’ and ‘monilial’.

‘Inimical’ means ‘unfriendly; hostile’ so it is reasonable as it is hostile to certain bacteria.

‘Monilial’ has to do with issues caused by the fungus candida. This can mean the gut but also the vagina as discussed here (vaginitis).

Extracting parts of the text I highlight this:

Antibiotics are used to kill off harmful bacteria in the body. But they can also destroy beneficial bacteria in the process, which may lead to a yeast infection.

Vaginal yeast infections are fungal infections of the vagina. They happen when a type of fungus called Candida, which occurs naturally in the vagina, begins to grow out of control. Yeast infections can cause intense itching and irritation of the vagina and vulva — the outer part of the female genital area.


Vaginas maintain their own balanced mix of yeast and bacteria. A type of bacteria called Lactobacillus keeps the vagina slightly acidic, which isn’t welcoming to yeast. This slightly acidic environment keeps the yeast growing in the vagina under control.

Broad-spectrum antibiotics, which you might take for bronchitis or a sinus infection, are like a bomb to your body’s natural balance of bacteria. They wipe out the bad bacteria causing your illness.

Antibiotics also wipe out beneficial bacteria, including Lactobacillus. Without enough Lactobacillus, your vagina becomes less acidic, making it an ideal environment for yeast.

The same principles apply to the gut (see later). Antibiotics upset the balance and whilst they might sort out one issue may well lead to another.

As to labelling bacteria bad or good, well it may be more an issue of bacteria in the wrong place.

Summary and final thoughts

I don’t intend to do an in depth study into the pros and cons of antibiotics but I am well aware of the issues including affecting the gut biome. Here is a link on the matter for reference.

It says

Immediately after taking antibiotics, the total and culturable species richness decreased, the team found. For most of the volunteers, these measures returned to baseline values after two months—but the species present remained changed, notes Winston Anthony, a PhD candidate at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis who coauthored the Cell Reports paper the team published last month announcing the results. This means antibiotics “are fundamentally restructuring the microbiome,” he says.

That doesn’t sound good. It continues

In three of the healthy volunteers, who were assigned to different treatment groups, the gut microbiome was especially perturbed. They continued to have reduced microbiome diversity even at the end of the six months. “Their gut microbiome became more similar to that of an ICU patient than of a healthy individual,” says Kwon. Still, she noted that they and the other participants felt fine.

There seems to be evidence of long term effects although the reasons are not clear. Ultimately we are all individuals and what other medications and vaccines people take will impact on results of studies.

In any event, I decided not to undertake the course. I have had antibiotics before but a long time ago, perhaps in my 20’s. I was not aware of any side effects that I can recall.

However, given all that has gone on in the last 4 years and my research I wish to avoid pharmaceuticals and consider that anything containing nitrogen in its chemistry is especially dodgy. Whilst it might deal with one problem the chances are it will leave you with another.

Please feel free to comment below on any experiences you have had with Amoxicillin and alternative remedies that have helped if you took any.

Look out for the sign of Baldmichael, he will be back!

P.S. This is the online version of the packet insert from the Amoxicillin that I was given except that I note the date of last revision was September 2023 rather than June 2023 on mine. I have not checked for any actual changes in information.

My links on pharmaceuticals

Pharmaceuticals: What’s in them?

“Why vaccines do not work” in a nutshell

“No one is safe until everyone is safe”

By Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

Or ‘No one is safe until everyone is locked in a safe’. Whose safe I hear you cry? Big pharma’s safe I say. And a few billionaires safes among others.

Anyway, you may remember the phrase so I thought I would analyse it.

You may have seen this link below. I missed it at the time although I was generally aware of faith so-called leaders promoting the vaccines.

No-one is safe until everyone is safe – why we need a global response to COVID-19

24 May 2021

It says

GENEVA, 23 May 2021 – “Equitable vaccine distribution is a humanitarian imperative

Absolutely, why should only the well-off countries be poisoned, why not the impoverished too, it’s only fair.

And big pharma need a big share of the wealth to research all the necessary poisons which will be required to fund eternal poor health so that more poisonous drugs can be made to manage the symptoms of poor health.

But not the cause of poor health which is the toxic substances from big pharma among others.

Oops, did I give the game away?

As you could see this is UNICEF. Who has put their names to this odious article? Let’s see now. I have anagrammed their names including titles as appropriate to see what one can come up with.

The Most Reverend Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury

By Roger Harris –, CC BY 3.0,

Anagram ‘The Most Reverend Justin Welby’

The Mos Rvnd Jui Wlby = 17 individual letters

– Bets Jewry must enthrone devil

– Truthless wonder enemy jibe TV

He is the ‘Truthless wonder’ indeed. Justin Welby will anagram to ‘We bin justly’. Quite so.

Peter Maurer, President of the International Committee of the Red Cross

By International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) from Switzerland – ICRC president Peter Maurer in Syria, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Anagram ‘Peter Maurer’

Petr Mau = 7 individual letters

– PR ureameter – a ureameter measures urine content. Or one might say checks the piss, taking of. He is taking the piss as they say, deceiving the masses.

– Meter uprear – and where it should go in his case.

Bishop Ivan M Abrahams, General Secretary of the World Methodist Council

Anagram ‘Bishop Ivan M Abrahams’

Bishop van M r = 11 individual letters

– Varnish mamba phobias – as in covering up the fears of being poisoned by a snake

– Vain pharma sash bimbo

And here he is wearing it.

HE Elder Metropolitan Emmanuel of Chalcedon, Ecumenical Patriarchate

Anagram ‘HE Elder Metropolitan Emmanuel of Chalcedon’

HE ldr Mtopian u f C =15

– He clone fool unparalleled demonic threat meme

Very suitable. The COVID 19 scam is the unparalleled demonic threat of all history.

The Reverend Dr Chris Ferguson, General Secretary of the World Communion of Reformed Churches

By Philtanis – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Anagram ‘The Reverend Dr Chris Ferguson’

The Rvnd  Cis Fguo = 14

– Nero red ‘V’ curse frightens herd

It’s bad enough having Neil Ferguson let alone another Ferguson . They frightened the herd to run and get jabbed in the slaughter house.

Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General

Tedros in 2023

Anagram ‘Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus’

Dr Teos Ahnm Gbyu = 14 individual letters

– yum red BS goo hardheartedness

Mr Deadloss himself, red for Marxist and the scarlet beast of Revelation.

Filippo Grandi, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

By Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken –, CC BY-SA 2.0,

Anagram ‘Filippo Grandi’

Filpo Grand = 10 individual letters

– I dragon flip pi

– I doping PR fail

– Frog lipid pain

Since 2019, Grandi has been a member of the World Economic Forum High-Level Group on Humanitarian Investing, co-chaired by Børge Brende, Kristalina Georgieva and Peter Maurer.

‘anathematising’ is the longest single one word anagram from ‘Humanitarian Investing’ and means ‘to bring a curse’. Sounds very appropriate.

Henrietta H. Fore, Executive Director, UNICEF

Anagram ‘Henrietta H. Fore’

Henrita Fo = 9 individual letters

– Er another thief

Truly said. Here’s a link with more information about her propaganda.

Remarks by Henrietta Fore, UNICEF Executive Director, at the high-level side event on the ACT-Accelerator at the 75th session of UN General Assembly

30 September 2020

It says

“UNICEF is proud to be part of this historic initiative.

“Three decades ago, we led the universal child immunization initiative.

“Today, with our partners — and thanks to dedicated frontline workers and volunteers worldwide — we deliver nearly 2.5 billion doses of vaccines every year.

“We’ve built an incredible track record of scaling new vaccines for children.


“On the demand side, we must build confidence and trust in vaccines and in the health systems delivering them.

“The pandemic has brought to light the lingering challenges of mistrust, misinformation and rumours around vaccines — their safety and effectiveness.

It didn’t bring to light mistrust of vaccines, it caused it. Many people just weren’t that stupid unlike Henrietta.

“Our teams on the ground are reporting that baseless rumours about the COVID-19 vaccine are eroding trust in other vaccination programmes. In fact, some communities have rejected polio campaigns outright for fear of being subjected to COVID-19 vaccine trials.

She has sold her soul, the evil woman. And note vaccine trials she says. It was all a great experiment and if you took the vaccines you were part of it.

‘Fore!’ is used in golf to warn of a ball possibly coming your way. In this case it was a load of balls. According to Wikipedia

Fore resigned in July 2021 to attend to her husband’s serious health issue but offered to stay on until her successor was recruited.

Perhaps he was vaccinated. Anyway I see she was born in Chicago. There must be something about Chicago as Hillary Clinton was born there too.

The Reverend Dr Martin Junge, General Secretary of the Lutheran World Federation

Anagram ‘The Reverend Dr Martin Junge’

The Rvnd  Mati Jug = 14 individual letters

– The murdering Jenner advert

I could not have put it better, Edward Jenner who was the father of the modern vaccine lies.

Dr Azza Karam, Secretary-General, Religions for Peace

Anagram ‘Dr Azza Karam’

Dr Az Krm = 7 individual letters

– Am a dark razz

Limited scope from her name I think. Still she is on the naughty list nevertheless.

Francesco Rocca, President of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

Anagram ‘Francesco Rocca’

Franceso  = 8 individual letters

– cc corona farces

– Coo NCR Scarface

Well he may not have a scar on his face but he is still part of the COVID mafia.

And he is clearly off his ‘Rocca’!

Rabbi David Rosen, Co-President, Religions for Peace

By Steve Nimmons from London, United Kingdom – With Rabbi David Rosen, CC BY-SA 2.0,

Anagram ‘Rabbi David Rosen’

Rabi Dv osen = 10 individual letters

– As birdbrain dove

Dove is a symbol of peace. Anybody who still thinks vaccines are peaceful has a bird brain. Perhaps he goes on Twitter.

Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb, The Grand Imam of al-Azhar

By channel1eg –, CC BY 3.0,

Anagram ‘Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb’

Sheik Amd l Tyb = 12  individual letters

– Hah hey mistake Abdel

– Maybe deathlike shah

– Ahab meekly shithead

Ahab was the bad king of Israel whose wife was Jezebel, reminding me of big pharma dressed up as the Whore of Babylon. He needs a good ‘sheikh’ to get him to wake up to the lies he has supported.

HE Cardinal Peter Turkson, Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, Rome

By Richter Frank-Jurgen –, CC BY-SA 2.0,

Anagram ‘HE Cardinal Peter Turkson’

– nans deathlike corrupter

– Oh lurk satanic pretender

Wikipedia says he was bookmakers favourite to be pope in 2013. Satanic pretender to the throne then.

He apparently said this.

Top Vatican Cardinal: Joe Biden should not be denied Communion

October 04, 2021

As regards Joe Biden he should have been excommunicated a long time ago. But that would not be good business for the Vatican.

It reports that

…he also said he “would wish to encourage heads of state and leaders in Africa to also explore traditional therapies for this.” He said leaders should “promote local herbal medication” in order to lessen reliance on vaccines.

Which shows some wisdom.

It is unclear to which therapies or herbal remedies Cardinal Turkson is alluding. Nearly all U.S. public health officials say the best protection against hospitalization and death from Covid-19 is vaccination, and Pope Francis has been a strong proponent of vaccines. Cardinal Turkson said in the interview he harbored no doubts that being vaccinated is a wise decision.

And then he takes it all away again.

Miscellaneous people using the phrase

Gordon Brown, ex-Prime Minister of the UK

Gordon Brown warns ‘fake news’ risks preparations for next pandemic

5 March 2024

It says

Mr Brown, 73, who was prime minister during the swine flu pandemic in 2009

So we know who to blame for that now

…and is now a WHO ambassador for global health finance,

And the man who sold the UK’s gold reserve off cheap

warned that a Global Pandemic Accord decided in December 2021 was being put at risk by “fake news” on social media ahead of the launch.


Mr Brown said: “More than two years ago after the loss of lives during covid everyone agreed a Global Pandemic Accord, a new international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response, was essential.

“Everyone agreed that no one is safe anywhere until everyone is safe everywhere.

N.B. ‘Everyone’ being those who called it a pandemic in the first place having engineered it to be so. This does not mean everybody in the whole world that would be silly.

Like Gordon ‘Bennett’ Brown. Continuing

“The 194 countries who are members of the World Health Organisation decided in December 2021 to work towards an Accord to work together to prepare for and stem any new pandemic threat, including by achieving equitable access to vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics.

“Establishing a strong global pact on pandemics is, in my view, essential to protect future generations from a repeat of the millions of deaths and the social and economic devastation which resulted from a lack of collaboration during the Covid-19 pandemic.”

No, it was the collaboration of the evil governments that caused excess deaths and the social and economic devastation. Of course the moronic populace agreed to start with that being locked down was a ‘Good Thing’. Many are waking up to the fact that this was not generally the case.

What happens if we anagram ‘James Gordon Brown’, his full name?

– wronged jab morons

– og mad brownnoser

Yep, they will do for this article. And Gordon, you are a moron.

Anagrams of the phrase ‘No one is safe until everyone is safe’

No one is safe until everyone is safe =30 letters

No e is af utl vry = 13 individual letters

I will stick to a few selected phrases.

– ie to ye foe of universal insaneness

– A lot of AI fine eye viruses nonsense

– aye nefarious evil otiose nonsense

– ie Satan’s eery UN loonies offensive

That last one is most suitable given it was the UNICEF article promoting the idiocy.

Summary and final thoughts

The article link at the beginning says some fine words such as

“There is a choice. The world of the next 10 years can be one of greater justice, abundance and dignity. Or it can be one of conflict, insecurity and poverty.

But then says

“We need to build a world where each community, regardless of where they live, or who they are, has urgent access to vaccinations: not just for COVID-19, but also for the many other diseases that continue to harm and kill. As the pandemic has shown us, in our interdependent world no one is safe until everyone is safe.

This is their gross deceit; vaccines are the proposed saviour, but in reality they bring harm, disease and death.

If you believe their lies you will bring judgement on yourselves by taking the vaccine venom.

As regards the phrase “No one is safe until everyone is safe” this final anagram exposes the fraud:

– ie so fine yet false saviour nonsense

The vaccines are a false saviour, an antichrist.

These organised religious figures and others have lied and deceived the masses.

The article says

“We have a choice: vaccine nationalism or human solidarity.

There is a third choice; repent of our selfish greed, turn back to the creator God in whom we live and move and have our being.

I hold up Jesus Christ as the saviour and the door to God the heavenly Father. Jesus Christ said that He came that we might have life and have it to the full.

In the meantime here is a warning from Revelation.

“Now the rest of mankind who were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the works of their hands. They did not stop worshiping demons and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone, and wood, which cannot see or hear or walk. Furthermore, they did not repent of their murder, sorcery, sexual immorality, and theft.”

Further judgements will fall on those who do not repent. Jesus says

“Behold, I am coming soon, and My reward is with Me, to give to each one according to what he has done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.”

Blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they may have the right to the tree of life and may enter the city by its gates. But outside are the dogs, the sorcerers, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.

“I, Jesus, have sent My angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the bright Morning Star.”

The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” Let the one who hears say, “Come!” And let the one who is thirsty come, and the one who desires the water of life drink freely.”

Look out for the sign of Baldmichael, he will be back!

P.S. These links may be of use.

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and the first horseman of the apocalypse – the seal is opened

What’s in a word: Vaccines and vaccinations, anagrams reveal the truth

What is the ‘flu a.k.a Covid 19 and why vaccines are pointless at best.

Neil Ferguson: how did his Covid 19 statistics fool the world?

Coronavirus – is it really a monster, and if not, what is it?

By Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

This has been the $64, 000 question all along, and what the fuss has been about regarding Covid 19 or COVID 19. I have already explained that COVID 19 is the ‘flu rebranded in my main post on COVID 19, link at the end.

However, some more explanation is useful on what has gone on in the past 4 years or so. You may already have understood most of this, but there are some additional insights which may be of use.

And there may be somebody who has yet to wake up whom it might benefit.

As regards COVID 19 the letters are short for COronaVIrus Disease (emphasise on the capitals) 2019.

This was coined by the WHO. This is not the rock band but the World Health Organization.

As I indicated, it is 4 years and a bit since this so-called monster arrived in the world, allegedly having mutated from something else. The WHO use a lovely blue spikey ball in their ‘advertising’ which looks rather alien and out of this world.

Which is meant to scare you a bit. Are you scared? Not me that’s for sure, not since I worked out what was going on in 2020.

Project Fear

We have been conditioned by the media since 2020 to view the coronavirus as an alien monster. Thus we have images such as these below and that from the WHO above.

Whist they do bear some resemblance to the electron microscope image shown later, in truth they are exaggerated, grossly exaggerated.

They look like alien creatures. We have been programmed to think of little green men from Mars who will invade and take over planet earth or our bodies.

If you think about all the films and TV programmes over the years, you can see how we have been psychologically prepared.

Make people afraid and then they will do foolish things, like stay 6’ or 2 m apart (or some other arbitrary distance), wear masks (of different types), get tested all the time (by unreliable and toxic tests) and then take the supposedly lifesaving (but typically harmful or deadly) vaccines.

And make some people very rich indeed.

Still, what do the powers that be say it is? Let’s try Wikipedia. Words in italics from there unless otherwise stated.

Definitions/meaning of Coronavirus

The name “coronavirus” is derived from Latin corona, meaning “crown” or “wreath”, itself a borrowing from Greek κορώνη korṓnē, “garland, wreath”

Okay, corona means ‘crown’ or ‘wreath’ but what about virus? The article doesn’t say. I wonder why.

This originally meant ‘poison, slime, venom’ in Latin, and Google Translate still says so.

I have written about this before in V is for…..Virus but here’s wiktionary to confirm.

Let us break down the Latin etymology, the meaning of the word. Note that:

Vi means ‘force’.

Vir means ‘man’.

-us means what is says, us, i.e. of us as in “to produce, beget”

Therefore the whole is ‘crown man of us’.

This is what they look like under the electron microscope apparently, but colourised digitally in the Wikipedia article.


Now the ‘crown man of us’ makes it sound more like something from us rather than outside of us.

And, as I realised in June 2020, this is the case.


For the so-called virus people see under the electron microscope is the exosome which I write about here.

E is for…..Exosomes

I describe the exosome as the body’s dustbin men who carry away rubbish from the cell factories.

Interestingly, in Latin exo means ‘out’, so the sense of exosome is ‘out of me’. Therefore the meaning of removing something bad from the body’s cells can be understood.

I have re checked the comments under this link.

They include the following trail:


June 13, 2020 at 6:50 am

FYI…under electron microscope, an exosome and “SARS Cov2 virus”look exactly the. same…they are dimensionally and architecturally the same.

They could have been looking at an exosome and called it a virus…in this case SARS Cov2


June 17, 2020 at 2:08 pm

So, is it the exosome which causes the corona infection? And, if all the different viruses are probably exosomes, with other words: there is no existing virus at all – what causes all the so-called virus deseases including all of the different sympthomes? Best regards. Thank you for answering!


June 25, 2020 at 12:58 am

Hello Thorsten. My first time on this site and I’m new to the topics as well. But to my understanding, the “seasonal flu virus” is explained as being the symptoms of a seasonal purge of toxins. Dr Andrew Kaufman has featured in some intriguing videos recently where he posits some questions about germ theory and makes a case for exosomes being behind “viral” symptoms. Of course StasiTube is banning them as fast as they can sniff them out. Which adds to his credibility.


April 8, 2021 at 11:54 pm

Thorsten, one must first answer the following questions:

(1) Does the virus in question exist?

– Has the virus been physically isolated?

– Has any genetic material been scientifically confirmed to have originated from said virus?

– Has both isolation & genetic analysis repeatedly been confirmed by international labs?

– Does the RT-PCR (or other) testing method accurately & repeatedly confirm the PRESENCE of said virus?

– Has EVERY CASE of a person said to have contracted or been infected with the virus been confirmed, via testing, to HAVE the virus?

– Has EVERY DEATH attributed to the virus been confirmed, via testing, to HAVE had the virus?


(2) Does or can the virus directly or indirectly cause disease and/or death?

– Has EVERY death attributed to the virus been scientifically confirmed to have CAUSED the person’s death?

– Has the virus been scientifically & repeatedly confirmed to cause not only THE disease, but ANY disease? (ie, Is the virus pathogenic in ANY way?)

– Can THE or ANY disease be transferred to a healthy individual (confirmed to have NO virus) by the transference of fluid/tissue sample of a person confirmed to HAVE the virus? Can this be repeated by an international peer group of scientists? (NOTE: This was attempted in various ways on both animals & people during the “Spanish flu pandemic” of 1918, without success. Also, Dr. Robert Willner inoculated himself with the blood of an AIDS patient multiple times on live TV to prove that so-called “HIV” does not cause AIDS.)

In short, the answer to ALL of these questions is “NO”. Hence, no one can scientifically claim that ANY virus (pathological or not) exists in either animals or humans. Right now, the most scientifically backed causes of death (other than violence) are the following:

(1) THE MAJOR CAUSE: Electrical fields (from radio towers, wifi, cell towers, cell & cordless phones, appliances, home wiring, smart meters, power lines, radar, satellites, etc.) Read Arthur Firstenberg’s highly researched & detailed book, THE INVISIBLE RAINBOW. Also look up Samuel Milham, MD.

(2) Man-made toxins (pesticides/herbicides/fungicides, industrial pollution of air/water/soil, furniture, clothing, cleaners, plastics, etc.)

(3) Vaccines

(4) Medical drugs

(4) Food (artificial additives, GMO’s, malnutrition, reduced soil fertility, etc.)

(5) Stress (from our money-based competitive & destructive social system)

And there’s this summary of what exosomes which is very concise.


November 20, 2020 at 12:12 pm

The human body produces exosomes when any out side (sic) environmental free radical is introduced, ie gmos, chemicals. In your drinking water, pollution in the air, and people are making up viruses, that are actually just the exos doing there (sic) job, cleaning you out.

Comparison with our homes

Just as our homes generate waste and must be disposed of the same is true of our bodies. We know this to be true with regards to urine, faeces and sweat for example. If we don’t excrete then it causes us discomfort and dis-ease.

Our body cells are dying off and being renewed daily in huge numbers.

Our Bodies Replace Billions of Cells Every Day

It says of our body cells

About a third of our body mass is fluid outside of our cells, such as plasma, plus solids, such as the calcium scaffolding of bones. The remaining two thirds is made up of roughly 30 trillion human cells. About 72 percent of those, by mass, are fat and muscle, which last an average of 12 to 50 years, respectively.

However, if we poison ourselves then damage to our body occurs which will need repair and generate waste. The same occurs to our homes if damaged by storms, or internal water leaks for example.

People get worked up about coronavirus which cannot be seen except under an electron microscope and ignore the obvious usual causes. For those who think they have suffered something new consider the following.

What is poisoning you?

All sorts of toxins, various poisons of a chemical nature, including those produced by your own body like urine.

In the environment as I have indicated elsewhere there are huge numbers of pollutants, e.g. chlorine and fluorine in the water, sodium nitrite and pesticides in food, nitrous oxide in the atmosphere.

In terms of the current Covid 19 crisis these include;

Sanitising – the world went insane in 2020 apparently trying to sterilise everything to death, using toxic products on their hands and surfaces.

Masks – which can be made of plastics and inhibit your breathing, fibres can enter your lungs form the mask, moisture cannot readily escape from the surface of your face.

PCR/Rapid lateral flow tests – containing chemicals which may harm you.

Vaccines – if they contain anything other than saline, they will be neurotoxic to varying degree depending on what is really in them. Various batches may have different ingredients; we cannot be sure without each vial being tested.

Now that should really be enough to explain how we have been deceived but I thought I would look at some more aspects.

Naming of coronavirus

The name was coined by June Almeida and David Tyrrell who first observed and studied human coronaviruses.

I note that

Almeida succeeded in identifying viruses that were previously unknown, including—in 1966—a group of viruses that was later named coronavirus, due to their crown-like appearance.


It is interesting the date 1966. The date that Chris Whitty was born about who I have written recently.

Alleged variants

These are the alleged variants of the coronavirus to do with humans.

Six species of human coronaviruses are known, with one species subdivided into two different strains, making seven strains of human coronaviruses altogether.

Four human coronaviruses produce symptoms that are generally mild, even though it is contended they might have been more aggressive in the past:

Human coronavirus OC43 (HCoV-OC43), β-CoV

Human coronavirus HKU1 (HCoV-HKU1), β-CoV

Human coronavirus 229E (HCoV-229E), α-CoV

Human coronavirus NL63 (HCoV-NL63), α-CoV–

Three human coronaviruses produce potentially severe symptoms:

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV), β-CoV (identified in 2003)

Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus (MERS-CoV), β-CoV (identified in 2012)

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), β-CoV (identified in 2019)

These cause the diseases commonly called SARS, MERS, and COVID-19 respectively.

Note it says ‘contended’ four of these alleged variants ‘might’ have been more aggressive in the past, that is they speculate, there is no certainty.

It also says three of the seven produce ‘potentially’ severe symptoms, that is they do not definitely produce them, so more uncertainty.

The problem for the virologists is that they see something and assume it is the agent of disease rather than the product of it.

Seven crowns

For bible scholars please note the ‘seven coronavirus’ which makes one think of the description in Revelation 12 v3.

“Then another sign appeared in heaven: a huge red dragon with seven heads, ten horns, and seven royal crowns on his heads.”

Note that the first horseman of the Apocalypse also has ‘a crown’.

“So I looked and saw a white horse, and its rider held a bow. And he was given a crown, and he rode out to overcome and conquer.”    Revelation 6 v.2

I have associated the white horse with Chris Whitty in my post referred to earlier but it can also be noted that the Greek word for crown used in the verse above is ‘stephanos’. In English this is Stephen, which happens to be Anthony Fauci’s middle name.

Anyway, how about anagrams of Coronavirus Disease?

‘Coronavirus’ and ‘Coronavirus Disease’ anagrams

Coronavirus  = 11 letters in total

Cornavius = 9 individual letters

Coronavirus Disease = 18 letters in total

Cornavius De = 11 individual letters

I will firstly point out that coronavirus is a one word anagram of carnivorous. Perhaps the intention of those who invented the name coronavirus was to suggest flesh eating microscopic entity.

“Don’t panic, Mr Mainwaring!”

These are the top single longest words from coronavirus.

– Carnivorous

– Rancorous – Full of rancor; evincing, or caused by, rancor; deeply malignant; implacably spiteful or malicious; intensely virulent.

– voracious – Greedy in eating; very hungry; eager to devour or swallow; ravenous; gluttonous; edacious; rapacious.

– Covinous – : marked by covin : COLLUSIVE, FRAUDULENT

Covin is defined as


2a: collusive agreement between two or more persons to the detriment of a third : CONSPIRACY

b archaic : FRAUD, TRICKERY



Note coven is related to witchcraft. The entire coronavirus hoax is to do with witchcraft, in reality smoke and mirrors, a deception.

Coronavirus Disease

These are the top seven single longest words from coronavirus disease. A few are positive but most have a negative connotation. See what you think.

– Avariciousness – the single longest

– Corrosiveness

– Radionecroses or radionecrosis – necrotic degradation of brain tissue following intracranial or regional radiation

– Veraciousness

– Vicariousness

– Voraciousness

Here are my selected phrases which to my mind indicate the nature of what has been going on over the decades, but hugely accelerated in 2020.

Avariciousness and avaricious

– Avariciousness doer

– Endorses avaricious


– AI carnivorous seeds – think ‘Day of the Triffids’


– Coo is UN adversaries


– Are avoids on cruises

People should avoid cruise travel regardless of their vaccination status, the CDC says

DECEMBER 30, 2021

The linked pages to CDC website are missing.


– So I void reassurance


– Or acari deviousness – acari are mites or ticks


– Our deviancies soars

– Or soar US deviancies


– AD recession saviour

– Avoid ursa recession – ursa means ‘bear’ in Latin


– Aussies crave indoor


– Aussie coronaries VD

– Advise coronaries us


– Adieus coroner visas – restrictions on inquests


– Aviaries cursed soon – bird ‘flu!

– As ion cursed ovaries – infertility/miscarriages from vaccines


– Aussie divorce roans

– Asian rouses divorce

– AS eon Russia divorce

– So Eurasians divorce

– AI reasons US divorce

Davos (the meeting place of the World Economic Forum)

– Davos AI UN sorceries

– Davos uria recession – uria means related to urine

– Davos iura recession – iura means related to law


– So seen avaricious dr – the greedy doctors

– I season veracious dr – the truthful doctors

Iron rod (see Revelation 19 v.15)

– Iron rod causes I save


– Avoids care neurosis

– A void scare neurosis

– Avarice sod neurosis


– AI Oscar nurse videos – think tic-toc videos


– As avid Orion rescues


– Sauron vicars do I see – Sauron as in the dark lord of Lord of the Rings


– AD recession saviour

– Icons seared saviour

– Arisen codes saviour

– A codes siren saviour


– Avon Saudi sorceries

– Avoid anus sorceries

– Sauna sorceries void


– Various cosa deniers

– A saviour soc deniers


– Due sin Soros avarice

– Soros avarice is nude

– Soros USA Iran device

– Soros I need VICAR USA – VICAR is Violent Crimes in Aid of Racketeering

– UAR is Soros deviance


– Oases vicious Ardern

I found this by pasting the above phrase into the search engine.

Tova O’Brien seems to think coronavirus is a‘…deadly, hyper-contagious virus’.

It says she stated

We are in a global pandemic that is at least 15 times more fatal than seasonal influenza.

An anagram of Tova O’Brien is ‘naive robot’. Well, that’s one way of putting it. What could be the cause? ‘Be vain root’. Fair enough.


– AI overassured icons


– A viciousness adorer

– A roared viciousness

– Are vicious dr season

Miscellaneous phrase

– A overdose crisis a UN

UN responds to the global opioid crisis               22-03-2021

It says

Drug use is estimated to cause the loss of 42 million years of healthy life to disability or early death each year.

Summary and final thoughts

I will repeat what Mike said above.

The human body produces exosomes when any out side (sic) environmental free radical is introduced, ie gmos, chemicals. In your drinking water, pollution in the air, and people are making up viruses, that are actually just the exos doing there (sic) job, cleaning you out.

There you are, the truth about the coronavirus is that it is all crap, literally crap, cell waste or debris to be carted away.

Cell debris will not mutate although various kinds of cell debris will exist, just as we generate all sorts of household rubbish.

Cell debris must of course be removed otherwise like household rubbish as it clogs up the works and stops things working correctly.

But whilst that might cause ‘disease’ to your body if not eliminated satisfactorily, and people are not going to want your body wastes, thank you very much, they cannot ‘catch’ your dis-ease.

The same applies to everybody and indeed it will apply to other living beings. It is part of the circle of life.

You will however suffer if you do not look after yourself and allow toxic substances into the body that have no place being there such as vaccines.

The whole fear campaign over a ‘deadly’ virus is a nonsense, a complete warping of the truth. Coronavirus is NOT coming to get you, and you won’t get eaten alive by it even if the anagram is carnivorous!

It is no monster, but by scaring the masses the demonic powers have managed to get the bulk of the world’s population injected with something toxic, the ‘toxon’ of the first horseman in Revelation.

The vaccines have been heralded as a ‘saviour’ and doctors such as Chris Whitty as a health messiah.

In reality they are a false Christ and as Jesus warned

“At that time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There He is!’ do not believe it. For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform signs and wonders that would deceive even the elect, if that were possible. So be on your guard; I have told you everything in advance.”

I have pointed out how Chris Whitty is an antichrist with his false prophecies and lies. ‘Signs and wonders’ are performed by dodgy statistics and statisticians like Neil Ferguson and then advertised in all their supposed shiny glory on the television and internet etc.

Jesus said even the elect would be deceived if possible which is why we have such a struggle. Many so-called Christians failed the test to which they were put.

But some were on their guard and warned us and others of us woke up to the deceit and more continue to ‘wake from the dust’ as it were.

People succumbed to the lies and regret their folly. Many succumbed and do not repent and continue to swallow the lies gladly.

I hope you are not one of the latter. For those that waver and are still fearful, do not be, there is no need.

These so-called viruses are really your friend, the workmen of your body doing what they are supposed to do. Please give them all the help you can by looking after your good selves, your souls, minds and bodies.

And don’t be afraid!

Look out for the sign of Baldmichael, he will be back!

P.S. Yesterday was St. George’s Day and flags were flying. Thankfully they flew one at the catholic church which has otherwise continued to fly the Ukraine flag. I hope they won’t return to flying the Ukrainian flag.

Here are some links referred to in the article or otherwise of use.

V is for…..Virus

E is for…..Exosomes

“Why vaccines do not work” in a nutshell

What is the ‘flu a.k.a Covid 19 and why vaccines are pointless at best.

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and the first horseman of the apocalypse – the seal is opened

Chris Whitty, British epidemiologist, Chief Medical Officer for England and Chief Medical Adviser to the UK

Chris Whitty, British epidemiologist, Chief Medical Officer for England and Chief Medical Adviser to the UK

By Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

It is high time I addressed this individual. But I don’t know where he lives so I will have to make do with talking about him!

He now has ‘sir’ as a title. As I consider all men can be addressed as ‘sir’, I am not sure what all the fuss is about. All these wretched titles from the honours list annoy me intensely now; I used to think them rather silly anyway, but they give a false sense of importance to the individual concerned.

Others have the foolish tendency to look up to them as a consequence. And it is all a con, believe me. The consequences are people will believe anything such people say without double checking the facts.

Now we in the UK may have a love/hate relationship with the French and their revolution, but they do very sensibly address one another as monsieur, madame, or mademoiselle.

So hats off to the French then. Mind you, I make an exception with Emmanuel Macron to whom I wave deux doigts. But we are not talking about him at the moment.

I will use this link to provide a framework for the article. Text in italics from this unless otherwise stated.

Chris Whitty, Image from Wikipedia link above.

Early life

In full he is Christopher John MacRae Whitty.

He was born in 1966, the year England won the world cup. Things went downhill after that.

In fact it was the 21st April which made him a Taurus as in bull. A load of bull is what followed.

His father was murdered by militants from the Abu Nidal Organisation, a Palestinian terrorist organisation. It was probably a case of mistaken identity. They couldn’t know that it would be the son, not the father, would be the dangerous one.

Of course this helped people feel sorry for him. Until they worked out he was lying about vaccines.

He attended Windlesham House School in Pulborough. It is rather misleading to have Pulborough in the address, but not untypical.

Still, misleading is what Chris Whitty has been in his role as Chief medical Adviser to the UK.

He went to Malvern College, near Worcester. There are various well-known people who went there. For example, Aleister Crowley (occultist), Jeremy Paxman (broadcaster and journalist), and Monty Don (television presenter, writer and speaker on horticulture). C.S. Lewis also went there for a year.

‘Malvern College’ includes the longest one word anagram ‘malevolence’. In fact it has 999 single words from it. 999 is the reverse of 666. Perhaps this is significant.

He then studied at Pembroke College, Oxford (BA in Physiology, DSc in medical science),

‘Pembroke College, Oxford’ has the longest one word anagram ‘Rockefeller’. I find the full phrases.

– Beg doom pox Rockefeller

– Degree fool Bork complex

– Or feebler God complex ok

These seem suitable for Chris Whitty.

J.R.R. Tolkien went to Pembroke College but then so did Pete Buttigieg, the current United States Secretary of Transportation.

…Wolfson College, Oxford (BM BCh in Medicine, 1991, where he was also the founding chair of the National Postgraduate Committee),

Anagrams of Wolfson College, Oxford include

– God clones fox follower

– Clorox wolf oneself god

– Cox Nero follow god self

Again these seem suitable for Chris Whitty.

Notable people who went there include Eric Lander (once Science Advisor to Joe Biden) and Wes Moore (current Democrat governor of Maryland). Eric Lander had to resign in 2022, whilst Wes Moore supports the LGBTQi+ nonsense.

Postgraduate he went to:

…the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (DTM&H in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 1996;

So he could experiment on people abroad.

MSc in Epidemiology, 1996),

So he could learn how to misinterpret statistics.

…Northumbria University (LLM in Medical Law, 2005),

So he could learn what he could get away with

…Heriot-Watt University (MBA in Business Administration, 2010),

So he could learn how to hide deceit under the cloak of qualifications. I see that ‘Business Administration’ will anagram to ‘brim unionised Satanists’ which makes me think.

And Heriot-Watt University anagrams to ‘AI introvert use Whitty’ so he had to go there.

…and The Open University (DipEcon in Economics).

All of which gave him a nice string of letters after his name to make him look like a real expert. Everybody trusts an expert with lots of letters don’t they?


Whitty is a practising National Health Service (NHS) consultant physician at University College London Hospitals (UCLH) and the Hospital for Tropical Disease

He is practising like many doctors. He has yet to get it right (like many doctors).

he was Professor of Public and International Health at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) where he was also Director of the Malaria Centre. He worked as a physician and researcher into infectious diseases in the UK, Africa and Asia.

And how to spread disease via vaccines.

In 2008 the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation awarded the LSHTM £31 million for malaria research in Africa.

To help spread disease via vaccines for example by testing them on Africans.

This footnote link article from the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) gives more information.

It mentions the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF). Otherwise known as the Biggest Medical Ghastly Fraud. Or

– Satan agenda bill demolition fund

This is an anagram of ‘Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’. Who would have guessed. However if you prefer then there’s this.

– Blind demolition Satan flu agenda

There are sub-organisations like the Gates Malaria Partnership (GMP). Otherwise known as the Great Medication Poisoning. Or

– Satanist apple hr marriage

This is a very useful link on Chris Whitty’s Gates connections.

The Defendants & Their Gates Connections | Chris Whitty          19 Dec 2021

It says regarding the LSHTM grant

This research grant was an integral part of the Gates Foundation’s drive to maximise the ‘vaccination’ uptake in Africa and the rest of the world, which developed into the ‘Decade of Vaccines’ project, from 2010-2020. The project was singularly dedicated to maximising ‘vaccination’ uptake worldwide over the course of a ten year plan, in which the 2nd defendant was engaged to play his integral part.

From the moment the 2nd defendant accepted the benefit of the funds donated by Gates, as director and Principal Investigator of the ACT Consortium, he had a vested material interest in the maximisation of ‘vaccination’ uptake, on the basis that he accepted monies intended and used for the research and development of ‘vaccines’ to be used in the fulfilment of that specific purpose in Africa, in relation to the treatment of malaria and in accordance with the UN Sustainable Development Goal to immunise the entire population of the world from every conceivable illness and disease they declare into existence.

We can see Chris Whitty has a vested interest in promoting vaccines. And note the statement regarding declaring a disease, i.e. invent a disease based on some symptoms and then make a supposed solution.

Or more simply, create a problem and the alleged solution to make a profit.

He is on SAGE, the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies

This is a reference for members interests.

SAGE COVID-19 register of participants’ interests

Government roles

From 2009 to 2015, Whitty was Chief Scientific Adviser and director of research for the Department for International Development (DFID). He led the Research and Evidence Division, which worked on health, agriculture, climate change, energy, infrastructure, economic and governance research.

During this time, with co-authors Neil Ferguson and Jeremy Farrar, he wrote an article in Nature titled “Infectious disease: Tough choices to reduce Ebola transmission”, explaining the UK government’s response to Ebola in support of the government of Sierra Leone, which he took a leading role in designing, including the proposal to build and support centres where people could self-isolate voluntarily if they suspected that they could have the disease.

Well we know all about Neil Ferguson I hope. As to Jeremy Farrar he is now Chief Scientist at the World Health Organization since 2023. No wonder the UK government resists coming out of the WHO, people like Jeremy have a position to retain.

There is a footnote link.

Infectious disease: Tough choices to reduce Ebola transmission -2014

It is full of the usual gubbins and makes reference to R rate, R standing for ‘Rubbish’ in my books. It is a statistical device to make them look clever

It says

Models vary, but most work, including that led by N.F. and W.J.E., suggests that isolating 70% or more of Ebola cases within three days of their becoming symptomatic is key to reducing R to 1.

Most work eh? And ‘suggests’ that isolating a % of Ebola cases is key. What a load of tosh. All vague nonsense all to make out they are working hard to do their best.

It continues

Currently, most people with early Ebola-like symptoms will not have Ebola, but diseases such as malaria and pneumonia.

Here’s the problem, symptoms are all rather similar as with all so-called diseases. But it helps to make them look clever as of course only they, the specialists have the experience to tell the difference, allegedly. Further

Community control of previous Ebola outbreaks relied on active ‘case-finding’: tracing contacts of known cases and then monitoring and quickly isolating suspected cases early. It can take as many as ten staff to monitor the contacts of just a single case,

10 staff eh? Hmm, so there is a need for more funding to support them. All a scam to justify increasing budgets rather than getting at the root cause.

It was what helped justify the COVID19 ‘Track and trace’ scam and we know how that worked out I hope.

It mentions the UK aid effort at £200 million pledged so good business for somebody.

It mentions PPE.

Using PPE safely is difficult even for professionals, as infection rates in health-care workers demonstrate.

Well I am not surprised health-care workers will be ill, imagine working all wrapped up in hazmat suit in the tropical conditions in Sierra Leone.

There is reference to hospitals and funerals.

Hospitals and funerals

The initial symptoms of Ebola (which may include fever, diarrhoea and vomiting) mimic those of many common diseases, including malaria, pneumonia and gastrointestinal infections. Transmission occurs through bodily fluids: diarrhoea, vomit, blood and probably sweat and semen. Patients become infectious when they are symptomatic, and remain highly infectious until they begin to recover. Corpses are highly infectious.

It is good idea to say corpses are highly infectious as people won’t be keen to check too closely on what actually happened to the person or even necessarily carry out an autopsy.


From January 2016 to August 2021, Whitty was Chief Scientific Adviser to the Department of Health and Social Care, responsible for the department’s research and development work, including being Head of the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR).

There is a link to WHO’S WHO 2024. This is a list of noteworthy and influential people who impact British life. Well, it doesn’t say on the website homepage whether it is good or bad influence.

From 2017 to 2018, Whitty was also interim Government Chief Scientific Adviser and head of the science and engineering profession in government. During this period Novichok, the military nerve agent, was responsible for the 2018 Salisbury poisonings, and Whitty chaired the government SAGE (Scientific Advisory Group in Emergencies) and advised COBR for the crisis.

It seems odd for someone who is a medic to be head of the science and engineering profession in government. Despite all his qualifications he does not seem broad in his experience, focussed as it is on health and care.

Whitty was appointed Chief Medical Officer (CMO) for England in 2019.

Just in time for the fake COVID19 pandemic. Here’s The Guardian.

PowerPoint slides and exponential curves: Vallance and Whitty’s best bits

Sat 26 Feb 2022

It says

Asked about claims by the rapper Nicki Minaj that the coronavirus vaccine could make you impotent, Whitty said that people who “know they are peddling untruths … should be ashamed”.

He said: “There are a group of people who have strange beliefs, and that’s fine … but there are also people who go round trying to discourage other people from taking a vaccine which could be life saving.

“And many of those people, I regret to say, know that they are peddling untruths, and still do it. And in my view, they should be ashamed.”

It might be argued that impotence is the least of one’s worries. The main thing is as always that having poison injected into one’s body in the name of good health was never a good idea.

Chris Whitty should be ashamed for peddling untruths and held to account.

COVID-19 pandemic

Whitty and two of his deputies, Jenny Harries and Jonathan Van-Tam, took high-profile roles during the COVID-19 outbreak. This included appearing – often with prime minister Boris Johnson and Chief Scientific Adviser Sir Patrick Vallance – in televised news conferences, and giving evidence to parliamentary bodies.

And here are some bodies and the latest modelling techniques.

whitty valance

By Bob Moran

I would like to point out here that Jenny Harries, Jonathan Van-Tam and Patrick Vallance all contain the word ‘Satan’ in their full names. Given the lies they have told I am not surprised.

Boris does not. But he does talk a lot of piffle, and that word is in his name.

From 19 March, Whitty appeared in public information adverts on national television, explaining the government’s social-distancing strategy to reduce the spread of the virus during the pandemic.

There is a footnote link.

Chris Whitty: The man with our lives in his hands


17 March 2020

Note that in the photo in the open air that Mr Whitty seems to be well ahead of what I take to be Patrick Vallence behind. He is obviously taking what I call anti-social distancing very seriously.

However in the next image indoors he, Boris and Patrick are within about a metre so no longer being serious about it.

As for the press, well they seemed pressed together which is no doubt why they call them the press.

The BBC link says

Prof Whitty and his colleagues can only tell elected politicians what the science suggests.


Chris Whitty has certainly not been shy of telling the media what he thinks lies ahead, for example flagging up the possibility of school closures and bans on mass gatherings before any minister or expert had mentioned those options.

Please note the above paragraph has been amended to make better sense.

But he will have to be judged by how the UK looks in a year’s time when, they hope, the peak of the epidemic will have clearly passed and normal life returned.

Four years have passed now and I judge Chris Whitty and find him guilty of high treason.

Here is some of the propaganda he was involved with (albeit this is mild compared with the pushing of toxic vaccines).

Continuing with the main Wikipedia article on Chris Whitty.

On 27 March, Whitty was reported to be self-isolating owing to symptoms consistent with COVID-19 after Boris Johnson and Health Secretary Matt Hancock had tested positive for the virus.

The virus of Stupidity no doubt. By the way, ‘self-isolating’ is an anagram of ‘long falsities’, i.e. one is being deluded for a long time.

Rather like Long Covid where one is deluded that having toxic vaccines is not the likely cause of your illness.

On 6 April, he had reportedly returned to work having recovered from the symptoms of the virus. In July, he told the Lords Science and Technology Committee that elimination of the disease in the UK would be very difficult, a view that was contested by other scientists including members of the Independent SAGE group.

It is certainly true it is unrealistic to expect to eliminate the ‘flu across a population. Covid is the ‘flu re-branded as I keep repeating. As for Independent SAGE there is a footnote.

It refers to a Gabriel Scally, a member of Independent SAGE. He is reported as saying

But he added that Britain had a “long history of eliminating diseases”.

He pointed to measles as an example of a disease that was effectively eliminated for a long period of time in the UK, before making a resurgence in more recent years.

No doubt it is coming back because of the poisonous vaccines people keep taking as much as anything.

And of course up take of the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine is declining as people decline to be poisoned in the name of good health.

It should be noted that measles-like symptoms can be seen from other causes. For example, Amoxicillin, an anti-biotic drug has side effects including rashes:

The rash is described as maculopapular or morbilliform (measles-like;


Anyway, Gabriel Scally’s full name is Gabriel John Scally. Perhaps we could say he is a Scally wag!

Alternatively we could say he ‘Be jolly nigh rascal’ and ‘arch Joe lying balls’ which are anagrams of his name.

Back to Whitty.

At a televised briefing on 12 October where the Prime Minister introduced three tiers of localised restrictions, Whitty said he was “not confident” that the measures in the highest tier would be “enough to get on top of it”. Whitty and Vallance presented updated data and forecasts at a televised briefing on 31 October, where the Prime Minister announced stricter measures for the whole of England.

What a load of bollox it all was. As Jim Davidson said he knew it would all end in tiers!

Jim Davidson – I knew it would end in tiers !


During the outbreak, BBC health editor Hugh Pym called him “the official who will probably have the greatest impact on our everyday lives of any individual policymaker in modern times”.

So Chris Whitty became a policymaker did he? I thought he was just an adviser. Maybe it’s just Hugh Pym’s English. Still, Mr Whitty certainly has had a great impact, albeit not good.

The Guardian’s sketch writer, John Crace, described him as “the Geek-in-Chief, whom everyone now regards as the country’s de facto prime minister”. At the same time, he was compared to James Niven, the Scottish physician known for reducing the death rate of influenza during the 1918 flu pandemic in Manchester.

Nice exaggeration from the Guardian re “everyone”. As regards John Crace (pronounced Krayss rather like the Krays, the pair of gangsters who murdered etc.), he was once a heroin addict according to Wikipedia.

John Crace’s article in the Guardian where he refers to “everyone” is here.

It is quite an amusing article. It also says

There’s no one who wouldn’t rather listen to a few minutes of Whitty than half an hour of Boris’s bullshit.

Well count me out for a start. Listening to Boris’s bullshit was out too. There’s more.

The moment Whitty opens his mouth, the words flow with liquid intelligence.

Excuse me while I choke. Mind you if one considers the following one wonders quite how people managed to get themselves in such a lather about it all.

Whitty never tried to soft-soap or minimise the situation. In a worst-case scenario, 80% of the country could get the virus, the mortality rate could reach 1%, with the elderly and those with pre-existing medical conditions most at risk, and there would be no chance of the NHS having enough beds. And though his attempts at reassurance – “most people over 80 will live” – didn’t sound particularly reassuring, there was something undeniably refreshing about his honesty and directness. Here was a man willing to treat the country as adults and didn’t feel the need to lie about the severity of the situation.

Hardly doomsday scenario stuff, yet people panicked. Or did they, the article was the 5th March 2020 and most things were still quite normal. Perhaps the Guardian was trying to up the ante as they say. I don’t suppose Brexit had anything to do with it, some people would do anything to mess it all up.

John Crace has recently had a heart attack. I don’t know if he has had the COVID 19 vaccines. He is 67 so not that young.

As regards James Niven it is difficult to find out quite exactly what he did. This article gives some idea.

Manchester’s hero of the Spanish Flu

it says

This was one piece of his advice

So far as one can judge at present, in checking further outbreaks, it will be necessary to rely chiefly on general preventative measures. The measures alluded to include the maintenance of a reasonable distance between the sick and the healthy, care of the hands, avoidance of common towels and common soap, careful washing out of common basins, avoidance of the handling in common of food to be afterwards cooked, and other like precautions; above all, the immediate segregation of persons attacked.

James Niven died in 1925 following depression by committing suicide three years after his retirement. Perhaps he realised that he was mistaken about the ‘flu and how to avoid it.

Perhaps Chris Whitty will follow his example.

Back to Chris Whitty’s Wiki page.

During the Christmas weekend of 2020, Whitty was spotted treating coronavirus patients in London. It was said he “worked the shifts in his capacity as a practising doctor [as] a consultant physician at University College London Hospitals Trust… on the north London hospital’s respiratory ward over the weekend and bank holiday Monday”.

Ah, the brave, fearless Whitty, sacrificing his Christmas for the sake of his patients.

Or maybe as I gather Christmas in the hospitals can be quite festive perhaps it was better than staying at home alone.

And bearing in mind people were told to keep away from others over that Christmas, it gave him a good excuse to get out and see people.

On 26 June 2021 a group of COVID-19 protesters demonstrated outside what appeared to be Whitty’s flat in central London. Earlier in the month Whitty was followed down a street by a prominent anti-vaccine activist who shouted at him for being a liar, and in February he was called a liar multiple times while waiting for a takeaway lunch at a street food stall.

I believe this is the supposed incident.

A liar is the least of what Chris Whitty is. Remember Jesus called the Devil a liar and a murderer from the beginning.

On 27 June, Whitty was the subject of manhandling, described by Boris Johnson as “despicable harassment”, by Lewis Hughes and Jonathan Chew in St James’s Park, Westminster, who filmed the event for social media. The Health Secretary, Sajid Javid, said such behaviour would not be tolerated and that those responsible “should be ashamed”. The Vaccines Minister, Nadhim Zahawi, said they were “thugs” and should face charges.

Projection or what eh. The ministerial ‘planks’ were calling the so-called thugs ‘specks of dust’, worse than they were. I say planks but I think plonks or plonkers would be better!

As to thugs well this describes the politicians very well. The Savage Jabit should have known better. As for Nadhim Zahawi, I ask how does someone not born in this country get to help govern the country. He was dismissed in the end for tax irregularities.

‘ah him wad Nazi’ is an anagram of Nadhim Zahawi.

Zahawi said they were thugs. I couldn’t agree more, Whitty, Javid and Zahawi were thugs (among many others).

 Hughes subsequently pleaded guilty to a charge of beating and was given an eight-week suspended custodial sentence. He had previously apologised for any “upset” caused and had lost his job as an estate agent over the incident. In January 2022 Chew, who had initially pleaded not guilty, changed his plea and was given an eight-week custodial sentence.

I suppose Chew found he had bit off more than he could. All of which is presumably to make you feel sorry for Chris Whitty. Well, I don’t.

As to suspended sentences well, hanging by the neck until dead is a suspended sentence, suitable for those who have promoted death by vaccines.

Awards and honours

Whitty was appointed Companion of the Order of the Bath

This was in recognition of the fact that he could wash himself properly. Very witty I’m sure.

And that he could share his bath with someone else. This is useful to save water in a drought.

I see a footnote link to a Guardian article. A wonderful fawning piece of puke.

It says

But in medical circles, Whitty has long been regarded as a legend. Those who work with him speak in glowing terms: amazing, extraordinary, fantastic, brilliant, though perhaps not so good at tennis.

Not so good at tennis eh? Nope, he just talks a lot of balls.

He embodies the return of the expert to the national conversation almost four years after the then Vote Leave campaigner Michael Gove declared: “People in this country have had enough of experts.”

What changed their minds in 2020 then?

The now de facto deputy prime minister’s words were directed at economists who were warning of the adverse impact of Brexit, but they had a populist resonance among Brexit voters and prompted a dangerous wave of anti-expert commentary.

A dangerous wave of anti-expert commentary, eh? Well what do we expect from the Guardian nowadays.

Though Whitty works hard, clocking up 16-hour days, he is known for his sense of humour.

That has to be a joke, right??

“Thank God he’s where he is to maintain some sense of sanity about all this coronavirus business,” Mabey added. “He’s an absolutely extraordinary, brilliant man. They couldn’t have a better person in charge. He’s exactly the man we need.”

What a joke. David Mabey is professor of communicable diseases at the LSHTM it says. I have recently written about the LSHTM. This is him apparently.


David Mabey will anagram to

‘a baddy me vi’

He has a nice chain around his neck. What was it Jesus said? Oh yes,

“Jesus said to His disciples, “It is inevitable that stumbling blocks will come, but woe to the one through whom they come! It would be better for him to have a millstone hung around his neck and to be thrown into the sea than to cause one of these little ones to stumble.”

Not a chain but something more suitable.

I see

In September 2021 he was awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Plymouth

They do love their awards, don’t they?

Whitty was appointed Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath

This was in recognition of the fact that he could still wash himself properly, and share his bath with someone else.

It also means he can take charge of the bath and command the various submarines, rubber ducks and other miscellaneous toys that he no doubt owns. But we cannot be sure if he does of course as he is very private.

Personal life

Whitty is described by those familiar with him as a private person. He is single and has no children.

Perhaps he hates children. He seems to like injecting them with poisons via the vaccines, so I will go with hate. Although some people love children so much, they like to eat them or do other nasty things to them.

Such as paedophilia, also known as child sex abuse.

He has the emotional range of a pea. Or possibly a pee. I doubt it makes much difference. Perhaps he has pea-dophilia or even pee-dophilia!

I note ‘private person’ anagrams to ‘tap perversion’. Is this something to do with fiddling with his ‘plumbing’?


Here are some of his Twitter comments:

Professor Chris Whitty


Mar 24, 2020

At this stage of the epidemic we need everyone to stay at home except in specific circumstances.

The NHS depends on us making it difficult for the virus to spread. We all need to make changes. This will be very disruptive but it is essential to keep the community safe.


whitty 1

Professor Chris Whitty


Jun 25, 2020

COVID-19 has gone down due to the efforts of everyone but is still in general circulation.

If we do not follow social distancing guidance then cases will rise again. Naturally people will want to enjoy the sun but we need to do so in a way that is safe for all.

50 k likes

w 2

Professor Chris Whitty


Jan 8, 2021

The situation in the NHS is very serious and the number of people in ICU is rising rapidly.

We are improving our knowledge on how best to treat people in ICU thanks to research, but hundreds of people a day are currently dying.

We must all take the lockdown very seriously.

w 3

Professor Chris Whitty


Jan 29, 2021

A highly effective vaccine to add to the medical countermeasures against COVID-19 trialed in the UK. If it gets MHRA approval this increases our future resilience, including against the B.1.1.7 variant. Many thanks to all trial volunteers and those who conducted the research.


NIHR Research


Jan 29, 2021


The Novavax #COVID19vaccine, supported by the NIHR, is 89.3% effective at preventing COVID-19 and offers a high level of protection, according to research involving over 15,000 UK participants.

Read more:

Show more


w 4

Professor Chris Whitty


Aug 20, 2021

The great majority of adults have been vaccinated.

Four weeks working on a COVID ward makes stark the reality that the majority of our hospitalised COVID patients are unvaccinated and regret delaying. Some are very sick including young adults.

Please don’t delay your vaccine.


w 5

Professor Chris Whitty


Oct 20, 2021

COVID-19 cases are rising and winter is drawing closer.

1) If you have not been vaccinated, now is the time.

2) If you are offered a booster please take up the offer.

3) Ventilation, masks in crowded indoor spaces and hand washing remain important.

w 6

Professor Chris Whitty


Dec 21, 2021

After a very difficult year for the health system, the UK CMOs want to express our enduring thanks to, and great pride in, the health professions across the country.

We face yet more hard weeks ahead. Look out for one another as we continue to care for the public.


w 7

Professor Chris Whitty


Feb 1, 2022

Children with measles can develop encephalitis (brain inflammation). Of these some die, others have neurological disability. Mumps causes viral meningitis in children. Rubella in pregnancy is dangerous for babies.

All are preventable with MMR vaccine.

5.3 k likes

w 8

Professor Chris Whitty


Apr 24, 2023

Before vaccines, diseases such as meningitis, tetanus, measles, diphtheria and polio killed or disabled many children and young people.

Effective vaccines massively reduced these risks.

 Please take up NHS recommended vaccines- they protect children, young people and families.



Apr 24, 2023

Today is the start of #WorldImmunisationWeek

This @UKHSA blog looks at the free NHS vaccination programme and how vaccinations protect our children throughout their lives ➡️

w 9

Professor Chris Whitty


May 30, 2023

The key points about vaping (E-cigarettes) can be easily summarised.

If you smoke, vaping is much safer; if you don’t smoke, don’t vape; marketing vapes to children is utterly unacceptable.

I expand on these points in the article below.

My comment:  I suspect vaping is worse that cigarettes, all those chemicals.

w 10

Professor Chris Whitty


Jan 23

Cervical cancer will be almost eliminated in coming decades if HPV vaccination rates are high in children.

In England HPV vaccination coverage in schools is rising again but still below pre-pandemic levels. Please encourage children to get protected.

Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine coverage estimates in England: 2022 to 2023

HPV vaccine coverage data for vaccinations in England, broken down by local authority and local team.

w 11


Fluoride in water

Fluoride will be added to UK drinking water to cut tooth decay

Thu 23 Sep 2021

It says

Chris Whitty, the chief medical officer for England, and his counterparts in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland cited estimates by Public Health England that adding more fluoride to water supplies would reduce cavities by 17% among the richest children and 28% among the poorest.

The usual use of dodgy statistics to try and justify putting poison in the water. This helps big pharma get rid of its toxic waste.

They also put fluorine in medications such as Midazolam.

Fluoride is an anagram of

– dire foul

– die flour

– dour life

– or die flu

Such poisons give you the ‘flu which is a reaction to the toxifying of the body.

And Chris Whitty thinks putting poisons in the water is a good idea? Mm…..

Public health ethics

The Daily Mail is a bit of a rag, but it reports this.

The calm, collected scientist leading UK’s fight against coronavirus: New chief medical officer Professor Chris Whitty is a plague expert raised in Nigeria whose life was scarred as a teenager when his father was shot dead.

5 March 2020

In an academic article written in 1999, he said public health is ‘not a branch of morality’ and that ‘taking a stern moral line can sometimes be highly effective’.

He wrote medics should ‘differentiate sharply’ between stigmatising a pattern of behaviour – which ‘can often be justified’ – and stigmatising a person with a medical problem.

And Professor Whitty added that any doctor who argues that ‘stigma’ should never be used to try to ‘back up a public health message’ is being ‘profoundly naïve’.

Which suggests that stigmatising the public for not observing anti-social distancing, not wearing masks or not getting vaccinated is ok??

Yet he does apparently say

And he warned Britons that there is no point in them wearing masks because they won’t have a ‘significant effect’ in guarding against the virus, he said.

Didn’t stop the stupid police and others wearing them later though, and him saying later in Oct 20, 2021 people should wear them in doors.

Saving the seaside towns

Oh dear, they had better watch out in Devon – see below.


The man on the white horse comes to be the saviour of the depressed seaside towns.

Or produce another report anyway. Perhaps it would say shutting down the economy for the ‘flu was not be good for resorts. I could have told them that for free.

Pfizer vaccine

Chris Whitty’s fury at Guardian for ‘total nonsense’ claim Pfizer vaccine might only be 33% effective amid fears it could threaten jab uptake

UPDATED: 23 January 2021

33% eh? That reminds me of the Freemasons 33rd degree. Of course it may only be 33% effective at killing and injuring people.

Here’s a clip from YouTube

Chris Whitty condemns Covid myth spreaders: ‘They should be ashamed’

No Chris, it is you who should be ashamed for lying through your back teeth.

Of course he only says ‘a vaccine which COULD (my stress) be lifesaving or prevent them having life changing injuries to themselves’.

But he still lied.

Covid 19 inquiry

This of course is a complete farce and window dressing to absolve blame for evil intent by passing it off as bureaucratic or political failure.

Chris Whitty: UK should have focused more on stopping Covid-type pandemic

It says

The inquiry chair, Lady Hallett, said to Whitty: “I was astonished and sorry to hear about the abuse of you and other colleagues. It’s wrong for so many reasons … There’s so many different ways to express different opinions. Why do we have to have personal abuse?”

Indeed, why do we have abuse from the likes of Chris Whitty abusing people who warned others not to poison themselves with the vaccines?

People lied, people died they say. I say this includes Chris Whitty lying.

As to Heather Carol Hallett, a.k.a. Baroness Hallett, you ought to realise that if you lie to people consistently over a long period of time, one should expect comeback from others.

In the Wild West summary justice would have been executed on Chris Whitty. Instead he gets away with promoting grievous bodily harm and murder.

I note ‘Heather Carol Hallett’ anagrams to

– a health troll cheater

‘Baroness Hallett’ anagrams to

– Lethal BS treason

– a talentless Bohr

– She be Satan troll

No doubt I could do a whole post on her but what a useless woman she is, siding with the enemy.

The longest ingle one word anagram out of ‘Baroness Hallett’ is ‘treasonable’. That sums it up and she is supporting the mass harm and murder. The death penalty is required for such things.

How about anagrams of Chris Whitty’s name.


Christopher John MacRae Whitty = 27 letters

Christope Jn Ma Wy = 15 individual

I consider these the best and there are quite a few.


– Satanic Jew hr hr hypocrite moth

– Satanic WHO hr hypocrite Jeth Mr

– Satanic WHO cypher hermit hot jr


– Archetype Ohm WHO jr antichrist

– WHO chemotherapy jr antichrist

– Oh whom pj antichrist treachery


– Which NJ hot myrrh ectoparasite


– Hah hr psychotic Jew terminator


– He thy manic haj PC WHO terrorist


– Pharmacy whore inject Roth shit


– Thy rho whore inject pharmacist

– Oh why Jethro cretin pharmacist


– Why him injector catastrophe hr

Trojan horse

– Why I mph Trojan horse architect

– Why Mr pathetic chi Trojan horse


– Praiseworthy chm hi nj theocrat

– Hath chm praiseworthy injector


– Am Jethro Thor wretch physician

– He major troth wretch physician


– Ah I Mr Jewish trophy technocrat

– Hi hi jr shy tapeworm technocrat


– NJ hath hypocritic whoremaster

Summary and final thoughts

There you have my overview of Chris Whitty. At the start of 2020 people were praising him and one might be forgiven for thinking he was the new messiah, the Christ.

Indeed, Chris Whitty will anagram to ‘Why it Christ’. However, in reality he is the ‘Archetype Ohm WHO jr antichrist’, the anagram of his full name.

You can see how he pushed the vaccines, let alone lockdowns and masks (despite re masks having said earlier they were not any real use against a virus).

He has been set up to make people sympathise with him but this is all whitewashing of a dead man’s tomb, or in his case it’s whittywashing!

I have said in my earlier post on London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (link at end) that it is appropriate that his full name anagrams to ‘Thy jr PC White horseman chariot’.

Indeed, you can see from the anagrams I have mentioned in the main text that his antichrist, satanic nature is exposed which is substantiated by all he has said on the vaccines etc.

He is in this era the white horseman of the apocalypse, with toxic ‘arrows’ the needles of vaccines dispensing harm and death (subject to what is in each vial of course).

People talk of the banality of evil, and we see it in Chris Whitty. He has been weighed in the balance and found guilty of lying and promoting grievous bodily harm and murder by poisoning.

I consider him the equivalent of Anthony Fauci in the U.S.A. although the latter has been at it for longer. It is more than high time for Chris Whitty is brought to justice but it seems clear the Covid 19 inquiry will be a cover-up by the establishment.

We must not let that be the case, and keep pushing for people like him to be made accountable and punished for the evil they have perpetrated on the UK and the rest of the world.

Look out for the sign of Baldmichael, he will be back!

P.S.  By way of reference, I attach this link as to what was planned to be inflicted on the UK.

Coronavirus: action plan

A guide to what you can expect across the UK

Published 3 March 2020

links of mine which may be of interest.

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and the first horseman of the apocalypse – the seal is opened

A trip down memory lane – 3 Tier System

“Why vaccines do not work” in a nutshell

Anthony Fauci: director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the chief medical advisor to the president.

Covid 19 Summary

They have gone completely batty…

By Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

…and I could beat them over the head with a bat! This is more evidence of Long Stupid (see previous post). I thought that having seen the following link I would do a post on it.

You are not a bat. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.

Billions still pouring into U.S.-based bat research including gain-of-function

Y. Rabinovitz      April 07, 2024

Frontline News comes via America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) which has certainly significantly raised awareness of the harms of the COVID 19 vaccines.

However, AFLDS seems to be trying to make money out of the crisis although not on the scale of big pharma.

It still presents COVID 19 as a ‘thing’ rather than the seasonal ‘flu rebranded which is what it is as far as it is anything.

Nevertheless it does generally do very useful articles. Of course Wikipedia thinks it is promoting vaccine misinformation but then Wikipedia editors can be idiots. I note that for example ‘Wikipedia editors ‘anagrams to:

– We dr pike idiots

– i.e. dark idiots wipe

Anyway, I thought I would briefly go through this and make some comments/observations to bash this stupidity on the head.

The link says

Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance is a U.S.-based non-profit, publicly funded organization whose mission is ostensibly to prevent pandemics from occurring. Despite growing evidence to the contrary, EcoHealth continues to maintain that the research it funded at the Wuhan Institute, using taxpayer money, had no connection with the spread of COVID around the globe.

EcoHealth Alliance started as Wildlife Preservation Trust International (WPTI) in 1971 founded by British naturalist and author, Gerald Durrell, as the international wing of what is now Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust.

Wikipedia says the WPTI was designed to aid international conservation efforts in a better fashion.

It seems now to have become an amorphous body used to launder taxpayer’s money into various projects which may be of some use but all too often dead ends.

If for no other reason, this is because of the money wasted on the virus and coronavirus fraud.

It is of course true that the research at Wuhan had no connection with the spread of COVID around the globe. The so-called spread was, as I keep telling people, a Red Herring, a psychological operation using primarily the seasonal influenza, statistics and advertising/propaganda.

For more discussion on viruses see links to my articles at the end.

The article says

The question of COVID’s origins refuses to disappear from the headlines, even four years later; a recent study in Risk Analysis conducted last month found a 68% likelihood of an “unnatural [rather] than natural origin of SARS-CoV-2.” The study’s authors noted the extraordinary amount of overlap between a specific bat coronavirus and COVID:

One of the closest known bat coronaviruses, RaTG13, was being studied at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and has 96.1 percent homology with SARS-CoV-2.

The question of COVID’s origins refuses to disappear from the headlines because the powers that be still want to gaslight the masses and distract them whilst they get on with installing further totalitarian control.

As you can see they use studies allegedly analysing the matter, and use percentages to bamboozle people whose minds switch off when they see such things.

Further on it continues

As the authors of a study published in Cell last year noted, people are fascinated by bats due to echolocation—their ability to maneuver in the dark using sound waves. Scientists, however, focus their research on bats for a different reason:

Bats are distinctive among mammals due to their ability to fly, use laryngeal echolocation, and tolerate viruses … bats have evolved mechanisms to tolerate a large load of viral sequences… [emphases added]

As virology is fundamentally flawed the idea of evolving viruses is nonsense. The so-called variants we went through over the last few years should have made that clear by now.

They talk about evolving disease-causing viruses but no such thing occurs, it is just made up to justify their spending of taxpayers’ money on pointless research, and keep scientists in work.

And of course a lot of money has to be spent on building the laboratories to certain standards and safety features which we are told are necessary whether they are or not.


And much more research is, allegedly, needed, because despite the years of study, with their corresponding risk, very little (and perhaps no) progress has been made in understanding how bats thrive despite having high viral loads (although hypotheses abound).

Which says it all. Very little, if any, progress is made because the whole thing is founded on the deceit of virology/germ theory.

And finding answers would mean that certain people’s jobs would no longer be required unless a new threat can be made up.

What have humans gained, in fact, from all the knowledge acquired in the hundreds of biolabs located around the globe?

What have humans gained? Precious little, but big pharma have gained from fearful customers who will buy its toxic products.

Contractors have gained from building the biolabs and bureaucrats have gained by seeming to justify their useless jobs.

Yet more money is asked for.

More money for bat research in “safe” surroundings

Over a year into the COVID “pandemic,” in late 2021, Colorado State University (CSU) received a $6.7 million grant toward the construction of a biological facility at the Fort Collins campus, where yet more research into bats would be conducted, much of it focused on coronaviruses. In this new project, CSU is partnering with Dr. Daszak’s Ecohealth Alliance.


Mainstream media in the United States, meanwhile, is concerned about bats for a different reason: climate change. According to NPR, (National Public Radio)

Almost every pandemic we’ve seen over the last century has come from a virus that’s spilled over into humans from an animal…

Mainstream media would be concerned about climate change, you can blame everything on that if you try.

As to ‘Almost every pandemic’, well this has come not from animals but from the fervid imagination of those whose thinking is futile.

As regards Peter Daszak his Wikipedia entry does not have much information but I do note these anagrams of his name which are rather concerning.

– Pederast Zak

– AZ darkest pe

– Dark zest ape

I gather he has a parasite named after him, Isospora daszaki. This sums up such people, parasites on the nations, draining the life out of them with futile and misleading research.

Summary and final thoughts

I have done this post to show how they still promote the foolish notion of an engineered virus at Wuhan.

Viruses do not exist as disease causing agents, but as long as a majority of people believe this the fraud continues.

It has been a fraud from the start and as people say, there was no pandemic of disease.

Ecohealth Alliance is really just a front for money laundering taxpayers’’ money into useless ventures. It may not be nearly so much a waste of money as some organisations but still one of many that add up to very significant sums.

It is one of many health organisations that waste taxpayers’ money one way or another. So many people are dependent on jobs with them that vested interests help keep them going.

It is a form of madness, insanity to think that this will achieve anything for public health but it does generate false profits for many.

People went insane, went batty in 2020 over the rebranded ‘flu and after 4 years of this nonsense many still remain in this state.

The poor bats, the flying variety, get the blame whereas it is the batty scientists at fault.

It really is enough to make one want to beat the idiots over the head with a bat!

Look out for the sign of Baldmichael, he will be back!

P.S. To make it clear, I would be using a cricket or baseball bat, not a live flying bat as that would be cruelty to animals!

Here are my links I referred to above for those who haven’t seen.

Wuhan ‘flu

V is for…..Virus

E is for…..Exosomes

Gain of Function and Anthony Fauci

Long Stupid

By Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

We have Long Covid, so why not Long Stupid. Long Stupid is a brain disease caused by believing the government narrative from 2020 that COVID 19 (and the coronavirus that supposedly causes it) is any more than the seasonal influenza.

Its symptoms are varied but derive from what is known as Stupid 20 which arrived on the UK’s shores in 2020. It is defined in broad terms here.

Stupid 20

It is Long Stupid because after 4 years of Stupid and ignoring the blindingly obvious clues that one is being fooled, one is being stupid for a Long Time.

Which should itself be blindingly obvious!

I have pointed out that Stupid 20 has mutated into variants which are described in the link below, together with forecast future variants.

100 up and Stupid 20 variants

As regards the variants as described by the governments these are explained here.

Various Variants – Covid 19

It should be especially noted that the omicron variant was the moronic variant as by the time this came along one had to be a moron to have still believed the authorities lies.

Sadly many intelligent people who were wise in other ways fell for the scam. I have had a conversation recently with my brother-in-law’s sister-in-law (SIL) whose own daughter is described as having ‘Long Covid’ for some two years.

My understanding is that she is vaccinated with the COVID 19 vaccines and that she suffers what was described by the SIL as ME, that is Myalgic Encephalomyelitis or chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS).

I was told she has to spend a lot of time in bed and while she can seem fine for a few hours, this takes so much out of her she then has to go back to bed.

I have some understanding of this as my own energy has been affected by the poisonous effects of sodium nitrite (E250) which I described here.

Sodium nitrite (E250) – the poison in your food and how to remedy it.

The daughter is married and living in New Zealand. I am not aware that her husband has any side effects but bearing in mind he is bigger and doses of vaccines are the same regardless of body mass, this might be partly the reason.

The daughter was studying for a degree and it seems likely that she was spending more time indoors as a consequence. However they were both normally very active outdoor types.

I know my brother-in-law has mentioned the consequences of taking toxic vaccines to his family but this advice has gone over their heads. I did not as a consequence reinforce this but explained my own experiences regarding my facial palsy and symptoms.

Sometimes one has to sow seeds rather than use the blunt instrument of ‘Stop poisoning yourselves!’

Anyway that’s an example of Long Stupid in otherwise intelligent people.

I thought I would also mention that in travelling the other day I needed to stop to go the toilet.

In a public toilet in the car park at Llangynog in Wales I noted the damaged remains of an anti-social distancing label as I call it just inside the entrance of the gent’s toilets. It was basically like this.

The toilet was about 3 ft wide by 10 ft long (about 1 m x 3.3m) with two urinals plus two cubicles. For obvious reasons one could not keep the advised distance apart (2 m) which just goes to show how insane it all was.

A label on the door saying only one person at a time would have been more logical, except none of it was logical in any event.

However, what was worse was that the label had the standard male and female symbols. In a gent’s toilets.

My wife went to the ladies toilets and said the same label was there too.

Perhaps all it really meant was that males and females should keep 2 m apart. So unless male and females have a habit of going into each other’s designated toilets this could not apply.

But this will not stop the ignorant bureaucrats from using inappropriate labels. This is an example of Stupid, but whether it is an example of Long Stupid you may wish to discuss!

Perhaps as long as the label remains it is, but then it can also be a memorial to the year when the masses of the people lost their minds.

If readers have any examples of Stupid 20 they wish to record here they are very welcome.

Look out for the sign of Baldmichael, he will be back!

P.S. This is an article by Mark Oshinskie regarding aspects of the so called pandemic or med-panic as I might call it.

This is my general article about vaccines and the ‘flu for any who haven’t seen.

What is the ‘flu a.k.a Covid 19 and why vaccines are pointless at best.

Matt Hancock Who told Lies, and was Burned to Death

By Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

Matt Hancock told such Dreadful Lies,

It made one Gasp and Stretch one’s Eyes; 

The masses, who, from their Earliest Youth,

Had kept a Strict Regard for Truth,

And would have done so, had not it

Discovered he was a little shit.

For once, towards the start of spring

COVID 19 became a thing.

Matt Hancock, as the Man of Health

Decided to take away the people’s wealth

And summoned the Immediate Aid

Of Britain’s NHS Brigade.

He said to it ‘I tell you true

COVID 19’s not the ‘flu!’

Within an hour, or was it four,

Or even six or maybe more

the Gallant Band of docs and nurses

did their tic-toc dance rehearses,

and pouring in on every hand,

To every hospital in the land.

They did not think, ‘Hang on its queer,

What’s this about, all this fear?’

To those who were in doubt they’d frown

And said ‘The UK is Burning Down!’

Inspired by British Cheers and Loud

Proceeding from the Frenzied Crowd,

Who whooped, and clapped and banged their pots

(They’d lost their minds the stupid clots.)

The NHS it scrubbed and cleaned,

As from the health advice it gleaned

That COVID was a Deadly Bug

Which would become a great big thug

If it did not sterilise to death

All surfaces, the seats and your breath.

And six feet apart all must be

Or was it metres, 2 or 3?

And don’t forget the screens and masks

And all those other Stupid Tasks.

This went on throughout the summer,

And into winter, such a bummer

Easter cancelled, Christmas too

Jesus Wept, that’s nothing new.

Then the vaccines came along

And people gladly sang the song

‘All hail our Saviour, we are Saved’

So to be shot was all they craved

The line went out throughout the land

‘Come join the favoured hallowed band.

All it takes to not be sick

Is to have a little prick!’ 1

And Mattie had a little cry

For those who had believed his lie.

They had the Pfizer, Moderna and A to Zed

‘I feel odd; oh look he’s dead!’

‘It’s just coincidence, don’t be vex

They’re only normal Side Effects!’

Then in twenty twenty one

Mattie thought he’d have some fun

He was caught with his advisor

(Please note she didn’t work for Pfizer)

Having an illicit kiss

With his naughty little miss.

The public roared ‘He broke the rules,

That Pratt Hancock has made us fools!’

Thus he resigned from control of health

Having made his pile of wealth

Allegedly from PPE

Via the taxpayers, that’s You and Me.

Then he made a serious bungle

By joining the celebs in the jungle

They tried to think of a little quip

But the Tories just Withdrew the Whip

Thus the man who turned his back

On old people got the sack.

For don’t forget this is the man

Who was responsible for the cunning plan

To lock the Care Homes fast and tight

So no one could see they were alright

And thus it may have been your Dad or Mam

Whose life was finished by Midazolam.

So now there’s a rumour going round

A fierce anger burning beneath the ground.

Call it a dream if you prefer

To eliminate a pestilent cur,

That the masses become the Worm that Turned

And Matt Hancock, and his House, were Burned.


Cartoon by Bob Moran


1 It is rumoured that the little prick was Matt Hancock but this is fake news and there is nothing in it. The rumour that is.

With apologies or thanks to Hillaire Belloc who gave me the inspiration based on his poem. You can read it here.

Look out for the sign of Baldmichael, he will be back!

P.S. I considered the cartoon of the Devil is very suitable but note that the Devil also ends up in the lake of fire.

Here are relevant links for any who haven’t seen.

Matt Hancock, Health Secretary and British politician

B is for….(More) Blood

NHS COVID 19 vaccine advice

Clap for Our Carers and other clap-trap

A is for…. Anti-social distancing.

M is for…..Masks

Breaking News: Second Lockdown

Care homes and Midazolam – the murder drug

The Big Pharma health business model in a nutshell – drugs

By Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

It is quite simple. To make as much money off the unfortunate punter foolish enough to be sucked into its paws by the clever hypnotic incessant advertising.

Big Pharma is not interested in your health, only your wealth at the expense of your health.


The typical approach is to take something natural and cheap, and refine it to a white powder.

All the original supporting elements which made the original diluted enough to be safely used without interference are removed.

Then the laboratory technicians in their nice white coats add bulking agents to sell to the gullible at a price to reflect them mucking about with something that was perfectly adequate in the first place!

But if they can charge the earth for it they will, especially if governments like here in the UK pay for it on our behalf whether we like it or not. I don’t like it at all.

Of course to help market the product they will use colours and dyes as this makes them more attractive to children and adults who like colour over substance. Remember also polio vaccine was once was delivered on a sugar cube. I believe I had it around 6 years old.

This is reminds me of the Child Catcher in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, a wonderful film.

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968) – The Child Catcher Scene (8/12) | Movieclips

Catching people when they are young and vulnerable is big pharma’s game. They will be customers for life which will be shorter than it need be.

It has always been about the money and not about health. The plants etc. taken from the earth were cheap or free but big pharma does not like free as it does not suit its business model.

Summary and final thoughts.

Big pharma are only interested in your money.

They want you to be ill or else you will not be a customer.

They deceive you into taking poisons by lying to you; they call it advertising.

They will provide loss leaders to lead you into their snare.

They will use the medics to promote them as people trust so-called experts (that is they call themselves experts) in white coats as white means pure like the driven snow.

Except it is a lie as underneath there are dark hearts in those who push them for profit.

It is written the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.

And that the false profit (sic) will be thrown into the lake of fire along with those who make it.

Look out for the sign of Baldmichael, he will be back!

P.S. For more nutshells there are these links of mine.

Vaccination industry in a nutshell

“Why vaccines do not work” in a nutshell